defmodule RDF do @moduledoc """ The top-level module of RDF.ex. RDF.ex consists of: - modules for the nodes of an RDF graph - `RDF.Term` - `RDF.IRI` - `RDF.BlankNode` - `RDF.Literal` - the `RDF.Literal.Datatype` system - a facility for the mapping of URIs of a vocabulary to Elixir modules and functions: `RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace` - modules for the construction of statements - `RDF.Triple` - `RDF.Quad` - `RDF.Statement` - modules for collections of statements - `RDF.Description` - `RDF.Graph` - `RDF.Dataset` - `RDF.Data` - `RDF.List` - `RDF.Diff` - functions to construct and execute basic graph pattern queries: `RDF.Query` - functions for working with RDF serializations: `RDF.Serialization` - behaviours for the definition of RDF serialization formats - `RDF.Serialization.Format` - `RDF.Serialization.Decoder` - `RDF.Serialization.Encoder` - and the implementation of various RDF serialization formats - `RDF.NTriples` - `RDF.NQuads` - `RDF.Turtle` This top-level module provides shortcut functions for the construction of the basic elements and structures of RDF and some general helper functions. For a general introduction you may refer to the guides on the [homepage]( """ alias RDF.{ IRI, Namespace, Literal, BlankNode, Triple, Quad, Description, Graph, Dataset, PrefixMap } import RDF.Guards import RDF.Utils.Bootstrapping defdelegate default_base_iri(), to: RDF.IRI, as: :default_base @standard_prefixes xsd: xsd_iri_base(), rdf: rdf_iri_base(), rdfs: rdfs_iri_base() ) @doc """ A fixed set prefixes that will always be part of the `default_prefixes/0`. ```elixir #{inspect(@standard_prefixes, pretty: true)} ``` See `default_prefixes/0`, if you don't want these standard prefixes to be part of the default prefixes. """ def standard_prefixes(), do: @standard_prefixes @doc """ A user-defined `RDF.PrefixMap` of prefixes to IRI namespaces. This prefix map will be used implicitly wherever a prefix map is expected, but not provided. For example, when you don't pass a prefix map to the Turtle serializer, this prefix map will be used. By default the `standard_prefixes/0` are part of this prefix map, but you can define additional default prefixes via the `default_prefixes` compile-time configuration. For example: config :rdf, default_prefixes: %{ ex: "" } If you don't want the `standard_prefixes/0` to be part of the default prefixes, or you want to map the standard prefixes to different namespaces (strongly discouraged!), you can set the `use_standard_prefixes` compile-time configuration flag to `false`. config :rdf, use_standard_prefixes: false """ @default_prefixes Application.get_env(:rdf, :default_prefixes, %{}) |> if Application.get_env(:rdf, :use_standard_prefixes, true) do def default_prefixes() do PrefixMap.merge!(@standard_prefixes, @default_prefixes) end else def default_prefixes() do @default_prefixes end end @doc """ Returns the `default_prefixes/0` with additional prefix mappings. The `prefix_mappings` can be given in any format accepted by ``. """ def default_prefixes(prefix_mappings) do default_prefixes() |> PrefixMap.merge!(prefix_mappings) end defdelegate read_string(string, opts), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate read_string!(string, opts), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate read_stream(stream, opts \\ []), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate read_stream!(stream, opts \\ []), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate read_file(filename, opts \\ []), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate read_file!(filename, opts \\ []), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate write_string(data, opts), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate write_string!(data, opts), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate write_stream(data, opts), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate write_file(data, filename, opts \\ []), to: RDF.Serialization defdelegate write_file!(data, filename, opts \\ []), to: RDF.Serialization @doc """ Checks if the given value is a RDF resource. ## Examples Supposed `EX` is a `RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace` and `Foo` is not. iex> RDF.resource?(RDF.iri("")) true iex> RDF.resource?(EX.resource) true iex> RDF.resource?(EX.Resource) true iex> RDF.resource?(Foo.Resource) false iex> RDF.resource?(RDF.bnode) true iex> RDF.resource?(RDF.XSD.integer(42)) false iex> RDF.resource?(42) false """ def resource?(value) def resource?(%IRI{}), do: true def resource?(%BlankNode{}), do: true def resource?(qname) when maybe_ns_term(qname) do case Namespace.resolve_term(qname) do {:ok, iri} -> resource?(iri) _ -> false end end def resource?(_), do: false @doc """ Checks if the given value is a RDF term. ## Examples Supposed `EX` is a `RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace` and `Foo` is not. iex> RDF.term?(RDF.iri("")) true iex> RDF.term?(EX.resource) true iex> RDF.term?(EX.Resource) true iex> RDF.term?(Foo.Resource) false iex> RDF.term?(RDF.bnode) true iex> RDF.term?(RDF.XSD.integer(42)) true iex> RDF.term?(42) false """ def term?(value) def term?(%Literal{}), do: true def term?(value), do: resource?(value) defdelegate uri?(value), to: IRI, as: :valid? defdelegate iri?(value), to: IRI, as: :valid? defdelegate uri(value), to: IRI, as: :new defdelegate iri(value), to: IRI, as: :new defdelegate uri!(value), to: IRI, as: :new! defdelegate iri!(value), to: IRI, as: :new! @doc """ Checks if the given value is a blank node. ## Examples iex> RDF.bnode?(RDF.bnode) true iex> RDF.bnode?(RDF.iri("")) false iex> RDF.bnode?(42) false """ def bnode?(%BlankNode{}), do: true def bnode?(_), do: false defdelegate bnode(), to: BlankNode, as: :new defdelegate bnode(id), to: BlankNode, as: :new @doc """ Checks if the given value is a RDF literal. """ def literal?(%Literal{}), do: true def literal?(_), do: false defdelegate literal(value), to: Literal, as: :new defdelegate literal(value, opts), to: Literal, as: :new defdelegate triple(s, p, o), to: Triple, as: :new defdelegate triple(tuple), to: Triple, as: :new defdelegate quad(s, p, o, g), to: Quad, as: :new defdelegate quad(tuple), to: Quad, as: :new defdelegate description(subject, opts \\ []), to: Description, as: :new defdelegate graph(), to: Graph, as: :new defdelegate graph(arg), to: Graph, as: :new defdelegate graph(arg1, arg2), to: Graph, as: :new defdelegate dataset(), to: Dataset, as: :new defdelegate dataset(arg), to: Dataset, as: :new defdelegate dataset(arg1, arg2), to: Dataset, as: :new defdelegate diff(arg1, arg2), to: RDF.Diff defdelegate list?(resource, graph), to: RDF.List, as: :node? defdelegate list?(description), to: RDF.List, as: :node? def list(native_list), do: RDF.List.from(native_list) def list(head, %Graph{} = graph), do:, graph) def list(native_list, opts), do: RDF.List.from(native_list, opts) defdelegate prefix_map(prefixes), to: RDF.PrefixMap, as: :new defdelegate property_map(property_map), to: RDF.PropertyMap, as: :new defdelegate langString(value, opts), to: RDF.LangString, as: :new defdelegate lang_string(value, opts), to: RDF.LangString, as: :new for term <- ~w[type subject predicate object first rest value]a do defdelegate unquote(term)(), to: RDF.NS.RDF @doc false defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o), to: RDF.NS.RDF @doc false defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2), to: RDF.NS.RDF @doc false defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2, o3), to: RDF.NS.RDF @doc false defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2, o3, o4), to: RDF.NS.RDF @doc false defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5), to: RDF.NS.RDF end defdelegate langString(), to: RDF.NS.RDF defdelegate lang_string(), to: RDF.NS.RDF, as: :langString defdelegate unquote(nil)(), to: RDF.NS.RDF defdelegate __base_iri__(), to: RDF.NS.RDF end