defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthController do use Pleroma.Web, :controller alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.{Authorization, Token, App} alias Pleroma.{Repo, User} alias Comeonin.Pbkdf2 def authorize(conn, params) do render conn, "show.html", %{ response_type: params["response_type"], client_id: params["client_id"], scope: params["scope"], redirect_uri: params["redirect_uri"] } end def create_authorization(conn, %{"authorization" => %{"name" => name, "password" => password, "client_id" => client_id}} = params) do with %User{} = user <- User.get_cached_by_nickname(name), true <- Pbkdf2.checkpw(password, user.password_hash), %App{} = app <- Repo.get_by(App, client_id: client_id), {:ok, auth} <- Authorization.create_authorization(app, user) do render conn, "results.html", %{ auth: auth } end end # TODO # - proper scope handling def token_exchange(conn, %{"grant_type" => "authorization_code"} = params) do with %App{} = app <- Repo.get_by(App, client_id: params["client_id"], client_secret: params["client_secret"]), %Authorization{} = auth <- Repo.get_by(Authorization, token: params["code"], app_id:, {:ok, token} <- Token.exchange_token(app, auth) do response = %{ token_type: "Bearer", access_token: token.token, refresh_token: token.refresh_token, expires_in: 60 * 10, scope: "read write follow" } json(conn, response) end end end