diff --git a/lib/pleroma/emoji-data.txt b/lib/pleroma/emoji-data.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2fb5c3ff6..000000000 --- a/lib/pleroma/emoji-data.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,769 +0,0 @@ -# emoji-data.txt -# Date: 2019-01-15, 12:10:05 GMT -# © 2019 Unicode®, Inc. -# Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. -# For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html -# -# Emoji Data for UTS #51 -# Version: 12.0 -# -# For documentation and usage, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51 -# -# Format: -# ; # -# Note: there is no guarantee as to the structure of whitespace or comments -# -# Characters and sequences are listed in code point order. Users should be shown a more natural order. -# See the CLDR collation order for Emoji. - - -# ================================================ - -# All omitted code points have Emoji=No -# @missing: 0000..10FFFF ; Emoji ; No - -0023 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (#️) number sign -002A ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (*️) asterisk -0030..0039 ; Emoji # 1.1 [10] (0️..9️) digit zero..digit nine -00A9 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (©️) copyright -00AE ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (®️) registered -203C ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (‼️) double exclamation mark -2049 ; Emoji # 3.0 [1] (⁉️) exclamation question mark -2122 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (™️) trade mark -2139 ; Emoji # 3.0 [1] (ℹ️) information -2194..2199 ; Emoji # 1.1 [6] (↔️..↙️) left-right arrow..down-left arrow -21A9..21AA ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (↩️..↪️) right arrow curving left..left arrow curving right -231A..231B ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (⌚..⌛) watch..hourglass done -2328 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (⌨️) keyboard -23CF ; Emoji # 4.0 [1] (⏏️) eject button -23E9..23F3 ; Emoji # 6.0 [11] (⏩..⏳) fast-forward button..hourglass not done -23F8..23FA ; Emoji # 7.0 [3] (⏸️..⏺️) pause button..record button -24C2 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (Ⓜ️) circled M -25AA..25AB ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (▪️..▫️) black small square..white small square -25B6 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (▶️) play button -25C0 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (◀️) reverse button -25FB..25FE ; Emoji # 3.2 [4] (◻️..◾) white medium square..black medium-small square -2600..2604 ; Emoji # 1.1 [5] (☀️..☄️) sun..comet -260E ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (☎️) telephone -2611 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (☑️) check box with check -2614..2615 ; Emoji # 4.0 [2] (☔..☕) umbrella with rain drops..hot beverage -2618 ; Emoji # 4.1 [1] (☘️) shamrock -261D ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (☝️) index pointing up -2620 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (☠️) skull and crossbones -2622..2623 ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (☢️..☣️) radioactive..biohazard -2626 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (☦️) orthodox cross -262A ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (☪️) star and crescent -262E..262F ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (☮️..☯️) peace symbol..yin yang -2638..263A ; Emoji # 1.1 [3] (☸️..☺️) wheel of dharma..smiling face -2640 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (♀️) female sign -2642 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (♂️) male sign -2648..2653 ; Emoji # 1.1 [12] (♈..♓) Aries..Pisces -265F..2660 ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (♟️..♠️) chess pawn..spade suit -2663 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (♣️) club suit -2665..2666 ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (♥️..♦️) heart suit..diamond suit -2668 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (♨️) hot springs -267B ; Emoji # 3.2 [1] (♻️) recycling symbol -267E..267F ; Emoji # 4.1 [2] (♾️..♿) infinity..wheelchair symbol -2692..2697 ; Emoji # 4.1 [6] (⚒️..⚗️) hammer and pick..alembic -2699 ; Emoji # 4.1 [1] (⚙️) gear -269B..269C ; Emoji # 4.1 [2] (⚛️..⚜️) atom symbol..fleur-de-lis -26A0..26A1 ; Emoji # 4.0 [2] (⚠️..⚡) warning..high voltage -26AA..26AB ; Emoji # 4.1 [2] (⚪..⚫) white circle..black circle -26B0..26B1 ; Emoji # 4.1 [2] (⚰️..⚱️) coffin..funeral urn -26BD..26BE ; Emoji # 5.2 [2] (⚽..⚾) soccer ball..baseball -26C4..26C5 ; Emoji # 5.2 [2] (⛄..⛅) snowman without snow..sun behind cloud -26C8 ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (⛈️) cloud with lightning and rain -26CE ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (⛎) Ophiuchus -26CF ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (⛏️) pick -26D1 ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (⛑️) rescue worker’s helmet -26D3..26D4 ; Emoji # 5.2 [2] (⛓️..⛔) chains..no entry -26E9..26EA ; Emoji # 5.2 [2] (⛩️..⛪) shinto shrine..church -26F0..26F5 ; Emoji # 5.2 [6] (⛰️..⛵) mountain..sailboat -26F7..26FA ; Emoji # 5.2 [4] (⛷️..⛺) skier..tent -26FD ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (⛽) fuel pump -2702 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (✂️) scissors -2705 ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (✅) check mark button -2708..2709 ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (✈️..✉️) airplane..envelope -270A..270B ; Emoji # 6.0 [2] (✊..✋) raised fist..raised hand -270C..270D ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (✌️..✍️) victory hand..writing hand -270F ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (✏️) pencil -2712 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (✒️) black nib -2714 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (✔️) check mark -2716 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (✖️) multiplication sign -271D ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (✝️) latin cross -2721 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (✡️) star of David -2728 ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (✨) sparkles -2733..2734 ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (✳️..✴️) eight-spoked asterisk..eight-pointed star -2744 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (❄️) snowflake -2747 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (❇️) sparkle -274C ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (❌) cross mark -274E ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (❎) cross mark button -2753..2755 ; Emoji # 6.0 [3] (❓..❕) question mark..white exclamation mark -2757 ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (❗) exclamation mark -2763..2764 ; Emoji # 1.1 [2] (❣️..❤️) heart exclamation..red heart -2795..2797 ; Emoji # 6.0 [3] (➕..➗) plus sign..division sign -27A1 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (➡️) right arrow -27B0 ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (➰) curly loop -27BF ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (➿) double curly loop -2934..2935 ; Emoji # 3.2 [2] (⤴️..⤵️) right arrow curving up..right arrow curving down -2B05..2B07 ; Emoji # 4.0 [3] (⬅️..⬇️) left arrow..down arrow -2B1B..2B1C ; Emoji # 5.1 [2] (⬛..⬜) black large square..white large square -2B50 ; Emoji # 5.1 [1] (⭐) star -2B55 ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (⭕) hollow red circle -3030 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (〰️) wavy dash -303D ; Emoji # 3.2 [1] (〽️) part alternation mark -3297 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (㊗️) Japanese “congratulations” button -3299 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (㊙️) Japanese “secret” button -1F004 ; Emoji # 5.1 [1] (🀄) mahjong red dragon -1F0CF ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (🃏) joker -1F170..1F171 ; Emoji # 6.0 [2] (🅰️..🅱️) A button (blood type)..B button (blood type) -1F17E ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (🅾️) O button (blood type) -1F17F ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (🅿️) P button -1F18E ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (🆎) AB button (blood type) -1F191..1F19A ; Emoji # 6.0 [10] (🆑..🆚) CL button..VS button -1F1E6..1F1FF ; Emoji # 6.0 [26] (🇦..🇿) regional indicator symbol letter a..regional indicator symbol letter z -1F201..1F202 ; Emoji # 6.0 [2] (🈁..🈂️) Japanese “here” button..Japanese “service charge” button -1F21A ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (🈚) Japanese “free of charge” button -1F22F ; Emoji # 5.2 [1] (🈯) Japanese “reserved” button -1F232..1F23A ; Emoji # 6.0 [9] (🈲..🈺) Japanese “prohibited” button..Japanese “open for business” button -1F250..1F251 ; Emoji # 6.0 [2] (🉐..🉑) Japanese “bargain” button..Japanese “acceptable” button -1F300..1F320 ; Emoji # 6.0 [33] (🌀..🌠) cyclone..shooting star -1F321 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🌡️) thermometer -1F324..1F32C ; Emoji # 7.0 [9] (🌤️..🌬️) sun behind small cloud..wind face -1F32D..1F32F ; Emoji # 8.0 [3] (🌭..🌯) hot dog..burrito -1F330..1F335 ; Emoji # 6.0 [6] (🌰..🌵) chestnut..cactus -1F336 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🌶️) hot pepper -1F337..1F37C ; Emoji # 6.0 [70] (🌷..🍼) tulip..baby bottle -1F37D ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🍽️) fork and knife with plate -1F37E..1F37F ; Emoji # 8.0 [2] (🍾..🍿) bottle with popping cork..popcorn -1F380..1F393 ; Emoji # 6.0 [20] (🎀..🎓) ribbon..graduation cap -1F396..1F397 ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🎖️..🎗️) military medal..reminder ribbon -1F399..1F39B ; Emoji # 7.0 [3] (🎙️..🎛️) studio microphone..control knobs -1F39E..1F39F ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🎞️..🎟️) film frames..admission tickets -1F3A0..1F3C4 ; Emoji # 6.0 [37] (🎠..🏄) carousel horse..person surfing -1F3C5 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🏅) sports medal -1F3C6..1F3CA ; Emoji # 6.0 [5] (🏆..🏊) trophy..person swimming -1F3CB..1F3CE ; Emoji # 7.0 [4] (🏋️..🏎️) person lifting weights..racing car -1F3CF..1F3D3 ; Emoji # 8.0 [5] (🏏..🏓) cricket game..ping pong -1F3D4..1F3DF ; Emoji # 7.0 [12] (🏔️..🏟️) snow-capped mountain..stadium -1F3E0..1F3F0 ; Emoji # 6.0 [17] (🏠..🏰) house..castle -1F3F3..1F3F5 ; Emoji # 7.0 [3] (🏳️..🏵️) white flag..rosette -1F3F7 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🏷️) label -1F3F8..1F3FF ; Emoji # 8.0 [8] (🏸..🏿) badminton..dark skin tone -1F400..1F43E ; Emoji # 6.0 [63] (🐀..🐾) rat..paw prints -1F43F ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🐿️) chipmunk -1F440 ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (👀) eyes -1F441 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (👁️) eye -1F442..1F4F7 ; Emoji # 6.0[182] (👂..📷) ear..camera -1F4F8 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (📸) camera with flash -1F4F9..1F4FC ; Emoji # 6.0 [4] (📹..📼) video camera..videocassette -1F4FD ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (📽️) film projector -1F4FF ; Emoji # 8.0 [1] (📿) prayer beads -1F500..1F53D ; Emoji # 6.0 [62] (🔀..🔽) shuffle tracks button..downwards button -1F549..1F54A ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🕉️..🕊️) om..dove -1F54B..1F54E ; Emoji # 8.0 [4] (🕋..🕎) kaaba..menorah -1F550..1F567 ; Emoji # 6.0 [24] (🕐..🕧) one o’clock..twelve-thirty -1F56F..1F570 ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🕯️..🕰️) candle..mantelpiece clock -1F573..1F579 ; Emoji # 7.0 [7] (🕳️..🕹️) hole..joystick -1F57A ; Emoji # 9.0 [1] (🕺) man dancing -1F587 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🖇️) linked paperclips -1F58A..1F58D ; Emoji # 7.0 [4] (🖊️..🖍️) pen..crayon -1F590 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🖐️) hand with fingers splayed -1F595..1F596 ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🖕..🖖) middle finger..vulcan salute -1F5A4 ; Emoji # 9.0 [1] (🖤) black heart -1F5A5 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🖥️) desktop computer -1F5A8 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🖨️) printer -1F5B1..1F5B2 ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🖱️..🖲️) computer mouse..trackball -1F5BC ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🖼️) framed picture -1F5C2..1F5C4 ; Emoji # 7.0 [3] (🗂️..🗄️) card index dividers..file cabinet -1F5D1..1F5D3 ; Emoji # 7.0 [3] (🗑️..🗓️) wastebasket..spiral calendar -1F5DC..1F5DE ; Emoji # 7.0 [3] (🗜️..🗞️) clamp..rolled-up newspaper -1F5E1 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🗡️) dagger -1F5E3 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🗣️) speaking head -1F5E8 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🗨️) left speech bubble -1F5EF ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🗯️) right anger bubble -1F5F3 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🗳️) ballot box with ballot -1F5FA ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🗺️) world map -1F5FB..1F5FF ; Emoji # 6.0 [5] (🗻..🗿) mount fuji..moai -1F600 ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😀) grinning face -1F601..1F610 ; Emoji # 6.0 [16] (😁..😐) beaming face with smiling eyes..neutral face -1F611 ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😑) expressionless face -1F612..1F614 ; Emoji # 6.0 [3] (😒..😔) unamused face..pensive face -1F615 ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😕) confused face -1F616 ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (😖) confounded face -1F617 ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😗) kissing face -1F618 ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (😘) face blowing a kiss -1F619 ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😙) kissing face with smiling eyes -1F61A ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (😚) kissing face with closed eyes -1F61B ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😛) face with tongue -1F61C..1F61E ; Emoji # 6.0 [3] (😜..😞) winking face with tongue..disappointed face -1F61F ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😟) worried face -1F620..1F625 ; Emoji # 6.0 [6] (😠..😥) angry face..sad but relieved face -1F626..1F627 ; Emoji # 6.1 [2] (😦..😧) frowning face with open mouth..anguished face -1F628..1F62B ; Emoji # 6.0 [4] (😨..😫) fearful face..tired face -1F62C ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😬) grimacing face -1F62D ; Emoji # 6.0 [1] (😭) loudly crying face -1F62E..1F62F ; Emoji # 6.1 [2] (😮..😯) face with open mouth..hushed face -1F630..1F633 ; Emoji # 6.0 [4] (😰..😳) anxious face with sweat..flushed face -1F634 ; Emoji # 6.1 [1] (😴) sleeping face -1F635..1F640 ; Emoji # 6.0 [12] (😵..🙀) dizzy face..weary cat -1F641..1F642 ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🙁..🙂) slightly frowning face..slightly smiling face -1F643..1F644 ; Emoji # 8.0 [2] (🙃..🙄) upside-down face..face with rolling eyes -1F645..1F64F ; Emoji # 6.0 [11] (🙅..🙏) person gesturing NO..folded hands -1F680..1F6C5 ; Emoji # 6.0 [70] (🚀..🛅) rocket..left luggage -1F6CB..1F6CF ; Emoji # 7.0 [5] (🛋️..🛏️) couch and lamp..bed -1F6D0 ; Emoji # 8.0 [1] (🛐) place of worship -1F6D1..1F6D2 ; Emoji # 9.0 [2] (🛑..🛒) stop sign..shopping cart -1F6D5 ; Emoji # 12.0 [1] (🛕) hindu temple -1F6E0..1F6E5 ; Emoji # 7.0 [6] (🛠️..🛥️) hammer and wrench..motor boat -1F6E9 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🛩️) small airplane -1F6EB..1F6EC ; Emoji # 7.0 [2] (🛫..🛬) airplane departure..airplane arrival -1F6F0 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🛰️) satellite -1F6F3 ; Emoji # 7.0 [1] (🛳️) passenger ship -1F6F4..1F6F6 ; Emoji # 9.0 [3] (🛴..🛶) kick scooter..canoe -1F6F7..1F6F8 ; Emoji # 10.0 [2] (🛷..🛸) sled..flying saucer -1F6F9 ; Emoji # 11.0 [1] (🛹) skateboard -1F6FA ; Emoji # 12.0 [1] (🛺) auto rickshaw -1F7E0..1F7EB ; Emoji # 12.0 [12] (🟠..🟫) orange circle..brown square -1F90D..1F90F ; Emoji # 12.0 [3] (🤍..🤏) white heart..pinching hand -1F910..1F918 ; Emoji # 8.0 [9] (🤐..🤘) zipper-mouth face..sign of the horns -1F919..1F91E ; Emoji # 9.0 [6] (🤙..🤞) call me hand..crossed fingers -1F91F ; Emoji # 10.0 [1] (🤟) love-you gesture -1F920..1F927 ; Emoji # 9.0 [8] (🤠..🤧) cowboy hat face..sneezing face -1F928..1F92F ; Emoji # 10.0 [8] (🤨..🤯) face with raised eyebrow..exploding head -1F930 ; Emoji # 9.0 [1] (🤰) pregnant woman -1F931..1F932 ; Emoji # 10.0 [2] (🤱..🤲) breast-feeding..palms up together -1F933..1F93A ; Emoji # 9.0 [8] (🤳..🤺) selfie..person fencing -1F93C..1F93E ; Emoji # 9.0 [3] (🤼..🤾) people wrestling..person playing handball -1F93F ; Emoji # 12.0 [1] (🤿) diving mask -1F940..1F945 ; Emoji # 9.0 [6] (🥀..🥅) wilted flower..goal net -1F947..1F94B ; Emoji # 9.0 [5] (🥇..🥋) 1st place medal..martial arts uniform -1F94C ; Emoji # 10.0 [1] (🥌) curling stone -1F94D..1F94F ; Emoji # 11.0 [3] (🥍..🥏) lacrosse..flying disc -1F950..1F95E ; Emoji # 9.0 [15] (🥐..🥞) croissant..pancakes -1F95F..1F96B ; Emoji # 10.0 [13] (🥟..🥫) dumpling..canned food -1F96C..1F970 ; Emoji # 11.0 [5] (🥬..🥰) leafy green..smiling face with hearts -1F971 ; Emoji # 12.0 [1] (🥱) yawning face -1F973..1F976 ; Emoji # 11.0 [4] (🥳..🥶) partying face..cold face -1F97A ; Emoji # 11.0 [1] (🥺) pleading face -1F97B ; Emoji # 12.0 [1] (🥻) sari -1F97C..1F97F ; Emoji # 11.0 [4] (🥼..🥿) lab coat..flat shoe -1F980..1F984 ; Emoji # 8.0 [5] (🦀..🦄) crab..unicorn -1F985..1F991 ; Emoji # 9.0 [13] (🦅..🦑) eagle..squid -1F992..1F997 ; Emoji # 10.0 [6] (🦒..🦗) giraffe..cricket -1F998..1F9A2 ; Emoji # 11.0 [11] (🦘..🦢) kangaroo..swan -1F9A5..1F9AA ; Emoji # 12.0 [6] (🦥..🦪) sloth..oyster -1F9AE..1F9AF ; Emoji # 12.0 [2] (🦮..🦯) guide dog..probing cane -1F9B0..1F9B9 ; Emoji # 11.0 [10] (🦰..🦹) red hair..supervillain -1F9BA..1F9BF ; Emoji # 12.0 [6] (🦺..🦿) safety vest..mechanical leg -1F9C0 ; Emoji # 8.0 [1] (🧀) cheese wedge -1F9C1..1F9C2 ; Emoji # 11.0 [2] (🧁..🧂) cupcake..salt -1F9C3..1F9CA ; Emoji # 12.0 [8] (🧃..🧊) beverage box..ice cube -1F9CD..1F9CF ; Emoji # 12.0 [3] (🧍..🧏) person standing..deaf person -1F9D0..1F9E6 ; Emoji # 10.0 [23] (🧐..🧦) face with monocle..socks -1F9E7..1F9FF ; Emoji # 11.0 [25] (🧧..🧿) red envelope..nazar amulet -1FA70..1FA73 ; Emoji # 12.0 [4] (🩰..🩳) ballet shoes..shorts -1FA78..1FA7A ; Emoji # 12.0 [3] (🩸..🩺) drop of blood..stethoscope -1FA80..1FA82 ; Emoji # 12.0 [3] (🪀..🪂) yo-yo..parachute -1FA90..1FA95 ; Emoji # 12.0 [6] (🪐..🪕) ringed planet..banjo - -# Total elements: 1311 - -# ================================================ - -# All omitted code points have Emoji_Presentation=No -# @missing: 0000..10FFFF ; Emoji_Presentation ; No - -231A..231B ; Emoji_Presentation # 1.1 [2] (⌚..⌛) watch..hourglass done -23E9..23EC ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [4] (⏩..⏬) fast-forward button..fast down button -23F0 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (⏰) alarm clock -23F3 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (⏳) hourglass not done -25FD..25FE ; Emoji_Presentation # 3.2 [2] (◽..◾) white medium-small square..black medium-small square -2614..2615 ; Emoji_Presentation # 4.0 [2] (☔..☕) umbrella with rain drops..hot beverage -2648..2653 ; Emoji_Presentation # 1.1 [12] (♈..♓) Aries..Pisces -267F ; Emoji_Presentation # 4.1 [1] (♿) wheelchair symbol -2693 ; Emoji_Presentation # 4.1 [1] (⚓) anchor -26A1 ; Emoji_Presentation # 4.0 [1] (⚡) high voltage -26AA..26AB ; Emoji_Presentation # 4.1 [2] (⚪..⚫) white circle..black circle -26BD..26BE ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [2] (⚽..⚾) soccer ball..baseball -26C4..26C5 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [2] (⛄..⛅) snowman without snow..sun behind cloud -26CE ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (⛎) Ophiuchus -26D4 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (⛔) no entry -26EA ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (⛪) church -26F2..26F3 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [2] (⛲..⛳) fountain..flag in hole -26F5 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (⛵) sailboat -26FA ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (⛺) tent -26FD ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (⛽) fuel pump -2705 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (✅) check mark button -270A..270B ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [2] (✊..✋) raised fist..raised hand -2728 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (✨) sparkles -274C ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (❌) cross mark -274E ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (❎) cross mark button -2753..2755 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [3] (❓..❕) question mark..white exclamation mark -2757 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (❗) exclamation mark -2795..2797 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [3] (➕..➗) plus sign..division sign -27B0 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (➰) curly loop -27BF ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (➿) double curly loop -2B1B..2B1C ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.1 [2] (⬛..⬜) black large square..white large square -2B50 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.1 [1] (⭐) star -2B55 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (⭕) hollow red circle -1F004 ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.1 [1] (🀄) mahjong red dragon -1F0CF ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (🃏) joker -1F18E ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (🆎) AB button (blood type) -1F191..1F19A ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [10] (🆑..🆚) CL button..VS button -1F1E6..1F1FF ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [26] (🇦..🇿) regional indicator symbol letter a..regional indicator symbol letter z -1F201 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (🈁) Japanese “here” button -1F21A ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (🈚) Japanese “free of charge” button -1F22F ; Emoji_Presentation # 5.2 [1] (🈯) Japanese “reserved” button -1F232..1F236 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [5] (🈲..🈶) Japanese “prohibited” button..Japanese “not free of charge” button -1F238..1F23A ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [3] (🈸..🈺) Japanese “application” button..Japanese “open for business” button -1F250..1F251 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [2] (🉐..🉑) Japanese “bargain” button..Japanese “acceptable” button -1F300..1F320 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [33] (🌀..🌠) cyclone..shooting star -1F32D..1F32F ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [3] (🌭..🌯) hot dog..burrito -1F330..1F335 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [6] (🌰..🌵) chestnut..cactus -1F337..1F37C ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [70] (🌷..🍼) tulip..baby bottle -1F37E..1F37F ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [2] (🍾..🍿) bottle with popping cork..popcorn -1F380..1F393 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [20] (🎀..🎓) ribbon..graduation cap -1F3A0..1F3C4 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [37] (🎠..🏄) carousel horse..person surfing -1F3C5 ; Emoji_Presentation # 7.0 [1] (🏅) sports medal -1F3C6..1F3CA ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [5] (🏆..🏊) trophy..person swimming -1F3CF..1F3D3 ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [5] (🏏..🏓) cricket game..ping pong -1F3E0..1F3F0 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [17] (🏠..🏰) house..castle -1F3F4 ; Emoji_Presentation # 7.0 [1] (🏴) black flag -1F3F8..1F3FF ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [8] (🏸..🏿) badminton..dark skin tone -1F400..1F43E ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [63] (🐀..🐾) rat..paw prints -1F440 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (👀) eyes -1F442..1F4F7 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0[182] (👂..📷) ear..camera -1F4F8 ; Emoji_Presentation # 7.0 [1] (📸) camera with flash -1F4F9..1F4FC ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [4] (📹..📼) video camera..videocassette -1F4FF ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [1] (📿) prayer beads -1F500..1F53D ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [62] (🔀..🔽) shuffle tracks button..downwards button -1F54B..1F54E ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [4] (🕋..🕎) kaaba..menorah -1F550..1F567 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [24] (🕐..🕧) one o’clock..twelve-thirty -1F57A ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [1] (🕺) man dancing -1F595..1F596 ; Emoji_Presentation # 7.0 [2] (🖕..🖖) middle finger..vulcan salute -1F5A4 ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [1] (🖤) black heart -1F5FB..1F5FF ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [5] (🗻..🗿) mount fuji..moai -1F600 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😀) grinning face -1F601..1F610 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [16] (😁..😐) beaming face with smiling eyes..neutral face -1F611 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😑) expressionless face -1F612..1F614 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [3] (😒..😔) unamused face..pensive face -1F615 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😕) confused face -1F616 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (😖) confounded face -1F617 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😗) kissing face -1F618 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (😘) face blowing a kiss -1F619 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😙) kissing face with smiling eyes -1F61A ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (😚) kissing face with closed eyes -1F61B ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😛) face with tongue -1F61C..1F61E ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [3] (😜..😞) winking face with tongue..disappointed face -1F61F ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😟) worried face -1F620..1F625 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [6] (😠..😥) angry face..sad but relieved face -1F626..1F627 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [2] (😦..😧) frowning face with open mouth..anguished face -1F628..1F62B ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [4] (😨..😫) fearful face..tired face -1F62C ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😬) grimacing face -1F62D ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [1] (😭) loudly crying face -1F62E..1F62F ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [2] (😮..😯) face with open mouth..hushed face -1F630..1F633 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [4] (😰..😳) anxious face with sweat..flushed face -1F634 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.1 [1] (😴) sleeping face -1F635..1F640 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [12] (😵..🙀) dizzy face..weary cat -1F641..1F642 ; Emoji_Presentation # 7.0 [2] (🙁..🙂) slightly frowning face..slightly smiling face -1F643..1F644 ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [2] (🙃..🙄) upside-down face..face with rolling eyes -1F645..1F64F ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [11] (🙅..🙏) person gesturing NO..folded hands -1F680..1F6C5 ; Emoji_Presentation # 6.0 [70] (🚀..🛅) rocket..left luggage -1F6CC ; Emoji_Presentation # 7.0 [1] (🛌) person in bed -1F6D0 ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [1] (🛐) place of worship -1F6D1..1F6D2 ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [2] (🛑..🛒) stop sign..shopping cart -1F6D5 ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [1] (🛕) hindu temple -1F6EB..1F6EC ; Emoji_Presentation # 7.0 [2] (🛫..🛬) airplane departure..airplane arrival -1F6F4..1F6F6 ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [3] (🛴..🛶) kick scooter..canoe -1F6F7..1F6F8 ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [2] (🛷..🛸) sled..flying saucer -1F6F9 ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [1] (🛹) skateboard -1F6FA ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [1] (🛺) auto rickshaw -1F7E0..1F7EB ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [12] (🟠..🟫) orange circle..brown square -1F90D..1F90F ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [3] (🤍..🤏) white heart..pinching hand -1F910..1F918 ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [9] (🤐..🤘) zipper-mouth face..sign of the horns -1F919..1F91E ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [6] (🤙..🤞) call me hand..crossed fingers -1F91F ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [1] (🤟) love-you gesture -1F920..1F927 ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [8] (🤠..🤧) cowboy hat face..sneezing face -1F928..1F92F ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [8] (🤨..🤯) face with raised eyebrow..exploding head -1F930 ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [1] (🤰) pregnant woman -1F931..1F932 ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [2] (🤱..🤲) breast-feeding..palms up together -1F933..1F93A ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [8] (🤳..🤺) selfie..person fencing -1F93C..1F93E ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [3] (🤼..🤾) people wrestling..person playing handball -1F93F ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [1] (🤿) diving mask -1F940..1F945 ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [6] (🥀..🥅) wilted flower..goal net -1F947..1F94B ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [5] (🥇..🥋) 1st place medal..martial arts uniform -1F94C ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [1] (🥌) curling stone -1F94D..1F94F ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [3] (🥍..🥏) lacrosse..flying disc -1F950..1F95E ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [15] (🥐..🥞) croissant..pancakes -1F95F..1F96B ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [13] (🥟..🥫) dumpling..canned food -1F96C..1F970 ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [5] (🥬..🥰) leafy green..smiling face with hearts -1F971 ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [1] (🥱) yawning face -1F973..1F976 ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [4] (🥳..🥶) partying face..cold face -1F97A ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [1] (🥺) pleading face -1F97B ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [1] (🥻) sari -1F97C..1F97F ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [4] (🥼..🥿) lab coat..flat shoe -1F980..1F984 ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [5] (🦀..🦄) crab..unicorn -1F985..1F991 ; Emoji_Presentation # 9.0 [13] (🦅..🦑) eagle..squid -1F992..1F997 ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [6] (🦒..🦗) giraffe..cricket -1F998..1F9A2 ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [11] (🦘..🦢) kangaroo..swan -1F9A5..1F9AA ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [6] (🦥..🦪) sloth..oyster -1F9AE..1F9AF ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [2] (🦮..🦯) guide dog..probing cane -1F9B0..1F9B9 ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [10] (🦰..🦹) red hair..supervillain -1F9BA..1F9BF ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [6] (🦺..🦿) safety vest..mechanical leg -1F9C0 ; Emoji_Presentation # 8.0 [1] (🧀) cheese wedge -1F9C1..1F9C2 ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [2] (🧁..🧂) cupcake..salt -1F9C3..1F9CA ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [8] (🧃..🧊) beverage box..ice cube -1F9CD..1F9CF ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [3] (🧍..🧏) person standing..deaf person -1F9D0..1F9E6 ; Emoji_Presentation # 10.0 [23] (🧐..🧦) face with monocle..socks -1F9E7..1F9FF ; Emoji_Presentation # 11.0 [25] (🧧..🧿) red envelope..nazar amulet -1FA70..1FA73 ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [4] (🩰..🩳) ballet shoes..shorts -1FA78..1FA7A ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [3] (🩸..🩺) drop of blood..stethoscope -1FA80..1FA82 ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [3] (🪀..🪂) yo-yo..parachute -1FA90..1FA95 ; Emoji_Presentation # 12.0 [6] (🪐..🪕) ringed planet..banjo - -# Total elements: 1093 - -# ================================================ - -# All omitted code points have Emoji_Modifier=No -# @missing: 0000..10FFFF ; Emoji_Modifier ; No - -1F3FB..1F3FF ; Emoji_Modifier # 8.0 [5] (🏻..🏿) light skin tone..dark skin tone - -# Total elements: 5 - -# ================================================ - -# All omitted code points have Emoji_Modifier_Base=No -# @missing: 0000..10FFFF ; Emoji_Modifier_Base ; No - -261D ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 1.1 [1] (☝️) index pointing up -26F9 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 5.2 [1] (⛹️) person bouncing ball -270A..270B ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [2] (✊..✋) raised fist..raised hand -270C..270D ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 1.1 [2] (✌️..✍️) victory hand..writing hand -1F385 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (🎅) Santa Claus -1F3C2..1F3C4 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [3] (🏂..🏄) snowboarder..person surfing -1F3C7 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (🏇) horse racing -1F3CA ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (🏊) person swimming -1F3CB..1F3CC ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 7.0 [2] (🏋️..🏌️) person lifting weights..person golfing -1F442..1F443 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [2] (👂..👃) ear..nose -1F446..1F450 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [11] (👆..👐) backhand index pointing up..open hands -1F466..1F478 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [19] (👦..👸) boy..princess -1F47C ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (👼) baby angel -1F481..1F483 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [3] (💁..💃) person tipping hand..woman dancing -1F485..1F487 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [3] (💅..💇) nail polish..person getting haircut -1F48F ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (💏) kiss -1F491 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (💑) couple with heart -1F4AA ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (💪) flexed biceps -1F574..1F575 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 7.0 [2] (🕴️..🕵️) man in suit levitating..detective -1F57A ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 9.0 [1] (🕺) man dancing -1F590 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 7.0 [1] (🖐️) hand with fingers splayed -1F595..1F596 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 7.0 [2] (🖕..🖖) middle finger..vulcan salute -1F645..1F647 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [3] (🙅..🙇) person gesturing NO..person bowing -1F64B..1F64F ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [5] (🙋..🙏) person raising hand..folded hands -1F6A3 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (🚣) person rowing boat -1F6B4..1F6B6 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [3] (🚴..🚶) person biking..person walking -1F6C0 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 6.0 [1] (🛀) person taking bath -1F6CC ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 7.0 [1] (🛌) person in bed -1F90F ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 12.0 [1] (🤏) pinching hand -1F918 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 8.0 [1] (🤘) sign of the horns -1F919..1F91E ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 9.0 [6] (🤙..🤞) call me hand..crossed fingers -1F91F ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 10.0 [1] (🤟) love-you gesture -1F926 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 9.0 [1] (🤦) person facepalming -1F930 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 9.0 [1] (🤰) pregnant woman -1F931..1F932 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 10.0 [2] (🤱..🤲) breast-feeding..palms up together -1F933..1F939 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 9.0 [7] (🤳..🤹) selfie..person juggling -1F93C..1F93E ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 9.0 [3] (🤼..🤾) people wrestling..person playing handball -1F9B5..1F9B6 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 11.0 [2] (🦵..🦶) leg..foot -1F9B8..1F9B9 ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 11.0 [2] (🦸..🦹) superhero..supervillain -1F9BB ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 12.0 [1] (🦻) ear with hearing aid -1F9CD..1F9CF ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 12.0 [3] (🧍..🧏) person standing..deaf person -1F9D1..1F9DD ; Emoji_Modifier_Base # 10.0 [13] (🧑..🧝) person..elf - -# Total elements: 120 - -# ================================================ - -# All omitted code points have Emoji_Component=No -# @missing: 0000..10FFFF ; Emoji_Component ; No - -0023 ; Emoji_Component # 1.1 [1] (#️) number sign -002A ; Emoji_Component # 1.1 [1] (*️) asterisk -0030..0039 ; Emoji_Component # 1.1 [10] (0️..9️) digit zero..digit nine -200D ; Emoji_Component # 1.1 [1] (‍) zero width joiner -20E3 ; Emoji_Component # 3.0 [1] (⃣) combining enclosing keycap -FE0F ; Emoji_Component # 3.2 [1] () VARIATION SELECTOR-16 -1F1E6..1F1FF ; Emoji_Component # 6.0 [26] (🇦..🇿) regional indicator symbol letter a..regional indicator symbol letter z -1F3FB..1F3FF ; Emoji_Component # 8.0 [5] (🏻..🏿) light skin tone..dark skin tone -1F9B0..1F9B3 ; Emoji_Component # 11.0 [4] (🦰..🦳) red hair..white hair -E0020..E007F ; Emoji_Component # 3.1 [96] (󠀠..󠁿) tag space..cancel tag - -# Total elements: 146 - -# ================================================ - -# All omitted code points have Extended_Pictographic=No -# @missing: 0000..10FFFF ; Extended_Pictographic ; No - -00A9 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (©️) copyright -00AE ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (®️) registered -203C ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (‼️) double exclamation mark -2049 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.0 [1] (⁉️) exclamation question mark -2122 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (™️) trade mark -2139 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.0 [1] (ℹ️) information -2194..2199 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [6] (↔️..↙️) left-right arrow..down-left arrow -21A9..21AA ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [2] (↩️..↪️) right arrow curving left..left arrow curving right -231A..231B ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [2] (⌚..⌛) watch..hourglass done -2328 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (⌨️) keyboard -2388 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.0 [1] (⎈) HELM SYMBOL -23CF ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.0 [1] (⏏️) eject button -23E9..23F3 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [11] (⏩..⏳) fast-forward button..hourglass not done -23F8..23FA ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [3] (⏸️..⏺️) pause button..record button -24C2 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (Ⓜ️) circled M -25AA..25AB ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [2] (▪️..▫️) black small square..white small square -25B6 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (▶️) play button -25C0 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (◀️) reverse button -25FB..25FE ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.2 [4] (◻️..◾) white medium square..black medium-small square -2600..2605 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [6] (☀️..★) sun..BLACK STAR -2607..2612 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [12] (☇..☒) LIGHTNING..BALLOT BOX WITH X -2614..2615 ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.0 [2] (☔..☕) umbrella with rain drops..hot beverage -2616..2617 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.2 [2] (☖..☗) WHITE SHOGI PIECE..BLACK SHOGI PIECE -2618 ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.1 [1] (☘️) shamrock -2619 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.0 [1] (☙) REVERSED ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET -261A..266F ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [86] (☚..♯) BLACK LEFT POINTING INDEX..MUSIC SHARP SIGN -2670..2671 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.0 [2] (♰..♱) WEST SYRIAC CROSS..EAST SYRIAC CROSS -2672..267D ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.2 [12] (♲..♽) UNIVERSAL RECYCLING SYMBOL..PARTIALLY-RECYCLED PAPER SYMBOL -267E..267F ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.1 [2] (♾️..♿) infinity..wheelchair symbol -2680..2685 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.2 [6] (⚀..⚅) DIE FACE-1..DIE FACE-6 -2690..2691 ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.0 [2] (⚐..⚑) WHITE FLAG..BLACK FLAG -2692..269C ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.1 [11] (⚒️..⚜️) hammer and pick..fleur-de-lis -269D ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.1 [1] (⚝) OUTLINED WHITE STAR -269E..269F ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [2] (⚞..⚟) THREE LINES CONVERGING RIGHT..THREE LINES CONVERGING LEFT -26A0..26A1 ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.0 [2] (⚠️..⚡) warning..high voltage -26A2..26B1 ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.1 [16] (⚢..⚱️) DOUBLED FEMALE SIGN..funeral urn -26B2 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.0 [1] (⚲) NEUTER -26B3..26BC ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.1 [10] (⚳..⚼) CERES..SESQUIQUADRATE -26BD..26BF ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [3] (⚽..⚿) soccer ball..SQUARED KEY -26C0..26C3 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.1 [4] (⛀..⛃) WHITE DRAUGHTS MAN..BLACK DRAUGHTS KING -26C4..26CD ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [10] (⛄..⛍) snowman without snow..DISABLED CAR -26CE ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (⛎) Ophiuchus -26CF..26E1 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [19] (⛏️..⛡) pick..RESTRICTED LEFT ENTRY-2 -26E2 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (⛢) ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOL FOR URANUS -26E3 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [1] (⛣) HEAVY CIRCLE WITH STROKE AND TWO DOTS ABOVE -26E4..26E7 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [4] (⛤..⛧) PENTAGRAM..INVERTED PENTAGRAM -26E8..26FF ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [24] (⛨..⛿) BLACK CROSS ON SHIELD..WHITE FLAG WITH HORIZONTAL MIDDLE BLACK STRIPE -2700 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (✀) BLACK SAFETY SCISSORS -2701..2704 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [4] (✁..✄) UPPER BLADE SCISSORS..WHITE SCISSORS -2705 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (✅) check mark button -2708..2709 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [2] (✈️..✉️) airplane..envelope -270A..270B ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [2] (✊..✋) raised fist..raised hand -270C..2712 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [7] (✌️..✒️) victory hand..black nib -2714 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (✔️) check mark -2716 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (✖️) multiplication sign -271D ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (✝️) latin cross -2721 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (✡️) star of David -2728 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (✨) sparkles -2733..2734 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [2] (✳️..✴️) eight-spoked asterisk..eight-pointed star -2744 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (❄️) snowflake -2747 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (❇️) sparkle -274C ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (❌) cross mark -274E ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (❎) cross mark button -2753..2755 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [3] (❓..❕) question mark..white exclamation mark -2757 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [1] (❗) exclamation mark -2763..2767 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [5] (❣️..❧) heart exclamation..ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET -2795..2797 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [3] (➕..➗) plus sign..division sign -27A1 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (➡️) right arrow -27B0 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (➰) curly loop -27BF ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (➿) double curly loop -2934..2935 ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.2 [2] (⤴️..⤵️) right arrow curving up..right arrow curving down -2B05..2B07 ; Extended_Pictographic# 4.0 [3] (⬅️..⬇️) left arrow..down arrow -2B1B..2B1C ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.1 [2] (⬛..⬜) black large square..white large square -2B50 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.1 [1] (⭐) star -2B55 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [1] (⭕) hollow red circle -3030 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (〰️) wavy dash -303D ; Extended_Pictographic# 3.2 [1] (〽️) part alternation mark -3297 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (㊗️) Japanese “congratulations” button -3299 ; Extended_Pictographic# 1.1 [1] (㊙️) Japanese “secret” button -1F000..1F02B ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.1 [44] (🀀..🀫) MAHJONG TILE EAST WIND..MAHJONG TILE BACK -1F02C..1F02F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [4] (🀬..🀯) .. -1F030..1F093 ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.1[100] (🀰..🂓) DOMINO TILE HORIZONTAL BACK..DOMINO TILE VERTICAL-06-06 -1F094..1F09F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [12] (🂔..🂟) .. -1F0A0..1F0AE ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [15] (🂠..🂮) PLAYING CARD BACK..PLAYING CARD KING OF SPADES -1F0AF..1F0B0 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [2] (🂯..🂰) .. -1F0B1..1F0BE ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [14] (🂱..🂾) PLAYING CARD ACE OF HEARTS..PLAYING CARD KING OF HEARTS -1F0BF ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (🂿) PLAYING CARD RED JOKER -1F0C0 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [1] (🃀) -1F0C1..1F0CF ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [15] (🃁..🃏) PLAYING CARD ACE OF DIAMONDS..joker -1F0D0 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [1] (🃐) -1F0D1..1F0DF ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [15] (🃑..🃟) PLAYING CARD ACE OF CLUBS..PLAYING CARD WHITE JOKER -1F0E0..1F0F5 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [22] (🃠..🃵) PLAYING CARD FOOL..PLAYING CARD TRUMP-21 -1F0F6..1F0FF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [10] (🃶..🃿) .. -1F10D..1F10F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [3] (🄍..🄏) .. -1F12F ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [1] (🄯) COPYLEFT SYMBOL -1F16C ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [1] (🅬) RAISED MR SIGN -1F16D..1F16F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [3] (🅭..🅯) .. -1F170..1F171 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [2] (🅰️..🅱️) A button (blood type)..B button (blood type) -1F17E ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (🅾️) O button (blood type) -1F17F ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [1] (🅿️) P button -1F18E ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (🆎) AB button (blood type) -1F191..1F19A ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [10] (🆑..🆚) CL button..VS button -1F1AD..1F1E5 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [57] (🆭..🇥) .. -1F201..1F202 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [2] (🈁..🈂️) Japanese “here” button..Japanese “service charge” button -1F203..1F20F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [13] (🈃..🈏) .. -1F21A ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [1] (🈚) Japanese “free of charge” button -1F22F ; Extended_Pictographic# 5.2 [1] (🈯) Japanese “reserved” button -1F232..1F23A ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [9] (🈲..🈺) Japanese “prohibited” button..Japanese “open for business” button -1F23C..1F23F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [4] (🈼..🈿) .. -1F249..1F24F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [7] (🉉..🉏) .. -1F250..1F251 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [2] (🉐..🉑) Japanese “bargain” button..Japanese “acceptable” button -1F252..1F25F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [14] (🉒..🉟) .. -1F260..1F265 ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [6] (🉠..🉥) ROUNDED SYMBOL FOR FU..ROUNDED SYMBOL FOR CAI -1F266..1F2FF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA[154] (🉦..🋿) .. -1F300..1F320 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [33] (🌀..🌠) cyclone..shooting star -1F321..1F32C ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [12] (🌡️..🌬️) thermometer..wind face -1F32D..1F32F ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [3] (🌭..🌯) hot dog..burrito -1F330..1F335 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [6] (🌰..🌵) chestnut..cactus -1F336 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (🌶️) hot pepper -1F337..1F37C ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [70] (🌷..🍼) tulip..baby bottle -1F37D ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (🍽️) fork and knife with plate -1F37E..1F37F ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [2] (🍾..🍿) bottle with popping cork..popcorn -1F380..1F393 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [20] (🎀..🎓) ribbon..graduation cap -1F394..1F39F ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [12] (🎔..🎟️) HEART WITH TIP ON THE LEFT..admission tickets -1F3A0..1F3C4 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [37] (🎠..🏄) carousel horse..person surfing -1F3C5 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (🏅) sports medal -1F3C6..1F3CA ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [5] (🏆..🏊) trophy..person swimming -1F3CB..1F3CE ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [4] (🏋️..🏎️) person lifting weights..racing car -1F3CF..1F3D3 ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [5] (🏏..🏓) cricket game..ping pong -1F3D4..1F3DF ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [12] (🏔️..🏟️) snow-capped mountain..stadium -1F3E0..1F3F0 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [17] (🏠..🏰) house..castle -1F3F1..1F3F7 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [7] (🏱..🏷️) WHITE PENNANT..label -1F3F8..1F3FA ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [3] (🏸..🏺) badminton..amphora -1F400..1F43E ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [63] (🐀..🐾) rat..paw prints -1F43F ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (🐿️) chipmunk -1F440 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (👀) eyes -1F441 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (👁️) eye -1F442..1F4F7 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0[182] (👂..📷) ear..camera -1F4F8 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [1] (📸) camera with flash -1F4F9..1F4FC ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [4] (📹..📼) video camera..videocassette -1F4FD..1F4FE ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [2] (📽️..📾) film projector..PORTABLE STEREO -1F4FF ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [1] (📿) prayer beads -1F500..1F53D ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [62] (🔀..🔽) shuffle tracks button..downwards button -1F546..1F54A ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [5] (🕆..🕊️) WHITE LATIN CROSS..dove -1F54B..1F54F ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [5] (🕋..🕏) kaaba..BOWL OF HYGIEIA -1F550..1F567 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [24] (🕐..🕧) one o’clock..twelve-thirty -1F568..1F579 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [18] (🕨..🕹️) RIGHT SPEAKER..joystick -1F57A ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [1] (🕺) man dancing -1F57B..1F5A3 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [41] (🕻..🖣) LEFT HAND TELEPHONE RECEIVER..BLACK DOWN POINTING BACKHAND INDEX -1F5A4 ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [1] (🖤) black heart -1F5A5..1F5FA ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [86] (🖥️..🗺️) desktop computer..world map -1F5FB..1F5FF ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [5] (🗻..🗿) mount fuji..moai -1F600 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😀) grinning face -1F601..1F610 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [16] (😁..😐) beaming face with smiling eyes..neutral face -1F611 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😑) expressionless face -1F612..1F614 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [3] (😒..😔) unamused face..pensive face -1F615 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😕) confused face -1F616 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (😖) confounded face -1F617 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😗) kissing face -1F618 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (😘) face blowing a kiss -1F619 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😙) kissing face with smiling eyes -1F61A ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (😚) kissing face with closed eyes -1F61B ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😛) face with tongue -1F61C..1F61E ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [3] (😜..😞) winking face with tongue..disappointed face -1F61F ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😟) worried face -1F620..1F625 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [6] (😠..😥) angry face..sad but relieved face -1F626..1F627 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [2] (😦..😧) frowning face with open mouth..anguished face -1F628..1F62B ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [4] (😨..😫) fearful face..tired face -1F62C ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😬) grimacing face -1F62D ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [1] (😭) loudly crying face -1F62E..1F62F ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [2] (😮..😯) face with open mouth..hushed face -1F630..1F633 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [4] (😰..😳) anxious face with sweat..flushed face -1F634 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.1 [1] (😴) sleeping face -1F635..1F640 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [12] (😵..🙀) dizzy face..weary cat -1F641..1F642 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [2] (🙁..🙂) slightly frowning face..slightly smiling face -1F643..1F644 ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [2] (🙃..🙄) upside-down face..face with rolling eyes -1F645..1F64F ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [11] (🙅..🙏) person gesturing NO..folded hands -1F680..1F6C5 ; Extended_Pictographic# 6.0 [70] (🚀..🛅) rocket..left luggage -1F6C6..1F6CF ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [10] (🛆..🛏️) TRIANGLE WITH ROUNDED CORNERS..bed -1F6D0 ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [1] (🛐) place of worship -1F6D1..1F6D2 ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [2] (🛑..🛒) stop sign..shopping cart -1F6D3..1F6D4 ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [2] (🛓..🛔) STUPA..PAGODA -1F6D5 ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [1] (🛕) hindu temple -1F6D6..1F6DF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [10] (🛖..🛟) .. -1F6E0..1F6EC ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [13] (🛠️..🛬) hammer and wrench..airplane arrival -1F6ED..1F6EF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [3] (🛭..🛯) .. -1F6F0..1F6F3 ; Extended_Pictographic# 7.0 [4] (🛰️..🛳️) satellite..passenger ship -1F6F4..1F6F6 ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [3] (🛴..🛶) kick scooter..canoe -1F6F7..1F6F8 ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [2] (🛷..🛸) sled..flying saucer -1F6F9 ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [1] (🛹) skateboard -1F6FA ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [1] (🛺) auto rickshaw -1F6FB..1F6FF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [5] (🛻..🛿) .. -1F774..1F77F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [12] (🝴..🝿) .. -1F7D5..1F7D8 ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [4] (🟕..🟘) CIRCLED TRIANGLE..NEGATIVE CIRCLED SQUARE -1F7D9..1F7DF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [7] (🟙..🟟) .. -1F7E0..1F7EB ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [12] (🟠..🟫) orange circle..brown square -1F7EC..1F7FF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [20] (🟬..🟿) .. -1F80C..1F80F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [4] (🠌..🠏) .. -1F848..1F84F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [8] (🡈..🡏) .. -1F85A..1F85F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [6] (🡚..🡟) .. -1F888..1F88F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [8] (🢈..🢏) .. -1F8AE..1F8FF ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [82] (🢮..🣿) .. -1F90C ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [1] (🤌) -1F90D..1F90F ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [3] (🤍..🤏) white heart..pinching hand -1F910..1F918 ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [9] (🤐..🤘) zipper-mouth face..sign of the horns -1F919..1F91E ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [6] (🤙..🤞) call me hand..crossed fingers -1F91F ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [1] (🤟) love-you gesture -1F920..1F927 ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [8] (🤠..🤧) cowboy hat face..sneezing face -1F928..1F92F ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [8] (🤨..🤯) face with raised eyebrow..exploding head -1F930 ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [1] (🤰) pregnant woman -1F931..1F932 ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [2] (🤱..🤲) breast-feeding..palms up together -1F933..1F93A ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [8] (🤳..🤺) selfie..person fencing -1F93C..1F93E ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [3] (🤼..🤾) people wrestling..person playing handball -1F93F ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [1] (🤿) diving mask -1F940..1F945 ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [6] (🥀..🥅) wilted flower..goal net -1F947..1F94B ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [5] (🥇..🥋) 1st place medal..martial arts uniform -1F94C ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [1] (🥌) curling stone -1F94D..1F94F ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [3] (🥍..🥏) lacrosse..flying disc -1F950..1F95E ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [15] (🥐..🥞) croissant..pancakes -1F95F..1F96B ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [13] (🥟..🥫) dumpling..canned food -1F96C..1F970 ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [5] (🥬..🥰) leafy green..smiling face with hearts -1F971 ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [1] (🥱) yawning face -1F972 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [1] (🥲) -1F973..1F976 ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [4] (🥳..🥶) partying face..cold face -1F977..1F979 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [3] (🥷..🥹) .. -1F97A ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [1] (🥺) pleading face -1F97B ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [1] (🥻) sari -1F97C..1F97F ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [4] (🥼..🥿) lab coat..flat shoe -1F980..1F984 ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [5] (🦀..🦄) crab..unicorn -1F985..1F991 ; Extended_Pictographic# 9.0 [13] (🦅..🦑) eagle..squid -1F992..1F997 ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [6] (🦒..🦗) giraffe..cricket -1F998..1F9A2 ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [11] (🦘..🦢) kangaroo..swan -1F9A3..1F9A4 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [2] (🦣..🦤) .. -1F9A5..1F9AA ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [6] (🦥..🦪) sloth..oyster -1F9AB..1F9AD ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [3] (🦫..🦭) .. -1F9AE..1F9AF ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [2] (🦮..🦯) guide dog..probing cane -1F9B0..1F9B9 ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [10] (🦰..🦹) red hair..supervillain -1F9BA..1F9BF ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [6] (🦺..🦿) safety vest..mechanical leg -1F9C0 ; Extended_Pictographic# 8.0 [1] (🧀) cheese wedge -1F9C1..1F9C2 ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [2] (🧁..🧂) cupcake..salt -1F9C3..1F9CA ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [8] (🧃..🧊) beverage box..ice cube -1F9CB..1F9CC ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [2] (🧋..🧌) .. -1F9CD..1F9CF ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [3] (🧍..🧏) person standing..deaf person -1F9D0..1F9E6 ; Extended_Pictographic# 10.0 [23] (🧐..🧦) face with monocle..socks -1F9E7..1F9FF ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [25] (🧧..🧿) red envelope..nazar amulet -1FA00..1FA53 ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [84] (🨀..🩓) NEUTRAL CHESS KING..BLACK CHESS KNIGHT-BISHOP -1FA54..1FA5F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [12] (🩔..🩟) .. -1FA60..1FA6D ; Extended_Pictographic# 11.0 [14] (🩠..🩭) XIANGQI RED GENERAL..XIANGQI BLACK SOLDIER -1FA6E..1FA6F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [2] (🩮..🩯) .. -1FA70..1FA73 ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [4] (🩰..🩳) ballet shoes..shorts -1FA74..1FA77 ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [4] (🩴..🩷) .. -1FA78..1FA7A ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [3] (🩸..🩺) drop of blood..stethoscope -1FA7B..1FA7F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [5] (🩻..🩿) .. -1FA80..1FA82 ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [3] (🪀..🪂) yo-yo..parachute -1FA83..1FA8F ; Extended_Pictographic# NA [13] (🪃..🪏) .. -1FA90..1FA95 ; Extended_Pictographic# 12.0 [6] (🪐..🪕) ringed planet..banjo -1FA96..1FFFD ; Extended_Pictographic# NA[1384] (🪖..🿽) .. - -# Total elements: 3793 - -#EOF