remove unused locale strings

This commit is contained in:
Johann150 2022-07-31 21:26:46 +02:00
parent bc79d721c8
commit 95d92a711a
Signed by: Johann150
GPG key ID: 9EE6577A2A06F8F1
25 changed files with 0 additions and 4809 deletions

View file

@ -1229,7 +1229,6 @@ _pages:
liked: "الصفحات المُعجب بها"
featured: "الأكثر شعبية"
contents: "المحتوى"
variables: "متغيّرات"
title: "العنوان"
url: "رابط الصفحة"
summary: "ملخص الصفحة"
@ -1240,238 +1239,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "عيّن صورة مصغّرة"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "احذف صورة مصغّرة"
chooseBlock: "إضافة كتلة"
selectType: "اختر النوع"
enterVariableName: "أدخل اسم المتغيّر"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "هذا الاسم محجوز"
contentBlocks: "المحتوى"
inputBlocks: "مُدخل"
specialBlocks: "خاص"
text: "نص"
textarea: "حقل نصي"
section: "قسم"
image: "الصور"
button: "زرّ"
variable: "متغيّر"
post: "أنشئ ملاحظة"
text: "المحتوى"
textInput: "مُدخل نصي"
name: "اسم المتغير"
text: "العنوان"
default: "القيمة الافتراضية"
textareaInput: "مدخل نصي متعدد الأسطر"
name: "اسم المتغير"
text: "العنوان"
default: "القيمة الافتراضية"
numberInput: "مُدخل رقمي"
name: "اسم المتغير"
text: "العنوان"
default: "القيمة الافتراضية"
width: "العُرض"
height: "الإرتفاع"
note: "ملاحظة مضمّنة"
id: "معرّف الملاحظة"
idDescription: "كبديل يمكنك إدخال رابك الملاحظة هنا"
detailed: "عرض مفصّل"
switch: "بدّل"
name: "اسم المتغير"
text: "العنوان"
default: "القيمة الافتراضية"
counter: "العداد"
name: "اسم المتغير"
text: "العنوان"
inc: "زِد"
text: "العنوان"
colored: "ملوّن"
action: "الإجراء عند ضغط الزّر"
dialog: "أظهر مربع حوار"
content: "المحتوى"
resetRandom: "صفِّر البذرة"
pushEvent: "أرسل حدثًا"
event: "اسم الحدث"
message: "إظهار رسالة عند التفعيل"
variable: "أرسل المتغيّر"
no-variable: "لا شيء"
functionName: "اسم الدالة"
radioButton: "الخيار "
name: "اسم المتغير"
title: "العنوان"
values: "قائمة الخيارات (كل خيار في سطر لوحده)"
default: "القيمة الافتراضية"
logical: "عمليّة منطقيّة"
operation: "حساب"
comparison: "مقارنة"
random: "عشوائي"
value: "القيم"
fn: "دوال"
text: "إجراءات على النصوص"
convert: "تحويل"
list: "القوائم"
text: "نص"
textList: "قائمة نصية"
info: "اجعل كل مدخل في سطر لوحده"
strLen: "طول النص"
arg1: "نص"
strPick: "استخرج محرفًا"
arg1: "نص"
arg2: "موضع المحرف"
strReplace: "استبدال النّص"
arg1: "نص"
arg2: "استُبدِل بـ"
arg3: "استُبدِل بـ"
strReverse: "اقلب النص"
arg1: "نص"
arg1: "القوائم"
arg2: "فاصل"
add: "إضافة"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
subtract: "اطرح"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
multiply: "اضرب"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
divide: "اقسم"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
mod: "الباقي"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
round: "تقريب عدد عشري"
arg1: "رقم"
eq: "أ و ب متساويان"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
notEq: "أ و ب مختلفان"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
and: "أ و ب"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
or: "أ أو ب"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
lt: "أ أصغر من ب"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
gt: "أ أكبر من ب"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
ltEq: "أ أصغر من أو يساوي ب"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
gtEq: "أ أكبر من أو يساوي ب"
arg1: "أ"
arg2: "ب"
if: "فرع"
random: "عشوائي"
rannum: "رقم عشوائي"
arg1: "أدنى قيمة"
arg2: "أقصى قيمة"
randomPick: "اختر عشوائيًا من القائمة"
arg1: "القوائم"
dailyRandom: "عشوائي (يتغير مرة يوميًا لكل مستخدم)"
dailyRannum: "رقم عشوائي (يتغير مرة يوميًا لكل مستخدم)"
arg1: "أدنى قيمة"
arg2: "أقصى قيمة"
dailyRandomPick: "اختيار عشوائي من قائمة (يتغير مرة يوميًا لكل مستخدم)"
arg1: "القوائم"
seedRandom: "عشوائي (عبر بذرة)"
arg1: "البذرة"
seedRannum: "رقم عشوائي (عبر بذرة)"
arg1: "البذرة"
arg2: "أدنى قيمة"
arg3: "أقصى قيمة"
seedRandomPick: "اختيار عشوائي من القائمة (عبر بذرة)"
arg1: "البذرة"
arg2: "القوائم"
DRPWPM: "اختيار عشوائي من قائمة الاحتمالات (تتغير مرة يوميًا لكل مستخدم)"
arg1: "قائمة نصية"
pick: "اختر من القائمة"
arg1: "القوائم"
arg2: "الموضع"
listLen: "طول القائمة"
arg1: "القوائم"
number: "رقم"
stringToNumber: "حوّل نصًا إلى رقم"
arg1: "نص"
numberToString: "حوّل رقمًا إلى نص"
arg1: "رقم"
arg1: "نص"
ref: "متغيّر"
aiScriptVar: "متغيّر AiScript"
fn: "دالة"
slots: "خانات"
arg1: "المُخرج"
for: "حلقة تكرار"
arg1: "عدد مرات التكرار"
arg2: "الإجراء"
typeError: "الخانة {slot} تقبل \"{expect}\" لكن القيمة المعطاة هي \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "الخانة {slot} فارغة!"
string: "نص"
number: "رقم"
array: "القوائم"
stringArray: "قائمة نصية"
emptySlot: "خانة فارغة"
enviromentVariables: "متغيرات البيئة"
pageVariables: "متغيرات الصفحة"
argVariables: "خانة إدخال"
requesting: "مُعلّق"
accepted: "مقبول"

View file

@ -1321,10 +1321,7 @@ _pages:
my: "আমার পৃষ্ঠাগুলি"
liked: "পছন্দ করা পৃষ্ঠাগুলি"
featured: "জনপ্রিয়"
inspector: "ইনিস্পেক্টর"
contents: "বিষয়বস্তু"
content: "পৃষ্ঠার ব্লক"
variables: "চলকগুলি"
title: "শিরোনাম"
url: "পৃষ্ঠার URL"
summary: "পৃষ্ঠার বর্ণনা"
@ -1335,262 +1332,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "স্যান্স সেরিফ"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "থাম্বনেইল সেট করুন"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "থাম্বনেইল সরান"
chooseBlock: "ব্লক যোগ করুন"
selectType: "ধরন নির্বাচন করুন"
enterVariableName: "চলকের নাম লিখুন"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "চলকের নামটি ইতিপূর্বে ব্যাবহৃত হয়েছে"
contentBlocks: "বিষয়বস্তু"
inputBlocks: "ইনপুট"
specialBlocks: "বিশেষ"
text: "লেখা"
textarea: "টেক্সট এরিয়া"
section: "বিভাগ"
image: "ছবি"
button: "বাটন"
if: "যদি"
variable: "চলকগুলি"
post: "নোট লিখুন"
text: "বিষয়বস্তু"
attachCanvasImage: "ক্যানভাস ছবিসহ পোস্ট করুন"
canvasId: "ক্যানভাস ID"
textInput: "টেক্সট ইনপুট"
name: "চলকের নাম"
text: "শিরোনাম"
default: "ডিফল্ট মান"
textareaInput: "একাধিক লাইনের টেক্সট ইনপুট"
name: "চলকের নাম"
text: "শিরোনাম"
default: "ডিফল্ট মান"
numberInput: "সংখ্যা ইনপুট"
name: "চলকের নাম"
text: "শিরোনাম"
default: "ডিফল্ট মান"
canvas: "ক্যানভাস"
id: "ক্যানভাস ID"
width: "প্রস্থ"
height: "উচ্চতা"
note: "এম্বেড নোট"
id: "নোট ID"
idDescription: "আপনি এর বদলে নোটের URL পেস্ট করতে পারেন."
detailed: "বিস্তারিত দেখুন"
switch: "সুইচ"
name: "চলকের নাম"
text: "শিরোনাম"
default: "ডিফল্ট মান"
counter: "কাউন্টার"
name: "চলকের নাম"
text: "শিরোনাম"
inc: "এভাবে মান বাড়ান"
text: "শিরোনাম"
colored: "রঙ্গিন"
action: "বাটনে ক্লিক করলে যা হবে"
dialog: "ডায়ালগ দেখান "
content: "বিষয়বস্তু"
resetRandom: "র‍্যানডম সিড রিসেট করুন"
pushEvent: "ইভেন্ট পাঠান"
event: "ইভেন্টের নাম"
message: "চালু হলে প্রদর্শনের জন্য বার্তা"
variable: "পাঠানো চলক"
no-variable: "কিছুই না"
callAiScript: "AiScript চালান"
functionName: "ফাংশনের নাম"
radioButton: "বহুনির্বাচনী"
name: "চলকের নাম"
title: "শিরোনাম"
values: "বিকল্পগুলিকে আলাদা লাইনে লিখুন"
default: "ডিফল্ট মান"
flow: "নিয়ন্ত্রণ"
logical: "লজিক্যাল অপারেশন"
operation: "হিসাব-নিকাশ"
comparison: "তুলনা"
random: "র‍্যান্ডম"
value: "মান"
fn: "ফাংশন"
text: "টেক্সট ম্যানিপুলেশন"
convert: "রুপান্তর"
list: "লিস্ট"
text: "লেখা"
multiLineText: "লেখা (একাধিক লাইন)"
textList: "লেখার লিস্ট"
info: "প্রতিটি এন্ট্রিকে আলাদা লাইনে লিখুন"
strLen: "লেখার দৈর্ঘ্য"
arg1: "লেখা"
strPick: "অক্ষর বের করে আনুন"
arg1: "লেখা"
arg2: "অক্ষরের অবস্থান"
strReplace: "লেখা প্রতিস্থাপন"
arg1: "লেখা"
arg2: "যে লেখা প্রতিস্থাপন করা হবে"
arg3: "যা দ্বারা প্রতিস্থাপন করা হবে"
strReverse: "লেখা উল্টান"
arg1: "লেখা"
join: "লেখা যুক্ত করুন"
arg1: "লিস্ট"
arg2: "বিভাজক"
add: "যোগ"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "বিয়োগ"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "গুন"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "ভাগ"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "ভাগশেষ"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "দশমিক রাউন্ড করুন"
arg1: "সংখ্যা"
eq: "A ও B সমান"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A ও B সমান না"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A এবং B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A অথবা B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A , B হতে কম"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A , B হতে বেশী"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A , B হতে কম বা সমান"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A , B হতে বেশী বা সমান"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "যদি"
arg1: "যদি"
arg2: "তাহলে"
arg3: "তাছাড়া"
not: "না"
arg1: "না"
random: "র‍্যান্ডম"
arg1: "সম্ভাব্যতা"
rannum: "র‍্যানডম সংখ্যা"
arg1: "ন্যূনতম মান"
arg2: "সর্বোচ্চ মান"
randomPick: "তালিকা থেকে দৈবচয়ন করুন"
arg1: "লিস্ট"
dailyRandom: "র‍্যান্ডম সংখ্যা (প্রতিটি ব্যবহারকারীর জন্য প্রতিদিন পরিবর্তীত হয়)"
arg1: "সম্ভাব্যতা"
dailyRannum: "র‍্যান্ডম সংখ্যা (প্রতিটি ব্যবহারকারীর জন্য প্রতিদিন পরিবর্তীত হয়)"
arg1: "ন্যূনতম মান"
arg2: "সর্বোচ্চ মান"
dailyRandomPick: "তালিকা থেকে এলোমেলোভাবে নির্বাচন করুন (প্রতিটি ব্যবহারকারীর জন্য প্রতিদিন পরিবর্তীত হয়)"
arg1: "লিস্ট"
seedRandom: "র‍্যানডম (সীড দ্বারা)"
arg1: "সীড"
arg2: "সম্ভাব্যতা"
seedRannum: "র‍্যানডম সংখ্যা (সীড দ্বারা)"
arg1: "সীড"
arg2: "ন্যূনতম মান"
arg3: "সর্বোচ্চ মান"
seedRandomPick: "তালিকা থেকে দৈবচয়ন করুন (সীড দ্বারা)"
arg1: "সীড"
arg2: "লিস্ট"
DRPWPM: "সম্ভাব্যতা সহ একটি তালিকা থেকে এলোমেলোভাবে নির্বাচন করুন (প্রতিটি ব্যবহারকারীর জন্য প্রতিদিন)"
arg1: "লেখার লিস্ট"
pick: "তালিকা থেকে নির্বাচন করুন"
arg1: "লিস্ট"
arg2: "অবস্থান"
listLen: "লিস্টের দৈর্ঘ্য পান"
arg1: "লিস্ট"
number: "সংখ্যা"
stringToNumber: "পাঠ্য থেকে সংখ্যা"
arg1: "লেখা"
numberToString: "সংখ্যা থেকে পাঠ্য"
arg1: "সংখ্যা"
splitStrByLine: "পাঠ্যকে লাইনে বিভক্ত করুন"
arg1: "লেখা"
ref: "চলক"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript চলক"
fn: "ফাংশন"
slots: "স্লটগুলি"
slots-info: "প্রতিটি স্লটকে আলাদা লাইনে লিখুন"
arg1: "আউটপুট"
for: "for-লুপ"
arg1: "কতবার চলবে"
arg2: "অ্যাকশন"
typeError: "স্লট {slot}, {expect} ধরনের মান গ্রহণ করে, কিন্তু {actual} ধরনের মান দেওয়া হয়েছে!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "স্লট {slot} খালি!"
string: "লেখা"
number: "সংখ্যা"
boolean: "ফ্ল্যাগ"
array: "লিস্ট"
stringArray: "লেখার লিস্ট"
emptySlot: "খালি স্লট"
enviromentVariables: "এনভাইরনমেন্ট ভ্যারিয়েবল"
pageVariables: "পেজের চলক"
argVariables: "ইনপুটের জায়গা"
requesting: "অপেক্ষমান"
accepted: "অনুমোদিত"

View file

@ -147,25 +147,6 @@ _profile:
followingList: "Seguint"
userLists: "Llistes"
list: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg2: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
array: "Llistes"
youWereFollowed: "t'ha seguit"

View file

@ -510,27 +510,6 @@ _charts:
federation: "Federace"
home: "Domů"
image: "Obrázky"
list: "Seznamy"
arg1: "Seznamy"
arg1: "Seznamy"
arg1: "Seznamy"
arg2: "Seznamy"
arg1: "Seznamy"
arg1: "Seznamy"
array: "Seznamy"
youWereFollowed: "Máte nového následovníka"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "Pozvat do skupiny"

View file

@ -1324,10 +1324,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Meine Seiten"
liked: "Seiten, die mir gefallen"
featured: "Beliebt"
inspector: "Inspektor"
contents: "Inhalte"
content: "Seitenblock"
variables: "Variablen"
title: "Titel"
url: "Seiten-URL"
summary: "Zusammenfassung"
@ -1338,262 +1335,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Vorschaubild festlegen"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Vorschaubild entfernen"
chooseBlock: "Block hinzufügen"
selectType: "Typ auswählen"
enterVariableName: "Gib einen Variablennamen ein"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Dieser Name wird bereits von einer anderen Variable verwendet"
contentBlocks: "Inhalt"
inputBlocks: "Eingabe"
specialBlocks: "Spezial"
text: "Text"
textarea: "Textfeld"
section: "Abschnitt"
image: "Bild"
button: "Knopf"
if: "Falls"
variable: "Variable"
post: "Notizfenster"
text: "Inhalt"
attachCanvasImage: "Leinwandbild anfügen"
canvasId: "Leinwand-ID"
textInput: "Texteingabe"
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
default: "Standardwert"
textareaInput: "Mehrzeiliges Texteingabefeld"
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
default: "Standardwert"
numberInput: "Zahleneingabe"
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
default: "Standardwert"
canvas: "Leinwand"
id: "Leinwand-ID"
width: "Breite"
height: "Höhe"
note: "Eingebettete Notiz"
id: "Notiz-ID"
idDescription: "Du kannst alternativ auch die Notiz-URL angeben."
detailed: "Detailierte Ansicht"
switch: "Fallunterscheidung"
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
default: "Standardwert"
counter: "Zähler"
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
inc: "Schrittgröße"
text: "Titel"
colored: "Farbig"
action: "Aktion, die bei Knopfdruck ausgeführt wird"
dialog: "Dialogfenster anzeigen"
content: "Inhalt"
resetRandom: "Zufallswert zurücksetzen"
pushEvent: "Ein Event senden"
event: "Eventname"
message: "Nachricht, die bei Auslösung des Events angezeigt werden soll"
variable: "Variable, die gesendet werden soll"
no-variable: "Keine"
callAiScript: "AiScript ausführen"
functionName: "Funktionsname"
radioButton: "Optionsfeld"
name: "Variablenname"
title: "Titel"
values: "Durch Zeilenümbrüche getrennte Auswahlmöglichkeiten"
default: "Standardwert"
flow: "Steuerung"
logical: "Logische Operationen"
operation: "Berechnungen"
comparison: "Vergleiche"
random: "Zufällig"
value: "Werte"
fn: "Funktionen"
text: "Textoperationen"
convert: "Konvertierungen"
list: "Listen"
text: "Text"
multiLineText: "Text (Mehrzeilig)"
textList: "Textliste"
info: "Trenne jeden Eintrag mit einem Zeilenumbruch"
strLen: "Textlänge"
arg1: "Text"
strPick: "Text extrahieren"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Textposition"
strReplace: "Textersetzung"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Zu ersetzender Text"
arg3: "Ersetzen mit"
strReverse: "Text umkehren"
arg1: "Text"
join: "Text zusammenfügen"
arg1: "Liste"
arg2: "Trennzeichen"
add: "Addieren"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Subtrahieren"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Multiplizieren"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Teilen"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Rest"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Rundung von Dezimalstellen"
arg1: "Nummer"
eq: "A und B sind gleich"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A und B sind nicht gleich"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A UND B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A ODER B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A ist kleiner als B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A ist größer als B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A ist kleiner als oder gleich B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A ist größer als oder gleich B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Kondition"
arg1: "Falls"
arg2: "Wenn wahr"
arg3: "Sonst"
not: "NICHT"
arg1: "NICHT"
random: "Zufällig"
arg1: "Warscheinlichkeit"
rannum: "Zufallsnummer"
arg1: "Minimum"
arg2: "Maximum"
randomPick: "Zufallswahl aus Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
dailyRandom: "Zufällig (Pro Nutzer jeden Tag verschieden)"
arg1: "Warscheinlichkeit"
dailyRannum: "Zufallsnummer (Pro Nutzer jeden Tag verschieden)"
arg1: "Minimum"
arg2: "Maximum"
dailyRandomPick: "Zufallsauswahl aus einer Liste (Pro Nutzer jeden Tag verschieden)"
arg1: "Liste"
seedRandom: "Zufällig (mit Startwert / Seed)"
arg1: "Startwert / Seed"
arg2: "Warscheinlichkeit"
seedRannum: "Zufallsnummer (mit Startwert / Seed)"
arg1: "Startwert / Seed"
arg2: "Minimum"
arg3: "Maximum"
seedRandomPick: "Zufallsauswahl aus Liste (mit Startwert / Seed)"
arg1: "Startwert / Seed"
arg2: "Liste"
DRPWPM: "Zufallsauswahl aus gewichteter Liste (Pro Nutzer jeden Tag verschieden)"
arg1: "Textliste"
pick: "Aus einer Liste wählen"
arg1: "Liste"
arg2: "Position"
listLen: "Listenlänge abrufen"
arg1: "Liste"
number: "Nummer"
stringToNumber: "Text zu Nummer"
arg1: "Text"
numberToString: "Nummer zu Text"
arg1: "Nummer"
splitStrByLine: "Text nach Zeilenumbrüchen aufteilen"
arg1: "Text"
ref: "Variable"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript Variable"
fn: "Funktion"
slots: "Slots"
slots-info: "Trenne jeden Slot mit einem Zeilenumbruch"
arg1: "Ausgabe"
for: "for-Schleife"
arg1: "Anzahl der Schleifendurchläufe"
arg2: "Aktion"
typeError: "Slot {slot} akzeptiert Werte vom Typ „{expect}“, aber es wurde ein „{actual}“ Wert angegeben!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} ist leer!"
string: "Text"
number: "Nummer"
boolean: "Wahrheitswert"
array: "Liste"
stringArray: "Textliste"
emptySlot: "Leerer Slot"
enviromentVariables: "Umgebungsvariable"
pageVariables: "Seitenelemente"
argVariables: "Eingabeslots"
requesting: "Ausstehend"
accepted: "Akzeptiert"

View file

@ -1339,10 +1339,7 @@ _pages:
my: "My Pages"
liked: "Liked Pages"
featured: "Popular"
inspector: "Inspector"
contents: "Contents"
content: "Page block"
variables: "Variables"
title: "Title"
url: "Page URL"
summary: "Page summary"
@ -1353,262 +1350,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Set thumbnail"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Delete thumbnail"
chooseBlock: "Add a block"
selectType: "Select a type"
enterVariableName: "Enter a variable name"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "This variable name is already in use"
contentBlocks: "Content"
inputBlocks: "Input"
specialBlocks: "Special"
text: "Text"
textarea: "Text area"
section: "Section"
image: "Images"
button: "Button"
if: "If"
variable: "Variable"
post: "Posting form"
text: "Content"
attachCanvasImage: "Attach canvas image"
canvasId: "Canvas ID"
textInput: "Text input"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
textareaInput: "Multiline text input"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
numberInput: "Numeric input"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
canvas: "Canvas"
id: "Canvas ID"
width: "Width"
height: "Height"
note: "Embedded note"
id: "Note ID"
idDescription: "You can alternatively paste the note URL here."
detailed: "Detailed view"
switch: "Switch"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
counter: "Counter"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
inc: "Step"
text: "Title"
colored: "Colored"
action: "Behavior when the button is pressed"
dialog: "Show a dialog"
content: "Content"
resetRandom: "Reset the random seed"
pushEvent: "Send an event"
event: "Event name"
message: "Message to display when activated"
variable: "Variable to send"
no-variable: "None"
callAiScript: "Invoke AiScript"
functionName: "Function name"
radioButton: "Choice"
name: "Variable name"
title: "Title"
values: "List of choices separated by line breaks"
default: "Default value"
flow: "Flow control"
logical: "Logical operation"
operation: "Computation"
comparison: "Comparison"
random: "Random"
value: "Values"
fn: "Functions"
text: "Text operations"
convert: "Transformations"
list: "Lists"
text: "Text"
multiLineText: "Text (multiline)"
textList: "Text list"
info: "Separate each entry with a line break"
strLen: "Text length"
arg1: "Text"
strPick: "Extract string"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "String location"
strReplace: "Replacement string"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Text to be replaced"
arg3: "Replace with"
strReverse: "Flip text"
arg1: "Text"
join: "Text concatenation"
arg1: "Lists"
arg2: "Separator"
add: "Add"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Subtract"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Multiply"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Divide"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Remainder"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Decimal rounding"
arg1: "Number"
eq: "A and B are equal"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A and B are different"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A AND B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A OR B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A is less than B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A is larger than B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A is less than or equal to B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A is greater than or equal to B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Branch"
arg1: "If"
arg2: "Then"
arg3: "Else"
not: "NOT"
arg1: "NOT"
random: "Random"
arg1: "Probability"
rannum: "Random number"
arg1: "Minimum value"
arg2: "Maximum value"
randomPick: "Randomly choose from list"
arg1: "List"
dailyRandom: "Random (Changes once a day for each user)"
arg1: "Probability"
dailyRannum: "Random number (Changes once a day for each user)"
arg1: "Minimum value"
arg2: "Maximum value"
dailyRandomPick: "Randomly choose from a list (Changes once a day for each user)"
arg1: "List"
seedRandom: "Random (with seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Probability"
seedRannum: "Random number (with seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Minimum value"
arg3: "Maximum value"
seedRandomPick: "Randomly choose from list (with seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "List"
DRPWPM: "Randomly choose from weighted list (Changes once a day for each user)"
arg1: "Text list"
pick: "Select from list"
arg1: "List"
arg2: "Position"
listLen: "Get length of list"
arg1: "List"
number: "Number"
stringToNumber: "Text to number"
arg1: "Text"
numberToString: "Number to text"
arg1: "Number"
splitStrByLine: "Split text by line breaks"
arg1: "Text"
ref: "Variable"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript Variable"
fn: "Function"
slots: "Slots"
slots-info: "Separate each slot with a line break"
arg1: "Output"
for: "for-Loop"
arg1: "Number of times to repeat"
arg2: "Action"
typeError: "Slot {slot} accepts values of type \"{expect}\", but the provided value is of type \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} is empty!"
string: "Text"
number: "Number"
boolean: "Flag"
array: "List"
stringArray: "Text list"
emptySlot: "Empty slot"
enviromentVariables: "Environment variables"
pageVariables: "Page variables"
argVariables: "Input slots"
requesting: "Pending"
accepted: "Accepted"

View file

@ -1204,10 +1204,7 @@ _pages:
unlike: "Quitar me gusta"
my: "Mis páginas"
liked: "Páginas que me gustan"
inspector: "Inspector"
contents: "Contenido"
content: "Bloque de página"
variables: "Variables"
title: "Título"
url: "URL de la página"
summary: "Resumen de la página"
@ -1218,257 +1215,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Elegir imagen llamativa"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Borrar imagen llamativa"
chooseBlock: "Agregar bloque"
selectType: "Elegir tipo"
enterVariableName: "Ingrese el nombre de la variable"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "El nombre de la variable ya está en uso"
contentBlocks: "Contenido"
inputBlocks: "Entrada"
specialBlocks: "Especial"
text: "Texto"
textarea: "Área de texto"
section: "Sección"
image: "Imagen"
button: "Botón"
if: "si"
variable: "Variable"
post: "Formulario"
text: "Contenido"
attachCanvasImage: "Nota con lienzo como imagen"
canvasId: "Lienzo ID"
textInput: "Entrada de texto"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
textareaInput: "Entrada de texto en múltiples lineas"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
numberInput: "Entrada numérica"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
canvas: "Lienzo"
id: "Lienzo ID"
width: "Ancho"
height: "Altura"
switch: "Interruptor"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
counter: "Contador"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
inc: "Aumentar cantidad"
text: "Título"
colored: "Color"
action: "Acción al presionar el botón"
dialog: "Mostrar cuadro de diálogo"
content: "Contenido"
resetRandom: "Resetear número aleatorio"
pushEvent: "Enviar evento"
event: "Nombre del evento"
message: "Mensaje mostrado al apretar"
variable: "Variable a enviar"
no-variable: "Ninguna"
callAiScript: "Invocar AiScript"
functionName: "Nombre de la función"
radioButton: "Botón de opción"
name: "Nombre de variable"
title: "Título"
values: "Opciones separadas por una nueva linea"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
flow: "Control de flujo"
logical: "Operación lógica"
operation: "Cálculo"
comparison: "Comparar"
random: "Aleatorio"
value: "Valores"
fn: "funciones"
text: "Manejo de texto"
convert: "Conversion"
list: "Listas"
text: "Texto"
multiLineText: "Texto (multilinea)"
textList: "Lista de texto"
info: "Separe cada texto con una linea nueva"
strLen: "Largo del texto"
arg1: "Texto"
strPick: "Extraer caracteres"
arg1: "Texto"
arg2: "Posición del caracter"
strReplace: "Sustituir texto"
arg1: "Texto"
arg2: "Texto a reemplazar"
arg3: "Texto reemplazado"
strReverse: "Invertir texto"
arg1: "Texto"
join: "Concatenar texto"
arg1: "Listas"
arg2: "Separador"
add: "Suma"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Resta"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Multiplicación"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "División"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Resto"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Redondear decimales"
arg1: "Número"
eq: "A y B son iguales"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A y B son distintos"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A y B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A o B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A es menor que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A es mayor que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A es menor o igual que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A es mayor o igual que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Si"
arg1: "si"
arg2: "Entonces"
arg3: "Si no"
not: "Negación"
arg1: "Negación"
random: "Aleatorio"
arg1: "probabilidad"
rannum: "Número aleatorio"
arg1: "Mínimo"
arg2: "Máximo"
randomPick: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista"
arg1: "Listas"
dailyRandom: "Aleatorio (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "probabilidad"
dailyRannum: "Número aleatorio (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "Mínimo"
arg2: "Máximo"
dailyRandomPick: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "Listas"
seedRandom: "Aleatorio (semilla)"
arg1: "Semilla"
arg2: "probabilidad"
seedRannum: "Número aleatorio (semilla)"
arg1: "Semilla"
arg2: "Mínimo"
arg3: "Máximo"
seedRandomPick: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista (semilla)"
arg1: "Semilla"
arg2: "Listas"
DRPWPM: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista ponderada (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "Lista de texto"
pick: "Elegir de la lista"
arg1: "Listas"
arg2: "Posición"
listLen: "Obtener largo de la lista"
arg1: "Listas"
number: "Número"
stringToNumber: "De texto a número"
arg1: "Texto"
numberToString: "De número a texto"
arg1: "Número"
splitStrByLine: "Separar texto en lineas"
arg1: "Texto"
ref: "Variables"
aiScriptVar: "Variable de AiScript"
fn: "funciones"
slots: "Slots"
slots-info: "Separe cada uno de los slots con una linea nueva"
arg1: "Salida"
for: "Repetir"
arg1: "Cantidad de repeticiones"
arg2: "Acción"
typeError: "El slot {slot} acepta el tipo {expect} pero fue ingresado el tipo {actual}"
thereIsEmptySlot: "El slot {slot} está vacío"
string: "Texto"
number: "Número"
boolean: "Booleano"
array: "Listas"
stringArray: "Lista de texto"
emptySlot: "Slot vacío"
enviromentVariables: "Variables de entorno"
pageVariables: "Items de la página"
argVariables: "Slot de entrada"
requesting: "Pendiente"
accepted: "Aceptar"

View file

@ -1307,10 +1307,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Mes pages"
liked: "Pages favorites"
featured: "Populaire"
inspector: "Inspecteur"
contents: "Contenu"
content: "Bloc de page"
variables: "Variables"
title: "Titre"
url: "URL de la page"
summary: "Résumé de page"
@ -1321,262 +1318,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Définir une image attractive"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Supprimer l'image attractive"
chooseBlock: "Ajouter un bloc"
selectType: "Choisir un type"
enterVariableName: "Veuillez entrer un nom pour votre variable"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Ce nom de variable est déjà utilisé"
contentBlocks: "Contenu"
inputBlocks: "Blocs d'entrée"
specialBlocks: "Spécial"
text: "Texte"
textarea: "Zone de texte"
section: "Section"
image: "Images"
button: "Bouton"
if: "Si"
variable: "Variables"
post: "Formulaire de publication"
text: "Contenu"
attachCanvasImage: "Publier avec Toile comme image"
canvasId: "Toile ID"
textInput: "Entrée textuelle"
name: "Nom de la variable"
text: "Titre"
default: "Valeur par défaut"
textareaInput: "Entrée textuelle multi-ligne"
name: "Nom de la variable"
text: "Titre"
default: "Valeur par défaut"
numberInput: "Entrée numérique"
name: "Nom de la variable"
text: "Titre"
default: "Valeur par défaut"
canvas: "Toile"
id: "Toile ID"
width: "Largeur"
height: "Hauteur"
note: "Note intégrée"
id: "Identifiant de la note"
idDescription: "Pour configurer la note, vous pouvez aussi coller ici l'URL correspondante."
detailed: "Afficher les détails"
switch: "Interrupteur"
name: "Nom de la variable"
text: "Titre"
default: "Valeur par défaut"
counter: "Compteur"
name: "Nom de la variable"
text: "Titre"
inc: "Augmenter de"
text: "Titre"
colored: "Coloré"
action: "Opération à effectuer lorsque le bouton est pressé"
dialog: "Afficher une fenêtre de dialogue"
content: "Contenu"
resetRandom: "Réinitialiser un nombre aléatoire"
pushEvent: "Envoyer un évènement"
event: "Nom de lévènement"
message: "Message à afficher lorsquil est activé"
variable: "Variable à envoyer"
no-variable: "Rien"
callAiScript: "Appeler AiScript"
functionName: "Nom de la fonction"
radioButton: "Choix"
name: "Nom de la variable"
title: "Titre"
values: "Liste des choix (un par ligne)"
default: "Valeur par défaut"
flow: "Contrôle"
logical: "Opération logique"
operation: "Calculer"
comparison: "Comparer"
random: "Aléatoire"
value: "Valeur"
fn: "Fonction"
text: "Manipulation de texte"
convert: "Convertir"
list: "Listes"
text: "Texte"
multiLineText: "Texte (multi-ligne)"
textList: "Liste de texte"
info: "Veuillez séparer chaque entrée avec un saut de ligne"
strLen: "Longueur du texte"
arg1: "Texte"
strPick: "Extraire un caractère"
arg1: "Texte"
arg2: "Position du joueur"
strReplace: "Remplacement de texte"
arg1: "Texte"
arg2: "Avant le remplacement"
arg3: "Après le remplacement"
strReverse: "Inverser le texte"
arg1: "Texte"
join: "Concaténer du texte"
arg1: "Listes"
arg2: "Séparateur"
add: "Ajouter"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Soustraire"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Multiplier par"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Diviser par"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Reste"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Arrondir les décimales"
arg1: "Numérique"
eq: "A et B sont égaux"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A et B sont différents"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A et B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A ou B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "A est inférieur à B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "A est supérieur à B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "A est inférieur ou égal à B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: "A est supérieur ou égal à B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Branche"
arg1: "Si"
arg2: "Si"
arg3: "Sinon"
not: "Nier"
arg1: "Nier"
random: "Aléatoire"
arg1: "Probabilité"
rannum: "Nombre aléatoire"
arg1: "Minimum"
arg2: "Maximum"
randomPick: "Sélectionner au hasard dans la liste"
arg1: "Listes"
dailyRandom: "Aléatoire (Quotidien pour chaque utilisateur)"
arg1: "Probabilité"
dailyRannum: "Numéros aléatoires (Quotidien pour chaque utilisateur)"
arg1: "Minimum"
arg2: "Maximum"
dailyRandomPick: "Sélectionné au hasard dans la liste (Quotidien pour chaque utilisateur)"
arg1: "Listes"
seedRandom: "Aléatoire (graine)"
arg1: "Graine"
arg2: "Probabilité"
seedRannum: "Nombre aléatoire (Graine)"
arg1: "Graine"
arg2: "Minimum"
arg3: "Maximum"
seedRandomPick: "Sélectionné au hasard dans la liste (graine)"
arg1: "Graine"
arg2: "Listes"
DRPWPM: "Sélectionné au hasard dans une liste de probabilités (Quotidien pour chaque utilisateur)"
arg1: "Liste de texte"
pick: "Sélectionner dans la liste"
arg1: "Listes"
arg2: "Position"
listLen: "Longueur de la liste"
arg1: "Listes"
number: "Numérique"
stringToNumber: "Convertir du texte en numérique"
arg1: "Texte"
numberToString: "Convertir du numérique en texte"
arg1: "Numérique"
splitStrByLine: "Séparer le texte par des sauts de lignes"
arg1: "Texte"
ref: "Variables"
aiScriptVar: "Variable d'AiScript"
fn: "Fonction"
slots: "Slots"
slots-info: "Veuillez insérer un seul slot par ligne"
arg1: "Sortie"
for: "Répéter"
arg1: "Compter"
arg2: "Action"
typeError: "Le slot {slot} accepte \"{expect}\" mais a \"{actual}\" !"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} est vide !"
string: "Texte"
number: "Numérique"
boolean: "Marqueur"
array: "Listes"
stringArray: "Liste de texte"
emptySlot: "Slot vide"
enviromentVariables: "Variables d'environnement"
pageVariables: "Élément de page"
argVariables: "Entrée slot"
requesting: "En attente"
accepted: "Accepté"

View file

@ -1323,10 +1323,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Halaman saya"
liked: "Halaman yang disukai"
featured: "Populer"
inspector: "Inspektor"
contents: "Konten"
content: "Blokir Halaman"
variables: "Variabel"
title: "Judul"
url: "URL Halaman"
summary: "Ringkasan Halaman"
@ -1337,262 +1334,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans-serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Setel gambar yang menarik"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Hapus gambar yang menarik"
chooseBlock: "Tambahkan blokir"
selectType: "Pilih jenis"
enterVariableName: "Mohon masukkan nama untuk variabel kamu"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Nama ini sudah digunakan oleh variabel lain"
contentBlocks: "Konten"
inputBlocks: "Masukan"
specialBlocks: "Khusus"
text: "Teks"
textarea: "Area teks"
section: "Bagian"
image: "Gambar"
button: "Tombol"
if: "Jika"
variable: "Variabel"
post: "Buat catatan"
text: "Isi"
attachCanvasImage: "Posting dengan kanvas sebagai gambar"
canvasId: "ID Kanvas"
textInput: "Masukan teks"
name: "Nama variabel"
text: "Judul"
default: "Nilai bawaan"
textareaInput: "Masukan teks multibaris"
name: "Nama variabel"
text: "Judul"
default: "Nilai bawaan"
numberInput: "Masukan angka"
name: "Nama variabel"
text: "Judul"
default: "Nilai bawaan"
canvas: "Kanvas"
id: "ID Kanvas"
width: "Lebar"
height: "Tinggi"
note: "Catatan yang ditanam"
id: "ID Catatan"
idDescription: "Kamu dapat menyetel ini dengan menempelkan tautan URL Catatan."
detailed: "Tampilan rincian"
switch: "Beralih"
name: "Nama variabel"
text: "Judul"
default: "Nilai bawaan"
counter: "Penghitung"
name: "Nama variabel"
text: "Judul"
inc: "Meningkat dengan"
text: "Judul"
colored: "Diwarnai"
action: "Operasi akan dimulai ketika tombol ditekan"
dialog: "Tampilkan dialog"
content: "Isi"
resetRandom: "Atur ulang benih acak"
pushEvent: "Kirim event"
event: "Nama event"
message: "Pesan yang tampil ketika diaktifkan"
variable: "Variable untuk kirim"
no-variable: "Tidak ada"
callAiScript: "Panggil AiScript"
functionName: "Nama fungsi"
radioButton: "Pilihan"
name: "Nama variabel"
title: "Judul"
values: "Daftar pilihan (dipisahkan dengan garis baru)"
default: "Nilai bawaan"
flow: "Arus kendali"
logical: "Operasi logis"
operation: "Menghitung"
comparison: "Membandingkan"
random: "Acak"
value: "Nilai"
fn: "Fungsi"
text: "Operasi teks"
convert: "Mengubah"
list: "Daftar"
text: "Teks"
multiLineText: "Teks (multibaris)"
textList: "Daftar teks"
info: "Pisahkan setiap entri dengan baris baru"
strLen: "Panjang teks"
arg1: "Teks"
strPick: "Ekstrak karakter"
arg1: "Teks"
arg2: "Lokasi karakter"
strReplace: "Penggantian teks"
arg1: "Teks"
arg2: "Teks yang akan diganti"
arg3: "Diganti dengan"
strReverse: "Balikkan teks"
arg1: "Teks"
join: "Rangkaian teks"
arg1: "Daftar"
arg2: "Pemisah"
add: "Tambah"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Kurangi"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Kali"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Bagi"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Sisa"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Bulat desimal"
arg1: "Angka"
eq: "A dan B adalah sama"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A dan B adalah berbeda"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A DAN B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A ATAU B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A ikurang dari B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A lebih dari B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A kurang dari sama dengan B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A lebih dari sama dengan B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Cabang"
arg1: "Jika"
arg2: "Jika benar"
arg3: "Jika salah"
not: "BUKAN"
arg1: "NOT"
random: "Acak"
arg1: "Probabilitas"
rannum: "Angka acak"
arg1: "Nilai minimum"
arg2: "Nilai maksimum"
randomPick: "Pilih secara acak dari daftar"
arg1: "Daftar"
dailyRandom: "Acak (bertahan sehari)"
arg1: "Probabilitas"
dailyRannum: "Angka acak (bertahan sehari)"
arg1: "Nilai minimum"
arg2: "Nilai maksimum"
dailyRandomPick: "Pilih secara acak dari daftar (bertahan sehari)"
arg1: "Daftar"
seedRandom: "Acak (dengan seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Probabilitas"
seedRannum: "Angka acak (dengan seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Nilai minimum"
arg3: "Nilai maksimum"
seedRandomPick: "Pilih secara acak dari daftar (dengan seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Daftar"
DRPWPM: "Pilih secara acak dari daftar berbobot (bertahan sehari)"
arg1: "Daftar teks"
pick: "Pilih dari daftar"
arg1: "Daftar"
arg2: "Posisi"
listLen: "Dapatkan panjangnya dari daftar"
arg1: "Daftar"
number: "Angka"
stringToNumber: "Teks ke angka"
arg1: "Teks"
numberToString: "Angka ke teks"
arg1: "Angka"
splitStrByLine: "Pisahkan teks dengan baris baru"
arg1: "Teks"
ref: "Variabel"
aiScriptVar: "Variabel AiScript"
fn: "Fungsi"
slots: "Slot"
slots-info: "Pisahkan setiap slot dengan baris baru"
arg1: "Keluaran"
for: "Ulangi"
arg1: "Jumlah angka untuk diulangi"
arg2: "Aksi"
typeError: "Slot {slot} menerima tipe \"{expect}\", sayangnya nilai yang disediakan adalah \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} kosong!"
string: "Teks"
number: "Angka"
boolean: "Markah"
array: "Daftar"
stringArray: "Daftar teks"
emptySlot: "Slot kosong"
enviromentVariables: "Variabel Lingkungan"
pageVariables: "Elemen halaman"
argVariables: "Masukan slot"
requesting: "Menunggu"
accepted: "Disetujui"

View file

@ -1223,8 +1223,6 @@ _pages:
liked: "Pagine che mi piacciono"
featured: "Popolari"
contents: "Contenuto"
content: "Blocco di pagina"
variables: "Variabili"
title: "Titolo"
url: "URL della pagina"
summary: "Riassunto di pagina"
@ -1234,172 +1232,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Imposta un'immagine attrattiva"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Elimina l'immagine attrattiva"
chooseBlock: "Aggiungi blocco"
selectType: "Seleziona tipo"
enterVariableName: "Digita un nome di variabile"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Esiste già una variabile con lo stesso nome"
contentBlocks: "Contenuto"
inputBlocks: "Blocchi di input"
specialBlocks: "Speciale"
text: "Testo"
textarea: "Area di testo"
section: "Sezione"
image: "Immagini"
button: "Pulsante"
if: "Se"
variable: "Variabili"
post: "Finestra di pubblicazione"
text: "Contenuto"
textInput: "Immissione testo"
name: "Nome della variabile"
text: "Titolo"
default: "Valore predefinito"
textareaInput: "Immissione testo a più righe"
name: "Nome della variabile"
text: "Titolo"
default: "Valore predefinito"
numberInput: "Immissione numerica"
name: "Nome della variabile"
text: "Titolo"
default: "Valore predefinito"
width: "Larghezza"
height: "Altezza"
note: "Nota integrata"
id: "ID nota"
idDescription: "Qui puoi anche incollare l'URL della nota che vuoi impostare."
detailed: "Visualizzazione dettagliata"
switch: "Interruttore"
name: "Nome della variabile"
text: "Titolo"
default: "Valore predefinito"
counter: "Contatore"
name: "Nome della variabile"
text: "Titolo"
inc: "Valore da aggiungere"
text: "Titolo"
colored: "Colorato"
action: "Operazione da eseguire quando viene premuto il pulsante"
dialog: "Visualizzare una finestra di dialogo"
content: "Contenuto"
resetRandom: "Ripristinare un numero aleatorio"
pushEvent: "Inviare evento"
event: "Nome evento"
message: "Messaggio da visualizzare quando abilitato"
variable: "Variabile da inviare"
no-variable: "Nessun contenuto"
callAiScript: "Chiamare AiScript"
functionName: "Nome della funzione"
radioButton: "Opzioni"
name: "Nome della variabile"
title: "Titolo"
default: "Valore predefinito"
comparison: "Metodo comparativo"
random: "Aleatorietà"
value: "Valore"
fn: "Funzione"
list: "Liste"
text: "Testo"
multiLineText: "Testo (a più righe)"
textList: "Lista di testo"
arg1: "Testo"
arg1: "Testo"
arg1: "Testo"
arg1: "Testo"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A e B sono differenti"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A e B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A o B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "Se"
arg2: "Se"
random: "Aleatorietà"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg2: "Probabilità"
arg2: "Liste"
arg1: "Lista di testo"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Testo"
arg1: "Testo"
ref: "Variabili"
fn: "Funzione"
string: "Testo"
array: "Liste"
stringArray: "Lista di testo"
requesting: "In attesa di approvazione"
accepted: "Approvato"

View file

@ -1380,10 +1380,7 @@ _pages:
my: "自分のページ"
liked: "いいねしたページ"
featured: "人気"
inspector: "インスペクター"
contents: "コンテンツ"
content: "ページブロック"
variables: "変数"
title: "タイトル"
url: "ページURL"
summary: "ページの要約"
@ -1394,274 +1391,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "サンセリフ"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "アイキャッチ画像を設定"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "アイキャッチ画像を削除"
chooseBlock: "ブロックを追加"
selectType: "種類を選択"
enterVariableName: "変数名を決めてください"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "その変数名は既に使われています"
contentBlocks: "コンテンツ"
inputBlocks: "入力"
specialBlocks: "特殊"
text: "テキスト"
textarea: "テキストエリア"
section: "セクション"
image: "画像"
button: "ボタン"
if: "もし"
variable: "変数"
post: "投稿フォーム"
text: "内容"
attachCanvasImage: "キャンバスの画像を添付する"
canvasId: "キャンバスID"
textInput: "テキスト入力"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
textareaInput: "複数行テキスト入力"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
numberInput: "数値入力"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
canvas: "キャンバス"
id: "キャンバスID"
width: "幅"
height: "高さ"
note: "ノート埋め込み"
id: "ートID"
idDescription: "ートURLをペーストして設定することもできます。"
detailed: "詳細な表示"
switch: "スイッチ"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
counter: "カウンター"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
inc: "増加値"
text: "タイトル"
colored: "色付き"
action: "ボタンを押したときの動作"
dialog: "ダイアログを表示する"
content: "内容"
resetRandom: "乱数をリセット"
pushEvent: "イベントを送信させる"
event: "イベント名"
message: "押したときに表示するメッセージ"
variable: "送信する変数"
no-variable: "なし"
callAiScript: "AiScript呼び出し"
functionName: "関数名"
radioButton: "選択肢"
name: "変数名"
title: "タイトル"
values: "改行で区切った選択肢"
default: "デフォルト値"
flow: "制御"
logical: "論理演算"
operation: "計算"
comparison: "比較"
random: "ランダム"
value: "値"
fn: "関数"
text: "テキスト操作"
convert: "変換"
list: "リスト"
text: "テキスト"
multiLineText: "テキスト(複数行)"
textList: "テキストのリスト"
info: "ひとつひとつを改行で区切ってください"
strLen: "テキストの長さ"
arg1: "テキスト"
strPick: "文字取り出し"
arg1: "テキスト"
arg2: "文字の位置"
strReplace: "テキスト置き換え"
arg1: "テキスト"
arg2: "置き換え前"
arg3: "置き換え後"
strReverse: "テキストを反転"
arg1: "テキスト"
join: "テキストを連結"
arg1: "リスト"
arg2: "区切り"
add: "足す"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "引く"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "掛ける"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "割る"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "割った余り"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "小数を丸める"
arg1: "数値"
eq: "AとBが同じ"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "AとBが異なる"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "AかつB"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "AまたはB"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< AがBより小さい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> AがBより大きい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= AがBと同じか小さい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= AがBと同じか大きい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "分岐"
arg1: "もし"
arg2: "なら"
arg3: "そうでなければ"
not: "否定"
arg1: "否定"
random: "ランダム"
arg1: "確率"
rannum: "乱数"
arg1: "最小"
arg2: "最大"
randomPick: "リストからランダムに選択"
arg1: "リスト"
dailyRandom: "ランダム (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "確率"
dailyRannum: "乱数 (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "最小"
arg2: "最大"
dailyRandomPick: "リストからランダムに選択 (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "リスト"
seedRandom: "ランダム (シード)"
arg1: "シード"
arg2: "確率"
seedRannum: "乱数 (シード)"
arg1: "シード"
arg2: "最小"
arg3: "最大"
seedRandomPick: "リストからランダムに選択 (シード)"
arg1: "シード"
arg2: "リスト"
DRPWPM: "確率付きリストからランダムに選択 (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "テキストのリスト"
pick: "リストから選択"
arg1: "リスト"
arg2: "位置"
listLen: "リストの長さを取得"
arg1: "リスト"
number: "数値"
stringToNumber: "テキストを数値に"
arg1: "テキスト"
numberToString: "数値をテキストに"
arg1: "数値"
splitStrByLine: "テキストを行で分割"
arg1: "テキスト"
ref: "変数"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript変数"
fn: "関数"
slots: "スロット"
slots-info: "スロットひとつひとつを改行で区切ってください"
arg1: "出力"
for: "繰り返し"
arg1: "回数"
arg2: "処理"
typeError: "スロット{slot}は\"{expect}\"を受け付けますが、\"{actual}\"が入れられています!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "スロット{slot}が空です!"
string: "テキスト"
number: "数値"
boolean: "フラグ"
array: "リスト"
stringArray: "テキストのリスト"
emptySlot: "空のスロット"
enviromentVariables: "環境変数"
pageVariables: "ページ要素"
argVariables: "入力スロット"
requesting: "承認待ち"

View file

@ -932,252 +932,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "サンセリフ"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "アイキャッチ画像を設定"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "アイキャッチ画像を削除"
chooseBlock: "ブロックを追加"
selectType: "種類を選択"
contentBlocks: "コンテンツ"
inputBlocks: "入力"
specialBlocks: "特殊"
text: "テキスト"
textarea: "テキストエリア"
section: "セクション"
image: "画像"
button: "ボタン"
if: "もし"
variable: "変数"
post: "投稿フォーム"
text: "内容"
canvasId: "キャンバスID"
textInput: "テキスト入力"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
textareaInput: "複数行テキスト入力"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
numberInput: "数値入力"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
canvas: "キャンバス"
id: "キャンバスID"
width: "幅"
height: "高さ"
note: "ノート埋め込み"
id: "ートID"
detailed: "詳細な表示"
switch: "スイッチ"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
default: "デフォルト値"
counter: "カウンター"
name: "変数名"
text: "タイトル"
inc: "増加値"
text: "タイトル"
colored: "色付き"
action: "ボタンを押したときの動作"
dialog: "ダイアログを表示する"
content: "内容"
resetRandom: "乱数をリセット"
pushEvent: "イベントを送信させる"
event: "イベント名"
no-variable: "なし"
callAiScript: "AiScript呼び出し"
functionName: "関数名"
radioButton: "選択肢"
name: "変数名"
title: "タイトル"
values: "改行で区切った選択肢"
default: "デフォルト値"
flow: "制御"
logical: "論理演算"
operation: "計算"
comparison: "比較"
random: "ランダム"
value: "値"
fn: "関数"
text: "関数"
convert: "変換"
list: "リスト"
text: "テキスト"
multiLineText: "テキスト(複数行)"
textList: "テキストのリスト"
strLen: "テキストの長さ"
arg1: "テキスト"
strPick: "文字取り出し"
arg1: "テキスト"
arg2: "文字の位置"
strReplace: "テキスト置き換え"
arg1: "テキスト"
arg2: "置き換え前"
arg3: "置き換え後"
strReverse: "テキストを反転"
arg1: "テキスト"
join: "テキストを連結"
arg1: "リスト"
arg2: "区切り"
add: "足す"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "引く"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "A"
multiply: "掛ける"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "割る"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "割った余り"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "小数を丸める"
arg1: "数値"
eq: "AとBが同じ"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "AとBが異なる"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "AかつB"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "AまたはB"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< AがBより小さい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> AがBより大きい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= AがBと同じか小さい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= AがBと同じか大きい"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "分岐"
arg1: "もし"
arg2: "なら"
arg3: "そうでなければ"
not: "否定"
arg1: "否定"
random: "ランダム"
arg1: "確率"
rannum: "乱数"
arg1: "最小"
arg2: "最大"
randomPick: "リストからランダムに選ぶ"
arg1: "リスト"
dailyRandom: "ランダム (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "確率"
dailyRannum: "乱数 (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "最小"
arg2: "最大"
dailyRandomPick: "リストからランダムに選ぶ (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "リスト"
seedRandom: "ランダム (シード)"
arg1: "シード"
arg2: "確率"
seedRannum: "乱数 (シード)"
arg1: "シード"
arg2: "最小"
arg3: "最大"
seedRandomPick: "リストからランダムに選択 (シード)"
arg1: "シード"
arg2: "リスト"
DRPWPM: "確率付きリストからランダムに選ぶ (ユーザーごとに日替わり)"
arg1: "テキストのリスト"
pick: "リストから選ぶ"
arg1: "リスト"
arg2: "位置"
listLen: "リストの長さを取得"
arg1: "リスト"
number: "数値"
stringToNumber: "テキストを数値に"
arg1: "テキスト"
numberToString: "数値をテキストに"
arg1: "数値"
splitStrByLine: "テキストを行で分割"
arg1: "テキスト"
ref: "変数"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript変数"
fn: "関数"
slots: "スロット"
arg1: "出力"
for: "繰り返し"
arg1: "回数"
arg2: "処理"
thereIsEmptySlot: "スロット{slot}が空っぽやで!"
string: "テキスト"
number: "数値"
boolean: "フラグ"
array: "リスト"
stringArray: "テキストのリスト"
emptySlot: "空のスロット"
enviromentVariables: "環境変数"
pageVariables: "ページ要素"
argVariables: "入力スロット"
fileUploaded: "ファイルが無事アップロードされたで。"
youGotMention: "{name}からのメンション"

View file

@ -88,28 +88,6 @@ _pages:
fontSerif: "Serif"
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Kkes tugna i d-ijebden"
selectType: "Fren anaw"
contentBlocks: "Agbur"
inputBlocks: "Anekcum"
specialBlocks: "Uzzig"
list: "Tibdarin"
arg1: "Tibdarin"
arg1: "Tibdarin"
arg1: "Tibdarin"
arg2: "Tibdarin"
arg1: "Tibdarin"
arg1: "Tibdarin"
array: "Tibdarin"
youWereFollowed: "Yeṭṭafaṛ-ik·em-id"

View file

@ -1323,10 +1323,7 @@ _pages:
my: "내 페이지"
liked: "좋아요한 페이지"
featured: "인기"
inspector: "인스펙터"
contents: "콘텐츠"
content: "페이지 블록"
variables: "변수"
title: "제목"
url: "페이지 URL"
summary: "페이지 요약"
@ -1337,262 +1334,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "고딕체"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "아이캐치 이미지를 설정"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "아이캐치 이미지를 삭제"
chooseBlock: "블록 추가"
selectType: "종류 선택"
enterVariableName: "변수명을 지정해주세요"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "해당 변수명은 이미 사용중입니다"
contentBlocks: "콘텐츠"
inputBlocks: "입력"
specialBlocks: "특수"
text: "텍스트"
textarea: "텍스트 영역"
section: "섹션"
image: "이미지"
button: "버튼"
if: "조건문"
variable: "변수"
post: "글 입력란"
text: "내용"
attachCanvasImage: "캔버스의 이미지와 함께 게시하기"
canvasId: "캔버스 ID"
textInput: "텍스트 입력"
name: "변수명"
text: "제목"
default: "기본값"
textareaInput: "여러 줄 텍스트 입력"
name: "변수명"
text: "제목"
default: "기본값"
numberInput: "수치 입력"
name: "변수명"
text: "제목"
default: "기본값"
canvas: "캔버스"
id: "캔버스 ID"
width: "폭"
height: "높이"
note: "노트필기"
id: "노트 ID"
idDescription: "노트 URL을 붙여넣어 설정할 수도 있습니다."
detailed: "세부 정보 보기"
switch: "스위치"
name: "변수명"
text: "제목"
default: "기본값"
counter: "카운터"
name: "변수명"
text: "제목"
inc: "증가치"
text: "제목"
colored: "색 입히기"
action: "버튼을 눌렀을 때의 동작"
dialog: "대화상자를 표시"
content: "내용"
resetRandom: "난수를 초기화"
pushEvent: "이벤트 보내기"
event: "이벤트 이름"
message: "눌렀을 때 표시할 페이지"
variable: "보낼 변수"
no-variable: "없음"
callAiScript: "AiScript 호출"
functionName: "함수명"
radioButton: "선택지"
name: "변수명"
title: "제목"
values: "줄바꿈으로 구분된 선택지"
default: "기본값"
flow: "흐름 제어"
logical: "논리 연산"
operation: "계산"
comparison: "비교"
random: "랜덤"
value: "값"
fn: "함수"
text: "텍스트 조작"
convert: "변환"
list: "리스트"
text: "텍스트"
multiLineText: "텍스트 (여러 줄)"
textList: "텍스트 목록"
info: "각각을 줄바꿈으로 구분해주세요"
strLen: "텍스트의 길이"
arg1: "텍스트"
strPick: "문자 추출"
arg1: "텍스트"
arg2: "문자 위치"
strReplace: "텍스트 대체"
arg1: "텍스트"
arg2: "대체될 텍스트"
arg3: "대체할 텍스트"
strReverse: "텍스트 뒤집기"
arg1: "텍스트"
join: "텍스트 합치기"
arg1: "리스트"
arg2: "구분자"
add: "더하기"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "빼기"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "곱하기"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "나누기"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "나눈 나머지"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "소수점을 반올림"
arg1: "수치"
eq: "A와 B가 동일"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A와 B가 다름"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A와 B가 둘 다 참"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A, B중 하나 이상이 참"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A가 B보다 작음"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A가 B보다 큼"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A가 B보다 작거나 같음"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A가 B보다 크거나 같음"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "분기"
arg1: "조건문"
arg2: "참일 경우"
arg3: "거짓일 경우"
not: "부정"
arg1: "부정"
random: "랜덤"
arg1: "확률"
rannum: "난수"
arg1: "최솟값"
arg2: "최댓값"
randomPick: "목록에서 임의로 선택"
arg1: "리스트"
dailyRandom: "랜덤 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "확률"
dailyRannum: "난수 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "최솟값"
arg2: "최댓값"
dailyRandomPick: "목록에서 임의로 선택 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "리스트"
seedRandom: "무작위 (시드)"
arg1: "시드"
arg2: "확률"
seedRannum: "난수 (시드)"
arg1: "시드"
arg2: "최솟값"
arg3: "최댓값"
seedRandomPick: "목록에서 무작위로 선택 (시드)"
arg1: "시드"
arg2: "리스트"
DRPWPM: "확률형 목록에서 임의로 선택 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "텍스트 목록"
pick: "목록에서 선택"
arg1: "리스트"
arg2: "위치"
listLen: "리스트의 길이 가져오기"
arg1: "리스트"
number: "수치"
stringToNumber: "텍스트를 수치로"
arg1: "텍스트"
numberToString: "수치를 텍스트로"
arg1: "수치"
splitStrByLine: "텍스트를 행 단위로 분할"
arg1: "텍스트"
ref: "변수"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript 변수"
fn: "함수"
slots: "슬롯"
slots-info: "각 슬롯을 줄바꿈으로 구분하여 주세요"
arg1: "출력"
for: "반복"
arg1: "횟수"
arg2: "처리"
typeError: "슬롯 {slot}은 \"{expect}\"를 사용할 수 있지만 \"{actual}이 들어있습니다!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "슬롯 {slot}이(가) 비었습니다!"
string: "텍스트"
number: "수치"
boolean: "플래그"
array: "리스트"
stringArray: "텍스트 목록"
emptySlot: "빈 슬롯"
enviromentVariables: "환경 변수"
pageVariables: "페이지 요소"
argVariables: "입력 슬롯"
requesting: "대기 중"
accepted: "승인됨"

View file

@ -343,27 +343,6 @@ _charts:
federation: "Federatie"
home: "Startpagina"
image: "Afbeeldingen"
list: "Lijsten"
arg1: "Lijsten"
arg1: "Lijsten"
arg1: "Lijsten"
arg2: "Lijsten"
arg1: "Lijsten"
arg1: "Lijsten"
array: "Lijsten"
youWereFollowed: "volgde jou"

View file

@ -1113,10 +1113,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Moje strony"
liked: "Polubione strony"
featured: "Wyróżnione"
inspector: "Inspektor"
contents: "Zawartość"
content: "Blokada strony"
variables: "Zmienne"
title: "Tytuł"
url: "URL strony"
summary: "Podsumowanie strony"
@ -1127,243 +1124,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Bezszeryfowa"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Ustaw przyciągające wzrok zdjęcie"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Usuń przyciągające wzrok zdjęcie"
chooseBlock: "Dodaj blok"
selectType: "Wybierz typ"
enterVariableName: "Wprowadź nazwę dla swojej zmiennej"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Ta nazwa jest już używana przez inną zmienną"
contentBlocks: "Zawartość"
inputBlocks: "Wejście"
specialBlocks: "Specjalne"
text: "Tekst"
textarea: "Pole tekstowe"
section: "Sekcja"
image: "Zdjęcia"
button: "Przycisk"
if: "Jeżeli"
variable: "Zmienna"
post: "Utwórz wpis"
text: "Treść"
textInput: "Pole tekstowe"
name: "Nazwa zmiennej"
text: "Tytuł"
default: "Domyślna wartość"
textareaInput: "Pole tekstowe na wiele wierszy"
name: "Nazwa zmiennej"
text: "Tytuł"
default: "Domyślna wartość"
numberInput: "Pole na liczbę"
name: "Nazwa zmiennej"
text: "Tytuł"
default: "Domyślna wartość"
width: "Szerokość"
height: "Wysokość"
note: "Osadzony wpis"
id: "ID wpisu"
idDescription: "Możesz też wkleić adres URL wpisu, aby go ustawić."
detailed: "Szczegółowy widok"
switch: "Przełącznik"
name: "Nazwa zmiennej"
text: "Tytuł"
default: "Domyślna wartość"
counter: "Licznik"
name: "Nazwa zmiennej"
text: "Tytuł"
inc: "Zwiększ o"
text: "Tytuł"
colored: "Kolorowe"
action: "Działanie wykonywane przy naciśnięciu przycisku"
dialog: "Pokazuj okno dialogowe"
content: "Treść"
resetRandom: "Resetuj losowe ziarno"
pushEvent: "Wyślij zdarzenie"
event: "Nazwa zdarzenia"
message: "Wiadomość do wyświetlenia po aktywowaniu"
variable: "Zmienna do wysłania"
no-variable: "Brak"
callAiScript: "Wywołaj AiScript"
functionName: "Nazwa funkcji"
radioButton: "Wybór"
name: "Nazwa zmiennej"
title: "Tytuł"
values: "Lista wyborów (oddzielonych znakiem nowego wiersza)"
default: "Domyślna wartość"
flow: "Kontrola przepływu"
logical: "Operacje logiczne"
operation: "Obliczanie"
comparison: "Porównanie"
random: "Losowe"
value: "Wartość"
fn: "Funkcje"
text: "Działania na tekście"
convert: "Transformacja"
list: "Listy"
text: "Tekst"
multiLineText: "Tekst (w wielu wierszach)"
info: "Oddziel każdy wpis znakiem nowego wiersza"
strLen: "Długość tekstu"
arg1: "Tekst"
arg1: "Tekst"
arg2: "Położenie znaku"
strReplace: "Zamiana tekstu"
arg1: "Tekst"
arg2: "Tekst do zamiany"
arg3: "Zamieniono z"
arg1: "Tekst"
arg1: "Listy"
arg2: "Odstęp"
add: "Dodaj"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Odejmij"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Pomnóż"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Podziel"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Reszta"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
arg1: "Liczba"
eq: "A i B są sobie równe"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A i B różnią się"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A I B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A LUB B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A jest mniejsze niż B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A jest większe od B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A jest mniejsze lub równe B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A jest większe lub równe B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Warunek"
arg1: "Jeżeli"
arg2: "Jeżeli prawda"
not: "NIE"
arg1: "NIE"
random: "Losowe"
arg1: "Prawdopodobieństwo"
rannum: "Losowa liczba"
arg1: "Minimalna wartość"
arg2: "Maksymalna wartość"
randomPick: "Wybierz losowo z listy"
arg1: "Listy"
dailyRandom: "Losowo (zostaje na dzień)"
arg1: "Prawdopodobieństwo"
dailyRannum: "Losowa liczba (zostaje na dzień)"
arg1: "Minimalna wartość"
arg2: "Maksymalna wartość"
dailyRandomPick: "Wybierz losowo z listy (zostaje na dzień)"
arg1: "Listy"
seedRandom: "Losowo (z ziarnem)"
arg1: "Ziarno"
arg2: "Prawdopodobieństwo"
seedRannum: "Losowa liczba (z ziarnem)"
arg1: "Ziarno"
arg2: "Minimalna wartość"
arg3: "Maksymalna wartość"
seedRandomPick: "Wybierz losowo z listy (z ziarnem)"
arg1: "Ziarno"
arg2: "Listy"
DRPWPM: "Wybierz losowo z ważonej listy (zostaje na dzień)"
pick: "Wybierz z listy"
arg1: "Listy"
arg2: "Położenie"
listLen: "Uzyskaj długość listy"
arg1: "Listy"
number: "Liczba"
stringToNumber: "Tekst na liczbę"
arg1: "Tekst"
numberToString: "Liczba na tekst"
arg1: "Liczba"
splitStrByLine: "Rozdziel tekst znakami nowej linii"
arg1: "Tekst"
ref: "Zmienne"
aiScriptVar: "Zmienna AiScript"
fn: "Funkcje"
arg1: "Wyjście"
for: "Powtórzenie"
arg1: "Liczba powtórzeń"
arg2: "Działanie"
string: "Tekst"
number: "Liczba"
boolean: "Flaguj"
array: "Listy"
enviromentVariables: "Zmienna środowiskowa"
pageVariables: "Element strony"
requesting: "Oczekujące"
accepted: "Zaakceptowano"

View file

@ -190,173 +190,6 @@ _exportOrImport:
muteList: "Silenciar"
blockingList: "Bloquear"
userLists: "Listas"
event: "Nome do evento"
message: "Mostrar mensagem quando ativado"
variable: "Variável a mandar"
no-variable: "Nenhum"
callAiScript: "Invocar AiScript"
functionName: "Nome da função"
radioButton: "Escolha"
values: "Lista de escolhas separadas por quebras de texto"
logical: "Operação lógica"
operation: "Cálculos"
comparison: "Comparação"
list: "Listas"
arg2: "Texto que irá ser substituído"
arg3: "Substituir com"
strReverse: "Virar texto"
join: "Sequência de texto"
arg1: "Listas"
arg2: "Separador"
add: "Somar"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Subtrair"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Multiplicar"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Dividir"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "O resto de"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Arredondar decimal"
arg1: "Numérico"
eq: "A e B são iguais"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A e B são diferentes"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A e B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A OU B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A é menor do que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A é maior do que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A é maior ou igual a B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A é maior ou igual a B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Galho"
arg1: "Se"
arg2: "Então"
arg3: "Se não"
not: "NÃO"
arg1: "NÃO"
random: "Aleatório"
arg1: "Probabilidade"
rannum: "Numeral aleatório"
arg1: "Valor mínimo"
arg2: "Valor máximo"
randomPick: "Escolher aleatoriamente de uma lista"
arg1: "Listas"
dailyRandom: "Aleatório (Muda uma vez por dia para cada usuário)"
arg1: "Probabilidade"
dailyRannum: "Numeral aleatório (Muda uma vez por dia para cada usuário)"
arg1: "Valor mínimo"
arg2: "Valor máximo"
dailyRandomPick: "Escolher aleatoriamente de uma lista (Muda uma vez por dia para cada usuário)"
arg1: "Listas"
seedRandom: "Aleatório (com semente)"
arg1: "Semente"
arg2: "Probabilidade"
seedRannum: "Número aleatório (com semente)"
arg1: "Semente"
arg2: "Valor mínimo"
arg3: "Valor máximo"
seedRandomPick: "Escolher aleatoriamente de uma lista (com uma semente)"
arg1: "Semente"
arg2: "Listas"
DRPWPM: "Escolher aleatoriamente de uma lista ponderada (Muda uma vez por dia para cada usuário)"
arg1: "Lista de texto"
pick: "Escolhe a partir da lista"
arg1: "Listas"
arg2: "Posição"
listLen: "Pegar comprimento da lista"
arg1: "Listas"
number: "Numérico"
stringToNumber: "Texto para numérico"
arg1: "Texto"
numberToString: "Numérico para texto"
arg1: "Numérico"
splitStrByLine: "Dividir texto por quebras"
arg1: "Texto"
ref: "Variável"
aiScriptVar: "Variável AiScript"
fn: "Função"
slots: "Espaços"
slots-info: "Separar cada espaço com uma quebra de texto"
arg1: "Resultado"
for: "Repetição 'for'"
arg1: "Número de repetições"
arg2: "Ação"
typeError: "Espaço {slot} aceita valores de tipo \"{expect}\", mas o valor dado é do tipo \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "O espaço {slot} está vazio!"
string: "Texto"
number: "Numérico"
array: "Listas"
stringArray: "Lista de texto"
emptySlot: "Espaço vazio"
enviromentVariables: "Variáveis de ambiente"
pageVariables: "Variáveis de página"
requesting: "Pendente"
accepted: "Aprovado"

View file

@ -680,27 +680,6 @@ _charts:
federation: "Federație"
home: "Acasă"
image: "Imagini"
list: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg2: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
array: "Liste"
youWereFollowed: "te-a urmărit"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "Ai fost invitat într-un grup"

View file

@ -1306,10 +1306,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Свои страницы"
liked: "Понравившиеся страницы"
featured: "Популярные"
inspector: "Инспектор"
contents: "Содержимое"
content: "Содержимое"
variables: "Переменные"
title: "Заголовок"
url: "Адрес страницы"
summary: "Краткое содержание"
@ -1320,262 +1317,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Гротеск (без засечек)"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Добавить картинку для привлечения внимания"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Убрать картинку для привлечения внимания"
chooseBlock: "Добавить блок"
selectType: "Выберите вид"
enterVariableName: "Ведите имя переменной"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Это имя уже есть у другой переменной"
contentBlocks: "Содержательные"
inputBlocks: "Для ввода"
specialBlocks: "Особые"
text: "Текст"
textarea: "Текст в рамке"
section: "Раздел"
image: "Изображения"
button: "Кнопка"
if: "Условный"
variable: "Переменная"
post: "Создание заметки"
text: "Текст"
attachCanvasImage: "Прикрепить изображение с холста"
canvasId: "Метка холста"
textInput: "Поле ввода текста"
name: "Имя переменной"
text: "Подпись"
default: "Исходное содержимое"
textareaInput: "Многострочное поле ввода текста"
name: "Имя переменной"
text: "Подпись"
default: "Исходное содержимое"
numberInput: "Поле для ввода числа"
name: "Имя переменной"
text: "Подпись"
default: "Исходное значение"
canvas: "Холст"
id: "Метка холста"
width: "Ширина"
height: "Высота"
note: "Встроенная заметка"
id: "Идентификатор заметки"
idDescription: "Можно также вставить ссылку на заметку."
detailed: "Подробный вид"
switch: "Выключатель"
name: "Имя переменной"
text: "Подпись"
default: "Исходное содержимое"
counter: "Кнопка со счётчиком"
name: "Имя переменной"
text: "Надпись"
inc: "Увеличивать на"
text: "Надпись"
colored: "Выделена цветом"
action: "Действие по нажатию"
dialog: "Показать всплывающий текст"
content: "Всплывающий текст"
resetRandom: "Сброс генератора случайности"
pushEvent: "Вызвать событие"
event: "Имя события"
message: "Сообщение при нажатии"
variable: "Передать переменную с событием"
no-variable: "нет"
callAiScript: "Вызвать AiScript"
functionName: "Имя функции"
radioButton: "Кнопка-переключатель"
name: "Имя переменной"
title: "Заголовок"
values: "Значения"
default: "Исходное значение"
flow: "Управление исполнением"
logical: "Логические"
operation: "Арифметические"
comparison: "Сравнение"
random: "Случайные"
value: "Значения"
fn: "Функции"
text: "Текстовые"
convert: "Преобразование"
list: "Список"
text: "Строка текста"
multiLineText: "Многострочный текст"
textList: "Список строк текста"
info: "Пишите каждый пункт с новой строки"
strLen: "Длина текста"
arg1: "Текст"
strPick: "Взять знак из текста"
arg1: "Текст"
arg2: "Позиция знака"
strReplace: "Замена текста"
arg1: "Текст, в котором заменять"
arg2: "Заменяемый текст"
arg3: "Менять на"
strReverse: "В обратном порядке"
arg1: "Текст"
join: "Объединение"
arg1: "Списки"
arg2: "Разделитель"
add: "Добавить"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Вычитание"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Умножение"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Деление"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Остаток от деления"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Округление до целого"
arg1: "Число"
eq: "A равно B"
arg1: "А"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A не равно B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A и B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A или B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "A < B (меньше)"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "A > B (больше)"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "A ⩽ B (меньше или равно)"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: "A ⩾ B (больше или равно)"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Условный"
arg1: "Условие"
arg2: "Если правда"
arg3: "Если ложь"
not: "Отрицание"
arg1: "Условие"
random: "Случайность"
arg1: "Вероятность"
rannum: "Случайное число"
arg1: "Минимум"
arg2: "Максимум"
randomPick: "Случайный выбор из списка"
arg1: "Списки"
dailyRandom: "Случайность (на день для пользователя)"
arg1: "Вероятность"
dailyRannum: "Случайное число (на день для пользователя)"
arg1: "Минимум"
arg2: "Максимум"
dailyRandomPick: "Случайный выбор из списка (на день для пользователя)"
arg1: "Списки"
seedRandom: "Псевдослучайность (заданная зерном)"
arg1: "Зерно"
arg2: "Вероятность"
seedRannum: "Псевдослучайное число (заданное зерном)"
arg1: "Зерно"
arg2: "Минимум"
arg3: "Максимум"
seedRandomPick: "Псевдослучайный выбор из списка (заданный зерном)"
arg1: "Зерно"
arg2: "Списки"
DRPWPM: "Случайный выбор из взвешенного списка (на день для пользователя)"
arg1: "Список строк текста"
pick: "Выбор из списка"
arg1: "Списки"
arg2: "Индекс"
listLen: "Количество элементов в списке"
arg1: "Списки"
number: "Число"
stringToNumber: "Число из текста"
arg1: "Текст"
numberToString: "Число в текст"
arg1: "Число"
splitStrByLine: "Разделение текста на строки"
arg1: "Текст"
ref: "Переменная"
aiScriptVar: "Переменная AiScript"
fn: "Свои функции"
slots: "Аргументы"
slots-info: "Напишите имя каждого аргумента с новой строки"
arg1: "Формула"
for: "Цикл"
arg1: "Количество повторений"
arg2: "Действие"
typeError: "Аргумент {slot} должен быть иметь тип «{expect}», а передали «{actual}»!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Аргумент {slot} не заполнен!"
string: "Текст"
number: "Число"
boolean: "Логический"
array: "Списки"
stringArray: "Список строк текста"
emptySlot: "Пустой аргумент"
enviromentVariables: "Переменная окружения"
pageVariables: "Элемент страницы"
argVariables: "Аргументы"
requesting: "В ожидании одобрения"
accepted: "Одобрено."

View file

@ -1320,10 +1320,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Moje stránky"
liked: "Obľúbené stránky"
featured: "Význačné"
inspector: "Inšpektor"
contents: "Obsah"
content: "Blok stránky"
variables: "Premenné"
title: "Nadpis"
url: "URL stránky"
summary: "Zhrnutie stránky"
@ -1334,262 +1331,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Bezpätkové"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Nastaviť miniatúru"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Odstrániť miniatúru"
chooseBlock: "Pridať blok"
selectType: "Vyberte typ"
enterVariableName: "Zadajte meno premennej"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Meno premennej s už používa"
contentBlocks: "Obsah"
inputBlocks: "Vstup"
specialBlocks: "Špeciálne"
text: "Text"
textarea: "Textové pole"
section: "Sekcia"
image: "Obrázky"
button: "Tlačidlo"
if: "Ak"
variable: "Premenné"
post: "Napísať poznámku"
text: "Obsah"
attachCanvasImage: "Príspevok s obrázkom na plátne"
canvasId: "ID plátna"
textInput: "Textový vstup"
name: "Meno premennej"
text: "Nadpis"
default: "Predvolená hodnota"
textareaInput: "Viacriadkový textový vstup"
name: "Meno premennej"
text: "Nadpis"
default: "Predvolená hodnota"
numberInput: "Číselný vstup"
name: "Meno premennej"
text: "Nadpis"
default: "Predvolená hodnota"
canvas: "Plátno"
id: "ID plátna"
width: "Šírka"
height: "Výška"
note: "Vložená poznámka"
id: "ID poznámky"
idDescription: "Alebo môžete vložiť URL poznámky sem"
detailed: "Podrobný pohľad"
switch: "Prepnúť"
name: "Meno premennej"
text: "Nadpis"
default: "Predvolená hodnota"
counter: "Počítadlo"
name: "Meno premennej"
text: "Nadpis"
inc: "Pripočítať"
text: "Nadpis"
colored: "Farebné"
action: "Operácia po stlačení tlačidla"
dialog: "Zobraziť dialóg"
content: "Obsah"
resetRandom: "Resetovať zdroj náhodnosti"
pushEvent: "Poslať udalosť"
event: "Názov udalosti"
message: "Zobrazená správa po aktivácii"
variable: "Odoslaná premenná"
no-variable: "Žiadne"
callAiScript: "Spustiť AiScript"
functionName: "Názov funkcie"
radioButton: "Možnosť"
name: "Meno premennej"
title: "Nadpis"
values: "Zoznam možností oddelené novými riadkami"
default: "Predvolená hodnota"
flow: "Riadenie behu"
logical: "Logická operácia"
operation: "Výpočet"
comparison: "Porovnanie"
random: "Náhodné"
value: "Hodnoty"
fn: "Funkcie"
text: "Textové operácie"
convert: "Transformácie"
list: "Zoznamy"
text: "Text"
multiLineText: "Text (viacriadkový)"
textList: "Zoznam textov"
info: "Oddeľte každú položku novým riadkom"
strLen: "Dĺžka textu"
arg1: "Text"
strPick: "Vybrať znak"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Pozícia znaku"
strReplace: "Náhradný text"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Nahradený text"
arg3: "Nahradiť s"
strReverse: "Otočiť text"
arg1: "Text"
join: "Spojiť texty"
arg1: "Zoznamy"
arg2: "Oddeľovač"
add: "Pridať"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Odčítať"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Násobiť"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Deliť"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Zvyšok po delení"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Zaokrúhliť"
arg1: "Číslo"
eq: "A a B sa rovnajú"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A a B sa nerovnajú"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A a zároveň B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A alebo B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A je menšie ako B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A je väčšie ako B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A je menšie alebo rovné B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A je väčšie alebo rovné B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Vetva"
arg1: "Ak"
arg2: "Potom"
arg3: "Inak"
not: "Opak"
arg1: "Opak"
random: "Náhodné"
arg1: "Pravdepodobnosť"
rannum: "Náhodné číslo"
arg1: "Minimálna hodnota"
arg2: "Maximálna hodnota"
randomPick: "Náhodný výber zo zoznamu"
arg1: "Zoznam"
dailyRandom: "Náhodne (zmení sa raz denne pre každého používateľa)"
arg1: "Pravdepodobnosť"
dailyRannum: "Náhodné číslo (Mení sa denne pre každého používateľa)"
arg1: "Minimálna hodnota"
arg2: "Maximálna hodnota"
dailyRandomPick: "Náhodný výber zo zoznamu (Mení sa denne pre každého používateľa)"
arg1: "Zoznam"
seedRandom: "Náhodne (so seedom)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Pravdepodobnosť"
seedRannum: "Náhodné číslo (so seedom)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Minimálna hodnota"
arg3: "Maximálna hodnota"
seedRandomPick: "Náhodný výber zo zoznamu (so seedom)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Zoznam"
DRPWPM: "Náhodný výber z váženého zoznamu (Mení sa denne pre každého používateľa)"
arg1: "Zoznam textov"
pick: "Vybrať zo zoznamu"
arg1: "Zoznam"
arg2: "Pozícia"
listLen: "Získať dĺžku zoznamu"
arg1: "Zoznam"
number: "Číslo"
stringToNumber: "Text na číslo"
arg1: "Text"
numberToString: "Číslo na text"
arg1: "Číslo"
splitStrByLine: "Rozdelí text po riadkoch"
arg1: "Text"
ref: "Premenné"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript premenná"
fn: "Funkcie"
slots: "Sloty"
slots-info: "Oddeľte každý slot novým riadkom"
arg1: "Výstup"
for: "For cyklus"
arg1: "Počet opakovaní"
arg2: "Akcia"
typeError: "Slot {slot} akceptuje hodnoty typu \"{expect}\", ale dodaná hodnota je typu \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} je prázdny!"
string: "Text"
number: "Číslo"
boolean: "Boolean"
array: "Zoznamy"
stringArray: "Zoznam textov"
emptySlot: "Prázdny slot"
enviromentVariables: "Premenné prostredia"
pageVariables: "Premenné stránky"
argVariables: "Vstupné sloty"
requesting: "Čaká sa"
accepted: "Akceptované"

View file

@ -280,25 +280,6 @@ _exportOrImport:
userLists: "Listor"
federation: "Federation"
list: "Listor"
arg1: "Listor"
arg1: "Listor"
arg1: "Listor"
arg2: "Listor"
arg1: "Listor"
arg1: "Listor"
array: "Listor"
youWereFollowed: "följde dig"

View file

@ -1124,10 +1124,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Мої сторінки"
liked: "Вподобані сторінки"
featured: "Популярні"
inspector: "Інспектор"
contents: "Вміст"
content: "Блок сторінки"
variables: "Змінні"
title: "Заголовок"
url: "URL сторінки"
summary: "Короткий зміст"
@ -1138,261 +1135,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Встановити привабливе зображення"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Видалити привабливе зображення"
chooseBlock: "Додати блок"
selectType: "Виберіть тип"
enterVariableName: "Введіть назву для змінної"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Ця назва вже використовується іншою змінною"
contentBlocks: "Контент"
inputBlocks: "Ввід"
specialBlocks: "Особливе"
text: "Текст"
textarea: "Текстова область"
section: "Розділ"
image: "Зображення"
button: "Кнопка"
if: "Якщо"
variable: "Змінні"
post: "Створення нотатки"
text: "Вміст"
canvasId: "Ідентифікатор полотна"
textInput: "Введення тексту"
name: "Ім'я змінної"
text: "Назва"
default: "Значення за замовчуванням"
textareaInput: "Багаторядкове введення тексту"
name: "Ім'я змінної"
text: "Назва"
default: "Значення за замовчуванням"
numberInput: "Числове введення"
name: "Ім'я змінної"
text: "Назва"
default: "Значення за замовчуванням"
canvas: "Полотно"
id: "Ідентифікатор полотна"
width: "Ширина"
height: "Висота"
note: "Вбудована нотатка"
id: "Ідентифікатор нотатки"
idDescription: "Також можна вказати посилання на нотатку"
detailed: "Детальний вигляд"
switch: "Перемикач"
name: "Ім'я змінної"
text: "Назва"
default: "Значення за замовчуванням"
counter: "Лічильник"
name: "Ім'я змінної"
text: "Назва"
inc: "Збільшити на"
text: "Напис"
colored: "Кольоровий"
action: "Дія кнопки"
dialog: "Показати повідомлення"
content: "Вміст"
resetRandom: "Скидання генератора випадковості"
pushEvent: "Надіслати подію"
event: "Назві події"
message: "Повідомлення для відображення при активації"
variable: "Змінна для надсилання"
no-variable: "Відсутньо"
callAiScript: "Виклик AiScript"
functionName: "Ім'я функції"
radioButton: "Вибір"
name: "Ім'я змінної"
title: "Напис"
values: "Варіанти, розділені розривами рядків"
default: "Значення за замовчуванням"
flow: "Керування потоком"
logical: "Логічні операції"
operation: "Обчислення"
comparison: "Порівняння"
random: "Випадковість"
value: "Значення"
fn: "Функції"
text: "Дії з текстом"
convert: "Перетворення"
list: "Списки"
text: "Текст"
multiLineText: "Текст (багаторядковий)"
textList: "Текстовий список"
info: "Використовувати новий рядок як роздільник для вводу"
strLen: "Довжина тексту"
arg1: "Текст"
strPick: "Вибрати символ"
arg1: "Текст"
arg2: "Розташування символу"
strReplace: "Заміна тексту"
arg1: "Текст"
arg2: "Текст, який потрібно замінити"
arg3: "Заміняти на"
strReverse: "Перевернути текст"
arg1: "Текст"
join: "Конкатенація тексту"
arg1: "Списки"
arg2: "Розділювач"
add: "Додати"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Відняти"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Помножити"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Поділити"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Остача"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Десяткове округлення"
arg1: "Число"
eq: "A дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A не дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "А І Б"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A АБО B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A менше, ніж B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A більше, ніж B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A менше або дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A більше або дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Умова"
arg1: "Якщо"
arg2: "Якщо так"
arg3: "Якщо ні"
not: "НЕ"
arg1: "НЕ"
random: "Випадково"
arg1: "Імовірність"
rannum: "Випадкове число"
arg1: "Мінімальне значення"
arg2: "Максимальне значення"
randomPick: "Випадковий вибір зі списку"
arg1: "Списки"
dailyRandom: "Випадково (триває добу)"
arg1: "Імовірність"
dailyRannum: "Випадкове число (триває добу)"
arg1: "Мінімальне значення"
arg2: "Максимальне значення"
dailyRandomPick: "Випадково вибрати зі списку (триває добу)"
arg1: "Списки"
seedRandom: "Випадковість (з насінням)"
arg1: "Насіння"
arg2: "Імовірність"
seedRannum: "Випадкове число (з насінням)"
arg1: "Насіння"
arg2: "Мінімальне значення"
arg3: "Максимальне значення"
seedRandomPick: "Випадково вибрати зі списку (з насінням)"
arg1: "Насіння"
arg2: "Списки"
DRPWPM: "Випадково вибрати зі зваженого списку (триває добу)"
arg1: "Текстовий список"
pick: "Вибір зі списку"
arg1: "Списки"
arg2: "Позиція"
listLen: "Отримати довжину списку"
arg1: "Списки"
number: "Число"
stringToNumber: "Текст на число"
arg1: "Текст"
numberToString: "Число на текст"
arg1: "Число"
splitStrByLine: "Розбиття тексту на рядки"
arg1: "Текст"
ref: "Змінні"
aiScriptVar: "Змінна AiScript"
fn: "Функції"
slots: "Паз"
slots-info: "Використовувати нову лінію як роздільник пазів"
arg1: "Вивід"
for: "Повторення"
arg1: "Кількість повторень"
arg2: "Дія"
typeError: "Паз {slot} приймає \"{expect}\" тип, але надана змінна має тип \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Паз {slot} пустий!"
string: "Текст"
number: "Число"
boolean: "Прапорець"
array: "Списки"
stringArray: "Текстовий список"
emptySlot: "Пустий паз"
enviromentVariables: "Змінні середовища"
pageVariables: "Елемент сторінки"
argVariables: "Стрічка вводу"
requesting: "Очікує затвердження"
accepted: "Затверджено"

View file

@ -1321,10 +1321,7 @@ _pages:
my: "Trang của tôi"
liked: "Trang đã thích"
featured: "Nổi tiếng"
inspector: "Thanh tra"
contents: "Nội dung"
content: "Chặn Trang"
variables: "Biến thể"
title: "Tựa đề"
url: "URL Trang"
summary: "Mô tả Trang"
@ -1335,262 +1332,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Đặt ảnh thu nhỏ"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Xóa ảnh thu nhỏ"
chooseBlock: "Thêm khối"
selectType: "Chọn kiểu"
enterVariableName: "Nhập tên một biến thể"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "Tên biến thể này đã được sử dụng"
contentBlocks: "Nội dung"
inputBlocks: "Nhập"
specialBlocks: "Đặc biệt"
text: "Văn bản"
textarea: "Khu vực văn bản"
section: "Mục "
image: "Hình ảnh"
button: "Nút"
if: "Nếu"
variable: "Biến thể"
post: "Mẫu đăng"
text: "Nội dung"
attachCanvasImage: "Đính kèm hình canva"
canvasId: "ID Canva"
textInput: "Văn bản đầu vào"
name: "Tên biến thể"
text: "Tựa đề"
default: "Giá trị mặc định"
textareaInput: "Văn bản nhiều dòng đầu vào"
name: "Tên biến thể"
text: "Tựa đề"
default: "Giá trị mặc định"
numberInput: "Đầu vào số"
name: "Tên biến thể"
text: "Tựa đề"
default: "Giá trị mặc định"
canvas: "Canva"
id: "ID Canva"
width: "Chiều rộng"
height: "Chiều cao"
note: "Tút đã nhúng"
id: "ID tút"
idDescription: "Ngoài ra, bạn có thể dán URL tút vào đây."
detailed: "Xem chi tiết"
switch: "Chuyển đổi"
name: "Tên biến thể"
text: "Tựa đề"
default: "Giá trị mặc định"
counter: "Bộ đếm"
name: "Tên biến thể"
text: "Tựa đề"
inc: "Bước"
text: "Tựa đề"
colored: "Với màu"
action: "Thao tác khi nhấn nút"
dialog: "Hiện hộp thoại"
content: "Nội dung"
resetRandom: "Đặt lại seed ngẫu nhiên"
pushEvent: "Gửi một sự kiện"
event: "Tên sự kiện"
message: "Tin nhắn hiển thị khi kích hoạt"
variable: "Biển thể để gửi"
no-variable: "Không"
callAiScript: "Gọi AiScript"
functionName: "Tên tính năng"
radioButton: "Lựa chọn"
name: "Tên biến thể"
title: "Tựa đề"
values: "Phân tách các mục bằng cách xuống dòng"
default: "Giá trị mặc định"
flow: "Điều khiển"
logical: "Hoạt động logic"
operation: "Tính toán"
comparison: "So sánh"
random: "Ngẫu nhiên"
value: "Giá trị"
fn: "Tính năng"
text: "Tác vụ văn bản"
convert: "Chuyển đổi"
list: "Danh sách"
text: "Văn bản"
multiLineText: "Văn bản (nhiều dòng)"
textList: "Văn bản liệt kê"
info: "Phân tách mục bằng cách xuống dòng"
strLen: "Độ dài văn bản"
arg1: "Văn bản"
strPick: "Trích xuất chuỗi"
arg1: "Văn bản"
arg2: "Vị trí chuỗi"
strReplace: "Thay thế chuỗi"
arg1: "Nội dung"
arg2: "Văn bản thay thế"
arg3: "Thay thế bằng"
strReverse: "Lật văn bản"
arg1: "Văn bản"
join: "Nối văn bản"
arg1: "Danh sách"
arg2: "Phân cách"
add: "Cộng"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Trừ"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Nhân"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Chia"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Phần còn lại"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Làm tròn thập phân"
arg1: "Số"
eq: "A và B bằng nhau"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A và B khác nhau"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A VÀ B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A HOẶC B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A nhỏ hơn B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A lớn hơn B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A lớn hơn hoặc bằng B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Nhánh"
arg1: "Nếu"
arg2: "Sau đó"
arg3: "Khác"
not: "KHÔNG"
arg1: "KHÔNG"
random: "Ngẫu nhiên"
arg1: "Xác suất"
rannum: "Số ngẫu nhiên"
arg1: "Giá trị tối thiểu"
arg2: "Giá trị tối đa"
randomPick: "Chọn ngẫu nhiên từ danh sách"
arg1: "Danh sách"
dailyRandom: "Ngẫu nhiên (Đổi mỗi người một lần mỗi ngày)"
arg1: "Xác suất"
dailyRannum: "Số ngẫu nhiên (Đổi mỗi người một lần mỗi ngày)"
arg1: "Giá trị tối thiểu"
arg2: "Giá trị tối đa"
dailyRandomPick: "Chọn ngẫu nhiên từ một danh sách (Đổi mỗi người một lần mỗi ngày)"
arg1: "Danh sách"
seedRandom: "Ngẫu nhiên (với seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Xác suất"
seedRannum: "Số ngẫu nhiên (với seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Giá trị tối thiểu"
arg3: "Giá trị tối đa"
seedRandomPick: "Chọn ngẫu nhiên từ danh sách (với seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Danh sách"
DRPWPM: "Chọn ngẫu nhiên từ danh sách nặng (Đổi mỗi người một lần mỗi ngày)"
arg1: "Văn bản liệt kê"
pick: "Chọn từ danh sách"
arg1: "Danh sách"
arg2: "Vị trí"
listLen: "Lấy độ dài danh sách"
arg1: "Danh sách"
number: "Số"
stringToNumber: "Chữ thành số"
arg1: "Văn bản"
numberToString: "Số thành chữ"
arg1: "Số"
splitStrByLine: "Phân cách văn bản bằng cách xuống dòng"
arg1: "Văn bản"
ref: "Biến thể"
aiScriptVar: "Biển thể AiScript"
fn: "Tính năng"
slots: "Chỗ"
slots-info: "Phân cách chỗ bằng cách xuống dòng"
arg1: "Đầu ra"
for: "để-Lặp lại"
arg1: "Số lần lặp lại"
arg2: "Hành động"
typeError: "Chỗ {slot} chấp nhận các giá trị thuộc loại \"{expect}\", nhưng giá trị được cung cấp thuộc loại \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Chỗ {slot} đang trống!"
string: "Văn bản"
number: "Số"
boolean: "Cờ"
array: "Danh sách"
stringArray: "Văn bản liệt kê"
emptySlot: "Chỗ trống"
enviromentVariables: "Biến môi trường"
pageVariables: "Biến trang"
argVariables: "Đầu vào chỗ"
requesting: "Đang chờ"
accepted: "Đã duyệt"

View file

@ -1320,10 +1320,7 @@ _pages:
my: "我的页面"
liked: "喜欢的页面"
featured: "热门"
inspector: "检查器"
contents: "内容"
content: "页面内容"
variables: "变量"
title: "标题"
url: "页面URL"
summary: "页面摘要"
@ -1334,262 +1331,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "无衬线字体"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "设置封面图片"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "删除封面图片"
chooseBlock: "添加块"
selectType: "选择类型"
enterVariableName: "请输入变量名"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "变量名已使用"
contentBlocks: "内容"
inputBlocks: "输入"
specialBlocks: "特殊"
text: "文本"
textarea: "文本区域"
section: "章节"
image: "图片"
button: "按钮"
if: "如果"
variable: "变量"
post: "投稿窗口"
text: "内容"
attachCanvasImage: "附加画布图像"
canvasId: "画布ID"
textInput: "文本输入"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
textareaInput: "多行文本输入"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
numberInput: "输入数值"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
canvas: "画布"
id: "画布ID"
width: "宽度"
height: "高度"
note: "嵌入的帖子"
id: "帖子ID"
idDescription: "您也可以通过粘贴帖子的URL来进行设置。"
detailed: "显示详细信息"
switch: "开关"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
counter: "计数器"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
inc: "增加值"
text: "标题"
colored: "彩色"
action: "按下按钮时的行为"
dialog: "显示对话框"
content: "内容"
resetRandom: "重置随机值"
pushEvent: "发送事件"
event: "事件名称"
message: "按下时显示的消息"
variable: "发送的变量"
no-variable: "空"
callAiScript: "调用AiScript"
functionName: "函数名"
radioButton: "选择项"
name: "变量名"
title: "标题"
values: "使用换行区分的选择项"
default: "默认值"
flow: "控制"
logical: "逻辑运算"
operation: "计算"
comparison: "比较"
random: "随机"
value: "值"
fn: "函数"
text: "文本操作"
convert: "转换"
list: "列表"
text: "文本"
multiLineText: "文本 (多行)"
textList: "文本列表"
info: "请使用换行符分隔每行"
strLen: "文本长度"
arg1: "文本"
strPick: "提取字符"
arg1: "文本"
arg2: "字符位置"
strReplace: "替换文本"
arg1: "文本"
arg2: "替换之前"
arg3: "替换之后"
strReverse: "文本反向"
arg1: "文本"
join: "合并文本"
arg1: "列表"
arg2: "分隔符"
add: "加"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "减"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "乘"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "除"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "取模(MOD)"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "四舍五入"
arg1: "数值"
eq: "A和B相等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A和B不等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A和B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A或B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A小于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A大于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A小于等于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A大于等于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "分支"
arg1: "如果"
arg2: "如果"
arg3: "否则"
not: "否"
arg1: "否"
random: "随机"
arg1: "概率"
rannum: "随机数"
arg1: "最小值"
arg2: "最大值"
randomPick: "从列表中随机选择"
arg1: "列表"
dailyRandom: "随机(每个用户每日)"
arg1: "概率"
dailyRannum: "随机数(每个用户每日)"
arg1: "最小值"
arg2: "最大值"
dailyRandomPick: "从列表中随机选择(每个用户每日)"
arg1: "列表"
seedRandom: "随机 (种子)"
arg1: "种子"
arg2: "概率"
seedRannum: "随机数(种子)"
arg1: "种子"
arg2: "最小值"
arg3: "最大值"
seedRandomPick: "从列表中随机选择 (种子)"
arg1: "种子"
arg2: "列表"
DRPWPM: "从概率列表中随机选择(每用户每天)"
arg1: "文本列表"
pick: "从列表中选择"
arg1: "列表"
arg2: "位置"
listLen: "获取列表长度"
arg1: "列表"
number: "数值"
stringToNumber: "文本到数字"
arg1: "文本"
numberToString: "数字到文本"
arg1: "数值"
splitStrByLine: "将文本按行拆分"
arg1: "文本"
ref: "变量"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript变量"
fn: "函数"
slots: "槽函数"
slots-info: "请使用换行符分隔每个槽函数"
arg1: "输出"
for: "重复"
arg1: "次数"
arg2: "处理"
typeError: "槽函数{slot}需要传入“{expect}”,但是实际传入为“{actual}”!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "槽函数{slot}为空!"
string: "文字"
number: "数值"
boolean: "Flag"
array: "列表"
stringArray: "文本列表"
emptySlot: "空白槽函数"
enviromentVariables: "环境变量"
pageVariables: "页面元素"
argVariables: "输入变量"
requesting: "待批准"
accepted: "已批准"

View file

@ -1320,10 +1320,7 @@ _pages:
my: "我的頁面"
liked: "已喜歡的頁面"
featured: "人氣"
inspector: "面板檢查"
contents: "內容"
content: "頁面方塊"
variables: "變數"
title: "標題"
url: "頁面網址"
summary: "頁面摘要"
@ -1334,262 +1331,6 @@ _pages:
fontSansSerif: "無襯線體"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "設定封面影像"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "刪除封面影像"
chooseBlock: "新增方塊"
selectType: "選擇類型"
enterVariableName: "請輸入變數名稱"
variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "變數名稱已被佔用"
contentBlocks: "內容"
inputBlocks: "輸入"
specialBlocks: "特殊"
text: "字串"
textarea: "字串區域"
section: "區段"
image: "圖片"
button: "按鈕"
if: "如果"
variable: "變數"
post: "發佈窗口"
text: "内容"
attachCanvasImage: "附加相簿圖像 "
canvasId: "畫布ID"
textInput: "插入字串"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
default: "預設值"
textareaInput: "多行文字输入"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
default: "預設值"
numberInput: "輸入數值"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
default: "預設值"
canvas: "畫布"
id: "畫布ID"
width: "寬度"
height: "高度"
note: "嵌式貼文"
id: "貼文ID"
idDescription: "您也可以粘貼筆記 URL 並進行設置。 "
detailed: "顯示詳細內容"
switch: "開關"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
default: "預設值"
counter: "計數器"
name: "變數名稱"
text: "標題"
inc: "増加値"
text: "標題"
colored: "彩色"
action: "按下按鈕後發生的行為"
dialog: "顯示對話框 "
content: "内容"
resetRandom: "重設亂數"
pushEvent: "發送事件"
event: "事件名稱"
message: "按下時顯示的消息 "
variable: "要發送的變數"
no-variable: "沒有"
callAiScript: "調用AiScript"
functionName: "函數名稱"
radioButton: "選項"
name: "變數名稱"
title: "標題"
values: "由換行符分隔的選項"
default: "預設值"
flow: "控制"
logical: "邏輯運算"
operation: "計算"
comparison: "對比"
random: "隨機"
value: "數值 "
fn: "函数"
text: "文本操作"
convert: "轉換"
list: "清單"
text: "字串"
multiLineText: "字串(多行)"
textList: "字串串列"
info: "請分開每個換行符 "
strLen: "字串長度"
arg1: "字串"
strPick: "提取字元"
arg1: "字串"
arg2: "字元位置"
strReplace: "替換字串"
arg1: "字串"
arg2: "替換前"
arg3: "替換後"
strReverse: "倒轉字串"
arg1: "字串"
join: "合併字串"
arg1: "清單"
arg2: "分隔字元"
add: "加"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "减去"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "乘"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "除"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "餘數"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "四舍五入"
arg1: "數值"
eq: "A和B相等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A和B不等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A和B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A或B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A小於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A大於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A小於或等於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A大於或等於B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "分支"
arg1: "如果"
arg2: "如果"
arg3: "除此以外 "
not: "否"
arg1: "否"
random: "隨機"
arg1: "機率"
rannum: "亂數"
arg1: "下限"
arg2: "上限"
randomPick: "從列表中隨機選擇 "
arg1: "清單"
dailyRandom: "隨機(使用者每日變化 )"
arg1: "機率"
dailyRannum: "亂數(使用者每日變化)"
arg1: "下限"
arg2: "上限"
dailyRandomPick: "從列表中隨機選擇(使用者每日變化 "
arg1: "清單"
seedRandom: "隨機抽選種子碼"
arg1: "種子"
arg2: "機率"
seedRannum: "亂數 (種子)"
arg1: "種子"
arg2: "最小值"
arg3: "最大值"
seedRandomPick: "從列表中隨機選擇 (種子)"
arg1: "種子"
arg2: "清單"
DRPWPM: "从機率列表中隨機選擇(每個用户每天)"
arg1: "字串串列"
pick: "從清單中選取"
arg1: "清單"
arg2: "位置"
listLen: "取得清單長度"
arg1: "清單"
number: "數值"
stringToNumber: "將字串轉換至數値"
arg1: "字串"
numberToString: "將數値轉換至字串"
arg1: "數值"
splitStrByLine: "於換行時分割字串"
arg1: "字串"
ref: "變數"
aiScriptVar: "AiScript的變數"
fn: "函数"
slots: "欄位"
slots-info: "用換行符分隔每個欄位"
arg1: "輸出"
for: "重複 "
arg1: "重複次數"
arg2: "處理"
typeError: "槽參數{slot}需要傳入“{expect}”,但是實際傳入為“{actual}”!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "參數{slot}是空的!"
string: "字串"
number: "数值"
boolean: "標記"
array: "清單"
stringArray: "字串列表"
emptySlot: "空欄位"
enviromentVariables: "環境變數"
pageVariables: "頁面元素"
argVariables: "輸入欄位"
requesting: "等待核准"
accepted: "已通過核准"