# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Manages emoji packs" @moduledoc """ Manages emoji packs ## ls-packs mix pleroma.emoji ls-packs [OPTION...] Lists the emoji packs and metadata specified in the manifest. ### Options - `-m, --manifest PATH/URL` - path to a custom manifest, it can either be an URL starting with `http`, in that case the manifest will be fetched from that address, or a local path ## get-packs mix pleroma.emoji get-packs [OPTION...] PACKS Fetches, verifies and installs the specified PACKS from the manifest into the `STATIC-DIR/emoji/PACK-NAME` ### Options - `-m, --manifest PATH/URL` - same as ls-packs ## gen-pack mix pleroma.emoji gen-pack PACK-URL Creates a new manifest entry and a file list from the specified remote pack file. Currently, only .zip archives are recognized as remote pack files and packs are therefore assumed to be zip archives. This command is intended to run interactively and will first ask you some basic questions about the pack, then download the remote file and generate an SHA256 checksum for it, then generate an emoji file list for you. The manifest entry will either be written to a newly created `index.json` file or appended to the existing one, *replacing* the old pack with the same name if it was in the file previously. The file list will be written to the file specified previously, *replacing* that file. You _should_ check that the file list doesn't contain anything you don't need in the pack, that is, anything that is not an emoji (the whole pack is downloaded, but only emoji files are extracted). """ def run(["ls-packs" | args]) do Application.ensure_all_started(:hackney) {options, [], []} = parse_global_opts(args) manifest = fetch_manifest(if options[:manifest], do: options[:manifest], else: default_manifest()) Enum.each(manifest, fn {name, info} -> to_print = [ {"Name", name}, {"Homepage", info["homepage"]}, {"Description", info["description"]}, {"License", info["license"]}, {"Source", info["src"]} ] for {param, value} <- to_print do IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format([:bright, param, :normal, ": ", value])) end # A newline IO.puts("") end) end def run(["get-packs" | args]) do Application.ensure_all_started(:hackney) {options, pack_names, []} = parse_global_opts(args) manifest_url = if options[:manifest], do: options[:manifest], else: default_manifest() manifest = fetch_manifest(manifest_url) for pack_name <- pack_names do if Map.has_key?(manifest, pack_name) do pack = manifest[pack_name] src_url = pack["src"] IO.puts( IO.ANSI.format([ "Downloading ", :bright, pack_name, :normal, " from ", :underline, src_url ]) ) binary_archive = Tesla.get!(client(), src_url).body archive_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, binary_archive) |> Base.encode16() sha_status_text = ["SHA256 of ", :bright, pack_name, :normal, " source file is ", :bright] if archive_sha == String.upcase(pack["src_sha256"]) do IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format(sha_status_text ++ [:green, "OK"])) else IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format(sha_status_text ++ [:red, "BAD"])) raise "Bad SHA256 for #{pack_name}" end # The url specified in files should be in the same directory files_url = Path.join(Path.dirname(manifest_url), pack["files"]) IO.puts( IO.ANSI.format([ "Fetching the file list for ", :bright, pack_name, :normal, " from ", :underline, files_url ]) ) files = Tesla.get!(client(), files_url).body |> Jason.decode!() IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format(["Unpacking ", :bright, pack_name])) pack_path = Path.join([ Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]), "emoji", pack_name ]) files_to_unzip = Enum.map( files, fn {_, f} -> to_charlist(f) end ) {:ok, _} = :zip.unzip(binary_archive, cwd: pack_path, file_list: files_to_unzip ) IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format(["Writing emoji.txt for ", :bright, pack_name])) emoji_txt_str = Enum.map( files, fn {shortcode, path} -> emojo_path = Path.join("/emoji/#{pack_name}", path) "#{shortcode}, #{emojo_path}" end ) |> Enum.join("\n") File.write!(Path.join(pack_path, "emoji.txt"), emoji_txt_str) else IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format([:bright, :red, "No pack named \"#{pack_name}\" found"])) end end end def run(["gen-pack", src]) do Application.ensure_all_started(:hackney) proposed_name = Path.basename(src) |> Path.rootname() name = String.trim(IO.gets("Pack name [#{proposed_name}]: ")) # If there's no name, use the default one name = if String.length(name) > 0, do: name, else: proposed_name license = String.trim(IO.gets("License: ")) homepage = String.trim(IO.gets("Homepage: ")) description = String.trim(IO.gets("Description: ")) proposed_files_name = "#{name}.json" files_name = String.trim(IO.gets("Save file list to [#{proposed_files_name}]: ")) files_name = if String.length(files_name) > 0, do: files_name, else: proposed_files_name default_exts = [".png", ".gif"] default_exts_str = Enum.join(default_exts, " ") exts = String.trim( IO.gets("Emoji file extensions (separated with spaces) [#{default_exts_str}]: ") ) exts = if String.length(exts) > 0 do String.split(exts, " ") |> Enum.filter(fn e -> e |> String.trim() |> String.length() > 0 end) else default_exts end IO.puts("Downloading the pack and generating SHA256") binary_archive = Tesla.get!(client(), src).body archive_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, binary_archive) |> Base.encode16() IO.puts("SHA256 is #{archive_sha}") pack_json = %{ name => %{ license: license, homepage: homepage, description: description, src: src, src_sha256: archive_sha, files: files_name } } tmp_pack_dir = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "emoji-pack-#{name}") {:ok, _} = :zip.unzip( binary_archive, cwd: tmp_pack_dir ) emoji_map = Pleroma.Emoji.make_shortcode_to_file_map(tmp_pack_dir, exts) File.write!(files_name, Jason.encode!(emoji_map, pretty: true)) IO.puts(""" #{files_name} has been created and contains the list of all found emojis in the pack. Please review the files in the remove those not needed. """) if File.exists?("index.json") do existing_data = File.read!("index.json") |> Jason.decode!() File.write!( "index.json", Jason.encode!( Map.merge( existing_data, pack_json ), pretty: true ) ) IO.puts("index.json file has been update with the #{name} pack") else File.write!("index.json", Jason.encode!(pack_json, pretty: true)) IO.puts("index.json has been created with the #{name} pack") end end defp fetch_manifest(from) do Jason.decode!( if String.starts_with?(from, "http") do Tesla.get!(client(), from).body else File.read!(from) end ) end defp parse_global_opts(args) do OptionParser.parse( args, strict: [ manifest: :string ], aliases: [ m: :manifest ] ) end defp client do middleware = [ {Tesla.Middleware.FollowRedirects, [max_redirects: 3]} ] Tesla.client(middleware) end defp default_manifest, do: Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :default_manifest]) end