defmodule RDF.PrefixMapTest do use RDF.Test.Case doctest RDF.PrefixMap alias RDF.PrefixMap @ex_ns1 ~I @ex_ns2 ~I @ex_ns3 ~I @ex_ns4 ~I @example1 %PrefixMap{map: %{ex1: @ex_ns1}} @example2 %PrefixMap{ map: %{ ex1: @ex_ns1, ex2: @ex_ns2 } } @example3 %PrefixMap{ map: %{ ex1: @ex_ns1, ex2: @ex_ns2, ex3: @ex_ns3 } } @example4 %PrefixMap{ map: %{ ex1: @ex_ns1, ex: RDF.iri(EX.__base_iri__()) } } test "new/0" do assert == %PrefixMap{} end describe "new/1" do test "with a map" do assert{ "ex1" => "", "ex2" => "" }) == @example2 end test "with a keyword map" do assert ex1: "", ex2: "" ) == @example2 end test "with another prefix map" do assert == @example2 end test "when the IRI namespace is given as a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace" do assert ex1: "", ex: EX ) == @example4 end end describe "add/3" do test "when no mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.add(@example1, :ex2, @ex_ns2) == {:ok, @example2} end test "when the prefix is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.add(@example1, "ex2", @ex_ns2) == {:ok, @example2} end test "when the IRI namespace is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.add(@example1, :ex2, "") == {:ok, @example2} end test "when the IRI namespace is given as a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace" do assert PrefixMap.add(@example1, :ex, EX) == {:ok, @example4} end test "when the IRI namespace is given as a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace which is not loaded yet" do assert {:ok, prefix_map} = |> PrefixMap.add(:rdfs, RDF.NS.RDFS) assert PrefixMap.has_prefix?(prefix_map, :rdfs) end test "when the IRI namespace is given as an atom" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, "foo is not a term on a RDF.Namespace", fn -> PrefixMap.add(@example1, :ex, :foo) end end test "when a mapping of the given prefix to the same namespace already exists" do assert PrefixMap.add(@example2, :ex2, "") == {:ok, @example2} end test "when a mapping of the given prefix to a different namespace already exists" do assert PrefixMap.add(@example2, :ex2, @ex_ns3) == {:error, "prefix :ex2 is already mapped to another namespace"} end end describe "add!/3" do test "when no mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.add!(@example1, :ex2, @ex_ns2) == @example2 end test "when a mapping of the given prefix to a different namespace already exists" do assert_raise RuntimeError, "prefix :ex2 is already mapped to another namespace", fn -> PrefixMap.add!(@example2, :ex2, @ex_ns3) end end end describe "put/3" do test "when no mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.put(@example1, :ex2, @ex_ns2) == @example2 end test "when the prefix is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.put(@example1, "ex2", @ex_ns2) == @example2 end test "when the IRI namespace is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.put(@example1, :ex2, "") == @example2 end test "when the IRI namespace is given as a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace" do assert PrefixMap.put(@example1, :ex, EX) == @example4 end test "when the IRI namespace is given as a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace which is not loaded yet" do assert prefix_map = |> PrefixMap.put(:rdfs, RDF.NS.RDFS) assert PrefixMap.has_prefix?(prefix_map, :rdfs) end test "when the IRI namespace is given as an atom" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, "foo is not a term on a RDF.Namespace", fn -> PrefixMap.put(@example1, :ex, :foo) end end test "when a mapping of the given prefix to a different namespace already exists" do assert PrefixMap.put(@example1, :ex1, "") == "") end end describe "merge/2" do test "when the prefix maps are disjunctive" do other_prefix_map = @ex_ns3) assert PrefixMap.merge(@example2, other_prefix_map) == {:ok, @example3} end test "when the prefix maps share some prefixes, but both map to the same namespace" do other_prefix_map = @ex_ns3) assert PrefixMap.merge(@example3, other_prefix_map) == {:ok, @example3} end test "when the prefix maps share some prefixes and both map to different namespaces" do other_prefix_map = @ex_ns4) assert PrefixMap.merge(@example3, other_prefix_map) == {:error, [:ex3]} end test "when the second prefix map is given as a structure convertible to a prefix map" do assert PrefixMap.merge(@example2, %{ex3: @ex_ns3}) == {:ok, @example3} assert PrefixMap.merge(@example2, ex3: @ex_ns3) == {:ok, @example3} end test "when two PrefixMaps are given" do prefix_map = @ex_ns3) assert PrefixMap.merge(prefix_map, prefix_map) == {:ok, prefix_map} end test "when the second argument is not convertible to a prefix map" do assert_raise ArgumentError, ~S["not convertible" is not convertible to a RDF.PrefixMap], fn -> PrefixMap.merge(@example2, "not convertible") end end end describe "merge/3" do test "with a function resolving conflicts by choosing one of the inputs" do other_prefix_map = @ex_ns4) assert PrefixMap.merge(@example3, other_prefix_map, fn _prefix, ns1, _ns2 -> ns1 end) == {:ok, @example3} assert PrefixMap.merge(@example1, %{ex1: EX}, fn _prefix, _ns1, ns2 -> ns2 end) == {:ok, EX)} end test "with a function which does not resolve by returning nil" do other_prefix_map = @ex_ns4) assert PrefixMap.merge(@example3, other_prefix_map, fn _, _, _ -> nil end) == PrefixMap.merge(@example3, other_prefix_map) end test "with a function just partially resolving handling conflicts" do assert PrefixMap.merge(@example3, @example3, fn prefix, ns1, _ -> if prefix == :ex2, do: ns1 end) == {:error, [:ex3, :ex1]} end test "when the function returns a non-IRI value which is convertible" do assert PrefixMap.merge(@example1, @example1, fn _, _, _ -> "" end) == {:ok, "")} end test "with :ignore as the conflict resolver" do assert PrefixMap.merge(@example3, [ex3: @ex_ns4], :ignore) == {:ok, @example3} end test "with :overwrite as the conflict resolver" do assert PrefixMap.merge(@example3, [ex3: @ex_ns4], :overwrite) == @example3 |> PrefixMap.delete(:ex3) |> PrefixMap.add(:ex3, @ex_ns4) end end describe "merge!/2" do test "when the prefix maps can be merged" do other_prefix_map = @ex_ns3) assert PrefixMap.merge!(@example2, other_prefix_map) == @example3 end test "when the prefix maps can not be merged" do assert_raise RuntimeError, "conflicting prefix mappings: :ex2", fn -> PrefixMap.merge!(@example2, ex2: @ex_ns3) end end end describe "merge!/3" do test "when all conflicts can be resolved" do other_prefix_map = @ex_ns4) assert PrefixMap.merge!(@example3, other_prefix_map, fn _prefix, ns1, _ns2 -> ns1 end) == @example3 end test "when not all conflicts can be resolved" do assert_raise RuntimeError, "conflicting prefix mappings: :ex1", fn -> PrefixMap.merge!(@example2, @example2, fn prefix, ns1, _ -> if prefix == :ex2, do: ns1 end) end end end describe "delete/2" do test "when a mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.delete(@example2, :ex2) == @example1 end test "when no mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.delete(@example1, :ex2) == @example1 end test "with the prefix is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.delete(@example2, "ex2") == @example1 end end describe "drop/2" do test "when a mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.drop(@example3, [:ex3, :ex2, :ex]) == @example1 end test "when no mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.drop(@example1, [:ex2]) == @example1 end test "with the prefixes are given as strings" do assert PrefixMap.drop(@example3, ["ex3", :ex2]) == @example1 end end describe "namespace/2" do test "when a mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.namespace(@example2, :ex2) == @ex_ns2 end test "when no mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.namespace(@example1, :ex2) == nil end test "with the prefix is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.namespace(@example2, "ex2") == @ex_ns2 end end describe "prefix/2" do test "when a mapping to the given namespace exists" do assert PrefixMap.prefix(@example2, @ex_ns2) == :ex2 end test "when no mapping to the given namespace exists" do assert PrefixMap.prefix(@example1, @ex_ns2) == nil end test "with the namespace is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.prefix(@example2, to_string(@ex_ns2)) == :ex2 end end describe "has_prefix?/2" do test "when a mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.has_prefix?(@example2, :ex2) == true end test "when no mapping of the given prefix exists" do assert PrefixMap.has_prefix?(@example1, :ex2) == false end test "with the prefix is given as a string" do assert PrefixMap.has_prefix?(@example2, "ex2") == true end end test "prefixes/1" do assert PrefixMap.prefixes(@example2) == ~w[ex1 ex2]a assert PrefixMap.prefixes( == ~w[]a end test "namespaces/1" do assert PrefixMap.namespaces(@example2) == [@ex_ns1, @ex_ns2] assert PrefixMap.namespaces( == ~w[]a end describe "prefixed_name/2" do test "when given an RDF.IRI and the used prefix is defined" do assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, ~I) == "ex1:Test" assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, ~I) == "ex2:Test" end test "when given a string and the used prefix is defined" do assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, "") == "ex1:Test" assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, "") == "ex2:Test" end test "when the used prefix is not defined" do assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, ~I) == nil assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, "") == nil end test "when the given IRI is under a sub-path of a defined namespace" do assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, ~I) == nil assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name(@example2, ~I) == nil end end describe "prefixed_name_to_iri/2" do test "when the used prefix is defined" do assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name_to_iri(@example2, "ex1:Test") == ~I assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name_to_iri(@example2, "ex2:Test") == ~I end test "when the used prefix is not defined" do assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name_to_iri(@example2, "ex3:Test") == nil end test "when the given string does not have a prefix" do assert PrefixMap.prefixed_name_to_iri(@example2, "Test") == nil end end describe "Enumerable protocol" do test "Enum.count" do assert Enum.count( == 0 assert Enum.count(@example1) == 1 assert Enum.count(@example2) == 2 end test "Enum.member?" do assert Enum.member?(@example2, {:ex1, @ex_ns1}) assert Enum.member?(@example2, {:ex2, @ex_ns2}) refute Enum.member?(@example2, {:ex1, @ex_ns2}) refute Enum.member?(@example2, {:ex2, @ex_ns3}) end test "Enum.reduce" do assert Enum.reduce(@example2, [], fn mapping, acc -> [mapping | acc] end) == [{:ex2, @ex_ns2}, {:ex1, @ex_ns1}] end test " (for Enumerable.slice/1)" do assert, 0) == {:ex1, @ex_ns1} end end end