# Changelog
## Master
## 0.4.0
- `Temple.Svg` module
- `mix temple.convert` Mix task
- (dev) rename `mix update_mdn_docs` to `mix temple.update_mdn_docs` and don't ship it to hex
### Breaking
- Rename `Temple.Tags` to `Temple.Html`
## v0.3.1
- `Temple.Form.phx_label`, `Temple.Form.submit`, `Temple.Link.phx_button`, `Temple.Link.phx_link` now correctly parse blocks. Before this, they would escape anything passed to the block instead of accepting it as raw HTML.
## v0.3.0
- `Temple.Tags.html` now prepends the doctype, making it valid HTML
- `Temple.Elements` module
- `Temple.Tags.html` no longer accepts content as the first argument. A legal `html` tag must contain only a single `head` and a single `body`.
## 0.2.0
- Wrap `radio_buttton/4` from Phoenix.HTML.Form
## 0.1.2
### Bugfixes
- Allow components to be used correctly when their module was `require`d instead of `import`ed
## 0.1.1
- Escape content passed to 1-arity tag macros
### Development
- Upgrade various optional development packages
## 0.1.0
- Initial Release