defmodule Temple.Support.Utils do defmacro __using__(_) do quote do import Kernel, except: [==: 2, =~: 2] import unquote(__MODULE__) end end def a == b when is_binary(a) and is_binary(b) do a = String.replace(a, "\n", "") b = String.replace(b, "\n", "") Kernel.==(a, b) end def a =~ b when is_binary(a) and is_binary(b) do a = String.replace(a, "\n", "") b = String.replace(b, "\n", "") Kernel.=~(a, b) end def evaluate_template(template) do template |> EEx.compile_string(engine: Phoenix.HTML.Engine) |> Code.eval_quoted([]) |> elem(0) |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string() end end