section class: "phx-hero" do h1 do gettext("Welcome to %{name}!", name: "Phoenix") end c Outer, outer_id: "hello" do "inner content of outer" end case @text do "staging" -> p do "Peace-of-mind from prototype to staging" end _ -> p do "Peace-of-mind from prototype to production" end end end section class: "row" do article class: "column" do h2 do: "Resources" ul do li do a href: "" do "Guides & Docs" end end li do a href: "" do "Source" end end li do a href: "" do "v1.5 Changelog" end end end end article class: "column" do h2 do: "Help" ul do li do a href: "" do "Forum" end end li do a href: "" do "#elixir-lang on Freenode IRC" end end li do a href: "" do "Twitter @elixirphoenix" end end li do a href: "" do "Elixir on Slack" end end end end end