export class pagesToPlaintext1659335999000 { name = 'pagesToPlaintext1659335999000' async up(queryRunner) { await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ADD "text" text`); async function noteUrl(noteId) { const note = await queryRunner.query(`SELECT "uri", "userHost" FROM "note" WHERE "id" = $1`, [noteId]); if (note.uri) return note.uri; // don't really have access to the configuration here so just guess else return `https://${note.userHost}/notes/${noteId}`; } async function fileUrl(fileId) { const file = await queryRunner.query(`SELECT "url" from "drive_file" WHERE "id" = $1`, [fileId]); return file.url; } async function convertBlock(block) { switch (block.type) { case 'note': if (block.note) return noteUrl(block.note); else break; case 'section': return block.children.map(convertBlock).join('\n'); case 'text': return block.text; case 'textarea': return '```\n' + block.text + '```'; case 'image': if (block.fileId) return '![image](' + fileUrl(block.fileId) + ')'; else break; case 'if': // no idea how to convert these case 'post': // new note form, why? case 'canvas': // there is some aiscript api for these but dont think anyone ever used it // interactive elements can also not be converted case 'button': case 'numberInput': case 'textInput': case 'switch': case 'radioButton': case 'counter': break; } return `(There was a/an ${block.type} here in a previous version but it is no longer supported.)`; } await queryRunner.query(`SELECT id, "content" FROM "page"`) .then(pages => Promise.all(pages.map(page => { let text = page.content.map(convertBlock).join('\n'); return queryRunner.query(`UPDATE "page" SET "text" = $1 WHERE "id" = $2`, [text, page.id]); }))); await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" DROP COLUMN "content"`); await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" DROP COLUMN "variables"`); await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" DROP COLUMN "script"`); } async down(queryRunner) { await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ADD "content" jsonb default '[]'::jsonb`); await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ADD "variables" jsonb default '[]'::jsonb`); await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ADD "script" character varying(16384) default ''`); // The conversion from the previous page content to text is lossy, // so we can just convert it back to a big text block. await queryRunner.query(`SELECT "id", "text" FROM "page"`) .then(pages => Promise.all(pages.map(page => { const content = [{ // just a random UUID to keep the data structure id: '0730b23f-ab5b-4d56-8bd1-f4ead3f72af7', type: 'text', text: page.text, }]; return queryRunner.query(`UPDATE "page" SET "content" = $1 WHERE "id" = $2`, [JSON.stringify(content), page.id]); }))); await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" DROP COLUMN "text"`); } }