defmodule RDF.TestSuite do defmodule NS do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab MF, base_uri: "", terms: [], strict: false defvocab RDFT, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[ TestTurtleEval TestTurtlePositiveSyntax TestTurtleNegativeSyntax TestTurtleNegativeEval ], strict: false end alias RDF.NS.RDFS alias NS.MF alias RDF.{Turtle, Graph, Description} def dir(format), do: Path.join(RDF.TestData.dir, String.upcase(format) <> "-TESTS") def file(filename, format), do: format |> dir |> Path.join(filename) def manifest_path(format), do: file("manifest.ttl", format) def manifest_graph(format, opts \\ []) do format |> manifest_path |> Turtle.read_file!(opts) end def test_cases(format, test_type, opts) do format |> manifest_graph(opts) |> Graph.descriptions |> Enum.filter(fn description -> RDF.uri(test_type) in Description.get(description, RDF.type, []) end) end def test_name(test_case), do: value(test_case, def test_title(test_case), # Unfortunately OTP < 20 doesn't support unicode characters in atoms, # so we can't put the description in the test name # do: test_name(test_case) <> ": " <> value(test_case, RDFS.comment) do: test_name(test_case) def test_input_file(test_case), do: Description.first(test_case, MF.action) def test_input_file_path(test_case, format), do: test_input_file(test_case).path |> Path.basename |> file(format) def test_result_file_path(test_case, format), do: Description.first(test_case, MF.result).path |> Path.basename |> file(format) defp value(description, property), do: Description.first(description, property) |> to_string end