# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils do alias Ecto.Changeset alias Ecto.UUID alias Pleroma.Activity alias Pleroma.Notification alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Visibility alias Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AccountView alias Pleroma.Web.Endpoint alias Pleroma.Web.Router.Helpers import Ecto.Query require Logger require Pleroma.Constants @supported_object_types ["Article", "Note", "Video", "Page", "Question", "Answer", "Audio"] @strip_status_report_states ~w(closed resolved) @supported_report_states ~w(open closed resolved) @valid_visibilities ~w(public unlisted private direct) # Some implementations send the actor URI as the actor field, others send the entire actor object, # so figure out what the actor's URI is based on what we have. def get_ap_id(%{"id" => id} = _), do: id def get_ap_id(id), do: id def normalize_params(params) do Map.put(params, "actor", get_ap_id(params["actor"])) end @spec determine_explicit_mentions(map()) :: map() def determine_explicit_mentions(%{"tag" => tag} = _) when is_list(tag) do Enum.flat_map(tag, fn %{"type" => "Mention", "href" => href} -> [href] _ -> [] end) end def determine_explicit_mentions(%{"tag" => tag} = object) when is_map(tag) do object |> Map.put("tag", [tag]) |> determine_explicit_mentions() end def determine_explicit_mentions(_), do: [] @spec recipient_in_collection(any(), any()) :: boolean() defp recipient_in_collection(ap_id, coll) when is_binary(coll), do: ap_id == coll defp recipient_in_collection(ap_id, coll) when is_list(coll), do: ap_id in coll defp recipient_in_collection(_, _), do: false @spec recipient_in_message(User.t(), User.t(), map()) :: boolean() def recipient_in_message(%User{ap_id: ap_id} = recipient, %User{} = actor, params) do addresses = [params["to"], params["cc"], params["bto"], params["bcc"]] cond do Enum.any?(addresses, &recipient_in_collection(ap_id, &1)) -> true # if the message is unaddressed at all, then assume it is directly addressed # to the recipient Enum.all?(addresses, &is_nil(&1)) -> true # if the message is sent from somebody the user is following, then assume it # is addressed to the recipient User.following?(recipient, actor) -> true true -> false end end defp extract_list(target) when is_binary(target), do: [target] defp extract_list(lst) when is_list(lst), do: lst defp extract_list(_), do: [] def maybe_splice_recipient(ap_id, params) do need_splice? = !recipient_in_collection(ap_id, params["to"]) && !recipient_in_collection(ap_id, params["cc"]) if need_splice? do cc_list = extract_list(params["cc"]) Map.put(params, "cc", [ap_id | cc_list]) else params end end def make_json_ld_header do %{ "@context" => [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "#{Web.base_url()}/schemas/litepub-0.1.jsonld", %{ "@language" => "und" } ] } end def make_date do DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_iso8601() end def generate_activity_id do generate_id("activities") end def generate_context_id do generate_id("contexts") end def generate_object_id do Helpers.o_status_url(Endpoint, :object, UUID.generate()) end def generate_id(type) do "#{Web.base_url()}/#{type}/#{UUID.generate()}" end def get_notified_from_object(%{"type" => type} = object) when type in @supported_object_types do fake_create_activity = %{ "to" => object["to"], "cc" => object["cc"], "type" => "Create", "object" => object } get_notified_from_object(fake_create_activity) end def get_notified_from_object(object) do Notification.get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: object}, false) end def create_context(context) do context = context || generate_id("contexts") # Ecto has problems accessing the constraint inside the jsonb, # so we explicitly check for the existed object before insert object = Object.get_cached_by_ap_id(context) with true <- is_nil(object), changeset <- Object.context_mapping(context), {:ok, inserted_object} <- Repo.insert(changeset) do inserted_object else _ -> object end end @doc """ Enqueues an activity for federation if it's local """ @spec maybe_federate(any()) :: :ok def maybe_federate(%Activity{local: true} = activity) do if Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :federating]) do Pleroma.Web.Federator.publish(activity) end :ok end def maybe_federate(_), do: :ok @doc """ Adds an id and a published data if they aren't there, also adds it to an included object """ @spec lazy_put_activity_defaults(map(), boolean) :: map() def lazy_put_activity_defaults(map, fake? \\ false) def lazy_put_activity_defaults(map, true) do map |> Map.put_new("id", "pleroma:fakeid") |> Map.put_new_lazy("published", &make_date/0) |> Map.put_new("context", "pleroma:fakecontext") |> Map.put_new("context_id", -1) |> lazy_put_object_defaults(true) end def lazy_put_activity_defaults(map, _fake?) do %{data: %{"id" => context}, id: context_id} = create_context(map["context"]) map |> Map.put_new_lazy("id", &generate_activity_id/0) |> Map.put_new_lazy("published", &make_date/0) |> Map.put_new("context", context) |> Map.put_new("context_id", context_id) |> lazy_put_object_defaults(false) end # Adds an id and published date if they aren't there. # @spec lazy_put_object_defaults(map(), boolean()) :: map() defp lazy_put_object_defaults(%{"object" => map} = activity, true) when is_map(map) do object = map |> Map.put_new("id", "pleroma:fake_object_id") |> Map.put_new_lazy("published", &make_date/0) |> Map.put_new("context", activity["context"]) |> Map.put_new("context_id", activity["context_id"]) |> Map.put_new("fake", true) %{activity | "object" => object} end defp lazy_put_object_defaults(%{"object" => map} = activity, _) when is_map(map) do object = map |> Map.put_new_lazy("id", &generate_object_id/0) |> Map.put_new_lazy("published", &make_date/0) |> Map.put_new("context", activity["context"]) |> Map.put_new("context_id", activity["context_id"]) %{activity | "object" => object} end defp lazy_put_object_defaults(activity, _), do: activity @doc """ Inserts a full object if it is contained in an activity. """ def insert_full_object(%{"object" => %{"type" => type} = object_data} = map) when is_map(object_data) and type in @supported_object_types do with {:ok, object} <- Object.create(object_data) do map = Map.put(map, "object", object.data["id"]) {:ok, map, object} end end def insert_full_object(map), do: {:ok, map, nil} #### Like-related helpers @doc """ Returns an existing like if a user already liked an object """ @spec get_existing_like(String.t(), map()) :: Activity.t() | nil def get_existing_like(actor, %{data: %{"id" => id}}) do actor |> Activity.Queries.by_actor() |> Activity.Queries.by_object_id(id) |> Activity.Queries.by_type("Like") |> limit(1) |> Repo.one() end @spec make_like_data(User.t(), map(), String.t()) :: map() def make_like_data( %User{ap_id: ap_id} = actor, %{data: %{"actor" => object_actor_id, "id" => id}} = object, activity_id ) do object_actor = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(object_actor_id) to = if Visibility.is_public?(object) do [actor.follower_address, object.data["actor"]] else [object.data["actor"]] end cc = (object.data["to"] ++ (object.data["cc"] || [])) |> List.delete(actor.ap_id) |> List.delete(object_actor.follower_address) %{ "type" => "Like", "actor" => ap_id, "object" => id, "to" => to, "cc" => cc, "context" => object.data["context"] } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end @spec update_element_in_object(String.t(), list(any), Object.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def update_element_in_object(property, element, object) do data = Map.merge( object.data, %{"#{property}_count" => length(element), "#{property}s" => element} ) object |> Changeset.change(data: data) |> Object.update_and_set_cache() end @spec add_like_to_object(Activity.t(), Object.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def add_like_to_object(%Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, object) do [actor | fetch_likes(object)] |> Enum.uniq() |> update_likes_in_object(object) end @spec remove_like_from_object(Activity.t(), Object.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def remove_like_from_object(%Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, object) do object |> fetch_likes() |> List.delete(actor) |> update_likes_in_object(object) end defp update_likes_in_object(likes, object) do update_element_in_object("like", likes, object) end defp fetch_likes(object) do if is_list(object.data["likes"]) do object.data["likes"] else [] end end #### Follow-related helpers @doc """ Updates a follow activity's state (for locked accounts). """ @spec update_follow_state_for_all(Activity.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, Activity} | {:error, any()} def update_follow_state_for_all( %Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor, "object" => object}} = activity, state ) do "Follow" |> Activity.Queries.by_type() |> Activity.Queries.by_actor(actor) |> Activity.Queries.by_object_id(object) |> where(fragment("data->>'state' = 'pending'")) |> update(set: [data: fragment("jsonb_set(data, '{state}', ?)", ^state)]) |> Repo.update_all([]) User.set_follow_state_cache(actor, object, state) activity = Activity.get_by_id(activity.id) {:ok, activity} end def update_follow_state( %Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor, "object" => object}} = activity, state ) do new_data = Map.put(activity.data, "state", state) changeset = Changeset.change(activity, data: new_data) with {:ok, activity} <- Repo.update(changeset) do User.set_follow_state_cache(actor, object, state) {:ok, activity} end end @doc """ Makes a follow activity data for the given follower and followed """ def make_follow_data( %User{ap_id: follower_id}, %User{ap_id: followed_id} = _followed, activity_id ) do %{ "type" => "Follow", "actor" => follower_id, "to" => [followed_id], "cc" => [Pleroma.Constants.as_public()], "object" => followed_id, "state" => "pending" } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end def fetch_latest_follow(%User{ap_id: follower_id}, %User{ap_id: followed_id}) do "Follow" |> Activity.Queries.by_type() |> where(actor: ^follower_id) # this is to use the index |> Activity.Queries.by_object_id(followed_id) |> order_by([activity], fragment("? desc nulls last", activity.id)) |> limit(1) |> Repo.one() end #### Announce-related helpers @doc """ Retruns an existing announce activity if the notice has already been announced """ @spec get_existing_announce(String.t(), map()) :: Activity.t() | nil def get_existing_announce(actor, %{data: %{"id" => ap_id}}) do "Announce" |> Activity.Queries.by_type() |> where(actor: ^actor) # this is to use the index |> Activity.Queries.by_object_id(ap_id) |> Repo.one() end @doc """ Make announce activity data for the given actor and object """ # for relayed messages, we only want to send to subscribers def make_announce_data( %User{ap_id: ap_id} = user, %Object{data: %{"id" => id}} = object, activity_id, false ) do %{ "type" => "Announce", "actor" => ap_id, "object" => id, "to" => [user.follower_address], "cc" => [], "context" => object.data["context"] } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end def make_announce_data( %User{ap_id: ap_id} = user, %Object{data: %{"id" => id}} = object, activity_id, true ) do %{ "type" => "Announce", "actor" => ap_id, "object" => id, "to" => [user.follower_address, object.data["actor"]], "cc" => [Pleroma.Constants.as_public()], "context" => object.data["context"] } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end @doc """ Make unannounce activity data for the given actor and object """ def make_unannounce_data( %User{ap_id: ap_id} = user, %Activity{data: %{"context" => context, "object" => object}} = activity, activity_id ) do object = Object.normalize(object) %{ "type" => "Undo", "actor" => ap_id, "object" => activity.data, "to" => [user.follower_address, object.data["actor"]], "cc" => [Pleroma.Constants.as_public()], "context" => context } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end def make_unlike_data( %User{ap_id: ap_id} = user, %Activity{data: %{"context" => context, "object" => object}} = activity, activity_id ) do object = Object.normalize(object) %{ "type" => "Undo", "actor" => ap_id, "object" => activity.data, "to" => [user.follower_address, object.data["actor"]], "cc" => [Pleroma.Constants.as_public()], "context" => context } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end @spec add_announce_to_object(Activity.t(), Object.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def add_announce_to_object( %Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, object ) do announcements = take_announcements(object) with announcements <- Enum.uniq([actor | announcements]) do update_element_in_object("announcement", announcements, object) end end def add_announce_to_object(_, object), do: {:ok, object} @spec remove_announce_from_object(Activity.t(), Object.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def remove_announce_from_object(%Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, object) do with announcements <- List.delete(take_announcements(object), actor) do update_element_in_object("announcement", announcements, object) end end defp take_announcements(%{data: %{"announcements" => announcements}} = _) when is_list(announcements), do: announcements defp take_announcements(_), do: [] #### Unfollow-related helpers def make_unfollow_data(follower, followed, follow_activity, activity_id) do %{ "type" => "Undo", "actor" => follower.ap_id, "to" => [followed.ap_id], "object" => follow_activity.data } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end #### Block-related helpers @spec fetch_latest_block(User.t(), User.t()) :: Activity.t() | nil def fetch_latest_block(%User{ap_id: blocker_id}, %User{ap_id: blocked_id}) do "Block" |> Activity.Queries.by_type() |> where(actor: ^blocker_id) # this is to use the index |> Activity.Queries.by_object_id(blocked_id) |> order_by([activity], fragment("? desc nulls last", activity.id)) |> limit(1) |> Repo.one() end def make_block_data(blocker, blocked, activity_id) do %{ "type" => "Block", "actor" => blocker.ap_id, "to" => [blocked.ap_id], "object" => blocked.ap_id } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end def make_unblock_data(blocker, blocked, block_activity, activity_id) do %{ "type" => "Undo", "actor" => blocker.ap_id, "to" => [blocked.ap_id], "object" => block_activity.data } |> maybe_put("id", activity_id) end #### Create-related helpers def make_create_data(params, additional) do published = params.published || make_date() %{ "type" => "Create", "to" => params.to |> Enum.uniq(), "actor" => params.actor.ap_id, "object" => params.object, "published" => published, "context" => params.context } |> Map.merge(additional) end #### Listen-related helpers def make_listen_data(params, additional) do published = params.published || make_date() %{ "type" => "Listen", "to" => params.to |> Enum.uniq(), "actor" => params.actor.ap_id, "object" => params.object, "published" => published, "context" => params.context } |> Map.merge(additional) end #### Flag-related helpers @spec make_flag_data(map(), map()) :: map() def make_flag_data(%{actor: actor, context: context, content: content} = params, additional) do %{ "type" => "Flag", "actor" => actor.ap_id, "content" => content, "object" => build_flag_object(params), "context" => context, "state" => "open" } |> Map.merge(additional) end def make_flag_data(_, _), do: %{} defp build_flag_object(%{account: account, statuses: statuses} = _) do [account.ap_id] ++ Enum.map(statuses || [], fn act -> id = case act do %Activity{} = act -> act.data["id"] act when is_map(act) -> act["id"] act when is_binary(act) -> act end activity = Activity.get_by_ap_id_with_object(id) actor = User.get_by_ap_id(activity.object.data["actor"]) %{ "type" => "Note", "id" => activity.data["id"], "content" => activity.object.data["content"], "published" => activity.object.data["published"], "actor" => AccountView.render("show.json", %{user: actor}) } end) end defp build_flag_object(_), do: [] @doc """ Fetches the OrderedCollection/OrderedCollectionPage from `from`, limiting the amount of pages fetched after the first one to `pages_left` pages. If the amount of pages is higher than the collection has, it returns whatever was there. """ def fetch_ordered_collection(from, pages_left, acc \\ []) do with {:ok, response} <- Tesla.get(from), {:ok, collection} <- Jason.decode(response.body) do case collection["type"] do "OrderedCollection" -> # If we've encountered the OrderedCollection and not the page, # just call the same function on the page address fetch_ordered_collection(collection["first"], pages_left) "OrderedCollectionPage" -> if pages_left > 0 do # There are still more pages if Map.has_key?(collection, "next") do # There are still more pages, go deeper saving what we have into the accumulator fetch_ordered_collection( collection["next"], pages_left - 1, acc ++ collection["orderedItems"] ) else # No more pages left, just return whatever we already have acc ++ collection["orderedItems"] end else # Got the amount of pages needed, add them all to the accumulator acc ++ collection["orderedItems"] end _ -> {:error, "Not an OrderedCollection or OrderedCollectionPage"} end end end #### Report-related helpers def update_report_state(%Activity{} = activity, state) when state in @strip_status_report_states do {:ok, stripped_activity} = strip_report_status_data(activity) new_data = activity.data |> Map.put("state", state) |> Map.put("object", stripped_activity.data["object"]) activity |> Changeset.change(data: new_data) |> Repo.update() end def update_report_state(%Activity{} = activity, state) when state in @supported_report_states do new_data = Map.put(activity.data, "state", state) activity |> Changeset.change(data: new_data) |> Repo.update() end def update_report_state(_, _), do: {:error, "Unsupported state"} def strip_report_status_data(activity) do [actor | reported_activities] = activity.data["object"] stripped_activities = Enum.map(reported_activities, & &1["id"]) new_data = put_in(activity.data, ["object"], [actor | stripped_activities]) {:ok, %{activity | data: new_data}} end def update_activity_visibility(activity, visibility) when visibility in @valid_visibilities do [to, cc, recipients] = activity |> get_updated_targets(visibility) |> Enum.map(&Enum.uniq/1) object_data = activity.object.data |> Map.put("to", to) |> Map.put("cc", cc) {:ok, object} = activity.object |> Object.change(%{data: object_data}) |> Object.update_and_set_cache() activity_data = activity.data |> Map.put("to", to) |> Map.put("cc", cc) activity |> Map.put(:object, object) |> Activity.change(%{data: activity_data, recipients: recipients}) |> Repo.update() end def update_activity_visibility(_, _), do: {:error, "Unsupported visibility"} defp get_updated_targets( %Activity{data: %{"to" => to} = data, recipients: recipients}, visibility ) do cc = Map.get(data, "cc", []) follower_address = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(data["actor"]).follower_address public = Pleroma.Constants.as_public() case visibility do "public" -> to = [public | List.delete(to, follower_address)] cc = [follower_address | List.delete(cc, public)] recipients = [public | recipients] [to, cc, recipients] "private" -> to = [follower_address | List.delete(to, public)] cc = List.delete(cc, public) recipients = List.delete(recipients, public) [to, cc, recipients] "unlisted" -> to = [follower_address | List.delete(to, public)] cc = [public | List.delete(cc, follower_address)] recipients = recipients ++ [follower_address, public] [to, cc, recipients] _ -> [to, cc, recipients] end end def get_existing_votes(actor, %{data: %{"id" => id}}) do actor |> Activity.Queries.by_actor() |> Activity.Queries.by_type("Create") |> Activity.with_preloaded_object() |> where([a, object: o], fragment("(?)->>'inReplyTo' = ?", o.data, ^to_string(id))) |> where([a, object: o], fragment("(?)->>'type' = 'Answer'", o.data)) |> Repo.all() end def maybe_put(map, _key, nil), do: map def maybe_put(map, key, value), do: Map.put(map, key, value) end