defmodule RDF.Graph do @moduledoc """ Defines a RDF Graph. A `RDF.Graph` represents a set of `RDF.Description`s. Named vs. unnamed graphs ... """ defstruct name: nil, descriptions: %{} alias RDF.{Description, Triple} @type t :: module @doc """ Creates an empty unnamed `RDF.Graph`. """ def new, do: %RDF.Graph{} @doc """ Creates an unnamed `RDF.Graph` with an initial triple. """ def new(triple = {_, _, _}), do: new |> add(triple) @doc """ Creates an unnamed `RDF.Graph` with initial triples. """ def new(triples) when is_list(triples), do: new |> add(triples) @doc """ Creates an empty named `RDF.Graph`. """ def new(name), do: %RDF.Graph{name: RDF.uri(name)} @doc """ Creates a named `RDF.Graph` with an initial triple. """ def new(name, triple = {_, _, _}), do: new(name) |> add(triple) @doc """ Creates a named `RDF.Graph` with initial triples. """ def new(name, triples) when is_list(triples), do: new(name) |> add(triples) @doc """ Creates an unnamed `RDF.Graph` with initial triples. """ def new(subject, predicate, objects), do: new |> add(subject, predicate, objects) @doc """ Creates a named `RDF.Graph` with initial triples. """ def new(name, subject, predicate, objects), do: new(name) |> add(subject, predicate, objects) @doc """ Adds triples to a `RDF.Graph`. """ def add(graph, subject, predicate, objects) def add(graph, subject, predicate, objects) when is_list(objects) do Enum.reduce objects, graph, fn (object, graph) -> add(graph, subject, predicate, object) end end def add(%RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: descriptions}, subject, predicate, object) do with triple_subject = Triple.convert_subject(subject), updated_descriptions = Map.update(descriptions, triple_subject,{triple_subject, predicate, object}), fn description -> description |> Description.add({predicate, object}) end) do %RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: updated_descriptions} end end @doc """ Adds triples to a `RDF.Graph`. """ def add(graph, triples) def add(graph, {subject, predicate, object}), do: add(graph, subject, predicate, object) def add(graph, triples) when is_list(triples) do Enum.reduce triples, graph, fn (triple, graph) -> add(graph, triple) end end @doc """ Puts statements to a `RDF.Graph`, overwriting all statements with the same subject and predicate. # Examples iex>, EX.P, EX.O1) |> RDF.Graph.put(EX.S, EX.P, EX.O2), EX.P, EX.O2) iex>, EX.P1, EX.O1) |> RDF.Graph.put(EX.S, EX.P2, EX.O2)[{EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S, EX.P2, EX.O2}]) """ def put(%RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: descriptions}, subject, predicate, objects) do with triple_subject = Triple.convert_subject(subject) do new_description = case descriptions[triple_subject] do desc = %Description{} -> Description.put(desc, predicate, objects) nil ->, predicate, objects) end %RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: Map.put(descriptions, triple_subject, new_description)} end end @doc """ Adds statements to a `RDF.Graph` and overwrites all existing statements with the same subjects and predicates. # Examples iex>[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}]) |> ...> RDF.Graph.put([{EX.S1, EX.P2, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O3}])[{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S1, EX.P2, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O3}]) """ def put(graph, statements) def put(graph = %RDF.Graph{}, {subject, predicate, object}), do: put(graph, subject, predicate, object) def put(graph = %RDF.Graph{}, statements) when is_map(statements) do Enum.reduce statements, graph, fn ({subject, predications}, graph) -> put(graph, subject, predications) end end def put(graph = %RDF.Graph{}, statements) when is_list(statements) do put(graph, Enum.group_by(statements, &(elem(&1, 0)), fn {_, p, o} -> {p, o} end)) end def put(%RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: descriptions}, subject, predications) when is_list(predications) do with triple_subject = Triple.convert_subject(subject), description = Map.get(descriptions, triple_subject) || do new_descriptions = descriptions |> Map.put(triple_subject, Description.put(description, predications)) %RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: new_descriptions} end end def subject_count(graph), do: Enum.count(graph.descriptions) def triple_count(%RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}) do Enum.reduce descriptions, 0, fn ({_subject, description}, count) -> count + Description.count(description) end end @doc """ The set of all properties used in the predicates within a `RDF.Graph`. # Examples iex>[ ...> {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}]) |> ...> RDF.Graph.subjects[RDF.uri(EX.S1), RDF.uri(EX.S2)]) """ def subjects(%RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}), do: descriptions |> Map.keys |> @doc """ The set of all properties used in the predicates within a `RDF.Graph`. # Examples iex>[ ...> {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}]) |> ...> RDF.Graph.predicates[EX.p1, EX.p2]) """ def predicates(%RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}) do Enum.reduce descriptions,, fn ({_, description}, acc) -> description |> Description.predicates |> MapSet.union(acc) end end @doc """ The set of all resources used in the objects within a `RDF.Graph`. Note: This function does collect only URIs and BlankNodes, not Literals. # Examples iex>[ ...> {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.S3, EX.p1, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.S4, EX.p2, RDF.bnode(:bnode)}, ...> {EX.S5, EX.p3, "foo"} ...> ]) |> RDF.Graph.objects[RDF.uri(EX.O1), RDF.uri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode)]) """ def objects(%RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}) do Enum.reduce descriptions,, fn ({_, description}, acc) -> description |> Description.objects |> MapSet.union(acc) end end @doc """ The set of all resources used within a `RDF.Graph`. # Examples iex>[ ...> {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p1, EX.O2}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p2, RDF.bnode(:bnode)}, ...> {EX.S3, EX.p1, "foo"} ...> ]) |> RDF.Graph.resources[RDF.uri(EX.S1), RDF.uri(EX.S2), RDF.uri(EX.S3), RDF.uri(EX.O1), RDF.uri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode), EX.p1, EX.p2]) """ def resources(graph = %RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}) do Enum.reduce(descriptions,, fn ({_, description}, acc) -> description |> Description.resources |> MapSet.union(acc) end) |> MapSet.union(subjects(graph)) end def include?(%RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}, triple = {subject, _, _}) do with triple_subject = Triple.convert_subject(subject), %Description{} <- description = descriptions[triple_subject] do Description.include?(description, triple) else _ -> false end end # TODO: Can/should we isolate and move the Enumerable specific part to the Enumerable implementation? def reduce(%RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}, {:cont, acc}, _fun) when map_size(descriptions) == 0, do: {:done, acc} def reduce(graph = %RDF.Graph{}, {:cont, acc}, fun) do {triple, rest} = RDF.Graph.pop(graph) reduce(rest, fun.(triple, acc), fun) end def reduce(_, {:halt, acc}, _fun), do: {:halted, acc} def reduce(graph = %RDF.Graph{}, {:suspend, acc}, fun) do {:suspended, acc, &reduce(graph, &1, fun)} end def pop(graph = %RDF.Graph{descriptions: descriptions}) when descriptions == %{}, do: {nil, graph} def pop(%RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: descriptions}) do # TODO: Find a faster way ... [{subject, description}] = Enum.take(descriptions, 1) {triple, popped_description} = Description.pop(description) popped = if Enum.empty?(popped_description), do: descriptions |> Map.delete(subject), else: descriptions |> Map.put(subject, popped_description) {triple, %RDF.Graph{name: name, descriptions: popped}} end end defimpl Enumerable, for: RDF.Graph do def reduce(desc, acc, fun), do: RDF.Graph.reduce(desc, acc, fun) def member?(desc, triple), do: {:ok, RDF.Graph.include?(desc, triple)} def count(desc), do: {:ok, RDF.Graph.triple_count(desc)} end