Henry Jameson 5251de317d Merge branch 'switch-to-string-ids' into favorites
with some changes/merge conflicts resolution

* switch-to-string-ids:
  fix notifications?
  fix lint
  fix tests, removed one unused function, fix real problem that tests helped to surface
  added some more explicit to string conversion since BE seem to be sending numbers and it could cause an issue.
  Remove all explicit and implicit conversions of statusId to number, changed explicit ones so that they convert them to string
2019-01-17 19:16:45 +03:00

316 lines
10 KiB

import Attachment from '../attachment/attachment.vue'
import FavoriteButton from '../favorite_button/favorite_button.vue'
import RetweetButton from '../retweet_button/retweet_button.vue'
import DeleteButton from '../delete_button/delete_button.vue'
import PostStatusForm from '../post_status_form/post_status_form.vue'
import UserCardContent from '../user_card_content/user_card_content.vue'
import StillImage from '../still-image/still-image.vue'
import { filter, find } from 'lodash'
import { highlightClass, highlightStyle } from '../../services/user_highlighter/user_highlighter.js'
import generateProfileLink from 'src/services/user_profile_link_generator/user_profile_link_generator'
const Status = {
name: 'Status',
props: [
data () {
return {
replying: false,
expanded: false,
unmuted: false,
userExpanded: false,
preview: null,
showPreview: false,
showingTall: false,
expandingSubject: typeof this.$store.state.config.collapseMessageWithSubject === 'undefined'
? !this.$store.state.instance.collapseMessageWithSubject
: !this.$store.state.config.collapseMessageWithSubject,
betterShadow: this.$store.state.interface.browserSupport.cssFilter
computed: {
localCollapseSubjectDefault () {
return typeof this.$store.state.config.collapseMessageWithSubject === 'undefined'
? this.$store.state.instance.collapseMessageWithSubject
: this.$store.state.config.collapseMessageWithSubject
muteWords () {
return this.$store.state.config.muteWords
repeaterClass () {
const user = this.statusoid.user
return highlightClass(user)
userClass () {
const user = this.retweet ? (this.statusoid.retweeted_status.user) : this.statusoid.user
return highlightClass(user)
deleted () {
return this.statusoid.deleted
repeaterStyle () {
const user = this.statusoid.user
const highlight = this.$store.state.config.highlight
return highlightStyle(highlight[user.screen_name])
userStyle () {
if (this.noHeading) return
const user = this.retweet ? (this.statusoid.retweeted_status.user) : this.statusoid.user
const highlight = this.$store.state.config.highlight
return highlightStyle(highlight[user.screen_name])
hideAttachments () {
return (this.$store.state.config.hideAttachments && !this.inConversation) ||
(this.$store.state.config.hideAttachmentsInConv && this.inConversation)
retweet () { return !!this.statusoid.retweeted_status },
retweeter () { return this.statusoid.user.name },
retweeterHtml () { return this.statusoid.user.name_html },
status () {
if (this.retweet) {
return this.statusoid.retweeted_status
} else {
return this.statusoid
loggedIn () {
return !!this.$store.state.users.currentUser
muteWordHits () {
const statusText = this.status.text.toLowerCase()
const hits = filter(this.muteWords, (muteWord) => {
return statusText.includes(muteWord.toLowerCase())
return hits
muted () { return !this.unmuted && (this.status.user.muted || this.muteWordHits.length > 0) },
isFocused () {
// retweet or root of an expanded conversation
if (this.focused) {
return true
} else if (!this.inConversation) {
return false
// use conversation highlight only when in conversation
return this.status.id === this.highlight
// This is a bit hacky, but we want to approximate post height before rendering
// so we count newlines (masto uses <p> for paragraphs, GS uses <br> between them)
// as well as approximate line count by counting characters and approximating ~80
// per line.
// Using max-height + overflow: auto for status components resulted in false positives
// very often with japanese characters, and it was very annoying.
tallStatus () {
const lengthScore = this.status.statusnet_html.split(/<p|<br/).length + this.status.text.length / 80
return lengthScore > 20
isReply () {
if (this.status.in_reply_to_status_id) {
return true
// For private replies where we can't see the OP, in_reply_to_status_id will be null.
// So instead, check that the post starts with a @mention.
if (this.status.visibility === 'private') {
var textBody = this.status.text
if (this.status.summary !== null) {
textBody = textBody.substring(this.status.summary.length, textBody.length)
return textBody.startsWith('@')
return false
hideReply () {
if (this.$store.state.config.replyVisibility === 'all') {
return false
if (this.inlineExpanded || this.expanded || this.inConversation || !this.isReply) {
return false
if (this.status.user.id === this.$store.state.users.currentUser.id) {
return false
if (this.status.activity_type === 'repeat') {
return false
var checkFollowing = this.$store.state.config.replyVisibility === 'following'
for (var i = 0; i < this.status.attentions.length; ++i) {
if (this.status.user.id === this.status.attentions[i].id) {
if (checkFollowing && this.status.attentions[i].following) {
return false
if (this.status.attentions[i].id === this.$store.state.users.currentUser.id) {
return false
return this.status.attentions.length > 0
hideSubjectStatus () {
if (this.tallStatus && !this.localCollapseSubjectDefault) {
return false
return !this.expandingSubject && this.status.summary
hideTallStatus () {
if (this.status.summary && this.localCollapseSubjectDefault) {
return false
if (this.showingTall) {
return false
return this.tallStatus
showingMore () {
return this.showingTall || (this.status.summary && this.expandingSubject)
nsfwClickthrough () {
if (!this.status.nsfw) {
return false
if (this.status.summary && this.localCollapseSubjectDefault) {
return false
return true
replySubject () {
if (!this.status.summary) return ''
const behavior = typeof this.$store.state.config.subjectLineBehavior === 'undefined'
? this.$store.state.instance.subjectLineBehavior
: this.$store.state.config.subjectLineBehavior
const startsWithRe = this.status.summary.match(/^re[: ]/i)
if (behavior !== 'noop' && startsWithRe || behavior === 'masto') {
return this.status.summary
} else if (behavior === 'email') {
return 're: '.concat(this.status.summary)
} else if (behavior === 'noop') {
return ''
attachmentSize () {
if ((this.$store.state.config.hideAttachments && !this.inConversation) ||
(this.$store.state.config.hideAttachmentsInConv && this.inConversation)) {
return 'hide'
} else if (this.compact) {
return 'small'
return 'normal'
components: {
methods: {
visibilityIcon (visibility) {
switch (visibility) {
case 'private':
return 'icon-lock'
case 'unlisted':
return 'icon-lock-open-alt'
case 'direct':
return 'icon-mail-alt'
return 'icon-globe'
linkClicked ({target}) {
if (target.tagName === 'SPAN') {
target = target.parentNode
if (target.tagName === 'A') {
window.open(target.href, '_blank')
toggleReplying () {
this.replying = !this.replying
gotoOriginal (id) {
// only handled by conversation, not status_or_conversation
if (this.inConversation) {
this.$emit('goto', id)
toggleExpanded () {
toggleMute () {
this.unmuted = !this.unmuted
toggleUserExpanded () {
this.userExpanded = !this.userExpanded
toggleShowMore () {
if (this.showingTall) {
this.showingTall = false
} else if (this.expandingSubject) {
this.expandingSubject = false
} else if (this.hideTallStatus) {
this.showingTall = true
} else if (this.hideSubjectStatus) {
this.expandingSubject = true
replyEnter (id, event) {
this.showPreview = true
const targetId = id
const statuses = this.$store.state.statuses.allStatuses
if (!this.preview) {
// if we have the status somewhere already
this.preview = find(statuses, { 'id': targetId })
// or if we have to fetch it
if (!this.preview) {
this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.fetchStatus({id}).then((status) => {
this.preview = status
} else if (this.preview.id !== targetId) {
this.preview = find(statuses, { 'id': targetId })
replyLeave () {
this.showPreview = false
userProfileLink (id, name) {
return generateProfileLink(id, name, this.$store.state.instance.restrictedNicknames)
watch: {
'highlight': function (id) {
if (this.status.id === id) {
let rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect()
if (rect.top < 100) {
window.scrollBy(0, rect.top - 200)
} else if (rect.bottom > window.innerHeight - 50) {
window.scrollBy(0, rect.bottom - window.innerHeight + 50)
filters: {
capitalize: function (str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
export default Status