defmodule RDF.Turtle.Encoder.State do @moduledoc false alias RDF.{BlankNode, Description} def start_link(data, base, prefixes) do Agent.start_link(fn -> %{data: data, base: base, prefixes: prefixes} end) end def stop(state) do Agent.stop(state) end def data(state), do: Agent.get(state, &(& def base(state), do: Agent.get(state, &(&1.base)) def prefixes(state), do: Agent.get(state, &(&1.prefixes)) def list_nodes(state), do: Agent.get(state, &(&1.list_nodes)) def bnode_ref_counter(state), do: Agent.get(state, &(&1.bnode_ref_counter)) def bnode_ref_counter(state, bnode) do bnode_ref_counter(state) |> Map.get(bnode, 0) end def base_iri(state) do with {:ok, base} <- base(state) do RDF.iri(base) else _ -> nil end end def list_values(head, state), do: Agent.get(state, &(&1.list_values[head])) def preprocess(state) do with data = data(state), {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents} = bnode_info(data), {list_nodes, list_values} = valid_lists(list_parents, bnode_ref_counter, data) do Agent.update(state, &Map.put(&1, :bnode_ref_counter, bnode_ref_counter)) Agent.update(state, &Map.put(&1, :list_nodes, list_nodes)) Agent.update(state, &Map.put(&1, :list_values, list_values)) end end defp bnode_info(data) do data |> RDF.Data.descriptions |> Enum.reduce({%{}, %{}}, fn %Description{subject: subject} = description, {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents} -> list_parents = if match?(%BlankNode{}, subject) and to_list?(description, Map.get(bnode_ref_counter, subject, 0)), do: Map.put_new(list_parents, subject, nil), else: list_parents Enum.reduce(description.predications, {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents}, fn ({predicate, objects}, {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents}) -> Enum.reduce(Map.keys(objects), {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents}, fn (%BlankNode{} = object, {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents}) -> { # Note: The following conditional produces imprecise results # (sometimes the occurrence in the subject counts, sometimes it doesn't), # but is sufficient for the current purpose of handling the # case of a statement with the same subject and object bnode. Map.update(bnode_ref_counter, object, (if subject == object, do: 2, else: 1), &(&1 + 1)), if predicate == do Map.put_new(list_parents, object, subject) else list_parents end } (_, {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents}) -> {bnode_ref_counter, list_parents} end) end) end) end @list_properties[ RDF.Utils.Bootstrapping.rdf_iri("first"), RDF.Utils.Bootstrapping.rdf_iri("rest") ]) @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, to_list?: 2} defp to_list?(%Description{} = description, 1) do Description.count(description) == 2 and Description.predicates(description) |> MapSet.equal?(@list_properties) end defp to_list?(%Description{} = description, 0), do: RDF.list?(description) defp to_list?(_, _), do: false defp valid_lists(list_parents, bnode_ref_counter, data) do head_nodes = for {list_node, nil} <- list_parents, do: list_node all_list_nodes = for {list_node, _} <- list_parents, Map.get(bnode_ref_counter, list_node, 0) < 2 do list_node end) Enum.reduce head_nodes, {, %{}}, fn head_node, {valid_list_nodes, list_values} -> with list when not is_nil(list) <-, data), list_nodes = RDF.List.nodes(list), true <- Enum.all?(list_nodes, fn %BlankNode{} = list_node -> MapSet.member?(all_list_nodes, list_node) _ -> false end) do { Enum.reduce(list_nodes, valid_list_nodes, fn list_node, valid_list_nodes -> MapSet.put(valid_list_nodes, list_node) end), Map.put(list_values, head_node, RDF.List.values(list)), } else _ -> {valid_list_nodes, list_values} end end end end