defmodule Temple.Parser.MatchTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Temple.Parser.Match describe "applicable?/1" do test "returns true when the node is an elixir match expression" do ast = quote do bingo =!(baz) end assert Match.applicable?(ast) end test "returns false when the node is a anything other than an elixir match expression" do for node <- [ :atom, %{key: :value}, [] ] do refute Match.applicable?(node) end end end describe "run/2" do test "adds a elixir expression node to the buffer" do expression = quote do bingo =!(baz) end ast = assert %Match{elixir_ast: expression} == ast end end describe "Temple.Generator.to_eex/1" do test "emits eex" do raw_ast = quote do yolo = :synergy end result = raw_ast |> |> Temple.Generator.to_eex() assert result |> :erlang.iolist_to_binary() == ~s|<% yolo = :synergy %>| end test "emits eex big boy" do raw_ast = quote do yolo = if true do :synergy end end result = raw_ast |> |> Temple.Generator.to_eex() assert result |> :erlang.iolist_to_binary() == ~s|<% yolo = if(true) do\n :synergy\nend %>| end end end