2022-03-11 13:19:25 +01:00

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# Since optional dependencies don't get started, dialyzer can't find these functions.
# We're ignoring these warnings (via .dialyzer_ignore).
# See https://elixirforum.com/t/confusing-behavior-of-optional-deps-in-mix-exs/17719/4
if Code.ensure_loaded?(UUID) do
defmodule RDF.IRI.UUID.Generator do
@moduledoc """
A `RDF.Resource.Generator` for various kinds of UUID-based IRI identifiers.
This generator is only available when you have defined the [elixir_uuid](https://hex.pm/packages/elixir_uuid)
package as dependency in the Mixfile of your application.
## Configuration options
- `:prefix`: The URI prefix to be prepended to the generated UUID.
It can be given also as `RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace` module.
If the `:uuid_format` is set explicitly to something other than `:urn`
(which is the default), this is a required parameter.
- `:uuid_version`: The UUID version to be used. Can be any of the
integers 1 and 4 for random-based identifiers (4 being the default) and
3 and 5 for value-based identifiers (5 being the default).
- `:uuid_format`: The format of the UUID to be generated. Can be any of the
following atoms:
- `:urn`: a standard UUID representation, prefixed with the UUID URN
(in this case the `:prefix` is not used) (the default when no `:prefix` given)
- `:default`: a standard UUID representation, appended to the `:prefix` value
(the default when a `:prefix` is given)
- `:hex`: a standard UUID without the `-` (dash) characters, appended to the
`:prefix` value
- `:uuid_namespace` (only with `:uuid_version` 3 and 5, where it is a required parameter)
When your generator configuration is just for a function producing one of
the two kinds of identifiers, you can use these options directly. Otherwise you
must provide the identifier-specific configuration under one of the keys
`:random_based` and `:value_based`.
## Example configuration
config :example, :id,
generator: RDF.IRI.UUID.Generator,
prefix: "http://example.com/",
uuid_format: :hex,
random_based: [
uuid_version: 1
value_based: [
uuid_version: 3,
uuid_namespace: UUID.uuid5(:url, "http://your.application.com/example")
use RDF.Resource.Generator
alias RDF.IRI
alias RDF.Resource.Generator.ConfigError
import RDF.Utils.Guards
@impl true
def generate(config), do: config |> config!(:random_based) |> do_generate()
@impl true
def generate(config, value), do: config |> config!(:value_based) |> do_generate(value)
defp do_generate({1, format, prefix, _}), do: format |> UUID.uuid1() |> iri(format, prefix)
defp do_generate({4, format, prefix, _}), do: format |> UUID.uuid4() |> iri(format, prefix)
defp do_generate({version, _, _, _}) do
raise ConfigError,
"invalid :uuid_version for random resource generator: #{inspect(version)}; only version 1 and 4 are allowed"
defp do_generate({3, format, prefix, namespace}, value),
do: UUID.uuid3(namespace, value, format) |> iri(format, prefix)
defp do_generate({5, format, prefix, namespace}, value),
do: UUID.uuid5(namespace, value, format) |> iri(format, prefix)
defp do_generate({version, _, _, _}, _) do
raise ConfigError,
"invalid :uuid_version for value-based resource generator: #{inspect(version)}; only version 3 and 5 are allowed"
defp default_uuid_version(:random_based), do: 4
defp default_uuid_version(:value_based), do: 5
defp config!(config, id_type) do
{prefix, config} = Keyword.pop(config, :prefix)
{uuid_version, config} = Keyword.pop(config, :uuid_version, default_uuid_version(id_type))
{uuid_format, config} =
Keyword.pop(config, :uuid_format, if(prefix, do: :default, else: :urn))
{namespace, _config} =
cond do
uuid_version in [3, 5] ->
unless Keyword.has_key?(config, :uuid_namespace) do
raise ConfigError,
"missing required :uuid_namespace argument for UUID version #{uuid_version}"
Keyword.pop!(config, :uuid_namespace)
uuid_version in [1, 4] ->
{nil, config}
true ->
raise ConfigError, "invalid :uuid_version: #{uuid_version}"
{uuid_version, uuid_format, prefix, namespace}
defp iri(uuid, :urn, nil), do: IRI.new(uuid)
defp iri(_uuid, :urn, _),
do: raise(ConfigError, "prefix option not support on URN UUIDs")
defp iri(_, _, nil),
do: raise(ConfigError, "missing required :prefix argument on non-URN UUIDs")
defp iri(uuid, format, prefix) when maybe_module(prefix),
do: iri(uuid, format, prefix.__base_iri__())
defp iri(uuid, _, prefix), do: IRI.new(prefix <> uuid)