Marcel Otto 5819eec0cf Re-integrate XSD.ex
It turned out that the costs of separating the XSD datatypes are too high
and probably not worth the effort, since with its limited scope
probably nobody would want to use XSD.ex outside of the RDF.ex context
2020-05-05 23:58:44 +02:00

311 lines
10 KiB

defmodule RDF.XSD.Datatype do
@moduledoc """
The behaviour of all XSD datatypes.
@type t :: module
@type uncanonical_lexical :: String.t() | nil
@type literal :: %{
:__struct__ => t(),
:value => any(),
:uncanonical_lexical => uncanonical_lexical()
@type comparison_result :: :lt | :gt | :eq
@doc """
Returns if the `RDF.XSD.Datatype` is a primitive datatype.
@callback primitive?() :: boolean
@doc """
The base datatype from which a `RDF.XSD.Datatype` is derived.
@callback base :: t() | nil
@doc """
The primitive `RDF.XSD.Datatype` from which a `RDF.XSD.Datatype` is derived.
In case of a primitive `RDF.XSD.Datatype` this function returns this `RDF.XSD.Datatype` itself.
@callback base_primitive :: t()
@doc """
Checks if a `RDF.XSD.Datatype` is directly or indirectly derived from another `RDF.XSD.Datatype`.
@callback derived_from?(t()) :: boolean
@doc """
Checks if the datatype of a given literal is derived from a `RDF.XSD.Datatype`.
@callback derived?(RDF.XSD.Literal.t()) :: boolean
@doc """
The set of applicable facets of a `RDF.XSD.Datatype`.
@callback applicable_facets :: [RDF.XSD.Facet.t()]
@doc """
A mapping from the lexical space of a `RDF.XSD.Datatype` into its value space.
@callback lexical_mapping(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: any
@doc """
A mapping from Elixir values into the value space of a `RDF.XSD.Datatype`.
@callback elixir_mapping(any, Keyword.t()) :: any | {any, uncanonical_lexical}
@doc """
Returns the standard lexical representation for a value of the value space of a `RDF.XSD.Datatype`.
@callback canonical_mapping(any) :: String.t()
@doc """
Produces the lexical representation to be used as for a `RDF.XSD.Datatype` literal.
@callback init_valid_lexical(any, uncanonical_lexical, Keyword.t()) :: uncanonical_lexical
@doc """
Produces the lexical representation of an invalid value.
The default implementation of the `_using__` macro just returns `to_string/1`
representation of the value.
@callback init_invalid_lexical(any, Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
@doc """
Matches the lexical form of the given `RDF.XSD.Datatype` literal against a XPath and XQuery regular expression pattern.
The regular expression language is defined in _XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators_.
see <https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-matches>
@callback matches?(RDF.XSD.Literal.t(), pattern :: String.t()) :: boolean
@doc """
Matches the lexical form of the given `RDF.XSD.Datatype` literal against a XPath and XQuery regular expression pattern with flags.
The regular expression language is defined in _XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators_.
see <https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-matches>
@callback matches?(RDF.XSD.Literal.t(), pattern :: String.t(), flags :: String.t()) :: boolean
defmacro __using__(opts) do
quote do
defstruct [:value, :uncanonical_lexical]
@behaviour unquote(__MODULE__)
use RDF.Literal.Datatype, unquote(opts)
@invalid_value nil
@type invalid_value :: nil
@type value :: valid_value | invalid_value
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
value: value,
uncanonical_lexical: RDF.XSD.Datatype.uncanonical_lexical()
@impl unquote(__MODULE__)
def derived_from?(datatype)
def derived_from?(__MODULE__), do: true
def derived_from?(datatype) do
base = base()
not is_nil(base) and base.derived_from?(datatype)
@impl unquote(__MODULE__)
def derived?(literal), do: RDF.XSD.Datatype.derived_from?(literal, __MODULE__)
# Dialyzer causes a warning on all primitives since the facet_conform?/2 call
# always returns true there, so the other branch is unnecessary. This could
# be fixed by generating a special version for primitives, but it's not worth
# maintaining different versions of this function which must be kept in-sync.
@dialyzer {:nowarn_function, new: 2}
@impl RDF.Literal.Datatype
def new(value, opts \\ [])
def new(lexical, opts) when is_binary(lexical) do
case lexical_mapping(lexical, opts) do
@invalid_value ->
build_invalid(lexical, opts)
value ->
if facet_conform?(value, lexical) do
build_valid(value, lexical, opts)
build_invalid(lexical, opts)
def new(value, opts) do
case elixir_mapping(value, opts) do
@invalid_value ->
build_invalid(value, opts)
value ->
{value, lexical} =
case value do
{value, lexical} -> {value, lexical}
value -> {value, nil}
if facet_conform?(value, lexical) do
build_valid(value, lexical, opts)
build_invalid(value, opts)
@impl RDF.Literal.Datatype
def new!(value, opts \\ []) do
literal = new(value, opts)
if valid?(literal) do
raise ArgumentError, "#{inspect(value)} is not a valid #{inspect(__MODULE__)}"
@doc false
@spec build_valid(any, RDF.XSD.Datatype.uncanonical_lexical(), Keyword.t()) :: t()
def build_valid(value, lexical, opts) do
if Keyword.get(opts, :canonicalize) do
literal(%__MODULE__{value: value})
initial_lexical = init_valid_lexical(value, lexical, opts)
value: value,
if(initial_lexical && initial_lexical != canonical_mapping(value),
do: initial_lexical
defp build_invalid(lexical, opts) do
literal(%__MODULE__{uncanonical_lexical: init_invalid_lexical(lexical, opts)})
def cast(literal_or_value)
def cast(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}), do: cast(literal)
# Invalid values can not be casted in general
def cast(%{value: @invalid_value}), do: nil
def cast(%__MODULE__{} = datatype_literal), do: literal(datatype_literal)
def cast(nil), do: nil
def cast(value) do
case do_cast(value) do
%__MODULE__{} = literal -> if valid?(literal), do: literal(literal)
%RDF.Literal{literal: %__MODULE__{}} = literal -> if valid?(literal), do: literal
_ -> nil
@impl RDF.Literal.Datatype
def value(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}), do: value(literal)
def value(%__MODULE__{} = literal), do: literal.value
@impl RDF.Literal.Datatype
def lexical(lexical)
def lexical(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}), do: lexical(literal)
def lexical(%__MODULE__{value: value, uncanonical_lexical: nil}),
do: canonical_mapping(value)
def lexical(%__MODULE__{uncanonical_lexical: lexical}), do: lexical
@impl RDF.Literal.Datatype
@spec canonical(t()) :: t()
def canonical(literal)
def canonical(%RDF.Literal{literal: %__MODULE__{uncanonical_lexical: nil}} = literal),
do: literal
def canonical(%RDF.Literal{literal: %__MODULE__{value: @invalid_value}} = literal),
do: literal
def canonical(%RDF.Literal{literal: %__MODULE__{} = literal}),
do: canonical(literal)
def canonical(%__MODULE__{} = literal),
do: literal(%__MODULE__{literal | uncanonical_lexical: nil})
@impl RDF.Literal.Datatype
def canonical?(literal)
def canonical?(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}), do: canonical?(literal)
def canonical?(%__MODULE__{uncanonical_lexical: nil}), do: true
def canonical?(%__MODULE__{}), do: false
@impl RDF.Literal.Datatype
def valid?(literal)
def valid?(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}), do: valid?(literal)
def valid?(%__MODULE__{value: @invalid_value}), do: false
def valid?(%__MODULE__{}), do: true
def valid?(_), do: false
def canonical_lexical(literal)
def canonical_lexical(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}), do: canonical_lexical(literal)
def canonical_lexical(%__MODULE__{value: nil}), do: nil
def canonical_lexical(%__MODULE__{value: value, uncanonical_lexical: nil}),
do: canonical_mapping(value)
def canonical_lexical(%__MODULE__{} = literal),
do: literal |> canonical() |> lexical()
def canonical_lexical(_), do: nil
@doc """
Matches the string representation of the given value against a XPath and XQuery regular expression pattern.
The regular expression language is defined in _XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators_.
see <https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-matches>
@impl RDF.XSD.Datatype
def matches?(literal, pattern, flags \\ "")
def matches?(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}, pattern, flags), do: matches?(literal, pattern, flags)
def matches?(%__MODULE__{} = literal, pattern, flags) do
|> lexical()
|> RDF.XSD.Utils.Regex.matches?(pattern, flags)
defimpl Inspect do
"Elixir.Inspect." <> datatype_name = to_string(__MODULE__)
@datatype_name datatype_name
def inspect(literal, _opts) do
"%#{@datatype_name}{value: #{inspect(literal.value)}, lexical: #{
literal |> literal.__struct__.lexical() |> inspect()
@spec base_primitive(t()) :: t()
def base_primitive(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}), do: base_primitive(literal)
def base_primitive(%datatype{}), do: base_primitive(datatype)
def base_primitive(datatype), do: datatype.base_primitive()
@spec derived_from?(t() | literal() | RDF.Literal.t(), t()) :: boolean
def derived_from?(%RDF.Literal{literal: literal}, super_datatype), do: derived_from?(literal, super_datatype)
def derived_from?(%datatype{}, super_datatype), do: derived_from?(datatype, super_datatype)
def derived_from?(datatype, super_datatype) when is_atom(datatype), do: datatype.derived_from?(super_datatype)