Make getting the uploader constistent

It was possible to get the uploader from opts.
But during the upload flow, a function was called who didn't use opts and just got it from settings.
This is inconsistent.

In practice, providing the uploader through opts was never used, so I removed it and now we always get it from settings.
This commit is contained in:
ilja 2023-03-19 12:00:45 +01:00
parent 053276ef6c
commit 5db2e998c5

View file

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Upload do
defstruct [:id, :name, :tempfile, :content_type, :width, :height, :blurhash, :path]
defp get_description(opts, upload) do
case {opts[:description], Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :default_description])} do
case {opts[:description], Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :default_description])} do
{description, _} when is_binary(description) -> description
{_, :filename} ->
{_, str} when is_binary(str) -> str
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ defp get_description(opts, upload) do
@doc "Store a file. If using a `Plug.Upload{}` as the source, be sure to use `Majic.Plug` to ensure its content_type and filename is correct."
def store(upload, opts \\ []) do
opts = get_opts(opts)
uploader = Config.get([__MODULE__, :uploader])
with {:ok, upload} <- prepare_upload(upload, opts),
upload = %__MODULE__{upload | path: upload.path || "#{}/#{}"},
@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ def store(upload, opts \\ []) do
description = get_description(opts, upload),
{_, true} <-
String.length(description) <= Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :description_limit])},
{:ok, file} <- Pleroma.Uploaders.Uploader.put_file(opts.uploader, upload) do
String.length(description) <= Config.get([:instance, :description_limit])},
{:ok, file} <- Pleroma.Uploaders.Uploader.put_file(uploader, upload) do
"id" => Utils.generate_object_id(),
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ def store(upload, opts \\ []) do
{:error, error} ->
"#{__MODULE__} store (using #{inspect(opts.uploader)}) failed: #{inspect(error)}"
"#{__MODULE__} store (using #{inspect(uploader)}) failed: #{inspect(error)}"
{:error, error}
@ -125,23 +126,22 @@ defp get_opts(opts) do
{size_limit, activity_type} =
case Keyword.get(opts, :type) do
:banner ->
{Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :banner_upload_limit]), "Image"}
{Config.get!([:instance, :banner_upload_limit]), "Image"}
:avatar ->
{Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :avatar_upload_limit]), "Image"}
{Config.get!([:instance, :avatar_upload_limit]), "Image"}
:background ->
{Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :background_upload_limit]), "Image"}
{Config.get!([:instance, :background_upload_limit]), "Image"}
_ ->
{Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :upload_limit]), "Document"}
{Config.get!([:instance, :upload_limit]), "Document"}
activity_type: Keyword.get(opts, :activity_type, activity_type),
size_limit: Keyword.get(opts, :size_limit, size_limit),
uploader: Keyword.get(opts, :uploader, Pleroma.Config.get([__MODULE__, :uploader])),
filters: Keyword.get(opts, :filters, Pleroma.Config.get([__MODULE__, :filters])),
filters: Keyword.get(opts, :filters, Config.get([__MODULE__, :filters])),
description: Keyword.get(opts, :description)
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ defp get_url(%__MODULE__{name: name}, {:file, path}) do
path =
URI.encode(path, &char_unescaped?/1) <>
if Pleroma.Config.get([__MODULE__, :link_name], false) do
if Config.get([__MODULE__, :link_name], false) do
"?name=#{URI.encode(name, &char_unescaped?/1)}"
@ -231,8 +231,5 @@ defp get_url(%__MODULE__{name: name}, {:file, path}) do
defp get_url(_upload, {:url, url}), do: url
def base_url do
uploader = Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader])
def base_url(), do: Config.get([__MODULE__, :uploader]).base_url()