defmodule RDF.Datatype do @moduledoc """ A behaviour for natively supported literal datatypes. A `RDF.Datatype` implements the foundational functions for the lexical form, the validation, conversion and canonicalization of typed `RDF.Literal`s. """ alias RDF.Literal alias RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD @doc """ The IRI of the datatype. """ @callback id :: RDF.IRI.t @doc """ Produces the lexical form of a `RDF.Literal`. """ @callback lexical(literal :: RDF.Literal.t) :: any @doc """ Produces the lexical form of a value. """ @callback canonical_lexical(any) :: binary @doc """ Produces the lexical form of an invalid value of a typed Literal. The default implementation of the `_using__` macro just returns `to_string` representation of the value. """ @callback invalid_lexical(any) :: binary @doc """ Produces the canonical form of a `RDF.Literal`. """ @callback canonical(RDF.Literal.t) :: RDF.Literal.t @doc """ Converts a value into a proper native value. If an invalid value is given an implementation should call `super`, which by default currently just returns `nil`. Note: If a value is valid is determined by the lexical space of the implemented datatype, not by the Elixir semantics. For example, although `42` is a falsy value according to the Elixir semantics, this is not an element of the lexical value space of an `xsd:boolean`, so the `RDF.Boolean` implementation of this datatype calls `super`. """ @callback convert(any, keyword) :: any @doc """ Casts a literal of another datatype into a literal of the datatype the function is implemented on. If the given literal is invalid or can not be converted into this datatype `nil` is returned. """ @callback cast(RDF.Literal.t) :: RDF.Literal.t @doc """ Determines if the value of a `RDF.Literal` is a member of lexical value space of its datatype. """ @callback valid?(literal :: RDF.Literal.t) :: boolean @doc """ Checks if the value of two `RDF.Literal`s of this datatype are equal. Non-RDF terms are tried to be coerced via `RDF.Term.coerce/1` before comparison. Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable as literals of this datatype. The default implementation of the `_using__` macro compares the values of the `canonical/1` forms of the given literals of this datatype. """ @callback equal_value?(literal1 :: RDF.Literal.t, literal2 :: RDF.Literal.t) :: boolean | nil @doc """ Compares two `RDF.Literal`s. Returns `:gt` if first literal is greater than the second in terms of their datatype and `:lt` for vice versa. If the two literals are equal `:eq` is returned. For datatypes with only partial ordering `:indeterminate` is returned when the order of the given literals is not defined. Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable datatypes or if one them is invalid. The default implementation of the `_using__` macro compares the values of the `canonical/1` forms of the given literals of this datatype. """ @callback compare(literal1 :: RDF.Literal.t, literal2 :: RDF.Literal.t) :: :lt | :gt | :eq | :indeterminate | nil @lang_string RDF.iri("") # TODO: This mapping should be created dynamically and be extendable, to allow user-defined datatypes ... @mapping %{ @lang_string => RDF.LangString, XSD.string => RDF.String, XSD.integer => RDF.Integer, XSD.double => RDF.Double, XSD.decimal => RDF.Decimal, XSD.boolean => RDF.Boolean, => RDF.Date, XSD.time => RDF.Time, XSD.dateTime => RDF.DateTime, } @doc """ The mapping of IRIs of datatypes to their `RDF.Datatype`. """ def mapping, do: @mapping @doc """ The IRIs of all datatypes with a `RDF.Datatype` defined. """ def ids, do: Map.keys(@mapping) @doc """ All defined `RDF.Datatype` modules. """ def modules, do: Map.values(@mapping) @doc """ Returns the `RDF.Datatype` for a directly datatype IRI or the datatype IRI of a `RDF.Literal`. """ def get(%Literal{datatype: id}), do: get(id) def get(id), do: @mapping[id] defmacro __using__(opts) do id = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :id) quote bind_quoted: [], unquote: true do @behaviour unquote(__MODULE__) alias RDF.Literal alias RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD @id unquote(id) @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def id, do: @id def new(value, opts \\ %{}) def new(value, opts) when is_list(opts), do: new(value, def new(value, opts) when is_binary(value), do: build_literal_by_lexical(value, opts) def new(value, opts), do: build_literal_by_value(value, opts) def new!(value, opts \\ %{}) do literal = new(value, opts) if valid?(literal) do literal else raise ArgumentError, "#{inspect value} is not a valid #{inspect __MODULE__}" end end def build_literal_by_value(value, opts) do case convert(value, opts) do nil -> build_literal(nil, invalid_lexical(value), opts) converted_value -> build_literal(converted_value, nil, opts) end end def build_literal_by_lexical(lexical, opts) do case convert(lexical, opts) do nil -> build_literal(nil, lexical, opts) value -> if opts[:canonicalize] || lexical == canonical_lexical(value) do build_literal(value, nil, opts) else build_literal(value, lexical, opts) end end end def build_literal(value, lexical, %{canonicalize: true} = opts) do build_literal(value, lexical, Map.delete(opts, :canonicalize)) |> canonical end def build_literal(value, lexical, opts) do %Literal{value: value, uncanonical_lexical: lexical, datatype: @id} end def convert(value, _), do: nil @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def lexical(literal) def lexical(%RDF.Literal{value: value, uncanonical_lexical: nil}) do canonical_lexical(value) end def lexical(%RDF.Literal{uncanonical_lexical: lexical}) do lexical end @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def canonical_lexical(value), do: to_string(value) @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def invalid_lexical(value), do: to_string(value) @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def canonical(literal) def canonical(%Literal{value: nil} = literal), do: literal def canonical(%Literal{uncanonical_lexical: nil} = literal), do: literal def canonical(%Literal{} = literal) do %Literal{literal | uncanonical_lexical: nil} end @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def valid?(literal) def valid?(%Literal{value: nil}), do: false def valid?(%Literal{datatype: @id}), do: true def valid?(_), do: false @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def equal_value?(literal1, literal2) def equal_value?(%Literal{uncanonical_lexical: lexical1, datatype: @id, value: nil}, %Literal{uncanonical_lexical: lexical2, datatype: @id}) do lexical1 == lexical2 end def equal_value?(%Literal{datatype: @id} = literal1, %Literal{datatype: @id} = literal2) do canonical(literal1).value == canonical(literal2).value end def equal_value?(%RDF.Literal{} = left, right) when not is_nil(right) do unless RDF.Term.term?(right) do equal_value?(left, RDF.Term.coerce(right)) end end def equal_value?(_, _), do: nil def less_than?(literal1, literal2), do: RDF.Literal.less_than?(literal1, literal2) def greater_than?(literal1, literal2), do: RDF.Literal.greater_than?(literal1, literal2) @impl unquote(__MODULE__) def compare(left, right) def compare(%Literal{datatype: @id, value: value1} = literal1, %Literal{datatype: @id, value: value2} = literal2) when not (is_nil(value1) or is_nil(value2)) do case {canonical(literal1).value, canonical(literal2).value} do {value1, value2} when value1 < value2 -> :lt {value1, value2} when value1 > value2 -> :gt _ -> if equal_value?(literal1, literal2), do: :eq end end def compare(_, _), do: nil def validate_cast(%Literal{} = literal) do if valid?(literal), do: literal end def validate_cast(_), do: nil defoverridable [ build_literal_by_value: 2, build_literal_by_lexical: 2, build_literal: 3, lexical: 1, canonical_lexical: 1, invalid_lexical: 1, convert: 2, valid?: 1, equal_value?: 2, compare: 2, new: 2, new!: 2, ] end end end