# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do @moduledoc """ A module to handle coding from internal to wire ActivityPub and back. """ alias Pleroma.Activity alias Pleroma.EctoType.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators alias Pleroma.Maps alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Object.Containment alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Builder alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidator alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Pipeline alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Visibility alias Pleroma.Web.Federator alias Pleroma.Workers.TransmogrifierWorker import Ecto.Query require Logger require Pleroma.Constants @doc """ Modifies an incoming AP object (mastodon format) to our internal format. """ def fix_object(object, options \\ []) do object |> strip_internal_fields() |> fix_actor() |> fix_url() |> fix_attachments() |> fix_context() |> fix_in_reply_to(options) |> fix_emoji() |> fix_tag() |> fix_content_map() |> fix_addressing() |> fix_summary() |> fix_type(options) end def fix_summary(%{"summary" => nil} = object) do Map.put(object, "summary", "") end def fix_summary(%{"summary" => _} = object) do # summary is present, nothing to do object end def fix_summary(object), do: Map.put(object, "summary", "") def fix_addressing_list(map, field) do addrs = map[field] cond do is_list(addrs) -> Map.put(map, field, Enum.filter(addrs, &is_binary/1)) is_binary(addrs) -> Map.put(map, field, [addrs]) true -> Map.put(map, field, []) end end def fix_explicit_addressing( %{"to" => to, "cc" => cc} = object, explicit_mentions, follower_collection ) do explicit_to = Enum.filter(to, fn x -> x in explicit_mentions end) explicit_cc = Enum.filter(to, fn x -> x not in explicit_mentions end) final_cc = (cc ++ explicit_cc) |> Enum.reject(fn x -> String.ends_with?(x, "/followers") and x != follower_collection end) |> Enum.uniq() object |> Map.put("to", explicit_to) |> Map.put("cc", final_cc) end def fix_explicit_addressing(object, _explicit_mentions, _followers_collection), do: object # if directMessage flag is set to true, leave the addressing alone def fix_explicit_addressing(%{"directMessage" => true} = object), do: object def fix_explicit_addressing(object) do explicit_mentions = Utils.determine_explicit_mentions(object) %User{follower_address: follower_collection} = object |> Containment.get_actor() |> User.get_cached_by_ap_id() explicit_mentions = explicit_mentions ++ [ Pleroma.Constants.as_public(), follower_collection ] fix_explicit_addressing(object, explicit_mentions, follower_collection) end # if as:Public is addressed, then make sure the followers collection is also addressed # so that the activities will be delivered to local users. def fix_implicit_addressing(%{"to" => to, "cc" => cc} = object, followers_collection) do recipients = to ++ cc if followers_collection not in recipients do cond do Pleroma.Constants.as_public() in cc -> to = to ++ [followers_collection] Map.put(object, "to", to) Pleroma.Constants.as_public() in to -> cc = cc ++ [followers_collection] Map.put(object, "cc", cc) true -> object end else object end end def fix_implicit_addressing(object, _), do: object def fix_addressing(object) do {:ok, %User{} = user} = User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(object["actor"]) followers_collection = User.ap_followers(user) object |> fix_addressing_list("to") |> fix_addressing_list("cc") |> fix_addressing_list("bto") |> fix_addressing_list("bcc") |> fix_explicit_addressing() |> fix_implicit_addressing(followers_collection) end def fix_actor(%{"attributedTo" => actor} = object) do actor = Containment.get_actor(%{"actor" => actor}) # TODO: Remove actor field for Objects object |> Map.put("actor", actor) |> Map.put("attributedTo", actor) end def fix_in_reply_to(object, options \\ []) def fix_in_reply_to(%{"inReplyTo" => in_reply_to} = object, options) when not is_nil(in_reply_to) do in_reply_to_id = prepare_in_reply_to(in_reply_to) depth = (options[:depth] || 0) + 1 if Federator.allowed_thread_distance?(depth) do with {:ok, replied_object} <- get_obj_helper(in_reply_to_id, options), %Activity{} <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(replied_object.data["id"]) do object |> Map.put("inReplyTo", replied_object.data["id"]) |> Map.put("context", replied_object.data["context"] || object["conversation"]) |> Map.drop(["conversation", "inReplyToAtomUri"]) else e -> Logger.warn("Couldn't fetch #{inspect(in_reply_to_id)}, error: #{inspect(e)}") object end else object end end def fix_in_reply_to(object, _options), do: object defp prepare_in_reply_to(in_reply_to) do cond do is_bitstring(in_reply_to) -> in_reply_to is_map(in_reply_to) && is_bitstring(in_reply_to["id"]) -> in_reply_to["id"] is_list(in_reply_to) && is_bitstring(Enum.at(in_reply_to, 0)) -> Enum.at(in_reply_to, 0) true -> "" end end def fix_context(object) do context = object["context"] || object["conversation"] || Utils.generate_context_id() object |> Map.put("context", context) |> Map.drop(["conversation"]) end def fix_attachments(%{"attachment" => attachment} = object) when is_list(attachment) do attachments = Enum.map(attachment, fn data -> url = cond do is_list(data["url"]) -> List.first(data["url"]) is_map(data["url"]) -> data["url"] true -> nil end media_type = cond do is_map(url) && MIME.valid?(url["mediaType"]) -> url["mediaType"] MIME.valid?(data["mediaType"]) -> data["mediaType"] MIME.valid?(data["mimeType"]) -> data["mimeType"] true -> nil end href = cond do is_map(url) && is_binary(url["href"]) -> url["href"] is_binary(data["url"]) -> data["url"] is_binary(data["href"]) -> data["href"] true -> nil end if href do attachment_url = %{ "href" => href, "type" => Map.get(url || %{}, "type", "Link") } |> Maps.put_if_present("mediaType", media_type) %{ "url" => [attachment_url], "type" => data["type"] || "Document" } |> Maps.put_if_present("mediaType", media_type) |> Maps.put_if_present("name", data["name"]) |> Maps.put_if_present("blurhash", data["blurhash"]) else nil end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) Map.put(object, "attachment", attachments) end def fix_attachments(%{"attachment" => attachment} = object) when is_map(attachment) do object |> Map.put("attachment", [attachment]) |> fix_attachments() end def fix_attachments(object), do: object def fix_url(%{"url" => url} = object) when is_map(url) do Map.put(object, "url", url["href"]) end def fix_url(%{"url" => url} = object) when is_list(url) do first_element = Enum.at(url, 0) url_string = cond do is_bitstring(first_element) -> first_element is_map(first_element) -> first_element["href"] || "" true -> "" end Map.put(object, "url", url_string) end def fix_url(object), do: object def fix_emoji(%{"tag" => tags} = object) when is_list(tags) do emoji = tags |> Enum.filter(fn data -> is_map(data) and data["type"] == "Emoji" and data["icon"] end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn data, mapping -> name = String.trim(data["name"], ":") Map.put(mapping, name, data["icon"]["url"]) end) Map.put(object, "emoji", emoji) end def fix_emoji(%{"tag" => %{"type" => "Emoji"} = tag} = object) do name = String.trim(tag["name"], ":") emoji = %{name => tag["icon"]["url"]} Map.put(object, "emoji", emoji) end def fix_emoji(object), do: object def fix_tag(%{"tag" => tag} = object) when is_list(tag) do tags = tag |> Enum.filter(fn data -> data["type"] == "Hashtag" and data["name"] end) |> Enum.map(fn %{"name" => "#" <> hashtag} -> String.downcase(hashtag) %{"name" => hashtag} -> String.downcase(hashtag) end) Map.put(object, "tag", tag ++ tags) end def fix_tag(%{"tag" => %{} = tag} = object) do object |> Map.put("tag", [tag]) |> fix_tag end def fix_tag(object), do: object # content map usually only has one language so this will do for now. def fix_content_map(%{"contentMap" => content_map} = object) do content_groups = Map.to_list(content_map) {_, content} = Enum.at(content_groups, 0) Map.put(object, "content", content) end def fix_content_map(object), do: object def fix_type(object, options \\ []) def fix_type(%{"inReplyTo" => reply_id, "name" => _} = object, options) when is_binary(reply_id) do with true <- Federator.allowed_thread_distance?(options[:depth]), {:ok, %{data: %{"type" => "Question"} = _} = _} <- get_obj_helper(reply_id, options) do Map.put(object, "type", "Answer") else _ -> object end end def fix_type(object, _), do: object # Reduce the object list to find the reported user. defp get_reported(objects) do Enum.reduce_while(objects, nil, fn ap_id, _ -> with %User{} = user <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id) do {:halt, user} else _ -> {:cont, nil} end end) end # Compatibility wrapper for Mastodon votes defp handle_create(%{"object" => %{"type" => "Answer"}} = data, _user) do handle_incoming(data) end defp handle_create(%{"object" => object} = data, user) do %{ to: data["to"], object: object, actor: user, context: object["context"], local: false, published: data["published"], additional: Map.take(data, [ "cc", "directMessage", "id" ]) } |> ActivityPub.create() end def handle_incoming(data, options \\ []) # Flag objects are placed ahead of the ID check because Mastodon 2.8 and earlier send them # with nil ID. def handle_incoming(%{"type" => "Flag", "object" => objects, "actor" => actor} = data, _options) do with context <- data["context"] || Utils.generate_context_id(), content <- data["content"] || "", %User{} = actor <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(actor), # Reduce the object list to find the reported user. %User{} = account <- get_reported(objects), # Remove the reported user from the object list. statuses <- Enum.filter(objects, fn ap_id -> ap_id != account.ap_id end) do %{ actor: actor, context: context, account: account, statuses: statuses, content: content, additional: %{"cc" => [account.ap_id]} } |> ActivityPub.flag() end end # disallow objects with bogus IDs def handle_incoming(%{"id" => nil}, _options), do: :error def handle_incoming(%{"id" => ""}, _options), do: :error # length of https:// = 8, should validate better, but good enough for now. def handle_incoming(%{"id" => id}, _options) when is_binary(id) and byte_size(id) < 8, do: :error # TODO: validate those with a Ecto scheme # - tags # - emoji def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Create", "object" => %{"type" => objtype} = object} = data, options ) when objtype in ~w{Note Page} do actor = Containment.get_actor(data) with nil <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(object["id"]), {:ok, %User{} = user} <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(actor) do data = data |> Map.put("object", fix_object(object, options)) |> Map.put("actor", actor) |> fix_addressing() with {:ok, created_activity} <- handle_create(data, user) do reply_depth = (options[:depth] || 0) + 1 if Federator.allowed_thread_distance?(reply_depth) do for reply_id <- replies(object) do Pleroma.Workers.RemoteFetcherWorker.enqueue("fetch_remote", %{ "id" => reply_id, "depth" => reply_depth }) end end {:ok, created_activity} end else %Activity{} = activity -> {:ok, activity} _e -> :error end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Listen", "object" => %{"type" => "Audio"} = object} = data, options ) do actor = Containment.get_actor(data) data = Map.put(data, "actor", actor) |> fix_addressing with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(data["actor"]) do reply_depth = (options[:depth] || 0) + 1 options = Keyword.put(options, :depth, reply_depth) object = fix_object(object, options) params = %{ to: data["to"], object: object, actor: user, context: nil, local: false, published: data["published"], additional: Map.take(data, ["cc", "id"]) } ActivityPub.listen(params) else _e -> :error end end @misskey_reactions %{ "like" => "👍", "love" => "❤️", "laugh" => "😆", "hmm" => "🤔", "surprise" => "😮", "congrats" => "🎉", "angry" => "💢", "confused" => "😥", "rip" => "😇", "pudding" => "🍮", "star" => "⭐" } @doc "Rewrite misskey likes into EmojiReacts" def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Like", "_misskey_reaction" => reaction } = data, options ) do data |> Map.put("type", "EmojiReact") |> Map.put("content", @misskey_reactions[reaction] || reaction) |> handle_incoming(options) end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Create", "object" => %{"type" => objtype, "id" => obj_id}} = data, _options ) when objtype in ~w{Question Answer ChatMessage Audio Video Event Article} do data = Map.put(data, "object", strip_internal_fields(data["object"])) with {:ok, %User{}} <- ObjectValidator.fetch_actor(data), nil <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(obj_id), {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do {:ok, activity} else %Activity{} = activity -> {:ok, activity} e -> e end end def handle_incoming(%{"type" => type} = data, _options) when type in ~w{Like EmojiReact Announce} do with :ok <- ObjectValidator.fetch_actor_and_object(data), {:ok, activity, _meta} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do {:ok, activity} else e -> {:error, e} end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => type} = data, _options ) when type in ~w{Update Block Follow Accept Reject} do with {:ok, %User{}} <- ObjectValidator.fetch_actor(data), {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do {:ok, activity} end end def handle_incoming(%{"type" => type} = data, _options) when type in ~w(Add Remove) do with {:ok, user} <- ObjectValidator.fetch_actor(data), %Object{} <- Object.normalize(data["object"], fetch: true) do # Mastodon sends pin/unpin objects without id, to, cc fields data = data |> Map.put_new("id", Utils.generate_activity_id()) |> Map.put_new("to", [Pleroma.Constants.as_public()]) |> Map.put_new("cc", [user.follower_address]) case Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do {:ok, activity, _meta} -> {:ok, activity} error -> error end end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Delete"} = data, _options ) do with {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do {:ok, activity} else {:error, {:validate_object, _}} = e -> # Check if we have a create activity for this with {:ok, object_id} <- ObjectValidators.ObjectID.cast(data["object"]), %Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}} <- Activity.create_by_object_ap_id(object_id) |> Repo.one(), # We have one, insert a tombstone and retry {:ok, tombstone_data, _} <- Builder.tombstone(actor, object_id), {:ok, _tombstone} <- Object.create(tombstone_data) do handle_incoming(data) else _ -> e end end end def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Undo", "object" => %{"type" => "Follow", "object" => followed}, "actor" => follower, "id" => id } = _data, _options ) do with %User{local: true} = followed <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(followed), {:ok, %User{} = follower} <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(follower), {:ok, activity} <- ActivityPub.unfollow(follower, followed, id, false) do User.unfollow(follower, followed) {:ok, activity} else _e -> :error end end def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Undo", "object" => %{"type" => type} } = data, _options ) when type in ["Like", "EmojiReact", "Announce", "Block"] do with {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do {:ok, activity} end end # For Undos that don't have the complete object attached, try to find it in our database. def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Undo", "object" => object } = activity, options ) when is_binary(object) do with %Activity{data: data} <- Activity.get_by_ap_id(object) do activity |> Map.put("object", data) |> handle_incoming(options) else _e -> :error end end def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Move", "actor" => origin_actor, "object" => origin_actor, "target" => target_actor }, _options ) do with %User{} = origin_user <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(origin_actor), {:ok, %User{} = target_user} <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(target_actor), true <- origin_actor in target_user.also_known_as do ActivityPub.move(origin_user, target_user, false) else _e -> :error end end def handle_incoming(_, _), do: :error @spec get_obj_helper(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | nil def get_obj_helper(id, options \\ []) do options = Keyword.put(options, :fetch, true) case Object.normalize(id, options) do %Object{} = object -> {:ok, object} _ -> nil end end @spec get_embedded_obj_helper(String.t() | Object.t(), User.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | nil def get_embedded_obj_helper(%{"attributedTo" => attributed_to, "id" => object_id} = data, %User{ ap_id: ap_id }) when attributed_to == ap_id do with {:ok, activity} <- handle_incoming(%{ "type" => "Create", "to" => data["to"], "cc" => data["cc"], "actor" => attributed_to, "object" => data }) do {:ok, Object.normalize(activity, fetch: false)} else _ -> get_obj_helper(object_id) end end def get_embedded_obj_helper(object_id, _) do get_obj_helper(object_id) end def set_reply_to_uri(%{"inReplyTo" => in_reply_to} = object) when is_binary(in_reply_to) do with false <- String.starts_with?(in_reply_to, "http"), {:ok, %{data: replied_to_object}} <- get_obj_helper(in_reply_to) do Map.put(object, "inReplyTo", replied_to_object["external_url"] || in_reply_to) else _e -> object end end def set_reply_to_uri(obj), do: obj @doc """ Serialized Mastodon-compatible `replies` collection containing _self-replies_. Based on Mastodon's ActivityPub::NoteSerializer#replies. """ def set_replies(obj_data) do replies_uris = with limit when limit > 0 <- Pleroma.Config.get([:activitypub, :note_replies_output_limit], 0), %Object{} = object <- Object.get_cached_by_ap_id(obj_data["id"]) do object |> Object.self_replies() |> select([o], fragment("?->>'id'", o.data)) |> limit(^limit) |> Repo.all() else _ -> [] end set_replies(obj_data, replies_uris) end defp set_replies(obj, []) do obj end defp set_replies(obj, replies_uris) do replies_collection = %{ "type" => "Collection", "items" => replies_uris } Map.merge(obj, %{"replies" => replies_collection}) end def replies(%{"replies" => %{"first" => %{"items" => items}}}) when not is_nil(items) do items end def replies(%{"replies" => %{"items" => items}}) when not is_nil(items) do items end def replies(_), do: [] # Prepares the object of an outgoing create activity. def prepare_object(object) do object |> add_hashtags |> add_mention_tags |> add_emoji_tags |> add_attributed_to |> prepare_attachments |> set_conversation |> set_reply_to_uri |> set_replies |> strip_internal_fields |> strip_internal_tags |> set_type end # @doc # """ # internal -> Mastodon # """ def prepare_outgoing(%{"type" => activity_type, "object" => object_id} = data) when activity_type in ["Create", "Listen"] do object = object_id |> Object.normalize(fetch: false) |> Map.get(:data) |> prepare_object data = data |> Map.put("object", object) |> Map.merge(Utils.make_json_ld_header()) |> Map.delete("bcc") {:ok, data} end def prepare_outgoing(%{"type" => "Announce", "actor" => ap_id, "object" => object_id} = data) do object = object_id |> Object.normalize(fetch: false) data = if Visibility.is_private?(object) && object.data["actor"] == ap_id do data |> Map.put("object", object |> Map.get(:data) |> prepare_object) else data |> maybe_fix_object_url end data = data |> strip_internal_fields |> Map.merge(Utils.make_json_ld_header()) |> Map.delete("bcc") {:ok, data} end # Mastodon Accept/Reject requires a non-normalized object containing the actor URIs, # because of course it does. def prepare_outgoing(%{"type" => "Accept"} = data) do with follow_activity <- Activity.normalize(data["object"]) do object = %{ "actor" => follow_activity.actor, "object" => follow_activity.data["object"], "id" => follow_activity.data["id"], "type" => "Follow" } data = data |> Map.put("object", object) |> Map.merge(Utils.make_json_ld_header()) {:ok, data} end end def prepare_outgoing(%{"type" => "Reject"} = data) do with follow_activity <- Activity.normalize(data["object"]) do object = %{ "actor" => follow_activity.actor, "object" => follow_activity.data["object"], "id" => follow_activity.data["id"], "type" => "Follow" } data = data |> Map.put("object", object) |> Map.merge(Utils.make_json_ld_header()) {:ok, data} end end def prepare_outgoing(%{"type" => _type} = data) do data = data |> strip_internal_fields |> maybe_fix_object_url |> Map.merge(Utils.make_json_ld_header()) {:ok, data} end def maybe_fix_object_url(%{"object" => object} = data) when is_binary(object) do with false <- String.starts_with?(object, "http"), {:fetch, {:ok, relative_object}} <- {:fetch, get_obj_helper(object)}, %{data: %{"external_url" => external_url}} when not is_nil(external_url) <- relative_object do Map.put(data, "object", external_url) else {:fetch, e} -> Logger.error("Couldn't fetch #{object} #{inspect(e)}") data _ -> data end end def maybe_fix_object_url(data), do: data def add_hashtags(object) do tags = (object["tag"] || []) |> Enum.map(fn # Expand internal representation tags into AS2 tags. tag when is_binary(tag) -> %{ "href" => Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.url() <> "/tags/#{tag}", "name" => "##{tag}", "type" => "Hashtag" } # Do not process tags which are already AS2 tag objects. tag when is_map(tag) -> tag end) Map.put(object, "tag", tags) end # TODO These should be added on our side on insertion, it doesn't make much # sense to regenerate these all the time def add_mention_tags(object) do to = object["to"] || [] cc = object["cc"] || [] mentioned = User.get_users_from_set(to ++ cc, local_only: false) mentions = Enum.map(mentioned, &build_mention_tag/1) tags = object["tag"] || [] Map.put(object, "tag", tags ++ mentions) end defp build_mention_tag(%{ap_id: ap_id, nickname: nickname} = _) do %{"type" => "Mention", "href" => ap_id, "name" => "@#{nickname}"} end def take_emoji_tags(%User{emoji: emoji}) do emoji |> Map.to_list() |> Enum.map(&build_emoji_tag/1) end # TODO: we should probably send mtime instead of unix epoch time for updated def add_emoji_tags(%{"emoji" => emoji} = object) do tags = object["tag"] || [] out = Enum.map(emoji, &build_emoji_tag/1) Map.put(object, "tag", tags ++ out) end def add_emoji_tags(object), do: object defp build_emoji_tag({name, url}) do %{ "icon" => %{"url" => "#{URI.encode(url)}", "type" => "Image"}, "name" => ":" <> name <> ":", "type" => "Emoji", "updated" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "id" => url } end def set_conversation(object) do Map.put(object, "conversation", object["context"]) end def set_type(%{"type" => "Answer"} = object) do Map.put(object, "type", "Note") end def set_type(object), do: object def add_attributed_to(object) do attributed_to = object["attributedTo"] || object["actor"] Map.put(object, "attributedTo", attributed_to) end # TODO: Revisit this def prepare_attachments(%{"type" => "ChatMessage"} = object), do: object def prepare_attachments(object) do attachments = object |> Map.get("attachment", []) |> Enum.map(fn data -> [%{"mediaType" => media_type, "href" => href} | _] = data["url"] %{ "url" => href, "mediaType" => media_type, "name" => data["name"], "type" => "Document" } end) Map.put(object, "attachment", attachments) end def strip_internal_fields(object) do Map.drop(object, Pleroma.Constants.object_internal_fields()) end defp strip_internal_tags(%{"tag" => tags} = object) do tags = Enum.filter(tags, fn x -> is_map(x) end) Map.put(object, "tag", tags) end defp strip_internal_tags(object), do: object def perform(:user_upgrade, user) do # we pass a fake user so that the followers collection is stripped away old_follower_address = User.ap_followers(%User{nickname: user.nickname}) from( a in Activity, where: ^old_follower_address in a.recipients, update: [ set: [ recipients: fragment( "array_replace(?,?,?)", a.recipients, ^old_follower_address, ^user.follower_address ) ] ] ) |> Repo.update_all([]) end def upgrade_user_from_ap_id(ap_id) do with %User{local: false} = user <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id), {:ok, data} <- ActivityPub.fetch_and_prepare_user_from_ap_id(ap_id), {:ok, user} <- update_user(user, data) do {:ok, _pid} = Task.start(fn -> ActivityPub.pinned_fetch_task(user) end) TransmogrifierWorker.enqueue("user_upgrade", %{"user_id" => user.id}) {:ok, user} else %User{} = user -> {:ok, user} e -> e end end defp update_user(user, data) do user |> User.remote_user_changeset(data) |> User.update_and_set_cache() end def maybe_fix_user_url(%{"url" => url} = data) when is_map(url) do Map.put(data, "url", url["href"]) end def maybe_fix_user_url(data), do: data def maybe_fix_user_object(data), do: maybe_fix_user_url(data) end