defmodule Temple.Ast.AnonymousFunctionsTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Temple.Ast.AnonymousFunctions describe "applicable?/1" do test "returns true when the node contains an anonymous function as an argument to a function" do raw_asts = [ quote do form_for(changeset, Routes.foo_path(conn, :create), fn form -> Does.something!(form) end) end ] for raw_ast <- raw_asts do assert AnonymousFunctions.applicable?(raw_ast) end end test "returns false when the node is anything other than an anonymous function as an argument to a function" do raw_asts = [ quote do Temple.div do "foo" end end, quote do link to: "/the/route" do "Label" end end ] for raw_ast <- raw_asts do refute AnonymousFunctions.applicable?(raw_ast) end end end describe "run/2" do test "adds a node to the buffer" do expected_child = quote do Does.something!(form) end raw_ast = quote do form_for(changeset, Routes.foo_path(conn, :create), fn form -> unquote(expected_child) end) end ast = assert %AnonymousFunctions{ elixir_ast: _, children: [ %Temple.Ast.Default{ elixir_ast: ^expected_child } ] } = ast end end end