Henry Jameson ee49409049 Partially transitioned user data to MastoAPI. Added support for fetching
relationship data. Upgraded code to be more resilient to nulls caused by missing
data in either APIs
2019-03-08 00:35:30 +02:00

378 lines
12 KiB

import backendInteractorService from '../services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js'
import { compact, map, each, merge, find, omitBy } from 'lodash'
import { set } from 'vue'
import { registerPushNotifications, unregisterPushNotifications } from '../services/push/push.js'
import oauthApi from '../services/new_api/oauth'
import { humanizeErrors } from './errors'
// TODO: Unify with mergeOrAdd in statuses.js
export const mergeOrAdd = (arr, obj, item) => {
if (!item) { return false }
const oldItem = obj[item.id]
if (oldItem) {
// We already have this, so only merge the new info.
merge(oldItem, omitBy(item, _ => _ === null))
return { item: oldItem, new: false }
} else {
// This is a new item, prepare it
obj[item.id] = item
if (item.screen_name && !item.screen_name.includes('@')) {
obj[item.screen_name] = item
return { item, new: true }
const getNotificationPermission = () => {
const Notification = window.Notification
if (!Notification) return Promise.resolve(null)
if (Notification.permission === 'default') return Notification.requestPermission()
return Promise.resolve(Notification.permission)
export const mutations = {
setMuted (state, { user: { id }, muted }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
set(user, 'muted', muted)
setCurrentUser (state, user) {
state.lastLoginName = user.screen_name
state.currentUser = merge(state.currentUser || {}, omitBy(user, _ => _ === null))
clearCurrentUser (state) {
state.currentUser = false
state.lastLoginName = false
beginLogin (state) {
state.loggingIn = true
endLogin (state) {
state.loggingIn = false
// TODO Clean after ourselves?
addFriends (state, { id, friends, page }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
each(friends, friend => {
if (!find(user.friends, { id: friend.id })) {
user.friendsPage = page + 1
addFollowers (state, { id, followers, page }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
each(followers, follower => {
if (!find(user.followers, { id: follower.id })) {
user.followersPage = page + 1
// Because frontend doesn't have a reason to keep these stuff in memory
// outside of viewing someones user profile.
clearFriends (state, userId) {
const user = state.usersObject[userId]
if (!user) {
user.friends = []
user.friendsPage = 0
clearFollowers (state, userId) {
const user = state.usersObject[userId]
if (!user) {
user.followers = []
user.followersPage = 0
addNewUsers (state, users) {
each(users, (user) => mergeOrAdd(state.users, state.usersObject, user))
updateUserRelationship (state, relationships) {
relationships.forEach((relationship) => {
const user = state.usersObject[relationship.id]
user.follows_you = relationship.followed_by
user.following = relationship.following
user.muted = relationship.muting
user.statusnet_blocking = relationship.blocking
saveBlocks (state, blockIds) {
state.currentUser.blockIds = blockIds
saveMutes (state, muteIds) {
state.currentUser.muteIds = muteIds
setUserForStatus (state, status) {
// Not setting it again since it's already reactive if it has getters
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(status.user, 'id').get) {
status.user = state.usersObject[status.user.id]
setUserForNotification (state, notification) {
// Not setting it again since it's already reactive if it has getters
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(notification.action.user, 'id').get) {
notification.action.user = state.usersObject[notification.action.user.id]
notification.from_profile = state.usersObject[notification.action.user.id]
setColor (state, { user: { id }, highlighted }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
set(user, 'highlight', highlighted)
signUpPending (state) {
state.signUpPending = true
state.signUpErrors = []
signUpSuccess (state) {
state.signUpPending = false
signUpFailure (state, errors) {
state.signUpPending = false
state.signUpErrors = errors
export const getters = {
userById: state => id =>
state.users.find(user => user.id === id),
userByName: state => name =>
state.users.find(user => user.screen_name &&
(user.screen_name.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase())
export const defaultState = {
loggingIn: false,
lastLoginName: false,
currentUser: false,
users: [],
usersObject: {},
signUpPending: false,
signUpErrors: []
const users = {
state: defaultState,
actions: {
fetchUser (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchUser({ id })
.then((user) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]))
fetchUserRelationship (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchUserRelationship({ id })
.then((relationships) => store.commit('updateUserRelationship', relationships))
fetchBlocks (store) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchBlocks()
.then((blocks) => {
store.commit('saveBlocks', map(blocks, 'id'))
store.commit('addNewUsers', blocks)
return blocks
blockUser (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.blockUser(id)
.then((user) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]))
unblockUser (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.unblockUser(id)
.then((user) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]))
fetchMutes (store) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchMutes()
.then((mutedUsers) => {
each(mutedUsers, (user) => { user.muted = true })
store.commit('addNewUsers', mutedUsers)
store.commit('saveMutes', map(mutedUsers, 'id'))
muteUser (store, id) {
return store.state.api.backendInteractor.setUserMute({ id, muted: true })
.then((user) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]))
unmuteUser (store, id) {
return store.state.api.backendInteractor.setUserMute({ id, muted: false })
.then((user) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]))
addFriends ({ rootState, commit }, fetchBy) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const user = rootState.users.usersObject[fetchBy]
const page = user.friendsPage || 1
rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchFriends({ id: user.id, page })
.then((friends) => {
commit('addFriends', { id: user.id, friends, page })
}).catch(() => {
addFollowers ({ rootState, commit }, fetchBy) {
const user = rootState.users.usersObject[fetchBy]
const page = user.followersPage || 1
return rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchFollowers({ id: user.id, page })
.then((followers) => {
commit('addFollowers', { id: user.id, followers, page })
return followers
clearFriends ({ commit }, userId) {
commit('clearFriends', userId)
clearFollowers ({ commit }, userId) {
commit('clearFollowers', userId)
registerPushNotifications (store) {
const token = store.state.currentUser.credentials
const vapidPublicKey = store.rootState.instance.vapidPublicKey
const isEnabled = store.rootState.config.webPushNotifications
const notificationVisibility = store.rootState.config.notificationVisibility
registerPushNotifications(isEnabled, vapidPublicKey, token, notificationVisibility)
unregisterPushNotifications (store) {
const token = store.state.currentUser.credentials
addNewStatuses (store, { statuses }) {
const users = map(statuses, 'user')
const retweetedUsers = compact(map(statuses, 'retweeted_status.user'))
store.commit('addNewUsers', users)
store.commit('addNewUsers', retweetedUsers)
// Reconnect users to statuses
each(statuses, (status) => {
store.commit('setUserForStatus', status)
// Reconnect users to retweets
each(compact(map(statuses, 'retweeted_status')), (status) => {
store.commit('setUserForStatus', status)
addNewNotifications (store, { notifications }) {
const users = map(notifications, 'from_profile')
const notificationIds = notifications.map(_ => _.id)
store.commit('addNewUsers', users)
const notificationsObject = store.rootState.statuses.notifications.idStore
const relevantNotifications = Object.entries(notificationsObject)
.filter(([k, val]) => notificationIds.includes(k))
.map(([k, val]) => val)
// Reconnect users to notifications
each(relevantNotifications, (notification) => {
store.commit('setUserForNotification', notification)
async signUp (store, userInfo) {
let rootState = store.rootState
let response = await rootState.api.backendInteractor.register(userInfo)
if (response.ok) {
const data = {
oauth: rootState.oauth,
instance: rootState.instance.server
let app = await oauthApi.getOrCreateApp(data)
let result = await oauthApi.getTokenWithCredentials({
instance: data.instance,
username: userInfo.username,
password: userInfo.password
store.commit('setToken', result.access_token)
store.dispatch('loginUser', result.access_token)
} else {
const data = await response.json()
let errors = JSON.parse(data.error)
// replace ap_id with username
if (errors.ap_id) {
errors.username = errors.ap_id
delete errors.ap_id
errors = humanizeErrors(errors)
store.commit('signUpFailure', errors)
throw Error(errors)
async getCaptcha (store) {
return await store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.getCaptcha()
logout (store) {
store.commit('setToken', false)
store.dispatch('stopFetching', 'friends')
store.commit('setBackendInteractor', backendInteractorService())
loginUser (store, accessToken) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const commit = store.commit
.then((data) => {
if (!data.error) {
const user = data
// user.credentials = userCredentials
user.credentials = accessToken
user.blockIds = []
user.muteIds = []
commit('setCurrentUser', user)
commit('addNewUsers', [user])
.then(permission => commit('setNotificationPermission', permission))
// Set our new backend interactor
commit('setBackendInteractor', backendInteractorService(accessToken))
if (user.token) {
store.dispatch('setWsToken', user.token)
// Start getting fresh posts.
store.dispatch('startFetching', { timeline: 'friends' })
// Get user mutes
// Fetch our friends
store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchFriends({ id: user.id })
.then((friends) => commit('addNewUsers', friends))
} else {
const response = data.error
// Authentication failed
if (response.status === 401) {
reject('Wrong username or password')
} else {
reject('An error occurred, please try again')
.catch((error) => {
reject('Failed to connect to server, try again')
export default users