defmodule RDF.PropertyMapTest do use RDF.Test.Case doctest RDF.PropertyMap alias RDF.PropertyMap defmodule TestNS do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab ExampleWithConflict, base_iri: "", terms: ~w[term], alias: [alias_term: "term"] end @example_property_map %PropertyMap{ iris: %{ foo: ~I, bar: ~I, Baz: RDF.iri(EX.Baz) }, terms: %{ ~I => :foo, ~I => :bar, RDF.iri(EX.Baz) => :Baz } } test "new/1" do assert foo: ~I, bar: "", Baz: EX.Baz ) == @example_property_map end describe "iri/2" do test "when the given term exists" do assert PropertyMap.iri(@example_property_map, "foo") == ~I assert PropertyMap.iri(@example_property_map, :foo) == ~I end test "when the given term not exists" do assert PropertyMap.iri(, "foo") == nil assert PropertyMap.iri(, :foo) == nil end end describe "term/2" do test "when the given IRI exists" do assert PropertyMap.term(@example_property_map, ~I) == :foo assert PropertyMap.term(@example_property_map, "") == :foo end test "when the given IRI not exists" do assert PropertyMap.term(, "") == nil assert PropertyMap.term(, ~I) == nil end end describe "iri_defined?/2" do test "when the given term exists" do assert PropertyMap.iri_defined?(@example_property_map, "foo") == true assert PropertyMap.iri_defined?(@example_property_map, :foo) == true end test "when the given term not exists" do assert PropertyMap.iri_defined?(, "foo") == false assert PropertyMap.iri_defined?(, :foo) == false end end describe "term_defined?/2" do test "when the given IRI exists" do assert PropertyMap.term_defined?(@example_property_map, ~I) == true assert PropertyMap.term_defined?(@example_property_map, "") == true end test "when the given IRI not exists" do assert PropertyMap.term_defined?(, "") == false assert PropertyMap.term_defined?(, ~I) == false end end describe "add/2" do test "with valid mappings as keyword options" do assert PropertyMap.add(, foo: ~I, bar: "", Baz: EX.Baz ) == {:ok, @example_property_map} end test "with valid mappings as a map" do assert PropertyMap.add(, %{ :foo => ~I, "bar" => "", "Baz" => EX.Baz }) == {:ok, @example_property_map} end test "with a disjunctive PropertyMap" do assert {:ok, property_map} = |> PropertyMap.add( ~I)) assert PropertyMap.add( property_map,{ bar: "", Baz: EX.Baz }) ) == {:ok, @example_property_map} end test "with a conflicting PropertyMap" do assert {:error, _} = PropertyMap.add(@example_property_map, EX.other())) assert {:error, _} = PropertyMap.add( @example_property_map, ~I) ) end test "with a strict vocabulary namespace" do assert PropertyMap.add(, RDF.NS.RDF) == {:ok, type: RDF.type(), first: RDF.first(), langString: RDF.langString(), nil: RDF.nil(), object: RDF.object(), predicate: RDF.predicate(), rest:, subject: RDF.subject(), value: RDF.value() )} end test "with a vocabulary namespace with multiple terms for the same IRI" do assert PropertyMap.add(, TestNS.ExampleWithConflict) == {:ok, "")} end test "with a non-strict vocabulary namespace" do assert_raise ArgumentError, ~r/non-strict/, fn -> PropertyMap.add(, EX) end end test "when a mapping to the same IRI exists" do assert PropertyMap.add(@example_property_map, foo: ~I, bar: "", Baz: EX.Baz ) == {:ok, @example_property_map} end test "when a mapping to another IRI exists" do assert PropertyMap.add(@example_property_map, foo: ~I) == {:error, "conflicting mapping for foo:; already mapped to"} end test "when another term mapping to the IRI exists" do assert PropertyMap.add(@example_property_map, other: ~I) == {:error, "conflicting mapping for other:; IRI already mapped to :foo"} end end describe "put/2" do test "with valid mappings as keyword options" do assert PropertyMap.put(, foo: ~I, bar: "", Baz: EX.Baz ) == @example_property_map end test "with valid mappings as a map" do assert PropertyMap.put(, %{ :foo => ~I, "bar" => "", "Baz" => EX.Baz }) == @example_property_map end test "with a disjunctive PropertyMap" do assert |> PropertyMap.put( ~I)) |> PropertyMap.put({ bar: "", Baz: EX.Baz }) ) == @example_property_map end test "with a conflicting PropertyMap" do assert @example_property_map |> PropertyMap.put( EX.other())) |> PropertyMap.put( ~I)) == foo: EX.other(), other: ~I, Baz: RDF.iri(EX.Baz) ) end test "when mapping exists" do assert PropertyMap.put(@example_property_map, bar: "", Baz: EX.qux(), quux: EX.quux() ) == foo: ~I, bar: ~I, Baz: EX.qux(), quux: EX.quux() ) end test "when another term mapping to the IRI exists" do {:ok, expected_result} = @example_property_map |> PropertyMap.delete(:foo) |> PropertyMap.add(other: ~I) assert PropertyMap.put(@example_property_map, other: ~I) == expected_result end end describe "delete/2" do test "when a mapping for the given term exists" do assert @example_property_map |> PropertyMap.delete("foo") |> PropertyMap.delete(:bar) == EX.Baz) end test "when a mapping for the given term not exists" do assert @example_property_map |> PropertyMap.delete("foobar") |> PropertyMap.delete(:barfoo) == @example_property_map end end test "drop/2" do assert PropertyMap.drop(@example_property_map, ["foo", :bar, :other]) == EX.Baz) end describe "Access behaviour" do test "fetch/2" do assert @example_property_map[:foo] == ~I assert @example_property_map["foo"] == ~I assert @example_property_map[:missing] == nil assert @example_property_map["missing"] == nil end test "get_and_update/2" do update = fn current_value -> {current_value, to_string(current_value) <> "bar"} end assert Access.get_and_update(@example_property_map, :foo, &{&1, IRI.append(&1, "bar")}) == {~I, PropertyMap.put(@example_property_map, foo: ~I)} assert Access.get_and_update(@example_property_map, :foo, update) == {~I, PropertyMap.put(@example_property_map, :foo, ~I)} assert Access.get_and_update(@example_property_map, :foo, fn _ -> :pop end) == {~I, PropertyMap.delete(@example_property_map, :foo)} end end describe "Enumerable protocol" do test "Enum.count" do assert Enum.count( == 0 assert Enum.count(@example_property_map) == 3 end test "Enum.member?" do assert Enum.member?(@example_property_map, {:foo, ~I}) assert Enum.member?(@example_property_map, {:bar, ~I}) assert Enum.member?(@example_property_map, {:Baz, RDF.iri(EX.Baz)}) refute Enum.member?(@example_property_map, {:bar, ~I}) end test "Enum.reduce" do assert Enum.reduce(@example_property_map, [], fn mapping, acc -> [mapping | acc] end) == [ {:foo, ~I}, {:bar, ~I}, {:Baz, RDF.iri(EX.Baz)} ] end test " (for Enumerable.slice/1)" do assert, 0) == {:Baz, RDF.iri(EX.Baz)} end end end