import Vue from 'vue' import VueRouter from 'vue-router' import Vuex from 'vuex' import App from './App.vue' import PublicTimeline from './components/public_timeline/public_timeline.vue' import PublicAndExternalTimeline from './components/public_and_external_timeline/public_and_external_timeline.vue' import FriendsTimeline from './components/friends_timeline/friends_timeline.vue' import TagTimeline from './components/tag_timeline/tag_timeline.vue' import ConversationPage from './components/conversation-page/conversation-page.vue' import Mentions from './components/mentions/mentions.vue' import UserProfile from './components/user_profile/user_profile.vue' import Settings from './components/settings/settings.vue' import Registration from './components/registration/registration.vue' import UserSettings from './components/user_settings/user_settings.vue' import FollowRequests from './components/follow_requests/follow_requests.vue' import interfaceModule from './modules/interface.js' import instanceModule from './modules/instance.js' import statusesModule from './modules/statuses.js' import usersModule from './modules/users.js' import apiModule from './modules/api.js' import configModule from './modules/config.js' import chatModule from './modules/chat.js' import VueTimeago from 'vue-timeago' import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n' import createPersistedState from './lib/persisted_state.js' import messages from './i18n/messages.js' import VueChatScroll from 'vue-chat-scroll' const currentLocale = (window.navigator.language || 'en').split('-')[0] Vue.use(Vuex) Vue.use(VueRouter) Vue.use(VueTimeago, { locale: currentLocale === 'ja' ? 'ja' : 'en', locales: { 'en': require('../static/timeago-en.json'), 'ja': require('../static/timeago-ja.json') } }) Vue.use(VueI18n) Vue.use(VueChatScroll) const persistedStateOptions = { paths: [ 'config', 'users.lastLoginName', 'statuses.notifications.maxSavedId' ] } const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { interface: interfaceModule, instance: instanceModule, statuses: statusesModule, users: usersModule, api: apiModule, config: configModule, chat: chatModule }, plugins: [createPersistedState(persistedStateOptions)], strict: false // Socket modifies itself, let's ignore this for now. // strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' }) const i18n = new VueI18n({ // By default, use the browser locale, we will update it if neccessary locale: currentLocale, fallbackLocale: 'en', messages }) window.fetch('/api/statusnet/config.json') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { const {name, closed: registrationClosed, textlimit, server} = console.log(store) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'name', value: name }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'registrationOpen', value: (registrationClosed === '0') }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'textlimit', value: parseInt(textlimit) }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'server', value: server }) var apiConfig = window.fetch('/static/config.json') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { var staticConfig = data // This takes static config and overrides properties that are present in apiConfig var config = Object.assign({}, staticConfig, apiConfig) var theme = (config.theme) var background = (config.background) var logo = (config.logo) var logoMask = (typeof config.logoMask === 'undefined' ? true : config.logoMask) var logoMargin = (typeof config.logoMargin === 'undefined' ? 0 : config.logoMargin) var redirectRootNoLogin = (config.redirectRootNoLogin) var redirectRootLogin = (config.redirectRootLogin) var chatDisabled = (config.chatDisabled) var showInstanceSpecificPanel = (config.showInstanceSpecificPanel) var scopeOptionsEnabled = (config.scopeOptionsEnabled) var formattingOptionsEnabled = (config.formattingOptionsEnabled) var defaultCollapseMessageWithSubject = (config.collapseMessageWithSubject) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'theme', value: theme }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'background', value: background }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'logo', value: logo }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'logoMask', value: logoMask }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'logoMargin', value: logoMargin }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'redirectRootNoLogin', value: redirectRootNoLogin }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'redirectRootLogin', value: redirectRootLogin }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'showInstanceSpecificPanel', value: showInstanceSpecificPanel }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'scopeOptionsEnabled', value: scopeOptionsEnabled }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'formattingOptionsEnabled', value: formattingOptionsEnabled }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'collapseMessageWithSubject', value: defaultCollapseMessageWithSubject }) if (chatDisabled) { store.dispatch('disableChat') } const routes = [ { name: 'root', path: '/', redirect: to => { return (store.state.users.currentUser ? redirectRootLogin : redirectRootNoLogin) || '/main/all' }}, { path: '/main/all', component: PublicAndExternalTimeline }, { path: '/main/public', component: PublicTimeline }, { path: '/main/friends', component: FriendsTimeline }, { path: '/tag/:tag', component: TagTimeline }, { name: 'conversation', path: '/notice/:id', component: ConversationPage, meta: { dontScroll: true } }, { name: 'user-profile', path: '/users/:id', component: UserProfile }, { name: 'mentions', path: '/:username/mentions', component: Mentions }, { name: 'settings', path: '/settings', component: Settings }, { name: 'registration', path: '/registration', component: Registration }, { name: 'registration', path: '/registration/:token', component: Registration }, { name: 'friend-requests', path: '/friend-requests', component: FollowRequests }, { name: 'user-settings', path: '/user-settings', component: UserSettings } ] const router = new VueRouter({ mode: 'history', routes, scrollBehavior: (to, from, savedPosition) => { if (to.matched.some(m => m.meta.dontScroll)) { return false } return savedPosition || { x: 0, y: 0 } } }) /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ router, store, i18n, el: '#app', render: h => h(App) }) }) }) window.fetch('/static/terms-of-service.html') .then((res) => res.text()) .then((html) => { store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'tos', value: html }) }) window.fetch('/api/pleroma/emoji.json') .then( (res) => res.json() .then( (values) => { const emoji = Object.keys(values).map((key) => { return { shortcode: key, image_url: values[key] } }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'customEmoji', value: emoji }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'pleromaBackend', value: true }) }, (failure) => { store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'pleromaBackend', value: false }) } ), (error) => console.log(error) ) window.fetch('/static/emoji.json') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((values) => { const emoji = Object.keys(values).map((key) => { return { shortcode: key, image_url: false, 'utf': values[key] } }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'emoji', value: emoji }) }) window.fetch('/instance/panel.html') .then((res) => res.text()) .then((html) => { store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'instanceSpecificPanelContent', value: html }) }) window.fetch('/nodeinfo/2.0.json') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { const metadata = data.metadata store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'mediaProxyAvailable', value: data.metadata.mediaProxy }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'chatAvailable', value: }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'gopherAvailable', value: data.metadata.gopher }) const suggestions = metadata.suggestions store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'suggestionsEnabled', value: suggestions.enabled }) store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'suggestionsWeb', value: suggestions.web }) })