import Koa from 'koa'; import Router from '@koa/router'; import { OAuth2 } from 'oauth'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { IsNull } from 'typeorm'; import { getJson } from '@/misc/fetch.js'; import config from '@/config/index.js'; import { publishMainStream } from '@/services/stream.js'; import { fetchMeta } from '@/misc/fetch-meta.js'; import { Users, UserProfiles } from '@/models/index.js'; import { ILocalUser } from '@/models/entities/user.js'; import { redisClient } from '@/db/redis.js'; import signin from '../common/signin.js'; function getUserToken(ctx: Koa.BaseContext): string | null { return ((ctx.headers['cookie'] || '').match(/igi=(\w+)/) || [null, null])[1]; } function compareOrigin(ctx: Koa.BaseContext): boolean { function normalizeUrl(url?: string): string { return url ? url.endsWith('/') ? url.substr(0, url.length - 1) : url : ''; } const referer = ctx.headers['referer']; return (normalizeUrl(referer) === normalizeUrl(config.url)); } // Init router const router = new Router(); router.get('/disconnect/github', async ctx => { if (!compareOrigin(ctx)) { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid origin'); return; } const userToken = getUserToken(ctx); if (!userToken) { ctx.throw(400, 'signin required'); return; } const user = await Users.findOneByOrFail({ host: IsNull(), token: userToken, }); const profile = await UserProfiles.findOneByOrFail({ userId: }); delete profile.integrations.github; await UserProfiles.update(, { integrations: profile.integrations, }); ctx.body = 'GitHubの連携を解除しました :v:'; // Publish i updated event publishMainStream(, 'meUpdated', await Users.pack(user, user, { detail: true, includeSecrets: true, })); }); async function getOath2() { const meta = await fetchMeta(true); if (meta.enableGithubIntegration && meta.githubClientId && meta.githubClientSecret) { return new OAuth2( meta.githubClientId, meta.githubClientSecret, '', 'login/oauth/authorize', 'login/oauth/access_token'); } else { return null; } } router.get('/connect/github', async ctx => { if (!compareOrigin(ctx)) { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid origin'); return; } const userToken = getUserToken(ctx); if (!userToken) { ctx.throw(400, 'signin required'); return; } const params = { redirect_uri: `${config.url}/api/gh/cb`, scope: ['read:user'], state: uuid(), }; redisClient.set(userToken, JSON.stringify(params)); const oauth2 = await getOath2(); ctx.redirect(oauth2!.getAuthorizeUrl(params)); }); router.get('/signin/github', async ctx => { const sessid = uuid(); const params = { redirect_uri: `${config.url}/api/gh/cb`, scope: ['read:user'], state: uuid(), }; ctx.cookies.set('signin_with_github_sid', sessid, { path: '/', secure: config.url.startsWith('https'), httpOnly: true, }); redisClient.set(sessid, JSON.stringify(params)); const oauth2 = await getOath2(); ctx.redirect(oauth2!.getAuthorizeUrl(params)); }); router.get('/gh/cb', async ctx => { const userToken = getUserToken(ctx); const oauth2 = await getOath2(); if (!userToken) { const sessid = ctx.cookies.get('signin_with_github_sid'); if (!sessid) { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid session'); return; } const code = ctx.query.code; if (!code || typeof code !== 'string') { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid session'); return; } const { redirect_uri, state } = await new Promise((res, rej) => { redisClient.get(sessid, async (_, state) => { res(JSON.parse(state)); }); }); if (ctx.query.state !== state) { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid session'); return; } const { accessToken } = await new Promise((res, rej) => oauth2!.getOAuthAccessToken(code, { redirect_uri, }, (err, accessToken, refresh, result) => { if (err) { rej(err); } else if (result.error) { rej(result.error); } else { res({ accessToken }); } })); const { login, id } = (await getJson('', 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 10 * 1000, { 'Authorization': `bearer ${accessToken}`, })) as Record; if (typeof login !== 'string' || typeof id !== 'string') { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid session'); return; } const link = await UserProfiles.createQueryBuilder() .where('"integrations"->\'github\'->>\'id\' = :id', { id }) .andWhere('"userHost" IS NULL') .getOne(); if (link == null) { ctx.throw(404, `There were no FoundKey accounts linked to @${login}...`); return; } signin(ctx, await Users.findOneBy({ id: link.userId }) as ILocalUser, true); } else { const code = ctx.query.code; if (!code || typeof code !== 'string') { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid session'); return; } const { redirect_uri, state } = await new Promise((res, rej) => { redisClient.get(userToken, async (_, state) => { res(JSON.parse(state)); }); }); if (ctx.query.state !== state) { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid session'); return; } const { accessToken } = await new Promise((res, rej) => oauth2!.getOAuthAccessToken( code, { redirect_uri }, (err, accessToken, refresh, result) => { if (err) { rej(err); } else if (result.error) { rej(result.error); } else { res({ accessToken }); } })); const { login, id } = (await getJson('', 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 10 * 1000, { 'Authorization': `bearer ${accessToken}`, })) as Record; if (typeof login !== 'string' || typeof id !== 'string') { ctx.throw(400, 'invalid session'); return; } const user = await Users.findOneByOrFail({ host: IsNull(), token: userToken, }); const profile = await UserProfiles.findOneByOrFail({ userId: }); await UserProfiles.update(, { integrations: { ...profile.integrations, github: { accessToken, id, login, }, }, }); ctx.body = `GitHub: @${login} connected to FoundKey: @${user.username}!`; // Publish i updated event publishMainStream(, 'meUpdated', await Users.pack(user, user, { detail: true, includeSecrets: true, })); } }); export default router;