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defmodule RDF do
alias RDF.{Namespace, Literal, BlankNode, Triple, Quad}
@doc """
Generator function for URIs from strings or term atoms of a `RDF.Namespace`.
This function is used for the `~I` sigil.
## Examples
iex> RDF.uri("http://www.example.com/foo")
%URI{authority: "www.example.com", fragment: nil, host: "www.example.com",
path: "/foo", port: 80, query: nil, scheme: "http", userinfo: nil}
iex> RDF.uri(RDF.NS.RDFS.Class)
%URI{authority: "www.w3.org", fragment: "Class", host: "www.w3.org",
path: "/2000/01/rdf-schema", port: 80, query: nil, scheme: "http",
userinfo: nil}
iex> RDF.uri("not a uri")
** (RDF.InvalidURIError) string "not a uri" is not a valid URI
@spec uri(URI.t | binary | atom) :: URI.t
def uri(atom) when is_atom(atom), do: Namespace.resolve_term(atom)
def uri(string) do
parsed_uri = URI.parse(string)
if uri?(parsed_uri) do
raise RDF.InvalidURIError, ~s(string "#{string}" is not a valid URI)
@doc """
Checks if the given value is an URI.
## Examples
iex> RDF.uri?("http://www.example.com/foo")
iex> RDF.uri?("not a uri")
def uri?(some_uri = %URI{}) do
# The following was a suggested at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30696761/check-if-a-url-is-valid-in-elixir
# TODO: Find a better way! Maybe https://github.com/marcelog/ex_rfc3986 ?
case some_uri do
%URI{scheme: nil} -> false
_uri -> true
def uri?(value) when is_binary(value), do: uri?(URI.parse(value))
def uri?(_), do: false
@doc """
Generator function for `RDF.Literal` values.
## Examples
iex> RDF.literal(42)
%RDF.Literal{value: 42, datatype: XSD.integer}
def literal(value)
def literal(lit = %Literal{}), do: lit
def literal(value), do: Literal.new(value)
def literal(value, opts), do: Literal.new(value, opts)
@doc """
Generator function for `RDF.Triple`s.
## Examples
iex> RDF.triple("http://example.com/S", "http://example.com/p", 42)
{RDF.uri("http://example.com/S"), RDF.uri("http://example.com/p"), RDF.literal(42)}
iex> RDF.triple(EX.S, EX.p, 42)
{RDF.uri("http://example.com/S"), RDF.uri("http://example.com/p"), RDF.literal(42)}
def triple(subject, predicate, object), do: Triple.new(subject, predicate, object)
def triple(tuple), do: Triple.new(tuple)
@doc """
Generator function for `RDF.quad`s.
## Examples
iex> RDF.quad("http://example.com/S", "http://example.com/p", 42, "http://example.com/Graph")
{RDF.uri("http://example.com/S"), RDF.uri("http://example.com/p"), RDF.literal(42), RDF.uri("http://example.com/Graph")}
iex> RDF.quad(EX.S, EX.p, 42, EX.Graph)
{RDF.uri("http://example.com/S"), RDF.uri("http://example.com/p"), RDF.literal(42), RDF.uri("http://example.com/Graph")}
def quad(subject, predicate, object, graph_context),
do: Quad.new(subject, predicate, object, graph_context)
def quad(tuple), do: Quad.new(tuple)
@doc """
Generator function for `RDF.BlankNode`s.
def bnode, do: BlankNode.new
@doc """
Generator function for `RDF.BlankNode`s with a user-defined identity.
## Examples
iex> RDF.bnode(:foo)
%RDF.BlankNode{id: "foo"}
def bnode(id), do: BlankNode.new(id)
@doc """
Checks if the given value is a RDF resource.
## Examples
iex> RDF.resource?(RDF.uri("http://example.com/resource"))
iex> RDF.resource?(EX.resource)
iex> RDF.resource?(RDF.bnode)
iex> RDF.resource?(42)
def resource?(value)
def resource?(%URI{}), do: true
def resource?(atom) when is_atom(atom), do: resource?(Namespace.resolve_term(atom))
def resource?(%BlankNode{}), do: true
def resource?(_), do: false
for term <- ~w[type subject predicate object first rest value]a do
defdelegate unquote(term)(), to: RDF.NS.RDF
defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o), to: RDF.NS.RDF
defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2), to: RDF.NS.RDF
defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2, o3), to: RDF.NS.RDF
defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2, o3, o4), to: RDF.NS.RDF
defdelegate unquote(term)(s, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5), to: RDF.NS.RDF
defdelegate langString(), to: RDF.NS.RDF
defdelegate unquote(nil)(), to: RDF.NS.RDF