eugenijm f05f832bff Address feedback
Use more specific css rules for the emoji dimensions in the chat list status preview.

Use more round em value for chat list item height.
Add global html overflow and height for smoother chat navigation in
the desktop Safari.

Use offsetHeight instad of a computed style when setting the window height on resize.

Remove margin-bottom from the last message to avoid occasional layout shift in the desktop Safari

Use break-word to prevent chat message text overflow

Resize and scroll the textarea when inserting a new line on ctrl+enter

Remove fade transition on route change

Ensure proper border radius at the bottom of the chat, remove unused border-radius

Prevent the chat header "jumping" on the avatar load.
2020-07-08 15:21:31 +03:00

537 lines
17 KiB

import statusPoster from '../../services/status_poster/status_poster.service.js'
import MediaUpload from '../media_upload/media_upload.vue'
import ScopeSelector from '../scope_selector/scope_selector.vue'
import EmojiInput from '../emoji_input/emoji_input.vue'
import PollForm from '../poll/poll_form.vue'
import Attachment from '../attachment/attachment.vue'
import StatusContent from '../status_content/status_content.vue'
import fileTypeService from '../../services/file_type/file_type.service.js'
import { findOffset } from '../../services/offset_finder/offset_finder.service.js'
import { reject, map, uniqBy, debounce } from 'lodash'
import suggestor from '../emoji_input/suggestor.js'
import { mapGetters, mapState } from 'vuex'
import Checkbox from '../checkbox/checkbox.vue'
const buildMentionsString = ({ user, attentions = [] }, currentUser) => {
let allAttentions = [...attentions]
allAttentions = uniqBy(allAttentions, 'id')
allAttentions = reject(allAttentions, { id: currentUser.id })
let mentions = map(allAttentions, (attention) => {
return `@${attention.screen_name}`
return mentions.length > 0 ? mentions.join(' ') + ' ' : ''
const PostStatusForm = {
props: [
components: {
mounted () {
if (this.replyTo) {
const textLength = this.$refs.textarea.value.length
this.$refs.textarea.setSelectionRange(textLength, textLength)
if (this.replyTo || this.autoFocus) {
data () {
const preset = this.$route.query.message
let statusText = preset || ''
const { scopeCopy } = this.$store.getters.mergedConfig
if (this.replyTo) {
const currentUser = this.$store.state.users.currentUser
statusText = buildMentionsString({ user: this.repliedUser, attentions: this.attentions }, currentUser)
const scope = ((this.copyMessageScope && scopeCopy) || this.copyMessageScope === 'direct')
? this.copyMessageScope
: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.default_scope
const { postContentType: contentType } = this.$store.getters.mergedConfig
return {
dropFiles: [],
uploadingFiles: false,
error: null,
posting: false,
highlighted: 0,
newStatus: {
spoilerText: this.subject || '',
status: statusText,
nsfw: false,
files: [],
poll: {},
mediaDescriptions: {},
visibility: scope,
caret: 0,
pollFormVisible: false,
showDropIcon: 'hide',
dropStopTimeout: null,
preview: null,
previewLoading: false,
emojiInputShown: false
computed: {
users () {
return this.$store.state.users.users
userDefaultScope () {
return this.$store.state.users.currentUser.default_scope
showAllScopes () {
return !this.mergedConfig.minimalScopesMode
emojiUserSuggestor () {
return suggestor({
emoji: [
users: this.$store.state.users.users,
updateUsersList: (query) => this.$store.dispatch('searchUsers', { query })
emojiSuggestor () {
return suggestor({
emoji: [
emoji () {
return this.$store.state.instance.emoji || []
customEmoji () {
return this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji || []
statusLength () {
return this.newStatus.status.length
spoilerTextLength () {
return this.newStatus.spoilerText.length
statusLengthLimit () {
return this.$store.state.instance.textlimit
hasStatusLengthLimit () {
return this.statusLengthLimit > 0
charactersLeft () {
return this.statusLengthLimit - (this.statusLength + this.spoilerTextLength)
isOverLengthLimit () {
return this.hasStatusLengthLimit && (this.charactersLeft < 0)
minimalScopesMode () {
return this.$store.state.instance.minimalScopesMode
alwaysShowSubject () {
return this.mergedConfig.alwaysShowSubjectInput
postFormats () {
return this.$store.state.instance.postFormats || []
safeDMEnabled () {
return this.$store.state.instance.safeDM
pollsAvailable () {
return this.$store.state.instance.pollsAvailable &&
this.$store.state.instance.pollLimits.max_options >= 2 &&
this.disablePolls !== true
hideScopeNotice () {
return this.disableNotice || this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.hideScopeNotice
pollContentError () {
return this.pollFormVisible &&
this.newStatus.poll &&
showPreview () {
return !!this.preview || this.previewLoading
emptyStatus () {
return this.newStatus.status.trim() === '' && this.newStatus.files.length === 0
uploadFileLimitReached () {
return this.newStatus.files.length >= this.fileLimit
mobileLayout: state => state.interface.mobileLayout
watch: {
'newStatus.contentType': function () {
'newStatus.spoilerText': function () {
methods: {
async postStatus (event, newStatus, opts = {}) {
if (this.posting) { return }
if (this.submitDisabled) { return }
if (this.emojiInputShown) { return }
if (this.submitOnEnter) {
if (this.emptyStatus) {
this.error = this.$t('post_status.empty_status_error')
const poll = this.pollFormVisible ? this.newStatus.poll : {}
if (this.pollContentError) {
this.error = this.pollContentError
this.posting = true
try {
await this.setAllMediaDescriptions()
} catch (e) {
this.error = this.$t('post_status.media_description_error')
this.posting = false
const postingOptions = {
status: newStatus.status,
spoilerText: newStatus.spoilerText || null,
visibility: newStatus.visibility,
sensitive: newStatus.nsfw,
media: newStatus.files,
store: this.$store,
inReplyToStatusId: this.replyTo,
contentType: newStatus.contentType,
const postHandler = this.postHandler ? this.postHandler : statusPoster.postStatus
postHandler(postingOptions).then((data) => {
if (!data.error) {
this.newStatus = {
status: '',
spoilerText: '',
files: [],
visibility: newStatus.visibility,
contentType: newStatus.contentType,
poll: {},
mediaDescriptions: {}
this.pollFormVisible = false
this.$refs.mediaUpload && this.$refs.mediaUpload.clearFile()
this.$emit('posted', data)
if (this.preserveFocus) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
let el = this.$el.querySelector('textarea')
el.style.height = 'auto'
el.style.height = undefined
this.error = null
if (this.preview) this.previewStatus()
} else {
this.error = data.error
this.posting = false
previewStatus () {
if (this.emptyStatus && this.newStatus.spoilerText.trim() === '') {
this.preview = { error: this.$t('post_status.preview_empty') }
this.previewLoading = false
const newStatus = this.newStatus
this.previewLoading = true
status: newStatus.status,
spoilerText: newStatus.spoilerText || null,
visibility: newStatus.visibility,
sensitive: newStatus.nsfw,
media: [],
store: this.$store,
inReplyToStatusId: this.replyTo,
contentType: newStatus.contentType,
poll: {},
preview: true
}).then((data) => {
// Don't apply preview if not loading, because it means
// user has closed the preview manually.
if (!this.previewLoading) return
if (!data.error) {
this.preview = data
} else {
this.preview = { error: data.error }
}).catch((error) => {
this.preview = { error }
}).finally(() => {
this.previewLoading = false
debouncePreviewStatus: debounce(function () { this.previewStatus() }, 500),
autoPreview () {
if (!this.preview) return
this.previewLoading = true
closePreview () {
this.preview = null
this.previewLoading = false
togglePreview () {
if (this.showPreview) {
} else {
addMediaFile (fileInfo) {
this.$emit('resize', { delayed: true })
removeMediaFile (fileInfo) {
let index = this.newStatus.files.indexOf(fileInfo)
this.newStatus.files.splice(index, 1)
uploadFailed (errString, templateArgs) {
templateArgs = templateArgs || {}
this.error = this.$t('upload.error.base') + ' ' + this.$t('upload.error.' + errString, templateArgs)
startedUploadingFiles () {
this.uploadingFiles = true
finishedUploadingFiles () {
this.uploadingFiles = false
type (fileInfo) {
return fileTypeService.fileType(fileInfo.mimetype)
paste (e) {
if (e.clipboardData.files.length > 0) {
// prevent pasting of file as text
// Strangely, files property gets emptied after event propagation
// Trying to wrap it in array doesn't work. Plus I doubt it's possible
// to hold more than one file in clipboard.
this.dropFiles = [e.clipboardData.files[0]]
fileDrop (e) {
if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files')) {
e.preventDefault() // allow dropping text like before
this.dropFiles = e.dataTransfer.files
this.showDropIcon = 'hide'
fileDragStop (e) {
// The false-setting is done with delay because just using leave-events
// directly caused unwanted flickering, this is not perfect either but
// much less noticable.
this.showDropIcon = 'fade'
this.dropStopTimeout = setTimeout(() => (this.showDropIcon = 'hide'), 500)
fileDrag (e) {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = this.uploadFileLimitReached ? 'none' : 'copy'
if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files')) {
this.showDropIcon = 'show'
onEmojiInputInput (e) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
resize (e) {
const target = e.target || e
if (!(target instanceof window.Element)) { return }
// Reset to default height for empty form, nothing else to do here.
if (target.value === '') {
target.style.height = null
const formRef = this.$refs['form']
const bottomRef = this.$refs['bottom']
/* Scroller is either `window` (replies in TL), sidebar (main post form,
* replies in notifs) or mobile post form. Note that getting and setting
* scroll is different for `Window` and `Element`s
const bottomBottomPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(bottomRef)['padding-bottom']
const bottomBottomPadding = Number(bottomBottomPaddingStr.substring(0, bottomBottomPaddingStr.length - 2))
const scrollerRef = this.$el.closest('.sidebar-scroller') ||
this.$el.closest('.post-form-modal-view') ||
// Getting info about padding we have to account for, removing 'px' part
const topPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(target)['padding-top']
const bottomPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(target)['padding-bottom']
const topPadding = Number(topPaddingStr.substring(0, topPaddingStr.length - 2))
const bottomPadding = Number(bottomPaddingStr.substring(0, bottomPaddingStr.length - 2))
const vertPadding = topPadding + bottomPadding
/* Explanation:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollHeight
* scrollHeight returns element's scrollable content height, i.e. visible
* element + overscrolled parts of it. We use it to determine when text
* inside the textarea exceeded its height, so we can set height to prevent
* overscroll, i.e. make textarea grow with the text. HOWEVER, since we
* explicitly set new height, scrollHeight won't go below that, so we can't
* SHRINK the textarea when there's extra space. To workaround that we set
* height to 'auto' which makes textarea tiny again, so that scrollHeight
* will match text height again. HOWEVER, shrinking textarea can screw with
* the scroll since there might be not enough padding around form-bottom to even
* warrant a scroll, so it will jump to 0 and refuse to move anywhere,
* so we check current scroll position before shrinking and then restore it
* with needed delta.
// this part has to be BEFORE the content size update
const currentScroll = scrollerRef === window
? scrollerRef.scrollY
: scrollerRef.scrollTop
const scrollerHeight = scrollerRef === window
? scrollerRef.innerHeight
: scrollerRef.offsetHeight
const scrollerBottomBorder = currentScroll + scrollerHeight
// BEGIN content size update
target.style.height = 'auto'
const heightWithoutPadding = target.scrollHeight - vertPadding
const newHeight = this.maxHeight ? Math.min(heightWithoutPadding, this.maxHeight) : heightWithoutPadding
target.style.height = `${newHeight}px`
this.$emit('resize', newHeight)
// END content size update
// We check where the bottom border of form-bottom element is, this uses findOffset
// to find offset relative to scrollable container (scroller)
const bottomBottomBorder = bottomRef.offsetHeight + findOffset(bottomRef, scrollerRef).top + bottomBottomPadding
const isBottomObstructed = scrollerBottomBorder < bottomBottomBorder
const isFormBiggerThanScroller = scrollerHeight < formRef.offsetHeight
const bottomChangeDelta = bottomBottomBorder - scrollerBottomBorder
// The intention is basically this;
// Keep form-bottom always visible so that submit button is in view EXCEPT
// if form element bigger than scroller and caret isn't at the end, so that
// if you scroll up and edit middle of text you won't get scrolled back to bottom
const shouldScrollToBottom = isBottomObstructed &&
!(isFormBiggerThanScroller &&
this.$refs.textarea.selectionStart !== this.$refs.textarea.value.length)
const totalDelta = shouldScrollToBottom ? bottomChangeDelta : 0
const targetScroll = currentScroll + totalDelta
if (scrollerRef === window) {
scrollerRef.scroll(0, targetScroll)
} else {
scrollerRef.scrollTop = targetScroll
showEmojiPicker () {
clearError () {
this.error = null
changeVis (visibility) {
this.newStatus.visibility = visibility
togglePollForm () {
this.pollFormVisible = !this.pollFormVisible
setPoll (poll) {
this.newStatus.poll = poll
clearPollForm () {
if (this.$refs.pollForm) {
dismissScopeNotice () {
this.$store.dispatch('setOption', { name: 'hideScopeNotice', value: true })
setMediaDescription (id) {
const description = this.newStatus.mediaDescriptions[id]
if (!description || description.trim() === '') return
return statusPoster.setMediaDescription({ store: this.$store, id, description })
setAllMediaDescriptions () {
const ids = this.newStatus.files.map(file => file.id)
return Promise.all(ids.map(id => this.setMediaDescription(id)))
handleEmojiInputShow (value) {
this.emojiInputShown = value
export default PostStatusForm