defmodule RDF.Literal do @moduledoc """ RDF literals are leaf nodes of a RDF graph containing raw data, like strings and numbers. """ defstruct [:value, :uncanonical_lexical, :datatype, :language] @type t :: module alias RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD # to be able to pattern-match on plain types; we can't use RDF.Literal.Guards here since these aren't compiled here yet @xsd_string XSD.string @lang_string RDF.iri("") @plain_types [@xsd_string, @lang_string] @doc """ Creates a new `RDF.Literal` of the given value and tries to infer an appropriate XSD datatype. Note: The `RDF.literal` function is a shortcut to this function. The following mapping of Elixir types to XSD datatypes is applied: | Elixir datatype | XSD datatype | | :-------------- | :------------- | | `string` | `xsd:string` | | `boolean` | `xsd:boolean` | | `integer` | `xsd:integer` | | `float` | `xsd:double` | | `Time` | `xsd:time` | | `Date` | `xsd:date` | | `DateTime` | `xsd:dateTime` | | `NaiveDateTime` | `xsd:dateTime` | ## Examples iex> %RDF.Literal{value: 42, datatype: XSD.integer} """ def new(value) def new(%RDF.Literal{} = literal), do: literal def new(value) when is_binary(value), do: def new(value) when is_boolean(value), do: def new(value) when is_integer(value), do: def new(value) when is_float(value), do: def new(%Decimal{} = value), do: def new(%Date{} = value), do: def new(%Time{} = value), do: def new(%DateTime{} = value), do: def new(%NaiveDateTime{} = value), do: def new(value) do raise RDF.Literal.InvalidError, "#{inspect value} not convertible to a RDF.Literal" end @doc """ Creates a new `RDF.Literal` with the given datatype or language tag. """ def new(value, opts) def new(value, opts) when is_list(opts), do: new(value, def new(value, %{language: nil} = opts), do: new(value, Map.delete(opts, :language)) def new(value, %{language: _} = opts) do if is_binary(value) do if opts[:datatype] in [nil, @lang_string] do, opts) else raise ArgumentError, "datatype with language must be rdf:langString" end else new(value, Map.delete(opts, :language)) # Should we raise a warning? end end def new(value, %{datatype: %RDF.IRI{} = id} = opts) do case RDF.Datatype.get(id) do nil -> %RDF.Literal{value: value, datatype: id} datatype ->, opts) end end def new(value, %{datatype: datatype} = opts), do: new(value, %{opts | datatype: RDF.iri(datatype)}) def new(value, opts) when is_map(opts) and map_size(opts) == 0, do: new(value) @doc """ Creates a new `RDF.Literal`, but fails if it's not valid. Note: Validation is only possible if an `RDF.Datatype` with an implementation of `RDF.Datatype.valid?/1` exists. ## Examples iex>!("3.14", datatype: XSD.double) =="3.14", datatype: XSD.double) true iex>!("invalid", datatype: "http://example/unkown_datatype") =="invalid", datatype: "http://example/unkown_datatype") true iex>!("foo", datatype: XSD.integer) ** (RDF.Literal.InvalidError) invalid RDF.Literal: %RDF.Literal{value: nil, lexical: "foo", datatype: ~I} iex>!("foo", datatype: RDF.langString) ** (RDF.Literal.InvalidError) invalid RDF.Literal: %RDF.Literal{value: "foo", datatype: ~I, language: nil} """ def new!(value, opts \\ %{}) do with %RDF.Literal{} = literal <- new(value, opts) do if valid?(literal) do literal else raise RDF.Literal.InvalidError, "invalid RDF.Literal: #{inspect literal}" end else invalid -> raise RDF.Literal.InvalidError, "invalid result of #{inspect invalid}" end end @doc """ Returns the lexical representation of the given literal according to its datatype. """ def lexical(%RDF.Literal{value: value, uncanonical_lexical: nil, datatype: id} = literal) do case RDF.Datatype.get(id) do nil -> to_string(value) datatype -> datatype.lexical(literal) end end def lexical(%RDF.Literal{uncanonical_lexical: lexical}), do: lexical @doc """ Returns the given literal in its canonical lexical representation. """ def canonical(%RDF.Literal{uncanonical_lexical: nil} = literal), do: literal def canonical(%RDF.Literal{datatype: id} = literal) do case RDF.Datatype.get(id) do nil -> literal datatype -> datatype.canonical(literal) end end @doc """ Returns if the given literal is in its canonical lexical representation. """ def canonical?(%RDF.Literal{uncanonical_lexical: nil}), do: true def canonical?(_), do: false @doc """ Returns if the value of the given literal is a valid according to its datatype. """ def valid?(%RDF.Literal{datatype: id} = literal) do case RDF.Datatype.get(id) do nil -> true datatype -> datatype.valid?(literal) end end @doc """ Returns if a literal is a simple literal. A simple literal has no datatype or language. see """ def simple?(%RDF.Literal{datatype: @xsd_string}), do: true def simple?(_), do: false @doc """ Returns if a literal is a language-tagged literal. see """ def has_language?(%RDF.Literal{datatype: @lang_string}), do: true def has_language?(_), do: false @doc """ Returns if a literal is a datatyped literal. For historical reasons, this excludes `xsd:string` and `rdf:langString`. see """ def has_datatype?(literal) do not plain?(literal) and not has_language?(literal) end @doc """ Returns if a literal is a plain literal. A plain literal may have a language, but may not have a datatype. For all practical purposes, this includes `xsd:string` literals too. see """ def plain?(%RDF.Literal{datatype: datatype}) when datatype in @plain_types, do: true def plain?(_), do: false def typed?(literal), do: not plain?(literal) @doc """ Checks if two `RDF.Literal`s are equal. Non-RDF terms are tried to be coerced via `RDF.Term.coerce/1` before comparison. Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable as Literals. see """ def equal_value?(left, right) def equal_value?(%RDF.Literal{datatype: id1} = literal1, %RDF.Literal{datatype: id2} = literal2) do case RDF.Datatype.get(id1) do nil -> if id1 == id2 do literal1.value == literal2.value end datatype -> datatype.equal_value?(literal1, literal2) end end # TODO: Handle AnyURI in its own RDF.Datatype implementation @xsd_any_uri "" def equal_value?(%RDF.Literal{datatype: %RDF.IRI{value: @xsd_any_uri}} = left, right), do: RDF.IRI.equal_value?(left, right) def equal_value?(left, %RDF.Literal{datatype: %RDF.IRI{value: @xsd_any_uri}} = right), do: RDF.IRI.equal_value?(left, right) def equal_value?(%RDF.Literal{} = left, right) when not is_nil(right) do unless RDF.Term.term?(right) do equal_value?(left, RDF.Term.coerce(right)) end end def equal_value?(_, _), do: nil @doc """ Checks if the first of two `RDF.Literal`s is smaller then the other. Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable datatypes. """ def less_than?(literal1, literal2) do case compare(literal1, literal2) do :lt -> true nil -> nil _ -> false end end @doc """ Checks if the first of two `RDF.Literal`s is greater then the other. Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable datatypes. """ def greater_than?(literal1, literal2) do case compare(literal1, literal2) do :gt -> true nil -> nil _ -> false end end @doc """ Compares two `RDF.Literal`s. Returns `:gt` if first literal is greater than the second in terms of their datatype and `:lt` for vice versa. If the two literals are equal `:eq` is returned. For datatypes with only partial ordering `:indeterminate` is returned when the order of the given literals is not defined. Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable datatypes. """ def compare(left, right) def compare(%RDF.Literal{datatype: id1} = literal1, %RDF.Literal{datatype: id2} = literal2) do case RDF.Datatype.get(id1) do nil -> if id1 == id2 do cond do literal1.value == literal2.value -> :eq literal1.value < literal2.value -> :lt true -> :gt end end datatype ->, literal2) end end def compare(_, _), do: nil @doc """ Matches the string representation of the given value against a XPath and XQuery regular expression pattern. The regular expression language is defined in _XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators_. The `pattern` and the optional `flags` can be given as an Elixir string or as `xsd:string` `RDF.Literal`s. see """ def matches?(value, pattern, flags \\ "") do string = to_string(value) case xpath_pattern(pattern, flags) do {:regex, regex} -> Regex.match?(regex, string) {:q, pattern} -> String.contains?(string, pattern) {:qi, pattern} -> string |> String.downcase() |> String.contains?(String.downcase(pattern)) _ -> raise "Invalid XQuery regex pattern or flags" end end @doc false def xpath_pattern(pattern, flags) def xpath_pattern(%RDF.Literal{datatype: @xsd_string} = pattern, flags), do: xpath_pattern(pattern.value, flags) def xpath_pattern(pattern, %RDF.Literal{datatype: @xsd_string} = flags), do: xpath_pattern(pattern, flags.value) def xpath_pattern(pattern, flags) when is_binary(pattern) and is_binary(flags) do q_pattern(pattern, flags) || xpath_regex_pattern(pattern, flags) end defp q_pattern(pattern, flags) do if String.contains?(flags, "q") and String.replace(flags, ~r/[qi]/, "") == "" do {(if String.contains?(flags, "i"), do: :qi, else: :q), pattern} end end defp xpath_regex_pattern(pattern, flags) do with {:ok, regex} <- pattern |> convert_utf_escaping() |> Regex.compile(xpath_regex_flags(flags)) do {:regex, regex} end end @doc false def convert_utf_escaping(string) do require Integer xpath_unicode_regex = ~r/(\\*)\\U([0-9]|[A-F]|[a-f]){2}(([0-9]|[A-F]|[a-f]){6})/ [first | possible_matches] = Regex.split(xpath_unicode_regex, string, include_captures: true) [first | Enum.map_every(possible_matches, 2, fn possible_xpath_unicode -> [_, escapes, _, codepoint, _] =, possible_xpath_unicode) if escapes |> String.length() |> Integer.is_odd() do "#{escapes}\\u{#{codepoint}}" else "\\" <> possible_xpath_unicode end end) ] |> Enum.join() end defp xpath_regex_flags(flags) do String.replace(flags, "q", "") <> "u" end end defimpl String.Chars, for: RDF.Literal do def to_string(literal) do RDF.Literal.lexical(literal) end end