defmodule RDF.Diff do @moduledoc """ A data structure for diffs between `RDF.Graph`s and `RDF.Description`s. A `RDF.Diff` is a struct consisting of two fields `additions` and `deletions` with `RDF.Graph`s of added and deleted statements. """ alias RDF.{Description, Graph} @type t :: %__MODULE__{ additions: Graph.t, deletions: Graph.t } defstruct [:additions, :deletions] @doc """ Creates a `RDF.Diff` struct. Some initial additions and deletions can be provided optionally with the resp. `additions` and `deletions` keywords. The statements for the additions and deletions can be provided in any form supported by the `` function. """ @spec new(keyword) :: t def new(diff \\ []) do %__MODULE__{ additions: Keyword.get(diff, :additions) |> coerce_graph(), deletions: Keyword.get(diff, :deletions) |> coerce_graph() } end defp coerce_graph(nil), do: defp coerce_graph(%Description{} = description), do: if Enum.empty?(description), do:, else: defp coerce_graph(data), do: @doc """ Computes a diff between two `RDF.Graph`s or `RDF.Description`s. The first argument represents the original and the second argument the new version of the RDF data to be compared. Any combination of `RDF.Graph`s or `RDF.Description`s can be passed as first and second argument. ## Examples iex> RDF.Diff.diff( ...> RDF.description(EX.S1, EX.p1, [EX.O1, EX.O2]), ...> RDF.graph([ ...> {EX.S1, EX.p1, [EX.O2, EX.O3]}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O4} ...> ])) %RDF.Diff{ additions: RDF.graph([ {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O4} ]), deletions: RDF.graph({EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}) } """ @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, diff: 2} @spec diff(Description.t | Graph.t, Description.t | Graph.t) :: t def diff(original_rdf_data, new_rdf_data) def diff(%Description{} = description, description), do: new() def diff(%Description{subject: subject} = original_description, %Description{subject: subject} = new_description) do {additions, deletions} = original_description |> Description.predicates() |> Enum.reduce({new_description,}, fn property, {additions, deletions} -> original_objects = Description.get(original_description, property) case Description.get(new_description, property) do nil -> { additions, Description.add(deletions, property, original_objects) } new_objects -> {unchanged_objects, deleted_objects} = Enum.reduce(original_objects, {[], []}, fn original_object, {unchanged_objects, deleted_objects} -> if original_object in new_objects do {[original_object | unchanged_objects], deleted_objects} else {unchanged_objects, [original_object | deleted_objects]} end end) { Description.delete(additions, property, unchanged_objects), Description.add(deletions, property, deleted_objects), } end end) new(additions: additions, deletions: deletions) end def diff(%Description{} = original_description, %Description{} = new_description), do: new(additions: new_description, deletions: original_description) def diff(%Graph{} = graph1, %Graph{} = graph2) do graph1_subjects = graph1 |> Graph.subjects() |> graph2_subjects = graph2 |> Graph.subjects() |> deleted_subjects = MapSet.difference(graph1_subjects, graph2_subjects) added_subjects = MapSet.difference(graph2_subjects, graph1_subjects) graph1_subjects |> MapSet.intersection(graph2_subjects) |> Enum.reduce( new( additions: Graph.take(graph2, added_subjects), deletions: Graph.take(graph1, deleted_subjects) ), fn subject, diff -> merge(diff, diff( Graph.description(graph1, subject), Graph.description(graph2, subject) )) end) end def diff(%Description{} = description, %Graph{} = graph) do case Graph.pop(graph, description.subject) do {nil, graph} -> new( additions: graph, deletions: description ) {new_description, graph} -> new(additions: graph) |> merge(diff(description, new_description)) end end def diff(%Graph{} = graph, %Description{} = description) do diff = diff(description, graph) %__MODULE__{ diff | additions: diff.deletions, deletions: diff.additions } end @doc """ Merges two diffs. The diffs are merged by adding up the `additions` and `deletions` of both diffs respectively. """ @spec merge(t, t) :: t def merge(%__MODULE__{} = diff1, %__MODULE__{} = diff2) do new( additions: Graph.add(diff1.additions, diff2.additions), deletions: Graph.add(diff1.deletions, diff2.deletions) ) end @doc """ Determines if a diff is empty. A `RDF.Diff` is empty, if its `additions` and `deletions` graphs are empty. """ @spec empty?(t) :: boolean def empty?(%__MODULE__{} = diff) do Enum.empty?(diff.additions) and Enum.empty?(diff.deletions) end @doc """ Applies a diff to a `RDF.Graph` or `RDF.Description` by deleting the `deletions` and adding the `additions` of the `diff`. Deletions of statements which are not present in the given graph or description are simply ignored. The result of an application is always a `RDF.Graph`, even if a `RDF.Description` is given and the additions from the diff are all about the subject of this description. """ @spec apply(t, Description.t | Graph.t) :: Graph.t def apply(diff, rdf_data) def apply(%__MODULE__{} = diff, %Graph{} = graph) do graph |> Graph.delete(diff.deletions) |> Graph.add(diff.additions) end def apply(%__MODULE__{} = diff, %Description{} = description) do __MODULE__.apply(diff, end end