defmodule RDF.Description do @moduledoc """ A set of RDF triples about the same subject. `RDF.Description` implements: - Elixir's `Access` behaviour - Elixir's `Enumerable` protocol - Elixir's `Inspect` protocol - the `RDF.Data` protocol """ @enforce_keys [:subject] defstruct subject: nil, predications: %{} @behaviour Access import RDF.Statement, only: [coerce_subject: 1, coerce_predicate: 1, coerce_predicate: 2, coerce_object: 1] alias RDF.{Statement, Triple, PropertyMap} @type t :: %__MODULE__{ subject: Statement.subject(), predications: predications } @type predications :: %{Statement.predicate() => %{Statement.object() => nil}} @type input :: Statement.coercible_t() | { Statement.coercible_predicate(), Statement.coercible_object() | [Statement.coercible_object()] } | %{ Statement.coercible_predicate() => Statement.coercible_object() | [Statement.coercible_object()] } | [ Statement.coercible_t() | { Statement.coercible_predicate(), Statement.coercible_object() | [Statement.coercible_object()] } | t ] | t @doc """ Creates an `RDF.Description` about the given subject. The created `RDF.Description` can be initialized with any form of data which `add/2` understands with the `:init` option. Additionally a function returning the initialization data in any of these forms can be as the `:init` value. ## Examples, init: {EX.S, EX.p, EX.O}), init: {EX.p, [EX.O1, EX.O2]}), init: [{EX.p1, EX.O1}, {EX.p2, EX.O2}]), init:, init: {EX.P, EX.O})), init: fn -> {EX.p, EX.O} end) """ @spec new(Statement.coercible_subject() | t, keyword) :: t def new(subject, opts \\ []) def new(%__MODULE__{} = description, opts), do: new(description.subject, opts) def new(subject, opts) do {data, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :init) %__MODULE__{subject: coerce_subject(subject)} |> init(data, opts) end defp init(description, nil, _), do: description defp init(description, fun, opts) when is_function(fun), do: add(description, fun.(), opts) defp init(description, data, opts), do: add(description, data, opts) @doc """ Returns the subject IRI or blank node of a description. """ @spec subject(t) :: Statement.subject() def subject(%__MODULE__{} = description), do: description.subject @doc """ Changes the subject of a description. """ @spec change_subject(t, Statement.coercible_subject()) :: t def change_subject(%__MODULE__{} = description, new_subject) do %__MODULE__{description | subject: coerce_subject(new_subject)} end @doc """ Add statements to a `RDF.Description`. Note: When the statements to be added are given as another `RDF.Description`, the subject must not match subject of the description to which the statements are added. As opposed to that `RDF.Data.merge/2` will produce a `RDF.Graph` containing both descriptions. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.P1, EX.O1}) ...> |> RDF.Description.add({EX.P2, EX.O2}), init: [{EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.P2, EX.O2}]) iex>, init: {EX.P, EX.O1}) ...> |> RDF.Description.add({EX.P, [EX.O2, EX.O3]}), init: [{EX.P, EX.O1}, {EX.P, EX.O2}, {EX.P, EX.O3}]) """ @spec add(t, input, keyword) :: t def add(description, input, opts \\ []) def add(%__MODULE__{} = description, {subject, predicate, objects, _}, opts) do add(description, {subject, predicate, objects}, opts) end def add(%__MODULE__{} = description, {subject, predicate, objects}, opts) do if coerce_subject(subject) == description.subject do add(description, {predicate, objects}, opts) else description end end def add(%__MODULE__{} = description, {predicate, objects}, opts) do normalized_objects = objects |> List.wrap() |>{coerce_object(&1), nil}) if Enum.empty?(normalized_objects) do description else %__MODULE__{ description | predications: Map.update( description.predications, coerce_predicate(predicate, PropertyMap.from_opts(opts)), normalized_objects, fn objects -> Map.merge(objects, normalized_objects) end ) } end end # This implementation is actually unnecessary as the implementation with the is_map clause # would work perfectly fine with RDF.Descriptions Enumerable implementation. # It exists only for performance reasons, since this version is roughly twice as fast. def add(%__MODULE__{} = description, %__MODULE__{} = input_description, _opts) do %__MODULE__{ description | predications: Map.merge( description.predications, input_description.predications, fn _predicate, objects, new_objects -> Map.merge(objects, new_objects) end ) } end if Version.match?(System.version(), "~> 1.10") do def add(description, input, opts) when is_list(input) or (is_map(input) and not is_struct(input)) do Enum.reduce(input, description, &add(&2, &1, opts)) end else def add(_, %_{}, _), do: raise(ArgumentError, "structs are not allowed as input") def add(description, input, opts) when is_list(input) or is_map(input) do Enum.reduce(input, description, &add(&2, &1, opts)) end end @doc """ Adds statements to a `RDF.Description` and overwrites all existing statements with already used predicates. Note: As it is a destructive function this function is more strict in its handling of `RDF.Description`s than `add/3`. The subject of a `RDF.Description` to be put must match. If you want to overwrite existing statements with those from the description of another subject, you'll have to explicitly change the subject with `change_subject/2` first before using `put/3`. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.P, EX.O1}) ...> |> RDF.Description.put({EX.P, EX.O2}), init: {EX.P, EX.O2}) """ @spec put(t, input, keyword) :: t def put(description, input, opts \\ []) def put( %__MODULE__{subject: subject} = description, %__MODULE__{subject: subject} = input, _opts ) do %__MODULE__{ description | predications: Enum.reduce( input.predications, description.predications, fn {predicate, objects}, predications -> Map.put(predications, predicate, objects) end ) } end def put(%__MODULE__{} = description, %__MODULE__{}, _opts), do: description def put(%__MODULE__{} = description, input, opts) do put(description, description.subject |> new() |> add(input, opts), opts) end @doc """ Deletes statements from a `RDF.Description`. Note: When the statements to be deleted are given as another `RDF.Description`, the subject must not match subject of the description from which the statements are deleted. If you want to delete only a matching description subject, you can use `RDF.Data.delete/2`. """ @spec delete(t, input, keyword) :: t def delete(description, input, opts \\ []) def delete(%__MODULE__{} = description, {subject, predicate, objects}, opts) do if coerce_subject(subject) == description.subject do delete(description, {predicate, objects}, opts) else description end end def delete(%__MODULE__{} = description, {subject, predicate, objects, _}, opts) do delete(description, {subject, predicate, objects}, opts) end def delete(%__MODULE__{} = description, {predicate, objects}, opts) do predicate = coerce_predicate(predicate, PropertyMap.from_opts(opts)) if current_objects = Map.get(description.predications, predicate) do normalized_objects = objects |> List.wrap() |> rest = Map.drop(current_objects, normalized_objects) %__MODULE__{ description | predications: if Enum.empty?(rest) do Map.delete(description.predications, predicate) else Map.put(description.predications, predicate, rest) end } else description end end # This implementation is actually unnecessary as the implementation with the is_map clause # would work perfectly fine with RDF.Descriptions Enumerable implementation. # It exists only for performance reasons. def delete(%__MODULE__{} = description, %__MODULE__{} = input_description, _opts) do predications = description.predications %__MODULE__{ description | predications: Enum.reduce( input_description.predications, predications, fn {predicate, objects}, predications -> if current_objects = Map.get(description.predications, predicate) do rest = Map.drop(current_objects, Map.keys(objects)) if Enum.empty?(rest) do Map.delete(predications, predicate) else Map.put(predications, predicate, rest) end else predications end end ) } end if Version.match?(System.version(), "~> 1.10") do def delete(description, input, opts) when is_list(input) or (is_map(input) and not is_struct(input)) do Enum.reduce(input, description, &delete(&2, &1, opts)) end else def delete(_, %_{}, _), do: raise(ArgumentError, "structs are not allowed as input") def delete(description, input, opts) when is_list(input) or is_map(input) do Enum.reduce(input, description, &delete(&2, &1, opts)) end end @doc """ Deletes all statements with the given properties. """ @spec delete_predicates(t, Statement.coercible_predicate() | [Statement.coercible_predicate()]) :: t def delete_predicates(description, properties) def delete_predicates(%__MODULE__{} = description, properties) when is_list(properties) do Enum.reduce(properties, description, &delete_predicates(&2, &1)) end def delete_predicates(%__MODULE__{} = description, property) do %__MODULE__{ description | predications: Map.delete(description.predications, coerce_predicate(property)) } end @doc """ Fetches the objects for the given predicate of a Description. When the predicate can not be found `:error` is returned. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.p, EX.O}) |> RDF.Description.fetch(EX.p) {:ok, [RDF.iri(EX.O)]} iex>, init: [{EX.P, EX.O1}, {EX.P, EX.O2}]) ...> |> RDF.Description.fetch(EX.P) {:ok, [RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.O2)]} iex> |> RDF.Description.fetch( :error """ @impl Access @spec fetch(t, Statement.coercible_predicate()) :: {:ok, [Statement.object()]} | :error def fetch(%__MODULE__{} = description, predicate) do with {:ok, objects} <- Access.fetch(description.predications, coerce_predicate(predicate)) do {:ok, Map.keys(objects)} end end @doc """ Gets the objects for the given predicate of a Description. When the predicate can not be found, the optionally given default value or `nil` is returned. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.P, EX.O}) |> RDF.Description.get(EX.P) [RDF.iri(EX.O)] iex> |> RDF.Description.get( nil iex> |> RDF.Description.get(, :bar) :bar """ @spec get(t, Statement.coercible_predicate(), any) :: [Statement.object()] | any def get(%__MODULE__{} = description, predicate, default \\ nil) do case fetch(description, predicate) do {:ok, value} -> value :error -> default end end @doc """ Gets a single object for the given predicate of a Description. When the predicate can not be found, the optionally given default value or `nil` is returned. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.P, EX.O}) |> RDF.Description.first(EX.P) RDF.iri(EX.O) iex> |> RDF.Description.first( nil """ @spec first(t, Statement.coercible_predicate()) :: Statement.object() | nil def first(%__MODULE__{} = description, predicate) do description |> get(predicate, []) |> List.first() end @doc """ Updates the objects of the `predicate` in `description` with the given function. If `predicate` is present in `description` with `objects` as value, `fun` is invoked with argument `objects` and its result is used as the new list of objects of `predicate`. If `predicate` is not present in `description`, `initial` is inserted as the objects of `predicate`. The initial value will not be passed through the update function. The initial value and the returned objects by the update function will automatically coerced to proper RDF object values before added. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.p, EX.O}) ...> |> RDF.Description.update(EX.p, fn objects -> [EX.O2 | objects] end), init: [{EX.p, EX.O}, {EX.p, EX.O2}]) iex> ...> |> RDF.Description.update(EX.p, EX.O, fn _ -> EX.O2 end), init: {EX.p, EX.O}) """ @spec update( t, Statement.coercible_predicate(), Statement.coercible_object() | nil, ([Statement.Object] -> [Statement.Object]) ) :: t def update(%__MODULE__{} = description, predicate, initial \\ nil, fun) do predicate = coerce_predicate(predicate) case get(description, predicate) do nil -> if initial do put(description, {predicate, initial}) else description end objects -> objects |> fun.() |> List.wrap() |> case do [] -> delete_predicates(description, predicate) objects -> put(description, {predicate, objects}) end end end @doc """ Gets and updates the objects of the given predicate of a Description, in a single pass. Invokes the passed function on the objects of the given predicate; this function should return either `{objects_to_return, new_object}` or `:pop`. If the passed function returns `{objects_to_return, new_objects}`, the return value of `get_and_update` is `{objects_to_return, new_description}` where `new_description` is the input `Description` updated with `new_objects` for the given predicate. If the passed function returns `:pop` the objects for the given predicate are removed and a `{removed_objects, new_description}` tuple gets returned. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.P, EX.O}) ...> |> RDF.Description.get_and_update(EX.P, fn current_objects -> ...> {current_objects, EX.New} ...> end) {[RDF.iri(EX.O)],, init: {EX.P, EX.New})} iex>[{EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S, EX.P2, EX.O2}]) ...> |> RDF.Graph.description(EX.S) ...> |> RDF.Description.get_and_update(EX.P1, fn _ -> :pop end) {[RDF.iri(EX.O1)],, init: {EX.P2, EX.O2})} """ @impl Access @spec get_and_update( t, Statement.coercible_predicate(), ([Statement.Object] -> {[Statement.Object], t} | :pop) ) :: {[Statement.Object], t} def get_and_update(%__MODULE__{} = description, predicate, fun) do triple_predicate = coerce_predicate(predicate) case fun.(get(description, triple_predicate)) do {objects_to_return, new_objects} -> {objects_to_return, put(description, {triple_predicate, new_objects})} :pop -> pop(description, triple_predicate) end end @doc """ Pops an arbitrary triple from a `RDF.Description`. """ @spec pop(t) :: {Triple.t() | [Statement.Object] | nil, t} def pop(description) def pop(%__MODULE__{predications: predications} = description) when map_size(predications) == 0, do: {nil, description} def pop(%__MODULE__{predications: predications} = description) do [{predicate, objects}] = Enum.take(predications, 1) [{object, _}] = Enum.take(objects, 1) popped = if Enum.count(objects) == 1, do: elem(Map.pop(predications, predicate), 1), else: elem(pop_in(predications, [predicate, object]), 1) { {description.subject, predicate, object}, %__MODULE__{description | predications: popped} } end @doc """ Pops the objects of the given predicate of a Description. When the predicate can not be found the optionally given default value or `nil` is returned. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.P, EX.O}) ...> |> RDF.Description.pop(EX.P) {[RDF.iri(EX.O)],} iex>, init: {EX.P, EX.O}) ...> |> RDF.Description.pop(EX.Missing) {nil,, init: {EX.P, EX.O})} """ @impl Access def pop(%__MODULE__{} = description, predicate) do case Access.pop(description.predications, coerce_predicate(predicate)) do {nil, _} -> {nil, description} {objects, new_predications} -> { Map.keys(objects), %__MODULE__{description | predications: new_predications} } end end @doc """ The set of all properties used in the predicates within a `RDF.Description`. ## Examples iex>, init: [ ...> {EX.p1, EX.O1}, ...> {EX.p2, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.p2, EX.O3}]) ...> |> RDF.Description.predicates()[EX.p1, EX.p2]) """ @spec predicates(t) :: MapSet.t() def predicates(%__MODULE__{} = description) do description.predications |> Map.keys() |> end @doc """ The set of all resources used in the objects within a `RDF.Description`. Note: This function does collect only IRIs and BlankNodes, not Literals. ## Examples iex>, init: [ ...> {EX.p1, EX.O1}, ...> {EX.p2, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.p3, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.p4, RDF.bnode(:bnode)}, ...> {EX.p3, "foo"}]) ...> |> RDF.Description.objects()[RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode)]) """ @spec objects(t) :: MapSet.t() def objects(%__MODULE__{} = description) do objects(description, &RDF.resource?/1) end @doc """ The set of all resources used in the objects within a `RDF.Description` satisfying the given filter criterion. """ @spec objects(t, (Statement.object() -> boolean)) :: MapSet.t() def objects(%__MODULE__{} = description, filter_fn) do Enum.reduce(description.predications,, fn {_, objects}, acc -> objects |> Map.keys() |> Enum.filter(filter_fn) |> |> MapSet.union(acc) end) end @doc """ The set of all resources used within a `RDF.Description`. ## Examples iex>, init: [ ...> {EX.p1, EX.O1}, ...> {EX.p2, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.p1, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.p2, RDF.bnode(:bnode)}, ...> {EX.p3, "foo"}]) ...> |> RDF.Description.resources()[RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode), EX.p1, EX.p2, EX.p3]) """ @spec resources(t) :: MapSet.t() def resources(%__MODULE__{} = description) do description |> objects() |> MapSet.union(predicates(description)) end @doc """ The list of all triples within a `RDF.Description`. """ @spec triples(t) :: keyword def triples(%__MODULE__{} = description), do: Enum.to_list(description) defdelegate statements(description), to: __MODULE__, as: :triples @doc """ Returns the number of statements of a `RDF.Description`. """ @spec statement_count(t) :: non_neg_integer def statement_count(%__MODULE__{} = description) do Enum.reduce(description.predications, 0, fn {_, objects}, count -> count + Enum.count(objects) end) end defdelegate count(description), to: __MODULE__, as: :statement_count @doc """ Checks if the given `input` statements exist within `description`. """ @spec include?(t, input, keyword) :: boolean def include?(description, input, opts \\ []) def include?(%__MODULE__{} = description, {subject, predicate, objects}, opts) do coerce_subject(subject) == description.subject && include?(description, {predicate, objects}, opts) end def include?(%__MODULE__{} = description, {subject, predicate, objects, _}, opts) do include?(description, {subject, predicate, objects}, opts) end def include?(%__MODULE__{} = description, {predicate, objects}, opts) do if existing_objects = description.predications[coerce_predicate(predicate, PropertyMap.from_opts(opts))] do objects |> List.wrap() |> |> Enum.all?(fn object -> Map.has_key?(existing_objects, object) end) else false end end def include?( %__MODULE__{subject: subject, predications: predications}, %__MODULE__{subject: subject} = input, _opts ) do Enum.all?(input.predications, fn {predicate, objects} -> if existing_objects = predications[predicate] do Enum.all?(objects, fn {object, _} -> Map.has_key?(existing_objects, object) end) else false end end) end def include?(%__MODULE__{}, %__MODULE__{}, _), do: false if Version.match?(System.version(), "~> 1.10") do def include?(description, input, opts) when is_list(input) or (is_map(input) and not is_struct(input)) do Enum.all?(input, &include?(description, &1, opts)) end else def include?(_, %_{}, _), do: raise(ArgumentError, "structs are not allowed as input") def include?(description, input, opts) when is_list(input) or is_map(input) do Enum.all?(input, &include?(description, &1, opts)) end end @doc """ Checks if a `RDF.Description` has the given resource as subject. ## Examples iex>, init: {EX.p1, EX.O1}) ...> |> RDF.Description.describes?(EX.S1) true iex>, init: {EX.p1, EX.O1}) ...> |> RDF.Description.describes?(EX.S2) false """ @spec describes?(t, Statement.subject()) :: boolean def describes?(%__MODULE__{subject: subject}, other_subject) do subject == coerce_subject(other_subject) end @doc """ Returns a map of the native Elixir values of a `RDF.Description`. The subject is not part of the result. It can be converted separately with `RDF.Term.value/1`, or, if you want the subject in an outer map, just put the the description in a graph and use `RDF.Graph.values/2`. When a `:context` option is given with a `RDF.PropertyMap`, predicates will be mapped to the terms defined in the `RDF.PropertyMap`, if present. ## Examples iex>, init: {~I, ~L"Foo"}) ...> |> RDF.Description.values() %{"" => ["Foo"]} iex>, init: {~I, ~L"Foo"}) ...> |> RDF.Description.values(context: %{p: ~I}) %{p: ["Foo"]} """ @spec values(t, keyword) :: map def values(%__MODULE__{} = description, opts \\ []) do if property_map = PropertyMap.from_opts(opts) do map(description, Statement.default_property_mapping(property_map)) else map(description, &Statement.default_term_mapping/1) end end @doc """ Returns a map of a `RDF.Description` where each element from its triples is mapped with the given function. The subject is not part of the result. If you want the subject in an outer map, just put the the description in a graph and use ``. The function `fun` will receive a tuple `{statement_position, rdf_term}` where `statement_position` is one of the atoms `:predicate` or `:object`, while `rdf_term` is the RDF term to be mapped. When the given function returns `nil` this will be interpreted as an error and will become the overhaul result of the `map/2` call. ## Examples iex>, init: {~I, ~L"Foo"}) ...> |> ...> {:predicate, predicate} -> ...> predicate ...> |> to_string() ...> |> String.split("/") ...> |> List.last() ...> |> String.to_atom() ...> {_, term} -> ...> RDF.Term.value(term) ...> end) %{p: ["Foo"]} """ @spec map(t, Statement.term_mapping()) :: map def map(description, fun) def map(%__MODULE__{} = description, fun) do, fn {predicate, objects} -> { fun.({:predicate, predicate}), objects |> Map.keys() |>{:object, &1})) } end) end @doc """ Creates a description from another one by limiting its statements to those using one of the given `predicates`. If `predicates` contains properties that are not used in the `description`, they're simply ignored. If `nil` is passed, the description is left untouched. """ @spec take(t, [Statement.coercible_predicate()] | Enum.t() | nil) :: t def take(description, predicates) def take(%__MODULE__{} = description, nil), do: description def take(%__MODULE__{} = description, predicates) do %__MODULE__{ description | predications: Map.take(description.predications,, &coerce_predicate/1)) } end @doc """ Checks if two `RDF.Description`s are equal. Two `RDF.Description`s are considered to be equal if they contain the same triples. """ @spec equal?(t, t) :: boolean def equal?(description1, description2) def equal?(%__MODULE__{} = description1, %__MODULE__{} = description2) do description1 == description2 end def equal?(_, _), do: false defimpl Enumerable do alias RDF.Description def member?(desc, triple), do: {:ok, Description.include?(desc, triple)} def count(desc), do: {:ok, Description.statement_count(desc)} def slice(_desc), do: {:error, __MODULE__} def reduce(%Description{predications: predications}, {:cont, acc}, _fun) when map_size(predications) == 0, do: {:done, acc} def reduce(%Description{} = description, {:cont, acc}, fun) do {triple, rest} = Description.pop(description) reduce(rest, fun.(triple, acc), fun) end def reduce(_, {:halt, acc}, _fun), do: {:halted, acc} def reduce(%Description{} = description, {:suspend, acc}, fun) do {:suspended, acc, &reduce(description, &1, fun)} end end defimpl Collectable do alias RDF.Description def into(original) do collector_fun = fn description, {:cont, list} when is_list(list) -> Description.add(description, List.to_tuple(list)) description, {:cont, elem} -> Description.add(description, elem) description, :done -> description _description, :halt -> :ok end {original, collector_fun} end end end