defmodule TempleTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true use Temple use Temple.Support.Utils test "renders an attribute on a div passed as a variable" do result = temple do div class: "hello" do div class: "hi" end end assert result == ~s"""
""" end test "renders void element" do result = temple do input name: "password" end assert result == ~s{} end test "renders a text node from the text keyword with siblings" do result = temple do div class: "hello" do "hi" "foo" end end assert result == ~s"""
hi foo
""" end test "renders a variable text node as eex" do result = temple do div class: "hello" do foo end end assert result == ~s"""
<%= foo %>
""" end test "renders an assign text node as eex" do result = temple do div class: "hello" do @foo end end assert result == ~s"""
<%= @foo %>
""" end test "renders a match expression" do result = temple do x = 420 div do "blaze it" end end assert result == ~s""" <% x = 420 %>
blaze it
""" end test "renders a non-match expression" do result = temple do IO.inspect(:foo) div do "bar" end end assert result == ~s""" <%= IO.inspect(:foo) %>
""" end test "renders an expression in attr as eex" do result = temple do div class: foo <> " bar" end assert result == ~s| " bar")} %>>| end test "renders an attribute on a div passed as a variable as eex" do result = temple do div class:[:one, :two], fn x -> x end) do div class: "hi" end end assert result == ~s""" x end))} %>>
""" end test "renders a for comprehension as eex" do result = temple do for x <- 1..5 do div class: "hi" end end assert result == ~s""" <%= for(x <- 1..5) do %>
<% end %> """ end test "renders an if expression as eex" do result = temple do if true == false do div class: "hi" end end assert result == ~s""" <%= if(true == false) do %>
<% end %> """ end test "renders an if/else expression as eex" do result = temple do if true == false do div class: "hi" else div class: "haha" end end assert result == ~s""" <%= if(true == false) do %>
<% else %>
<% end %> """ end test "renders an unless expression as eex" do result = temple do unless true == false do div class: "hi" end end assert result == ~s""" <%= unless(true == false) do %>
<% end %> """ end test "renders a case expression as eex" do result = temple do case @foo do :baz -> some_component(form: @form) end end expected = ~S""" <%= case(@foo) do %> <% :baz -> %> <%= some_component(form: @form) %> <% end %> """ assert result == expected end test "renders multiline anonymous function with 1 arg before the function" do result = temple do form_for(Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), fn f -> "Name: " text_input(f, :name) end) end assert result == ~s""" <%= form_for Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), fn f -> %> Name: <%= text_input(f, :name) %> <% end %> """ end test "renders multiline anonymous functions with 2 args before the function" do result = temple do form_for(@changeset, Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), fn f -> "Name: " text_input(f, :name) end) end assert result == ~s""" <%= form_for @changeset, Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), fn f -> %> Name: <%= text_input(f, :name) %> <% end %> """ end test "renders multiline anonymous functions with complex nested children" do result = temple do form_for(@changeset, Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), fn f -> div do "Name: " text_input(f, :name) end end) end assert result == ~s""" <%= form_for @changeset, Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), fn f -> %>
Name: <%= text_input(f, :name) %>
<% end %> """ end test "renders multiline anonymous function with 3 arg before the function" do result = temple do form_for(@changeset, Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), [foo: :bar], fn f -> "Name: " text_input(f, :name) end) end assert result == ~s""" <%= form_for @changeset, Routes.user_path(@conn, :create), [foo: :bar], fn f -> %> Name: <%= text_input(f, :name) %> <% end %> """ end test "renders multiline anonymous function with 1 arg before the function and 1 arg after" do result = temple do form_for( @changeset, fn f -> "Name: " text_input(f, :name) end, foo: :bar ) end assert result == ~s""" <%= form_for @changeset, fn f -> %> Name: <%= text_input(f, :name) %> <% end, [foo: :bar] %> """ end test "tags prefixed with Temple. should be interpreted as temple tags" do result = temple do div do Temple.span do "bob" end end end assert result == ~s"""
""" end test "can pass do as an arg instead of a block" do result = temple do div class: "font-bold" do "Hello, world" end div class: "font-bold", do: "Hello, world" div do: "Hello, world" end assert result == ~s"""
Hello, world
Hello, world
Hello, world
""" end test "for with 2 generators" do result = temple do for x <- 1..5, y <- 6..10 do div do: x div do: y end end assert result == ~s""" <%= for(x <- 1..5, y <- 6..10) do %>
<%= x %>
<%= y %>
<% end %> """ end test "can pass an expression as assigns" do result = temple do fieldset if true == false, do: [disabled: true], else: [] do input type: "text" end end assert result == ~s""" > """ end test "can pass a variable as assigns" do result = temple do fieldset foo_bar do input type: "text" end end assert result == ~s""" > """ end test "can pass a function as assigns" do result = temple do fieldset Foo.foo_bar() do input type: "text" end end assert result == ~s""" > """ end test "hr tag works" do assigns = %{foo: [class: "foofoo"]} result = temple do div do: "foo" hr() div do: "foo" hr @foo div do: "bar" hr class: "foofoo" div do: "bar" end assert evaluate_template(result, assigns) == ~s"""



""" end test "boolean attributes" do assigns = %{is_true: true, is_false: false} result = temple do input type: "text", disabled: true input type: "text", disabled: false input type: "text", disabled: @is_true input type: "text", disabled: @is_false end assert evaluate_template(result, assigns) == ~s{\n\n\n} end test "class attribute can be pass a keyword list of class/boolean pairs" do assigns = %{is_true: true, is_false: false} result = temple do div class: ["text-blue": @is_false, "text-red": true] do "foo" end end assert evaluate_template(result, assigns) == ~s"""
""" end end