defmodule Temple.Form do @moduledoc """ This modules wraps all of the functions from the `Phoenix.HTML.Form` module to make them compatible with with Temple. """ alias Phoenix.HTML alias Temple.Utils @doc """ Generates an empty form tag. See `Temple.Form.form_for/4` for more details """ defmacro form_for(form_data, action) do quote location: :keep do form_for(unquote_splicing([form_data, action]), []) end end @doc """ Generates a form tag with a form builder and a block. The form builder will be available inside the block through the `form` variable. This is a wrapper around the `Phoenix.HTML.Form.form_for/4` function and accepts all of the same options. ## Example ``` temple do form_for @conn, Routes.some_path(@conn, :create) do text_input form, :name end end # {:safe, # "
# # # #
"} ``` """ defmacro form_for(form_data, action, opts \\ [], block) do quote location: :keep do var!(form) = HTML.Form.form_for(unquote_splicing([form_data, action, opts])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), var!(form) |> HTML.Safe.to_iodata()) _ = unquote(block) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), "") end end @helpers [ :checkbox, :color_input, :date_input, :date_select, :datetime_local_input, :datetime_select, :email_input, :file_input, :hidden_input, :number_input, :password_input, :range_input, :search_input, :telephone_input, :text_input, :time_input, :time_select, :url_input ] for helper <- @helpers do @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.#{helper}/3` for details. """ defmacro unquote(helper)(form, field, opts \\ []) do helper = unquote(helper) quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = apply(Phoenix.HTML.Form, unquote(helper), [unquote_splicing([form, field, opts])]) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.textarea/3` for details. Note: Temple defines this function as `text_area` with an underscore, whereas Phoenix.HTML defines it as `textarea` without an underscore. """ defmacro text_area(form, field, opts \\ []) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.textarea(unquote_splicing([form, field, opts])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.reset/2` for details. """ defmacro reset(value, opts \\ []) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.reset(unquote_splicing([value, opts])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.submit/1` for details. """ defmacro submit(do: block) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.submit(do: temple(do: unquote(block))) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end defmacro submit(value) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.submit(unquote(value)) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.submit/1` for details. """ defmacro submit(opts, do: block) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.submit(unquote(opts), do: temple(do: unquote(block))) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end defmacro submit(value, opts) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.submit(unquote_splicing([value, opts])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.label/2` for details. """ defmacro phx_label(form, field) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.label(unquote_splicing([form, field])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.label/3` for details. """ defmacro phx_label(form, field, do: block) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.label(unquote_splicing([form, field]), do: temple(do: unquote(block))) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end defmacro phx_label(form, field, text_or_opts) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.label(unquote_splicing([form, field, text_or_opts])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.label/4` for details. """ defmacro phx_label(form, field, opts, do: block) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.label(unquote_splicing([form, field, opts]), do: temple(do: unquote(block)) ) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end defmacro phx_label(form, field, text, opts) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.label(unquote_splicing([form, field, text, opts])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.radio_button/4` for details. """ defmacro radio_button(form, field, value, attrs \\ []) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.radio_button(unquote_splicing([form, field, value, attrs])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `Phoenix.HTML.Form.multiple_select/4` for details. """ defmacro multiple_select(form, field, options, attrs \\ []) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.multiple_select(unquote_splicing([form, field, options, attrs])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Please see `` for details. """ defmacro select(form, field, options, attrs \\ []) do quote location: :keep do {:safe, input} =[form, field, options, attrs])) Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), input) end end @doc """ Generate a new form builder for the given parameter in form. The form builder will be available inside the block through the `inner_form` variable. This is a wrapper around the `Phoenix.HTML.Form.inputs_for/4` function and accepts all of the same options. ## Example ``` temple do form_for @parent, Routes.some_path(@conn, :create) do text_input form, :name inputs_for form, :job do text_input inner_form, :description end inputs_for form, :children do text_input inner_form, :name end end end # {:safe, # "
# # # # # # # # #
"} ``` """ defmacro inputs_for(form, field, options \\ [], do: block) do quote location: :keep do form = unquote(form) field = unquote(field) options = unquote(options) options = form.options |> Keyword.take([:multipart]) |> Keyword.merge(options) form.impl.to_form(form.source, form, field, options) |> Enum.each(fn form ->, fn {k, v} -> {:safe, hidden_input} = Phoenix.HTML.Form.hidden_input(form, k, value: v) hidden_input end) |> Enum.each(&Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), &1)) var!(inner_form) = form _ = unquote(block) end) end end end