# foundkey-js `foundkey-js` is a fork of [misskey-js](https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey.js) that is more up to date. The following is provided: - User authentication - API requests - Streaming - Utility functions - Various foundkey type definitions This library is designed to work with FoundKey. It should also work with Misskey 12+ but compatibility is not guaranteed. ## Install This package is not currently published to npmjs. # Usage To use `foundkey-js` in your code, use the following import: ``` ts import * as foundkey from 'foundkey-js'; ``` For convenience, the following code examples are based on the assumption that the code is imported as `* as foundkey` as shown above. However, since tree-shaking is not possible with this import method, we recommend the following individual import for use cases where code size is important. ``` ts import { api as foundkeyApi } from 'foundkey-js'; ``` ## Authenticate todo ## API request When using the API, initialize an instance of the `APIClient` class by providing information on the server to be used and an access token, and make a request by calling the `request` method of the instance. ``` ts const cli = new foundkey.api.APIClient({ origin: 'https://foundkey.example', credential: 'TOKEN', }); const meta = await cli.request('meta', { detail: true }); ``` The first argument of `request` is the name of the endpoint to call, and the second argument is a parameter object. The response is returned as a Promise. ## Streaming Two classes are provided for streaming in `foundkey-js`. One is the `Stream` class, which handles the streaming connection itself, and the other is the `Channel` class, which represents the concept of a channel on the streaming. When using streaming, you first initialize an instance of the `Stream` class, and then use the methods of the `Stream` instance to get an instance of the `Channel` class. ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main'); mainChannel.on('notification', notification => { console.log('notification received', notification); }); ``` If a connection is lost, it is automatically reconnected. ### Connecting to a channel Connection to a channel is made using the `useChannel` method of the `Stream` class. No parameters ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main'); ``` With parameters ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); const messagingChannel = stream.useChannel('messaging', { otherparty: 'xxxxxxxxxx', }); ``` ### Disconnect from a channel Call the `dispose` method of the `Channel` class. ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main'); mainChannel.dispose(); ``` ### Receiving messages The `Channel` class inherits from EventEmitter and when a message is received from the server, it emits a payload with the name of the event received. ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main'); mainChannel.on('notification', notification => { console.log('notification received', notification); }); ``` ### Sending messages Messages can be sent to the server using the `send` method of the `Channel` class. ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); const messagingChannel = stream.useChannel('messaging', { otherparty: 'xxxxxxxxxx', }); messagingChannel.send('read', { id: 'xxxxxxxxxx' }); ``` ### `_connected_` event The `_connected_` event of the `Stream` class is available. ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); stream.on('_connected_', () => { console.log('connected'); }); ``` ### `_disconnected_` event The `_disconnected_` event of the `Stream` class is available. ``` ts const stream = new foundkey.Stream('https://foundkey.example', { token: 'TOKEN' }); stream.on('_disconnected_', () => { console.log('disconnected'); }); ``` ### Connection state You can check the `state` property of the `Stream` class. - `initializing`: before connection is established - `connected`: connected. - `reconnecting`: reconnecting.