defmodule Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.OpenGraph do alias Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.Provider alias Pleroma.{HTML, Formatter, User} alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy @behaviour Provider @impl Provider def build_tags(%{activity: activity, user: user}) do with truncated_content = scrub_html_and_truncate(activity) do attachments = build_attachments(activity) [ {:meta, [ property: "og:title", content: user_name_string(user) ], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:url", content:["id"]], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:description", content: truncated_content], []} ] ++ if attachments == [] or Enum.any?(["object"]["tag"], fn tag -> tag == "nsfw" end) do [ {:meta, [property: "og:image", content: attachment_url(User.avatar_url(user))], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:image:width", content: 120], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:image:height", content: 120], []} ] else attachments end end end @impl Provider def build_tags(%{user: user}) do with truncated_bio = scrub_html_and_truncate( || "") do [ {:meta, [ property: "og:title", content: user_name_string(user) ], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:url", content: User.profile_url(user)], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:description", content: truncated_bio], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:image", content: attachment_url(User.avatar_url(user))], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:image:width", content: 120], []}, {:meta, [property: "og:image:height", content: 120], []} ] end end defp build_attachments(%{data: %{"object" => %{"attachment" => attachments}}} = _activity) do Enum.reduce(attachments, [], fn attachment, acc -> rendered_tags = Enum.reduce(attachment["url"], [], fn url, acc -> media_type = Enum.find(["image", "audio", "video"], fn media_type -> String.starts_with?(url["mediaType"], media_type) end) if media_type do [ {:meta, [property: "og:" <> media_type, content: attachment_url(url["href"])], []} | acc ] else acc end end) acc ++ rendered_tags end) end defp scrub_html_and_truncate(%{data: %{"object" => %{"content" => content}}} = activity) do content # html content comes from DB already encoded, decode first and scrub after |> HtmlEntities.decode() |> String.replace(~r//, " ") |> HTML.get_cached_stripped_html_for_object(activity, __MODULE__) |> Formatter.truncate() end defp scrub_html_and_truncate(content) when is_binary(content) do content # html content comes from DB already encoded, decode first and scrub after |> HtmlEntities.decode() |> String.replace(~r//, " ") |> HTML.strip_tags() |> Formatter.truncate() end defp attachment_url(url) do MediaProxy.url(url) end defp user_name_string(user) do "#{} " <> if user.local do "(@#{user.nickname}@#{})" else "(@#{user.nickname})" end end end