defmodule RDF.NS do @moduledoc """ `RDF.Namespace`s for fundamental RDF vocabularies. Namely: - `RDF.NS.RDF` - `RDF.NS.RDFS` - `RDF.NS.OWL` - `RDF.NS.SKOS` - `RDF.NS.XSD` """ use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace # This is needed to ensure that the Turtle compiler is compiled and ready to be used to parse vocabularies. # Without this we randomly get "unable to detect serialization format" errors depending on the parallel compilation order. require RDF.Turtle @vocabdoc """ The RDF vocabulary. Since this module has the same basename as the top-level module, you can't alias it. Therefore, the top-level `RDF` module has delegators for all of the property functions in this module, so you can use them directly on the top-level module without an alias. See """ defvocab RDF, base_iri: "", file: "rdf.ttl", alias: [ Nil: "nil", LangString: "langString" ] @vocabdoc """ The RDFS vocabulary. See """ defvocab RDFS, base_iri: "", file: "rdfs.ttl" @vocabdoc """ The OWL vocabulary. See """ defvocab OWL, base_iri: "", file: "owl.ttl" @vocabdoc """ The SKOS vocabulary. See """ defvocab SKOS, base_iri: "", file: "skos.ttl" @vocabdoc """ The XML Schema datatypes vocabulary. See """ defvocab XSD, base_iri: "", terms: ~w[ string normalizedString token language Name NCName ID IDREF IDREFS ENTITY ENTITIES NMTOKEN NMTOKENS boolean float double decimal integer long int short byte nonPositiveInteger negativeInteger nonNegativeInteger positiveInteger unsignedLong unsignedInt unsignedShort unsignedByte duration dayTimeDuration yearMonthDuration dateTime time date gYearMonth gYear gMonthDay gDay gMonth base64Binary hexBinary anyURI QName NOTATION ] end