2020-04-12 21:52:25 +02:00

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defmodule RDF.Literal do
@moduledoc """
RDF literals are leaf nodes of a RDF graph containing raw data, like strings and numbers.
defstruct [:literal]
alias RDF.{IRI, LangString}
alias RDF.Literal.{Generic, Datatype}
import RDF.Literal.Helper.Macros
@type t :: %__MODULE__{:literal => Datatype.literal()}
@rdf_lang_string RDF.Utils.Bootstrapping.rdf_iri("langString")
@doc """
Creates a new `RDF.Literal` of the given value and tries to infer an appropriate XSD datatype.
Note: The `RDF.literal` function is a shortcut to this function.
The following mapping of Elixir types to XSD datatypes is applied:
| Elixir datatype | XSD datatype |
| :-------------- | :------------- |
| `string` | `xsd:string` |
| `boolean` | `xsd:boolean` |
| `integer` | `xsd:integer` |
| `float` | `xsd:double` |
| `Decimal` | `xsd:decimal` |
| `Time` | `xsd:time` |
| `Date` | `xsd:date` |
| `DateTime` | `xsd:dateTime` |
| `NaiveDateTime` | `xsd:dateTime` |
| `URI` | `xsd:AnyURI` |
## Examples
iex> RDF.Literal.new(42)
%RDF.Literal{literal: %XSD.Integer{value: 42}}
@spec new(t | any) :: t | nil
def new(value)
def new(%__MODULE__{} = literal), do: literal
def new(value) when is_binary(value), do: RDF.XSD.String.new(value)
def new(value) when is_boolean(value), do: RDF.XSD.Boolean.new(value)
def new(value) when is_integer(value), do: RDF.XSD.Integer.new(value)
def new(value) when is_float(value), do: RDF.XSD.Double.new(value)
def new(%Decimal{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.Decimal.new(value)
def new(%Date{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.Date.new(value)
def new(%Time{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.Time.new(value)
def new(%DateTime{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.DateTime.new(value)
def new(%NaiveDateTime{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.DateTime.new(value)
def new(%URI{} = value), do: RDF.XSD.AnyURI.new(value)
Enum.each(Datatype.Registry.datatypes(), fn datatype ->
def new(%unquote(datatype.literal_type()){} = literal) do
%__MODULE__{literal: literal}
def new(value) do
raise RDF.Literal.InvalidError, "#{inspect value} not convertible to a RDF.Literal"
@doc """
Creates a new `RDF.Literal` with the given datatype or language tag.
@spec new(t | any, keyword) :: t | nil
def new(value, opts) do
cond do
length(opts) == 0 ->
Keyword.has_key?(opts, :language) ->
if Keyword.get(opts, :datatype, @rdf_lang_string) |> IRI.new() == @rdf_lang_string do
LangString.new(value, opts)
raise ArgumentError, "datatype with language must be rdf:langString"
datatype = Keyword.get(opts, :datatype) ->
case Datatype.Registry.get(datatype) do
nil -> Generic.new(value, opts)
datatype -> datatype.new(value, opts)
true ->
@doc """
Creates a new `RDF.Literal`, but fails if it's not valid.
Note: Validation is only possible if an `RDF.Datatype` with an implementation of
`RDF.Datatype.valid?/1` exists.
## Examples
iex> RDF.Literal.new("foo")
%RDF.Literal{literal: %XSD.String{value: "foo"}}
iex> RDF.Literal.new!("foo", datatype: RDF.NS.XSD.integer)
** (RDF.Literal.InvalidError) invalid RDF.Literal: %RDF.Literal{literal: %XSD.Integer{value: nil, lexical: "foo"}, valid: false}
iex> RDF.Literal.new!("foo", datatype: RDF.langString)
** (RDF.Literal.InvalidError) invalid RDF.Literal: %RDF.Literal{literal: %RDF.LangString{language: nil, value: "foo"}, valid: false}
@spec new!(t | any, keyword) :: t
def new!(value, opts \\ []) do
literal = new(value, opts)
if valid?(literal) do
raise RDF.Literal.InvalidError, "invalid RDF.Literal: #{inspect literal}"
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a language-tagged literal.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#dfn-plain-literal>
@spec has_language?(t) :: boolean
def has_language?(%__MODULE__{literal: %LangString{} = literal}), do: LangString.valid?(literal)
def has_language?(%__MODULE__{} = _), do: false
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a datatyped literal.
For historical reasons, this excludes `xsd:string` and `rdf:langString`.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#dfn-typed-literal>
@spec has_datatype?(t) :: boolean
def has_datatype?(literal) do
not plain?(literal) and not has_language?(literal)
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a simple literal.
A simple literal has no datatype or language.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#simple_literal>
@spec simple?(t) :: boolean
def simple?(%__MODULE__{literal: %XSD.String{}}), do: true
def simple?(%__MODULE__{} = _), do: false
@doc """
Returns if a literal is a plain literal.
A plain literal may have a language, but may not have a datatype.
For all practical purposes, this includes `xsd:string` literals too.
see <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#dfn-plain-literal>
@spec plain?(t) :: boolean
def plain?(%__MODULE__{literal: %XSD.String{}}), do: true
def plain?(%__MODULE__{literal: %LangString{}}), do: true
def plain?(%__MODULE__{} = _), do: false
@spec typed?(t) :: boolean
def typed?(literal), do: not plain?(literal)
# functions delegating to the RDF.Datatype of a RDF.Literal
@spec datatype(t) :: IRI.t()
defdelegate_to_rdf_datatype :datatype
@spec language(t) :: String.t() | nil
defdelegate_to_rdf_datatype :language
@spec value(t) :: any
def value(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.value(literal)
@spec lexical(t) :: String.t
def lexical(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.lexical(literal)
@spec canonical(t) :: t
defdelegate_to_rdf_datatype :canonical
@spec canonical?(t) :: boolean
def canonical?(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.canonical?(literal)
@spec valid?(t | any) :: boolean
def valid?(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = literal}), do: datatype.valid?(literal)
def valid?(_), do: false
@spec equal_value?(t, t | any) :: boolean
def equal_value?(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = left}, right) do
Datatype.Registry.rdf_datatype(datatype).equal_value?(left, right)
def equal_value?(_, _), do: false
@spec compare(t, t) :: Datatype.comparison_result | :indeterminate | nil
def compare(%__MODULE__{literal: %datatype{} = left}, right) do
Datatype.Registry.rdf_datatype(datatype).compare(left, right)
@doc """
Checks if the first of two `RDF.Literal`s is smaller then the other.
Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable datatypes.
@spec less_than?(t, t) :: boolean | nil
def less_than?(literal1, literal2) do
case compare(literal1, literal2) do
:lt -> true
nil -> nil
_ -> false
@doc """
Checks if the first of two `RDF.Literal`s is greater then the other.
Returns `nil` when the given arguments are not comparable datatypes.
@spec greater_than?(t, t) :: boolean | nil
def greater_than?(literal1, literal2) do
case compare(literal1, literal2) do
:gt -> true
nil -> nil
_ -> false
@doc """
Matches the lexical form of the given `XSD.Datatype` literal against a XPath and XQuery regular expression pattern with flags.
The regular expression language is defined in _XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators_.
see <https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-matches>
@spec matches?(t | String.t, pattern :: t | String.t, flags :: t | String.t) :: boolean
def matches?(value, pattern, flags \\ "")
def matches?(%__MODULE__{} = literal, pattern, flags),
do: matches?(lexical(literal), pattern, flags)
def matches?(value, %__MODULE__{literal: %XSD.String{}} = pattern, flags),
do: matches?(value, lexical(pattern), flags)
def matches?(value, pattern, %__MODULE__{literal: %XSD.String{}} = flags),
do: matches?(value, pattern, lexical(flags))
def matches?(value, pattern, flags) when is_binary(value) and is_binary(pattern) and is_binary(flags),
do: XSD.Utils.Regex.matches?(value, pattern, flags)
defimpl String.Chars do
def to_string(literal) do