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server: rewrite skipped instances query in raw SQL
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/push/test Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/pr/lint-foundkey-js Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/lint-backend Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/lint-foundkey-js Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/lint-client Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/pr/lint-client Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/pr/test Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/pr/lint-backend Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/pr/build Pipeline was successful
2022-11-10 00:38:11 +01:00

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { Brackets } from 'typeorm';
import { db } from '@/db/postgre.js';
import { fetchMeta } from '@/misc/fetch-meta.js';
import { Instances } from '@/models/index.js';
import { Instance } from '@/models/entities/instance.js';
@ -25,19 +26,16 @@ export async function skippedInstances(hosts: Array<Instace['host']>): Array<Ins
const deadTime = new Date( - deadThreshold);
return skipped.concat(
await Instances.createQueryBuilder('instance')
.where(' in (:...hosts)', {
await db.query(
'SELECT host FROM instance WHERE ("isSuspended" OR "latestStatus" = 410 OR "lastCommunicatedAt" < $1::date) AND host = ANY(string_to_array($2, \',\'))',
// don't check hosts again that we already know are suspended
// also avoids adding duplicates to the list
hosts: hosts.filter(host => !skipped.includes(host)),
.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => { qb
.orWhere('instance.lastCommunicatedAt < :deadTime', { deadTime })
.orWhere('instance.latestStatus = 410');
hosts.filter(host => !skipped.includes(host) && !host.includes(',')).join(','),
.then(res => =>