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defmodule RDF.Serialization.Format do
@moduledoc """
A behaviour for RDF serialization formats.
A `RDF.Serialization` for a format can be implemented like this
defmodule SomeFormat do
use RDF.Serialization.Format
import RDF.Sigils
@id ~I<http://example.com/some_format>
@name :some_format
@extension "ext"
@media_type "application/some-format"
When `@id`, `@name`, `@extension` and `@media_type` module attributes are
defined the resp. behaviour functions are generated automatically and return
these values.
Then you'll have to do the main work by implementing a
`RDF.Serialization.Encoder` and a `RDF.Serialization.Decoder` for the format.
By default it is assumed that these are defined in `Encoder` and `Decoder`
moduler under the `RDF.Serialization.Format` module of the format, i.e. in the
example above in `SomeFormat.Encoder` and `SomeFormat.Decoder`. If you want
them in another module, you'll have to override the `encoder/0` and/or
`decoder/0` functions in your `RDF.Serialization.Format` module.
@doc """
An IRI of the serialization format.
@callback id :: RDF.IRI.t
@doc """
An name atom of the serialization format.
@callback name :: atom
@doc """
The usual file extension for the serialization format.
@callback extension :: binary
@doc """
The MIME type of the serialization format.
@callback media_type :: binary
@doc """
A map with the supported options of the `Encoder` and `Decoder` for the serialization format.
@callback options :: map
@doc """
The `RDF.Serialization.Decoder` module for the serialization format.
@callback decoder :: module
@doc """
The `RDF.Serialization.Encoder` module for the serialization format.
@callback encoder :: module
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote bind_quoted: [], unquote: true do
@behaviour unquote(__MODULE__)
@decoder __MODULE__.Decoder
@encoder __MODULE__.Encoder
def decoder, do: @decoder
def encoder, do: @encoder
def options, do: %{}
defoverridable [decoder: 0, encoder: 0, options: 0]
def read_string(content, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Reader.read_string(decoder(), content, opts)
def read_string!(content, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Reader.read_string!(decoder(), content, opts)
def read_file(file, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Reader.read_file(decoder(), file, opts)
def read_file!(file, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Reader.read_file!(decoder(), file, opts)
def write_string(data, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Writer.write_string(encoder(), data, opts)
def write_string!(data, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Writer.write_string!(encoder(), data, opts)
def write_file(data, path, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Writer.write_file(encoder(), data, path, opts)
def write_file!(data, path, opts \\ []),
do: RDF.Serialization.Writer.write_file!(encoder(), data, path, opts)
@before_compile unquote(__MODULE__)
defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do
quote do
if !Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:id, 0}) &&
Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :id) do
def id, do: @id
if !Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:name, 0}) &&
Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :name) do
def name, do: @name
if !Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:extension, 0}) &&
Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :extension) do
def extension, do: @extension
if !Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:media_type, 0}) &&
Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :media_type) do
def media_type, do: @media_type