defmodule Temple.Ast.ComponentsTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Temple.Ast.Components alias Temple.Ast.Slottable describe "applicable?/1" do test "runs when using the `c` ast with a block" do ast = quote do c &SomeModule.render/1, foo: :bar do div do "hello" end end end assert Components.applicable?(ast) end test "runs when using the `c` ast with an inline block" do ast = quote do c &SomeModule.render/1, foo: :bar do "hello" end end assert Components.applicable?(ast) end test "runs when using the `c` ast without a block" do ast = quote do c &SomeModule.render/1, foo: :bar end assert Components.applicable?(ast) end end describe "run/2" do setup do [func: quote(do: &SomeModule.render/1)] end test "adds a node to the buffer", %{func: func} do raw_ast = quote do c unquote(func) do aside class: "foobar" do "I'm a component!" end end end ast = assert %Components{ function: ^func, arguments: [] } = ast end test "runs when using the `c` ast with an inline block", %{func: func} do ast = quote do c unquote(func), foo: :bar, do: "hello" end ast = assert %Components{ function: ^func, arguments: [foo: :bar] } = ast end test "adds a node to the buffer that takes args", %{func: func} do raw_ast = quote do c unquote(func), foo: :bar do aside class: "foobar" do "I'm a component!" end end end ast = assert %Components{ function: ^func, arguments: [foo: :bar] } = ast end test "adds a node to the buffer that without a block", %{func: func} do raw_ast = quote do c unquote(func), foo: :bar end ast = assert %Components{ function: ^func, arguments: [foo: :bar] } = ast end test "gathers all slots", %{func: func} do raw_ast = quote do c unquote(func), foo: :bar do slot :foo, let!: %{form: form} do "in the slot" end end end ast = assert %Components{ function: ^func, arguments: [foo: :bar], slots: [ %Slottable{ name: :foo, content: [%Temple.Ast.Text{}], parameter: {:%{}, _, [form: _]} } ] } = ast end test "slot attributes", %{func: func} do raw_ast = quote do c unquote(func), foo: :bar do slot :foo, let!: %{form: form}, label: the_label do "in the slot" end end end ast = assert %Components{ function: ^func, arguments: [foo: :bar], slots: [ %Slottable{ name: :foo, content: [%Temple.Ast.Text{}], parameter: {:%{}, _, [form: _]}, attributes: [label: {:the_label, [], Temple.Ast.ComponentsTest}] } ] } = ast end test "slots should only be assigned to the component root" do card = quote do: &Card.render/1 footer = quote do: &Card.Footer.render/1 list = quote do: &LinkList.render/1 raw_ast = quote do c unquote(card) do c unquote(footer) do c unquote(list), socials: @user.socials do "hello" slot :foo, let!: %{text: text, url: url} do a class: "text-blue-500 hover:underline", href: url do text end end end end end end ast = assert [ %Slottable{ name: :inner_block, parameter: nil } ] = ast.slots assert %Components{ slots: [ %Slottable{ content: [ %Components{ slots: [ %Slottable{ content: [ %Components{ slots: [ %Slottable{ name: :inner_block }, %Slottable{ name: :foo } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } = ast end end end