defmodule RDF.InspectTest do use RDF.Test.Case alias RDF.Turtle alias RDF.NS.RDFS @test_description EX.S |> RDF.type(RDFS.Class) |> EX.p("foo", 42) @test_graph [ EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1) |> EX.p2("foo", 42), EX.S2 |> EX.p3(EX.O3) ], prefixes: [ex: EX] ) describe "RDF.Description" do test "it includes a header" do {header, _} = inspect_parts(@test_description) assert header == "#RDF.Description<" end test "it encodes the description in Turtle" do {_, body} = inspect_parts(@test_description) assert body == " " <> (Turtle.write_string!(@test_description, only: :triples, indent: 2) |> String.trim()) <> "\n>" end test "it encodes the RDF-star graphs ands descriptions in Turtle-star" do {_, triples} = inspect_parts(annotation(), limit: 2) assert triples =~ "<< \"Foo\" >>" end test ":limit option" do {_, triples} = inspect_parts(@test_description, limit: 2) assert triples == " " <> (EX.S |> EX.p("foo", 42) |> Turtle.write_string!(only: :triples, indent: 2) |> String.trim()) <> "..\n...\n>" end end describe "RDF.Graph" do test "it includes a header with the graph name" do {header, _} = inspect_parts(@test_graph) assert header == "#RDF.Graph Graph.change_name(graph_name) |> inspect_parts() assert header == "#RDF.Graph (Turtle.write_string!(@test_graph, indent: 2) |> String.trim()) <> "\n>" end test ":limit option" do {_, body} = inspect_parts(@test_graph, limit: 2) assert body == " " <> ( EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1) |> EX.p2(42), prefixes: [ex: EX] ) |> Turtle.write_string!(indent: 2) |> String.trim()) <> "..\n...\n>" end end def inspect_parts(graph, opts \\ []) do inspect_form = inspect(graph, opts) [header, body] = String.split(inspect_form, "\n", parts: 2) {header, body} end end