diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph.ex
index 18ddde84b..78cef1525 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph.ex
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ defp build_attachments(%{data: %{"attachment" => attachments}}) do
     Enum.reduce(attachments, [], fn attachment, acc ->
       rendered_tags =
         Enum.reduce(attachment["url"], [], fn url, acc ->
-          # TODO: Add additional properties to objects when we have the data available.
-          # Also, Whatsapp only wants JPEG or PNGs. It seems that if we add a second og:image
+          # TODO: Whatsapp only wants JPEG or PNGs. It seems that if we add a second og:image
           # object when a Video or GIF is attached it will display that in Whatsapp Rich Preview.
           case Utils.fetch_media_type(@media_types, url["mediaType"]) do
             "audio" ->
@@ -85,12 +84,14 @@ defp build_attachments(%{data: %{"attachment" => attachments}}) do
                 {:meta, [property: "og:image:alt", content: attachment["name"]], []}
                 | acc
+              |> maybe_add_dimensions(url)
             "video" ->
                 {:meta, [property: "og:video", content: Utils.attachment_url(url["href"])], []}
                 | acc
+              |> maybe_add_dimensions(url)
             _ ->
@@ -102,4 +103,21 @@ defp build_attachments(%{data: %{"attachment" => attachments}}) do
   defp build_attachments(_), do: []
+  # We can use url["mediaType"] to dynamically fill the metadata
+  defp maybe_add_dimensions(metadata, url) do
+    type = url["mediaType"] |> String.split("/") |> List.first()
+    cond do
+      !is_nil(url["height"]) && !is_nil(url["width"]) ->
+        metadata ++
+          [
+            {:meta, [property: "og:#{type}:width", content: "#{url["width"]}"], []},
+            {:meta, [property: "og:#{type}:height", content: "#{url["height"]}"], []}
+          ]
+      true ->
+        metadata
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph_test.exs b/test/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph_test.exs
index fc44b3cbd..f5f71cee5 100644
--- a/test/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph_test.exs
+++ b/test/pleroma/web/metadata/providers/open_graph_test.exs
@@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ test "it renders all supported types of attachments and skips unknown types" do
           "attachment" => [
               "url" => [
-                %{"mediaType" => "image/png", "href" => "https://pleroma.gov/tenshi.png"}
+                %{
+                  "mediaType" => "image/png",
+                  "href" => "https://pleroma.gov/tenshi.png",
+                  "height" => 1024,
+                  "width" => 1280
+                }
@@ -35,7 +40,12 @@ test "it renders all supported types of attachments and skips unknown types" do
               "url" => [
-                %{"mediaType" => "video/webm", "href" => "https://pleroma.gov/about/juche.webm"}
+                %{
+                  "mediaType" => "video/webm",
+                  "href" => "https://pleroma.gov/about/juche.webm",
+                  "height" => 600,
+                  "width" => 800
+                }
@@ -55,11 +65,15 @@ test "it renders all supported types of attachments and skips unknown types" do
     assert Enum.all?(
                {:meta, [property: "og:image", content: "https://pleroma.gov/tenshi.png"], []},
+               {:meta, [property: "og:image:width", content: "1280"], []},
+               {:meta, [property: "og:image:height", content: "1024"], []},
                 [property: "og:audio", content: "http://www.gnu.org/music/free-software-song.au"],
                {:meta, [property: "og:video", content: "https://pleroma.gov/about/juche.webm"],
-                []}
+                []},
+               {:meta, [property: "og:video:width", content: "800"], []},
+               {:meta, [property: "og:video:height", content: "600"], []}
              fn element -> element in result end