import { reduce, map, slice, last, intersectionBy, sortBy, unionBy, toInteger, groupBy, differenceBy, each, find, flatten, maxBy } from 'lodash' import moment from 'moment' import apiService from '../services/api/api.service.js' import parse from '../services/status_parser/status_parser.js' export const defaultState = { allStatuses: [], maxId: 0, timelines: { public: { statuses: [], faves: [], visibleStatuses: [], newStatusCount: 0, maxId: 0, minVisibleId: 0, loading: false }, publicAndExternal: { statuses: [], faves: [], visibleStatuses: [], newStatusCount: 0, maxId: 0, minVisibleId: 0, loading: false }, friends: { statuses: [], faves: [], visibleStatuses: [], newStatusCount: 0, maxId: 0, minVisibleId: 0, loading: false } } } const statusType = (status) => { return !status.is_post_verb && status.uri.match(/fave/) ? 'fave' : 'status' } const addStatusesToTimeline = (addedStatuses, showImmediately, { statuses, visibleStatuses, newStatusCount, faves, loading, maxId }) => { const statusesAndFaves = groupBy(addedStatuses, statusType) const addedFaves = statusesAndFaves['fave'] || [] const unseenFaves = differenceBy(addedFaves, faves, 'id') // Update fave count each(unseenFaves, ({in_reply_to_status_id}) => { const status = find(statuses, { id: toInteger(in_reply_to_status_id) }) if (status) { status.fave_num += 1 } }) addedStatuses = statusesAndFaves['status'] || [] // Add some html and nsfw to the statuses. addedStatuses = map(addedStatuses, (status) => { const statusoid = status.retweeted_status || status statusoid.created_at_parsed = statusoid.created_at statusoid.statusnet_html = parse(statusoid.statusnet_html) if (statusoid.nsfw === undefined) { const nsfwRegex = /#nsfw/i statusoid.nsfw = statusoid.text.match(nsfwRegex) } return status }) const newStatuses = sortBy( unionBy(addedStatuses, statuses, 'id'), ({id}) => -id ) let newNewStatusCount = newStatusCount + (newStatuses.length - statuses.length) let newVisibleStatuses = visibleStatuses if (showImmediately) { newVisibleStatuses = unionBy(addedStatuses, newVisibleStatuses, 'id') newVisibleStatuses = sortBy(newVisibleStatuses, ({id}) => -id) newNewStatusCount = newStatusCount }; newVisibleStatuses = intersectionBy(newStatuses, newVisibleStatuses, 'id') return { statuses: newStatuses, visibleStatuses: newVisibleStatuses, newStatusCount: newNewStatusCount, minVisibleId: (last(newVisibleStatuses) || { id: undefined }).id, faves: unionBy(faves, addedFaves, 'id'), maxId, loading } } const updateTimestampsInStatuses = (statuses) => { return map(statuses, (statusoid) => { const status = statusoid.retweeted_status || statusoid // Parse date status.created_at_parsed = moment(status.created_at).fromNow() return status }) } export const findMaxId = (...args) => { return (maxBy(flatten(args), 'id') || {}).id } export const prepareStatus = (status) => { // Parse nsfw tags if (status.nsfw === undefined) { const nsfwRegex = /#nsfw/i status.nsfw = !!status.text.match(nsfwRegex) } // Set created_at_parsed to initial value status.created_at_parsed = status.created_at return status } export const mutations = { addNewStatuses (state, { statuses, showImmediately = false, timeline }) { const timelineObject = state.timelines[timeline] // Set new maxId const maxId = findMaxId(statuses, timelineObject.statuses) timelineObject.maxId = maxId state.timelines[timeline] = addStatusesToTimeline(statuses, showImmediately, state.timelines[timeline]) state.allStatuses = unionBy(state.timelines[timeline].statuses, state.allStatuses, 'id') // Set up retweets with most current status const getRetweets = (result, status) => { if (status.retweeted_status) { result.push(status.retweeted_status) } return result } const retweets = reduce(statuses, getRetweets, []) state.allStatuses = unionBy(retweets, state.allStatuses, 'id') each(state.allStatuses, (status) => { if (status.retweeted_status) { const retweetedStatus = find(state.allStatuses, { id: }) status.retweeted_status = retweetedStatus } }) }, showNewStatuses (state, { timeline }) { const oldTimeline = (state.timelines[timeline]) oldTimeline.newStatusCount = 0 oldTimeline.visibleStatuses = slice(oldTimeline.statuses, 0, 50) }, updateTimestamps (state) { updateTimestampsInStatuses(state.allStatuses) }, setFavorited (state, { status, value }) { const newStatus = find(state.allStatuses, status) newStatus.favorited = value }, setRetweeted (state, { status, value }) { const newStatus = find(state.allStatuses, status) newStatus.repeated = value }, setLoading (state, { timeline, value }) { state.timelines[timeline].loading = value }, setNsfw (state, { id, nsfw }) { const newStatus = find(state.allStatuses, { id }) newStatus.nsfw = nsfw } } const statuses = { state: defaultState, actions: { favorite ({ rootState, commit }, status) { // Optimistic favoriting... commit('setFavorited', { status, value: true }) apiService.favorite({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials }) }, unfavorite ({ rootState, commit }, status) { // Optimistic favoriting... commit('setFavorited', { status, value: false }) apiService.unfavorite({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials }) }, retweet ({ rootState, commit }, status) { // Optimistic retweeting... commit('setRetweeted', { status, value: true }) apiService.retweet({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials }) } }, mutations } export default statuses