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defmodule Temple.Html do
require Temple.Elements
@moduledoc """
The `Temple.Html` module defines macros for all HTML5 compliant elements.
`Temple.Html` macros must be called inside of a `Temple.temple/1` block.
*Note*: Only the lowest arity macros are documented. Void elements are defined as a 1-arity macro and non-void elements are defined as 0, 1, and 2-arity macros.
## Attributes
Html accept a keyword list or a map of attributes to be emitted into the element's opening tag. Multi-word attribute keys written in snake_case (`data_url`) will be transformed into kebab-case (`data-url`).
## Children
Non-void elements (such as `div`) accept a block that can be used to nest other tags or text nodes. These blocks can contain arbitrary Elixir code such as variables and for comprehensions.
If you are only emitting a text node within a block, you can use the shortened syntax by passing the text in as the first parameter of the tag.
## Example
temple do
# empty non-void element
# non-void element with keyword list attributes
div class: "text-red", id: "my-el"
# non-void element with map attributes
div %{:class => "text-red", "id" => "my-el"}
# non-void element with children
div do
text "Hello, world!"
for name <- @names do
div data_name: name
# non-void element with a single text node
div "Hello, world!", class: "text-green"
# void elements
input name: "comments", placeholder: "Enter a comment..."
# {:safe,
# "<div></div>
# <div class=\"text-red\" id=\"my-el\"></div>
# <div>
# Hello, world!
# <div data-name=\"Alice\"></div>
# <div data-name=\"Bob\"></div>
# <div data-name=\"Carol\"></div>
# </div>
# <div class=\"text-green\">Hello, world!</div>
# <input name=\"comments\" placeholder=\"Enter a comment...\">"
# }
@nonvoid_elements ~w[
head title style script
noscript template
body section nav article aside h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
header footer address main
p pre blockquote ol ul li dl dt dd figure figcaption div
a em strong small s cite q dfn abbr data time code var samp kbd
sub sup i b u mark ruby rt rp bdi bdo span
ins del
iframe object video audio canvas
table caption colgroup tbody thead tfoot tr td th
form fieldset legend label button select datalist optgroup
option textarea output progress meter
details summary menuitem menu
@void_elements ~w[
meta link base
area br col embed hr img input keygen param source track wbr
@doc false
def nonvoid_elements, do: @nonvoid_elements
@doc false
def void_elements, do: @void_elements
for el <- @nonvoid_elements do
Temple.Elements.defelement(unquote(el), :nonvoid)
for el <- @void_elements do
Temple.Elements.defelement(unquote(el), :void)
defmacro html(attrs \\ [], [{:do, _inner}] = block) do
doc_type =
quote location: :keep do
Temple.Utils.put_buffer(var!(buff, Temple.Html), "<!DOCTYPE html>")
[doc_type, Temple.Elements.nonvoid_element(:html, attrs, block)]