import * as http from 'node:http'; import * as https from 'node:https'; import { URL } from 'node:url'; import * as dns from 'node:dns'; import CacheableLookup from 'cacheable-lookup'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { HttpProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgent } from 'hpagent'; import { SECOND } from '@/const.js'; import config from '@/config/index.js'; export async function getJson(url: string, accept = 'application/json, */*', timeout = 10 * SECOND, headers: Record = {}) { const res = await getResponse({ url, method: 'GET', headers: Object.assign({ Accept: accept, }, headers), timeout, }); return await res.json(); } export async function getHtml(url: string, accept = 'text/html, */*', timeout = 10 * SECOND, headers: Record = {}) { const res = await getResponse({ url, method: 'GET', headers: Object.assign({ Accept: accept, }, headers), timeout, }); return await res.text(); } export async function getResponse(_args: { url: string, method: string, body?: string, headers: Record, timeout?: number, size?: number, redirect?: 'follow' | 'manual' | 'error', }) { const args = { timeout: 10 * SECOND, size: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10 MiB redirect: 'follow', ..._args, }; const res = await fetch(args.url, { method: args.method, headers: Object.assign({ 'User-Agent': config.userAgent, }, args.headers), body: args.body, redirect: args.redirect, size: args.size, agent: getAgentByUrl, signal: AbortSignal.timeout(args.timeout), }); if ( !res.ok && // intended redirect is not an error !(args.redirect != 'follow' && res.status >= 300 && res.status < 400)) { throw new StatusError(`${res.status} ${res.statusText}`, res.status, res.statusText); } return res; } const cache = new CacheableLookup({ maxTtl: 3600, // 1hours errorTtl: 30, // 30secs lookup: false, // nativeのdns.lookupにfallbackしない }); // because `cacheable-lookup` is annoying and prefers IPv4 by default, // we need a little wrapper setting some extra options const cacheLookup = (host, _2, _3) => { // do all the weird parameter shenanigans that nodejs's dns.lookup does. let options = {}, callback; if (_3) { options = _2; if (typeof options === 'number') { options = { family: options }; } callback = _3; } else { callback = _2; } // here come the shenanigans, trying to be careful not to mess up // intentionally different behaviour if ( == null && (options.hints ?? 0) === 0) { = 6; options.hints = dns.V4MAPPED; } return cache.lookup(host, options, callback); }; /** * Get http non-proxy agent */ const _http = new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * SECOND, lookup: cacheLookup, } as http.AgentOptions); /** * Get https non-proxy agent */ const _https = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * SECOND, lookup: cacheLookup, } as https.AgentOptions); const maxSockets = Math.max(256, config.deliverJobConcurrency); /** * Get http proxy or non-proxy agent */ export const httpAgent = config.proxy ? new HttpProxyAgent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * SECOND, maxSockets, maxFreeSockets: 256, scheduling: 'lifo', proxy: config.proxy, }) : _http; /** * Get https proxy or non-proxy agent */ export const httpsAgent = config.proxy ? new HttpsProxyAgent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * SECOND, maxSockets, maxFreeSockets: 256, scheduling: 'lifo', proxy: config.proxy, }) : _https; /** * Get agent by URL * @param url URL * @param bypassProxy Allways bypass proxy */ export function getAgentByUrl(url: URL, bypassProxy = false) { if (bypassProxy || (config.proxyBypassHosts || []).includes(url.hostname)) { return url.protocol === 'http:' ? _http : _https; } else { return url.protocol === 'http:' ? httpAgent : httpsAgent; } } export class StatusError extends Error { public statusCode: number; public statusMessage?: string; public isClientError: boolean; constructor(message: string, statusCode: number, statusMessage?: string) { super(message); = 'StatusError'; this.statusCode = statusCode; this.statusMessage = statusMessage; this.isClientError = typeof this.statusCode === 'number' && this.statusCode >= 400 && this.statusCode < 500; } }