Marcel Otto 5819eec0cf Re-integrate XSD.ex
It turned out that the costs of separating the XSD datatypes are too high
and probably not worth the effort, since with its limited scope
probably nobody would want to use XSD.ex outside of the RDF.ex context
2020-05-05 23:58:44 +02:00

279 lines
9 KiB

defmodule RDF.Literal do
@moduledoc """
RDF literals are leaf nodes of a RDF graph containing raw data, like strings and numbers.
defstruct [:literal]
alias RDF.{IRI, LangString}
alias RDF.Literal.{Generic, Datatype}
@type t :: %__MODULE__{:literal => Datatype.literal()}
@rdf_lang_string RDF.Utils.Bootstrapping.rdf_iri("langString")
@doc """
Creates a new `RDF.Literal` of the given value and tries to infer an appropriate XSD datatype.
See `coerce/1` for applied mapping of Elixir types to XSD datatypes.
Note: The `RDF.literal` function is a shortcut to this function.
## Examples
iex> RDF.Literal.new(42)
%RDF.Literal{literal: %RDF.XSD.Integer{value: 42}}
@spec new(t | any) :: t | nil
def new(value) do
case coerce(value) do
nil ->
raise RDF.Literal.InvalidError, "#{inspect value} not convertible to a RDF.Literal"
literal -> literal
@doc """
Creates a new `RDF.Literal` with the given datatype or language tag.
@spec new(t | any, keyword) :: t | nil
def new(value, opts) do
cond do
length(opts) == 0 ->
Keyword.has_key?(opts, :language) ->
if Keyword.get(opts, :datatype, @rdf_lang_string) |> IRI.new() == @rdf_lang_string do
LangString.new(value, opts)
raise ArgumentError, "datatype with language must be rdf:langString"
datatype = Keyword.get(opts, :datatype) ->
case Datatype.Registry.get(datatype) do
nil -> Generic.new(value, opts)
datatype -> datatype.new(value, opts)
true ->
@doc """
Coerces a new `RDF.Literal` from another value.
The following mapping of Elixir types to XSD datatypes is applied:
| Elixir datatype | XSD datatype |
| :-------------- | :------------- |
| `string` | `xsd:string` |
| `boolean` | `xsd:boolean` |
| `integer` | `xsd:integer` |
| `float` | `xsd:double` |
| `Decimal` | `xsd:decimal` |
| `Time` | `xsd:time` |
| `Date` | `xsd:date` |
| `DateTime` | `xsd:dateTime` |
| `NaiveDateTime` | `xsd:dateTime` |
| `URI` | `xsd:AnyURI` |
When an `RDF.Literal` can not be coerced, `nil` is returned
(as opposed to `new/1` which fails in this case).
## Examples
iex> RDF.Literal.coerce(42)
%RDF.Literal{literal: %RDF.XSD.Integer{value: 42}}
def coerce(value)
def coerce(%__MODULE__{} = literal), do: literal
Enum.each(Datatype.Registry.datatypes(), fn datatype ->
def coerce(%unquote(datatype){} = literal) do
%__MODULE__{literal: literal}
def coerce(value) when is_binary(value), do: RDF.XSD.String.new(value)
def coerce(value) when is_boolean(value), do: RDF.XSD.Boolean.new(value)
def coerce(value) when is_integer(value), do: RDF.XSD.Integer.new(value)
def coerce(value) when is_float(value), do: RDF.XSD.Double.new(value)
def coerce(%Decimal{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.Decimal.new(value)
def coerce(%Date{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.Date.new(value)
def coerce(%Time{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.Time.new(value)
def coerce(%DateTime{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.DateTime.new(value)
def coerce(%NaiveDateTime{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.DateTime.new(value)
def coerce(%URI{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.AnyURI.new(value)
def coerce(_), do: nil
@doc """
Creates a new `RDF.Literal`, but fails if it's not valid.
Note: Validation is only possible if an `RDF.Datatype` with an implementation of
`RDF.Datatype.valid?/1` exists.
## Examples
iex> RDF.Literal.new("foo")
%RDF.Literal{literal: %RDF.XSD.String{value: "foo"}}
iex> RDF.Literal.new!("foo", datatype: RDF.NS.XSD.integer)
** (RDF.Literal.InvalidError) invalid RDF.Literal: %RDF.Literal{literal: %RDF.XSD.Integer{value: nil, lexical: "foo"}, valid: false}
iex> RDF.Literal.new!("foo", datatype: RDF.langString)
** (RDF.Literal.InvalidError) invalid RDF.Literal: %RDF.Literal{literal: %RDF.LangString{language: nil, value: "foo"}, valid: false}
@spec new!(t | any, keyword) :: t
def new!(value, opts \\ []) do
literal = new(value, opts)
if valid?(literal) do
raise RDF.Literal.InvalidError, "invalid RDF.Literal: #{inspect literal}"
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a language-tagged literal.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#dfn-plain-literal>
@spec has_language?(t) :: boolean
def has_language?(%__MODULE__{literal: %LangString{} = literal}), do: LangString.valid?(literal)
def has_language?(%__MODULE__{} = _), do: false
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a datatyped literal.
For historical reasons, this excludes `xsd:string` and `rdf:langString`.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#dfn-typed-literal>
@spec has_datatype?(t) :: boolean
def has_datatype?(literal) do
not plain?(literal) and not has_language?(literal)
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a simple literal.
A simple literal has no datatype or language.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#simple_literal>
@spec simple?(t) :: boolean
def simple?(%__MODULE__{literal: %RDF.XSD.String{}}), do: true
def simple?(%__MODULE__{} = _), do: false
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a plain literal.
A plain literal may have a language, but may not have a datatype.
For all practical purposes, this includes `xsd:string` literals too.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#dfn-plain-literal>
@spec plain?(t) :: boolean
def plain?(%__MODULE__{literal: %RDF.XSD.String{}}), do: true
def plain?(%__MODULE__{literal: %LangString{}}), do: true
def plain?(%__MODULE__{} = _), do: false
@spec typed?(t) :: boolean
def typed?(literal), do: not plain?(literal)
# functions delegating to the RDF.Literal.Datatype of a RDF.Literal
@spec datatype(t) :: IRI.t()
def datatype(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.datatype(literal)
@spec language(t) :: String.t() | nil
def language(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.language(literal)
@spec value(t) :: any
def value(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.value(literal)
@spec lexical(t) :: String.t
def lexical(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.lexical(literal)
@spec canonical(t) :: t
def canonical(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.canonical(literal)
@spec canonical?(t) :: boolean
def canonical?(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.canonical?(literal)
@spec valid?(t | any) :: boolean
def valid?(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.valid?(literal)
def valid?(_), do: false
@spec equal?(any, any) :: boolean
def equal?(left, right), do: left == right
@spec equal_value?(t, t | any) :: boolean
def equal_value?(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = left}, right),
do: datatype.equal_value?(left, right)
def equal_value?(left, right) when not is_nil(left),
do: equal_value?(coerce(left), right)
def equal_value?(_, _), do: nil
@spec compare(t, t) :: Datatype.comparison_result | :indeterminate | nil
def compare(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = left}, right) do
datatype.compare(left, right)
@doc """
Checks if the first of two `RDF.Literal`s is smaller then the other.
@spec less_than?(t, t) :: boolean
def less_than?(left, right) do
compare(left, right) == :lt
@doc """
Checks if the first of two `RDF.Literal`s is greater then the other.
@spec greater_than?(t, t) :: boolean
def greater_than?(left, right) do
compare(left, right) == :gt
@doc """
Matches the lexical form of the given `XSD.Datatype` literal against a XPath and XQuery regular expression pattern with flags.
The regular expression language is defined in _XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators_.
see <https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-matches>
@spec matches?(t | String.t, pattern :: t | String.t, flags :: t | String.t) :: boolean
def matches?(value, pattern, flags \\ "")
def matches?(%__MODULE__{} = literal, pattern, flags),
do: matches?(lexical(literal), pattern, flags)
def matches?(value, %__MODULE__{literal: %RDF.XSD.String{}} = pattern, flags),
do: matches?(value, lexical(pattern), flags)
def matches?(value, pattern, %__MODULE__{literal: %RDF.XSD.String{}} = flags),
do: matches?(value, pattern, lexical(flags))
def matches?(value, pattern, flags) when is_binary(value) and is_binary(pattern) and is_binary(flags),
do: RDF.XSD.Utils.Regex.matches?(value, pattern, flags)
def update(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}, fun, opts \\ []) do
datatype.update(literal, fun, opts)
defimpl String.Chars do
def to_string(literal) do