# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Config.DeprecationWarnings do alias Pleroma.Config require Logger alias Pleroma.Config @type config_namespace() :: [atom()] @type config_map() :: {config_namespace(), config_namespace(), String.t()} @mrf_config_map [ {[:instance, :rewrite_policy], [:mrf, :policies], "\n* `config :pleroma, :instance, rewrite_policy` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, policies`"}, {[:instance, :mrf_transparency], [:mrf, :transparency], "\n* `config :pleroma, :instance, mrf_transparency` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency`"}, {[:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions], [:mrf, :transparency_exclusions], "\n* `config :pleroma, :instance, mrf_transparency_exclusions` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency_exclusions`"} ] def check_hellthread_threshold do if Config.get([:mrf_hellthread, :threshold]) do Logger.warn(""" !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! You are using the old configuration mechanism for the hellthread filter. Please check config.md. """) end end def mrf_user_allowlist do config = Config.get(:mrf_user_allowlist) if config && Enum.any?(config, fn {k, _} -> is_atom(k) end) do rewritten = Enum.reduce(Config.get(:mrf_user_allowlist), Map.new(), fn {k, v}, acc -> Map.put(acc, to_string(k), v) end) Config.put(:mrf_user_allowlist, rewritten) Logger.error(""" !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! As of Pleroma 2.0.7, the `mrf_user_allowlist` setting changed of format. Pleroma 2.1 will remove support for the old format. Please change your configuration to match this: config :pleroma, :mrf_user_allowlist, #{inspect(rewritten, pretty: true)} """) end end def warn do check_hellthread_threshold() mrf_user_allowlist() check_old_mrf_config() check_media_proxy_whitelist_config() check_welcome_message_config() end def check_welcome_message_config do instance_config = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance]) use_old_config = Keyword.has_key?(instance_config, :welcome_user_nickname) or Keyword.has_key?(instance_config, :welcome_message) if use_old_config do Logger.error(""" !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using the old namespace for Welcome messages configuration. You need to change to the new namespace: \n* `config :pleroma, :instance, welcome_user_nickname` is now `config :pleroma, :welcome, :direct_message, :sender_nickname` \n* `config :pleroma, :instance, welcome_message` is now `config :pleroma, :welcome, :direct_message, :message` """) end end def check_old_mrf_config do warning_preface = """ !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using old namespaces for MRF configuration. They should work for now, but you are advised to change to new namespaces to prevent possible issues later: """ move_namespace_and_warn(@mrf_config_map, warning_preface) end @spec move_namespace_and_warn([config_map()], String.t()) :: :ok | nil def move_namespace_and_warn(config_map, warning_preface) do warning = Enum.reduce(config_map, "", fn {old, new, err_msg}, acc -> old_config = Config.get(old) if old_config do Config.put(new, old_config) acc <> err_msg else acc end end) if warning != "" do Logger.warn(warning_preface <> warning) end end @spec check_media_proxy_whitelist_config() :: :ok | nil def check_media_proxy_whitelist_config do whitelist = Config.get([:media_proxy, :whitelist]) if Enum.any?(whitelist, &(not String.starts_with?(&1, "http"))) do Logger.warn(""" !!!DEPRECATION WARNING!!! Your config is using old format (only domain) for MediaProxy whitelist option. Setting should work for now, but you are advised to change format to scheme with port to prevent possible issues later. """) end end end