# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 do @behaviour Pleroma.Uploaders.Uploader require Logger alias Pleroma.Config # The file name is re-encoded with S3's constraints here to comply with previous # links with less strict filenames @impl true def get_file(file) do config = Config.get([__MODULE__]) bucket = Keyword.fetch!(config, :bucket) bucket_with_namespace = cond do truncated_namespace = Keyword.get(config, :truncated_namespace) -> truncated_namespace namespace = Keyword.get(config, :bucket_namespace) -> namespace <> ":" <> bucket true -> bucket end {:ok, {:url, Path.join([ Keyword.fetch!(config, :public_endpoint), bucket_with_namespace, strict_encode(URI.decode(file)) ])}} end @impl true def put_file(%Pleroma.Upload{} = upload) do config = Config.get([__MODULE__]) bucket = Keyword.get(config, :bucket) streaming = Keyword.get(config, :streaming_enabled) s3_name = strict_encode(upload.path) op = if streaming do op = upload.tempfile |> ExAws.S3.Upload.stream_file() |> ExAws.S3.upload(bucket, s3_name, [ {:acl, :public_read}, {:content_type, upload.content_type} ]) if Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Gun do # set s3 upload timeout to respect :upload pool timeout # timeout should be slightly larger, so s3 can retry upload on fail timeout = Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.Gun.pool_timeout(:upload) + 1_000 opts = Keyword.put(op.opts, :timeout, timeout) Map.put(op, :opts, opts) else op end else {:ok, file_data} = File.read(upload.tempfile) ExAws.S3.put_object(bucket, s3_name, file_data, [ {:acl, :public_read}, {:content_type, upload.content_type} ]) end case ExAws.request(op) do {:ok, _} -> {:ok, {:file, s3_name}} error -> Logger.error("#{__MODULE__}: #{inspect(error)}") {:error, "S3 Upload failed"} end end @impl true def delete_file(file) do [__MODULE__, :bucket] |> Config.get() |> ExAws.S3.delete_object(file) |> ExAws.request() |> case do {:ok, %{status_code: 204}} -> :ok error -> {:error, inspect(error)} end end @regex Regex.compile!("[^0-9a-zA-Z!.*/'()_-]") def strict_encode(name) do String.replace(name, @regex, "-") end end