@@ -180,5 +189,9 @@
.name-changer {
width: 100%;
+ .bg {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ }
diff --git a/src/i18n/de.json b/src/i18n/de.json
index c87371e6..d0bfba38 100644
--- a/src/i18n/de.json
+++ b/src/i18n/de.json
@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@
"preload_images": "Bilder vorausladen",
"hide_post_stats": "Beitragsstatistiken verbergen (z.B. die Anzahl der Favoriten)",
"hide_user_stats": "Benutzerstatistiken verbergen (z.B. die Anzahl der Follower)",
+ "hide_filtered_statuses": "Gefilterte Beiträge verbergen",
"import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "Importiere Follower, denen du folgen möchtest, aus einer CSV-Datei",
"import_theme": "Farbschema laden",
"inputRadius": "Eingabefelder",
@@ -155,7 +156,8 @@
"notification_visibility_mentions": "Erwähnungen",
"notification_visibility_repeats": "Wiederholungen",
"no_rich_text_description": "Rich-Text Formatierungen von allen Beiträgen entfernen",
- "hide_network_description": "Zeige nicht, wem ich folge und wer mir folgt",
+ "hide_follows_description": "Zeige nicht, wem ich folge",
+ "hide_followers_description": "Zeige nicht, wer mir folgt",
"nsfw_clickthrough": "Aktiviere ausblendbares Overlay für Anhänge, die als NSFW markiert sind",
"panelRadius": "Panel",
"pause_on_unfocused": "Streaming pausieren, wenn das Tab nicht fokussiert ist",
diff --git a/src/i18n/en.json b/src/i18n/en.json
index f80d8ba2..c664fbfa 100644
--- a/src/i18n/en.json
+++ b/src/i18n/en.json
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
"password": "Password",
"placeholder": "e.g. lain",
"register": "Register",
- "username": "Username"
+ "username": "Username",
+ "hint": "Log in to join the discussion"
"nav": {
"about": "About",
@@ -139,6 +140,7 @@
"use_one_click_nsfw": "Open NSFW attachments with just one click",
"hide_post_stats": "Hide post statistics (e.g. the number of favorites)",
"hide_user_stats": "Hide user statistics (e.g. the number of followers)",
+ "hide_filtered_statuses": "Hide filtered statuses",
"import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "Import follows from a csv file",
"import_theme": "Load preset",
"inputRadius": "Input fields",
@@ -164,7 +166,10 @@
"notification_visibility_mentions": "Mentions",
"notification_visibility_repeats": "Repeats",
"no_rich_text_description": "Strip rich text formatting from all posts",
- "hide_network_description": "Don't show who I'm following and who's following me",
+ "hide_follows_description": "Don't show who I'm following",
+ "hide_followers_description": "Don't show who's following me",
+ "show_admin_badge": "Show Admin badge in my profile",
+ "show_moderator_badge": "Show Moderator badge in my profile",
"nsfw_clickthrough": "Enable clickthrough NSFW attachment hiding",
"panelRadius": "Panels",
"pause_on_unfocused": "Pause streaming when tab is not focused",
@@ -191,6 +196,8 @@
"subject_line_email": "Like email: \"re: subject\"",
"subject_line_mastodon": "Like mastodon: copy as is",
"subject_line_noop": "Do not copy",
+ "post_status_content_type": "Post status content type",
+ "status_content_type_plain": "Plain text",
"stop_gifs": "Play-on-hover GIFs",
"streaming": "Enable automatic streaming of new posts when scrolled to the top",
"text": "Text",
diff --git a/src/i18n/es.json b/src/i18n/es.json
index 3391c6af..29c8aec4 100644
--- a/src/i18n/es.json
+++ b/src/i18n/es.json
@@ -2,99 +2,386 @@
"chat": {
"title": "Chat"
+ "features_panel": {
+ "chat": "Chat",
+ "gopher": "Gopher",
+ "media_proxy": "Media proxy",
+ "scope_options": "Opciones del alcance de la visibilidad",
+ "text_limit": "Límite de carácteres",
+ "title": "Características",
+ "who_to_follow": "A quién seguir"
+ },
"finder": {
"error_fetching_user": "Error al buscar usuario",
"find_user": "Encontrar usuario"
"general": {
"apply": "Aplicar",
- "submit": "Enviar"
+ "submit": "Enviar",
+ "more": "Más",
+ "generic_error": "Ha ocurrido un error"
"login": {
"login": "Identificación",
+ "description": "Identificación con OAuth",
"logout": "Salir",
"password": "Contraseña",
"placeholder": "p.ej. lain",
"register": "Registrar",
- "username": "Usuario"
+ "username": "Usuario",
+ "hint": "Inicia sesión para unirte a la discusión"
"nav": {
+ "about": "Sobre",
+ "back": "Volver",
"chat": "Chat Local",
+ "friend_requests": "Solicitudes de amistad",
"mentions": "Menciones",
+ "dms": "Mensajes Directo",
"public_tl": "Línea Temporal Pública",
"timeline": "Línea Temporal",
- "twkn": "Toda La Red Conocida"
+ "twkn": "Toda La Red Conocida",
+ "user_search": "Búsqueda de Usuarios",
+ "who_to_follow": "A quién seguir",
+ "preferences": "Preferencias"
"notifications": {
+ "broken_favorite": "Estado desconocido, buscándolo...",
+ "favorited_you": "le gusta tu estado",
"followed_you": "empezó a seguirte",
+ "load_older": "Cargar notificaciones antiguas",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
- "read": "¡Leído!"
+ "read": "¡Leído!",
+ "repeated_you": "repite tu estado",
+ "no_more_notifications": "No hay más notificaciones"
"post_status": {
+ "new_status": "Publicar un nuevo estado",
+ "account_not_locked_warning": "Tu cuenta no está {0}. Cualquiera puede seguirte y leer las entradas para Solo-Seguidores.",
+ "account_not_locked_warning_link": "bloqueada",
+ "attachments_sensitive": "Contenido sensible",
+ "content_type": {
+ "plain_text": "Texto Plano"
+ },
+ "content_warning": "Tema (opcional)",
"default": "Acabo de aterrizar en L.A.",
- "posting": "Publicando"
+ "direct_warning": "Esta entrada solo será visible para los usuarios mencionados.",
+ "posting": "Publicando",
+ "scope": {
+ "direct": "Directo - Solo para los usuarios mencionados.",
+ "private": "Solo-Seguidores - Solo tus seguidores leeran la entrada",
+ "public": "Público - Entradas visibles en las Líneas Temporales Públicas",
+ "unlisted": "Sin Listar - Entradas no visibles en las Líneas Temporales Públicas"
+ }
"registration": {
"bio": "Biografía",
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"fullname": "Nombre a mostrar",
"password_confirm": "Confirmación de contraseña",
- "registration": "Registro"
+ "registration": "Registro",
+ "token": "Token de invitación",
+ "captcha": "CAPTCHA",
+ "new_captcha": "Click en la imagen para obtener un nuevo captca",
+ "validations": {
+ "username_required": "no puede estar vacío",
+ "fullname_required": "no puede estar vacío",
+ "email_required": "no puede estar vacío",
+ "password_required": "no puede estar vacío",
+ "password_confirmation_required": "no puede estar vacío",
+ "password_confirmation_match": "la contraseña no coincide"
+ }
"settings": {
+ "attachmentRadius": "Adjuntos",
"attachments": "Adjuntos",
"autoload": "Activar carga automática al llegar al final de la página",
"avatar": "Avatar",
- "background": "Segundo plano",
+ "avatarAltRadius": "Avatares (Notificaciones)",
+ "avatarRadius": "Avatares",
+ "background": "Fondo",
"bio": "Biografía",
+ "btnRadius": "Botones",
+ "cBlue": "Azul (Responder, seguir)",
+ "cGreen": "Verde (Retweet)",
+ "cOrange": "Naranja (Favorito)",
+ "cRed": "Rojo (Cancelar)",
+ "change_password": "Cambiar contraseña",
+ "change_password_error": "Hubo un problema cambiando la contraseña.",
+ "changed_password": "Contraseña cambiada correctamente!",
+ "collapse_subject": "Colapsar entradas con tema",
+ "composing": "Redactando",
+ "confirm_new_password": "Confirmar la nueva contraseña",
"current_avatar": "Tu avatar actual",
- "current_profile_banner": "Cabecera actual",
+ "current_password": "Contraseña actual",
+ "current_profile_banner": "Tu cabecera actual",
+ "data_import_export_tab": "Importar / Exportar Datos",
+ "default_vis": "Alcance de visibilidad por defecto",
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar la cuenta",
+ "delete_account_description": "Eliminar para siempre la cuenta y todos los mensajes.",
+ "delete_account_error": "Hubo un error al eliminar tu cuenta. Si el fallo persiste, ponte en contacto con el administrador de tu instancia.",
+ "delete_account_instructions": "Escribe tu contraseña para confirmar la eliminación de tu cuenta.",
+ "avatar_size_instruction": "El tamaño mínimo recomendado para el avatar es de 150X150 píxeles.",
+ "export_theme": "Exportar tema",
"filtering": "Filtros",
"filtering_explanation": "Todos los estados que contengan estas palabras serán silenciados, una por línea",
+ "follow_export": "Exportar personas que tú sigues",
+ "follow_export_button": "Exporta tus seguidores a un archivo csv",
+ "follow_export_processing": "Procesando, en breve se te preguntará para guardar el archivo",
"follow_import": "Importar personas que tú sigues",
"follow_import_error": "Error al importal el archivo",
"follows_imported": "¡Importado! Procesarlos llevará tiempo.",
"foreground": "Primer plano",
+ "general": "General",
"hide_attachments_in_convo": "Ocultar adjuntos en las conversaciones",
"hide_attachments_in_tl": "Ocultar adjuntos en la línea temporal",
- "import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "Importar personas que tú sigues apartir de un archivo csv",
- "links": "Links",
+ "hide_isp": "Ocultar el panel específico de la instancia",
+ "preload_images": "Precargar las imágenes",
+ "use_one_click_nsfw": "Abrir los adjuntos NSFW con un solo click.",
+ "hide_post_stats": "Ocultar las estadísticas de las entradas (p.ej. el número de favoritos)",
+ "hide_user_stats": "Ocultar las estadísticas del usuario (p.ej. el número de seguidores)",
+ "import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "Importar personas que tú sigues a partir de un archivo csv",
+ "import_theme": "Importar tema",
+ "inputRadius": "Campos de entrada",
+ "checkboxRadius": "Casillas de verificación",
+ "instance_default": "(por defecto: {value})",
+ "instance_default_simple": "(por defecto)",
+ "interface": "Interfaz",
+ "interfaceLanguage": "Idioma",
+ "invalid_theme_imported": "El archivo importado no es un tema válido de Pleroma. No se han realizado cambios.",
+ "limited_availability": "No disponible en tu navegador",
+ "links": "Enlaces",
+ "lock_account_description": "Restringir el acceso a tu cuenta solo a seguidores admitidos",
+ "loop_video": "Vídeos en bucle",
+ "loop_video_silent_only": "Bucle solo en vídeos sin sonido (p.ej. \"gifs\" de Mastodon)",
+ "play_videos_in_modal": "Reproducir los vídeos directamente en el visor de medios",
+ "use_contain_fit": "No recortar los adjuntos en miniaturas",
"name": "Nombre",
"name_bio": "Nombre y Biografía",
+ "new_password": "Nueva contraseña",
+ "notification_visibility": "Tipos de notificaciones a mostrar",
+ "notification_visibility_follows": "Nuevos seguidores",
+ "notification_visibility_likes": "Me gustan (Likes)",
+ "notification_visibility_mentions": "Menciones",
+ "notification_visibility_repeats": "Repeticiones (Repeats)",
+ "no_rich_text_description": "Eliminar el formato de texto enriquecido de todas las entradas",
+ "hide_follows_description": "No mostrar a quién sigo",
+ "hide_followers_description": "No mostrar quién me sigue",
+ "show_admin_badge": "Mostrar la placa de administrador en mi perfil",
+ "show_moderator_badge": "Mostrar la placa de moderador en mi perfil",
"nsfw_clickthrough": "Activar el clic para ocultar los adjuntos NSFW",
+ "panelRadius": "Paneles",
+ "pause_on_unfocused": "Parar la transmisión cuando no estés en foco.",
"presets": "Por defecto",
"profile_background": "Fondo del Perfil",
- "profile_banner": "Cabecera del perfil",
- "reply_link_preview": "Activar la previsualización del enlace de responder al pasar el ratón por encima",
+ "profile_banner": "Cabecera del Perfil",
+ "profile_tab": "Perfil",
+ "radii_help": "Estable el redondeo de las esquinas del interfaz (en píxeles)",
+ "replies_in_timeline": "Réplicas en la línea temporal",
+ "reply_link_preview": "Activar la previsualización del enlace de responder al pasar el ratón por encim",
+ "reply_visibility_all": "Mostrar todas las réplicas",
+ "reply_visibility_following": "Solo mostrar réplicas para mí o usuarios a los que sigo",
+ "reply_visibility_self": "Solo mostrar réplicas para mí",
+ "saving_err": "Error al guardar los ajustes",
+ "saving_ok": "Ajustes guardados",
+ "security_tab": "Seguridad",
+ "scope_copy": "Copiar la visibilidad cuando contestamos (En los mensajes directos (MDs) siempre se copia)",
"set_new_avatar": "Cambiar avatar",
"set_new_profile_background": "Cambiar fondo del perfil",
- "set_new_profile_banner": "Cambiar cabecera",
+ "set_new_profile_banner": "Cambiar cabecera del perfil",
"settings": "Ajustes",
+ "subject_input_always_show": "Mostrar siempre el campo del tema",
+ "subject_line_behavior": "Copiar el tema en las contestaciones",
+ "subject_line_email": "Tipo email: \"re: tema\"",
+ "subject_line_mastodon": "Tipo mastodon: copiar como es",
+ "subject_line_noop": "No copiar",
+ "post_status_content_type": "Formato de publicación",
+ "status_content_type_plain": "Texto plano",
+ "stop_gifs": "Iniciar GIFs al pasar el ratón",
"streaming": "Habilite la transmisión automática de nuevas publicaciones cuando se desplaza hacia la parte superior",
"text": "Texto",
"theme": "Tema",
"theme_help": "Use códigos de color hexadecimales (#rrggbb) para personalizar su tema de colores.",
- "user_settings": "Ajustes de Usuario"
+ "theme_help_v2_1": "También puede invalidar los colores y la opacidad de ciertos componentes si activa la casilla de verificación, use el botón \"Borrar todo\" para deshacer los cambios.",
+ "theme_help_v2_2": "Los iconos debajo de algunas entradas son indicadores de contraste de fondo/texto, desplace el ratón para obtener información detallada. Tenga en cuenta que cuando se utilizan indicadores de contraste de transparencia se muestra el peor caso posible.",
+ "tooltipRadius": "Información/alertas",
+ "user_settings": "Ajustes de Usuario",
+ "values": {
+ "false": "no",
+ "true": "sí"
+ },
+ "notifications": "Notificaciones",
+ "enable_web_push_notifications": "Habilitar las notificiaciones en el navegador",
+ "style": {
+ "switcher": {
+ "keep_color": "Mantener colores",
+ "keep_shadows": "Mantener sombras",
+ "keep_opacity": "Mantener opacidad",
+ "keep_roundness": "Mantener redondeces",
+ "keep_fonts": "Mantener fuentes",
+ "save_load_hint": "Las opciones \"Mantener\" conservan las opciones configuradas actualmente al seleccionar o cargar temas, también almacena dichas opciones al exportar un tema. Cuando se desactiven todas las casillas de verificación, el tema de exportación lo guardará todo.",
+ "reset": "Reiniciar",
+ "clear_all": "Limpiar todo",
+ "clear_opacity": "Limpiar opacidad"
+ },
+ "common": {
+ "color": "Color",
+ "opacity": "Opacidad",
+ "contrast": {
+ "hint": "El ratio de contraste es {ratio}. {level} {context}",
+ "level": {
+ "aa": "Cumple con la pauta de nivel AA (mínimo)",
+ "aaa": "Cumple con la pauta de nivel AAA (recomendado)",
+ "bad": "No cumple con las pautas de accesibilidad"
+ },
+ "context": {
+ "18pt": "para textos grandes (+18pt)",
+ "text": "para textos"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "common_colors": {
+ "_tab_label": "Común",
+ "main": "Colores comunes",
+ "foreground_hint": "Vea la pestaña \"Avanzado\" para un control más detallado",
+ "rgbo": "Iconos, acentos, insignias"
+ },
+ "advanced_colors": {
+ "_tab_label": "Avanzado",
+ "alert": "Fondo de Alertas",
+ "alert_error": "Error",
+ "badge": "Fondo de Insignias",
+ "badge_notification": "Notificaciones",
+ "panel_header": "Cabecera del panel",
+ "top_bar": "Barra superior",
+ "borders": "Bordes",
+ "buttons": "Botones",
+ "inputs": "Campos de entrada",
+ "faint_text": "Texto desvanecido"
+ },
+ "radii": {
+ "_tab_label": "Redondez"
+ },
+ "shadows": {
+ "_tab_label": "Sombra e iluminación",
+ "component": "Componente",
+ "override": "Sobreescribir",
+ "shadow_id": "Sombra #{value}",
+ "blur": "Difuminar",
+ "spread": "Cantidad",
+ "inset": "Insertada",
+ "hint": "Para las sombras, también puede usar --variable como un valor de color para usar las variables CSS3. Tenga en cuenta que establecer la opacidad no funcionará en este caso.",
+ "filter_hint": {
+ "always_drop_shadow": "Advertencia, esta sombra siempre usa {0} cuando el navegador lo soporta.",
+ "drop_shadow_syntax": "{0} no soporta el parámetro {1} y la palabra clave {2}.",
+ "avatar_inset": "Tenga en cuenta que la combinación de sombras insertadas como no-insertadas en los avatares, puede dar resultados inesperados con los avatares transparentes.",
+ "spread_zero": "Sombras con una cantidad > 0 aparecerá como si estuviera puesto a cero",
+ "inset_classic": "Las sombras insertadas estarán usando {0}"
+ },
+ "components": {
+ "panel": "Panel",
+ "panelHeader": "Cabecera del panel",
+ "topBar": "Barra superior",
+ "avatar": "Avatar del usuario (en la vista del perfil)",
+ "avatarStatus": "Avatar del usuario (en la vista de la entrada)",
+ "popup": "Ventanas y textos emergentes (popups & tooltips)",
+ "button": "Botones",
+ "buttonHover": "Botón (encima)",
+ "buttonPressed": "Botón (presionado)",
+ "buttonPressedHover": "Botón (presionado+encima)",
+ "input": "Campo de entrada"
+ }
+ },
+ "fonts": {
+ "_tab_label": "Fuentes",
+ "help": "Seleccione la fuente para utilizar para los elementos de la interfaz de usuario. Para \"personalizado\", debe ingresar el nombre exacto de la fuente tal como aparece en el sistema.",
+ "components": {
+ "interface": "Interfaz",
+ "input": "Campos de entrada",
+ "post": "Texto de publicaciones",
+ "postCode": "Texto monoespaciado en publicación (texto enriquecido)"
+ },
+ "family": "Nombre de la fuente",
+ "size": "Tamaño (en px)",
+ "weight": "Peso (negrita)",
+ "custom": "Personalizado"
+ },
+ "preview": {
+ "header": "Vista previa",
+ "content": "Contenido",
+ "error": "Ejemplo de error",
+ "button": "Botón",
+ "text": "Un montón de {0} y {1}",
+ "mono": "contenido",
+ "input": "Acaba de aterrizar en L.A.",
+ "faint_link": "manual útil",
+ "fine_print": "¡Lea nuestro {0} para aprender nada útil!",
+ "header_faint": "Esto está bien",
+ "checkbox": "He revisado los términos y condiciones",
+ "link": "un bonito enlace"
+ }
+ }
"timeline": {
+ "collapse": "Colapsar",
"conversation": "Conversación",
"error_fetching": "Error al cargar las actualizaciones",
"load_older": "Cargar actualizaciones anteriores",
+ "no_retweet_hint": "La publicación está marcada como solo para seguidores o directa y no se puede repetir",
+ "repeated": "repetida",
"show_new": "Mostrar lo nuevo",
- "up_to_date": "Actualizado"
+ "up_to_date": "Actualizado",
+ "no_more_statuses": "No hay más estados"
"user_card": {
+ "approve": "Aprovar",
"block": "Bloquear",
"blocked": "¡Bloqueado!",
+ "deny": "Denegar",
+ "favorites": "Favoritos",
"follow": "Seguir",
+ "follow_sent": "¡Solicitud enviada!",
+ "follow_progress": "Solicitando…",
+ "follow_again": "¿Enviar solicitud de nuevo?",
+ "follow_unfollow": "Dejar de seguir",
"followees": "Siguiendo",
"followers": "Seguidores",
"following": "¡Siguiendo!",
"follows_you": "¡Te sigue!",
+ "its_you": "¡Eres tú!",
+ "media": "Media",
"mute": "Silenciar",
"muted": "Silenciado",
"per_day": "por día",
"remote_follow": "Seguir",
"statuses": "Estados"
+ },
+ "user_profile": {
+ "timeline_title": "Linea temporal del usuario"
+ },
+ "who_to_follow": {
+ "more": "Más",
+ "who_to_follow": "A quién seguir"
+ },
+ "tool_tip": {
+ "media_upload": "Subir Medios",
+ "repeat": "Repetir",
+ "reply": "Contestar",
+ "favorite": "Favorito",
+ "user_settings": "Ajustes de usuario"
+ },
+ "upload":{
+ "error": {
+ "base": "Subida fallida.",
+ "file_too_big": "Archivo demasiado grande [{filesize}{filesizeunit} / {allowedsize}{allowedsizeunit}]",
+ "default": "Inténtalo más tarde"
+ },
+ "file_size_units": {
+ "B": "B",
+ "KiB": "KiB",
+ "MiB": "MiB",
+ "GiB": "GiB",
+ "TiB": "TiB"
+ }
diff --git a/src/i18n/ja.json b/src/i18n/ja.json
index 161856f0..afce03a4 100644
--- a/src/i18n/ja.json
+++ b/src/i18n/ja.json
@@ -157,7 +157,8 @@
"notification_visibility_mentions": "メンション",
"notification_visibility_repeats": "リピート",
"no_rich_text_description": "リッチテキストをつかわない",
- "hide_network_description": "わたしがフォローしているひとと、わたしをフォローしているひとを、みせない",
+ "hide_follows_description": "フォローしている人を表示しない",
+ "hide_followers_description": "フォローしている人を表示しない",
"nsfw_clickthrough": "NSFWなファイルをかくす",
"panelRadius": "パネル",
"pause_on_unfocused": "タブにフォーカスがないときストリーミングをとめる",
diff --git a/src/i18n/ko.json b/src/i18n/ko.json
index 4b69df07..f9e4dfa3 100644
--- a/src/i18n/ko.json
+++ b/src/i18n/ko.json
@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@
"notification_visibility_mentions": "멘션",
"notification_visibility_repeats": "반복",
"no_rich_text_description": "모든 게시물의 서식을 지우기",
- "hide_network_description": "내 팔로우와 팔로워를 숨기기",
+ "hide_follows_description": "내가 팔로우하는 사람을 표시하지 않음",
+ "hide_followers_description": "나를 따르는 사람을 보여주지 마라.",
"nsfw_clickthrough": "NSFW 이미지 \"클릭해서 보이기\"를 활성화",
"panelRadius": "패널",
"pause_on_unfocused": "탭이 활성 상태가 아닐 때 스트리밍 멈추기",
diff --git a/src/i18n/ru.json b/src/i18n/ru.json
index 0887bb59..4b0bd4b4 100644
--- a/src/i18n/ru.json
+++ b/src/i18n/ru.json
@@ -127,7 +127,10 @@
"notification_visibility_mentions": "Упоминания",
"notification_visibility_repeats": "Повторы",
"no_rich_text_description": "Убрать форматирование из всех постов",
- "hide_network_description": "Не показывать кого я читаю и кто меня читает",
+ "hide_follows_description": "Не показывать кого я читаю",
+ "hide_followers_description": "Не показывать кто читает меня",
+ "show_admin_badge": "Показывать значок администратора в моем профиле",
+ "show_moderator_badge": "Показывать значок модератора в моем профиле",
"nsfw_clickthrough": "Включить скрытие NSFW вложений",
"panelRadius": "Панели",
"pause_on_unfocused": "Приостановить загрузку когда вкладка не в фокусе",
diff --git a/src/modules/api.js b/src/modules/api.js
index 7bda13e7..31cb55c6 100644
--- a/src/modules/api.js
+++ b/src/modules/api.js
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import backendInteractorService from '../services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js'
-import {isArray} from 'lodash'
import { Socket } from 'phoenix'
const api = {
@@ -34,20 +33,12 @@ const api = {
actions: {
- startFetching (store, timeline) {
- let userId = false
- // This is for user timelines
- if (isArray(timeline)) {
- userId = timeline[1]
- timeline = timeline[0]
- }
+ startFetching (store, {timeline = 'friends', tag = false, userId = false}) {
// Don't start fetching if we already are.
- if (!store.state.fetchers[timeline]) {
- const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetching({timeline, store, userId})
- store.commit('addFetcher', {timeline, fetcher})
- }
+ if (store.state.fetchers[timeline]) return
+ const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetching({ timeline, store, userId, tag })
+ store.commit('addFetcher', { timeline, fetcher })
stopFetching (store, timeline) {
const fetcher = store.state.fetchers[timeline]
diff --git a/src/modules/config.js b/src/modules/config.js
index c9528f6f..71f71376 100644
--- a/src/modules/config.js
+++ b/src/modules/config.js
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ const defaultState = {
interfaceLanguage: browserLocale,
scopeCopy: undefined, // instance default
subjectLineBehavior: undefined, // instance default
- alwaysShowSubjectInput: undefined // instance default
+ alwaysShowSubjectInput: undefined, // instance default
+ postContentType: undefined // instance default
const config = {
diff --git a/src/modules/instance.js b/src/modules/instance.js
index 4ad41873..9bef5235 100644
--- a/src/modules/instance.js
+++ b/src/modules/instance.js
@@ -21,13 +21,16 @@ const defaultState = {
collapseMessageWithSubject: false,
hidePostStats: false,
hideUserStats: false,
+ hideFilteredStatuses: true,
disableChat: false,
scopeCopy: true,
subjectLineBehavior: 'email',
+ postContentType: 'text/plain',
loginMethod: 'password',
nsfwCensorImage: undefined,
vapidPublicKey: undefined,
noAttachmentLinks: false,
+ showFeaturesPanel: true,
// Nasty stuff
pleromaBackend: true,
diff --git a/src/modules/users.js b/src/modules/users.js
index ca2e0f31..4d56ec6f 100644
--- a/src/modules/users.js
+++ b/src/modules/users.js
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ const users = {
// Start getting fresh posts.
- store.dispatch('startFetching', 'friends')
+ store.dispatch('startFetching', { timeline: 'friends' })
// Get user mutes and follower info
store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchMutes().then((mutedUsers) => {
diff --git a/src/services/api/api.service.js b/src/services/api/api.service.js
index 992a6d26..92daa04e 100644
--- a/src/services/api/api.service.js
+++ b/src/services/api/api.service.js
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ const updateBanner = ({credentials, params}) => {
// description
const updateProfile = ({credentials, params}) => {
// Always include these fields, because they might be empty or false
- const fields = ['description', 'locked', 'no_rich_text', 'hide_network']
+ const fields = ['description', 'locked', 'no_rich_text', 'hide_follows', 'hide_followers', 'show_role']
const form = new FormData()
@@ -257,6 +257,13 @@ const fetchFriends = ({id, page, credentials}) => {
.then((data) => data.map(parseUser))
+const exportFriends = ({id, credentials}) => {
+ let url = `${FRIENDS_URL}?user_id=${id}&export=true`
+ return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) })
+ .then((data) => data.json())
+ .then((data) => data.map(parseUser))
const fetchFollowers = ({id, page, credentials}) => {
let url = `${FOLLOWERS_URL}?user_id=${id}`
if (page) {
@@ -536,6 +543,7 @@ const apiService = {
+ exportFriends,
diff --git a/src/services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js b/src/services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js
index ed7d4b49..80c5cc5e 100644
--- a/src/services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js
+++ b/src/services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ const backendInteractorService = (credentials) => {
return apiService.fetchFriends({id, page, credentials})
+ const exportFriends = ({id}) => {
+ return apiService.exportFriends({id, credentials})
+ }
const fetchFollowers = ({id, page}) => {
return apiService.fetchFollowers({id, page, credentials})
@@ -78,6 +82,7 @@ const backendInteractorService = (credentials) => {
+ exportFriends,
diff --git a/src/services/entity_normalizer/entity_normalizer.service.js b/src/services/entity_normalizer/entity_normalizer.service.js
index ec839673..828c48f9 100644
--- a/src/services/entity_normalizer/entity_normalizer.service.js
+++ b/src/services/entity_normalizer/entity_normalizer.service.js
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ export const parseUser = (data) => {
output.statusnet_blocking = data.statusnet_blocking
output.is_local = data.is_local
+ output.role = data.role
+ output.show_role = data.show_role
output.follows_you = data.follows_you
@@ -100,7 +102,8 @@ export const parseUser = (data) => {
output.rights = data.rights
output.no_rich_text = data.no_rich_text
output.default_scope = data.default_scope
- output.hide_network = data.hide_network
+ output.hide_follows = data.hide_follows
+ output.hide_followers = data.hide_followers
output.background_image = data.background_image
// on mastoapi this info is contained in a "relationship"
output.following = data.following
diff --git a/static/config.json b/static/config.json
index 24e26696..533a5b08 100644
--- a/static/config.json
+++ b/static/config.json
@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@
"collapseMessageWithSubject": false,
"scopeCopy": true,
"subjectLineBehavior": "email",
+ "postContentType": "text/plain",
"alwaysShowSubjectInput": true,
"hidePostStats": false,
"hideUserStats": false,
"loginMethod": "password",
"webPushNotifications": false,
"noAttachmentLinks": false,
- "nsfwCensorImage": ""
+ "nsfwCensorImage": "",
+ "showFeaturesPanel": true
diff --git a/static/emoji.json b/static/emoji.json
index 0117bac1..ae93d17e 100644
--- a/static/emoji.json
+++ b/static/emoji.json
@@ -1 +1,969 @@
-{"womans_clothes": "\ud83d\udc5a", "cookie": "\ud83c\udf6a", "woman_with_headscarf": "\ud83e\uddd5", "no_smoking": "\ud83d\udead", "e-mail": "\ud83d\udce7", "regional_indicator_d": "\ud83c\udde9", "oncoming_bus": "\ud83d\ude8d", "knife": "\ud83d\udd2a", "person_getting_haircut": "\ud83d\udc87", "grimacing": "\ud83d\ude2c", "ophiuchus": "\u26ce", "regional_indicator_q": "\ud83c\uddf6", "thinking": "\ud83e\udd14", "signal_strength": "\ud83d\udcf6", "cactus": "\ud83c\udf35", "bullettrain_front": "\ud83d\ude85", "floppy_disk": "\ud83d\udcbe", "doughnut": "\ud83c\udf69", "tv": "\ud83d\udcfa", "1234": "\ud83d\udd22", "anguished": "\ud83d\ude27", "clock1030": "\ud83d\udd65", "u7533": "\ud83c\ude38", "speak_no_evil": "\ud83d\ude4a", "chart_with_upwards_trend": "\ud83d\udcc8", "trophy": "\ud83c\udfc6", "musical_score": "\ud83c\udfbc", "chestnut": "\ud83c\udf30", "clock1130": "\ud83d\udd66", "abcd": "\ud83d\udd21", "syringe": "\ud83d\udc89", "shrimp": "\ud83e\udd90", "pisces": "\u2653", "left_facing_fist": "\ud83e\udd1b", "bar_chart": "\ud83d\udcca", "eagle": "\ud83e\udd85", "woman": "\ud83d\udc69", "keycap_ten": "\ud83d\udd1f", "yellow_heart": "\ud83d\udc9b", "croissant": "\ud83e\udd50", "mosque": "\ud83d\udd4c", "rice_ball": "\ud83c\udf59", "volcano": "\ud83c\udf0b", "baggage_claim": "\ud83d\udec4", "family": "\ud83d\udc6a", "beetle": "\ud83d\udc1e", "older_adult": "\ud83e\uddd3", "clock830": "\ud83d\udd63", "bacon": "\ud83e\udd53", "sound": "\ud83d\udd09", "no_bicycles": "\ud83d\udeb3", "rewind": "\u23ea", "adult": "\ud83e\uddd1", "scream_cat": "\ud83d\ude40", "person_playing_water_polo": "\ud83e\udd3d", "blue_car": "\ud83d\ude99", "smiley": "\ud83d\ude03", "kaaba": "\ud83d\udd4b", "twisted_rightwards_arrows": "\ud83d\udd00", "last_quarter_moon": "\ud83c\udf17", "first_place": "\ud83e\udd47", "joy_cat": "\ud83d\ude39", "sleeping": "\ud83d\ude34", "basketball": "\ud83c\udfc0", "pray": "\ud83d\ude4f", "trumpet": "\ud83c\udfba", "purple_heart": "\ud83d\udc9c", "broken_heart": "\ud83d\udc94", "astonished": "\ud83d\ude32", "soccer": "\u26bd", "princess": "\ud83d\udc78", "ant": "\ud83d\udc1c", "pig": "\ud83d\udc37", "vhs": "\ud83d\udcfc", "scream": "\ud83d\ude31", "mouse": "\ud83d\udc2d", "field_hockey": "\ud83c\udfd1", "ab": "\ud83c\udd8e", "tokyo_tower": "\ud83d\uddfc", "girl": "\ud83d\udc67", "u55b6": "\ud83c\ude3a", "guard": "\ud83d\udc82", "regional_indicator_s": "\ud83c\uddf8", "tulip": "\ud83c\udf37", "capital_abcd": "\ud83d\udd20", "beginner": "\ud83d\udd30", "couplekiss": "\ud83d\udc8f", "u5408": "\ud83c\ude34", "black_medium_small_square": "\u25fe", "paperclip": "\ud83d\udcce", "hedgehog": "\ud83e\udd94", "musical_note": "\ud83c\udfb5", "pill": "\ud83d\udc8a", "blue_heart": "\ud83d\udc99", "mens": "\ud83d\udeb9", "third_place": "\ud83e\udd49", "stew": "\ud83c\udf72", "prince": "\ud83e\udd34", "mortar_board": "\ud83c\udf93", "clock6": "\ud83d\udd55", "beer": "\ud83c\udf7a", "person_tipping_hand": "\ud83d\udc81", "triangular_ruler": "\ud83d\udcd0", "regional_indicator_y": "\ud83c\uddfe", "person_facepalming": "\ud83e\udd26", "steam_locomotive": "\ud83d\ude82", "fire_engine": "\ud83d\ude92", "horse": "\ud83d\udc34", "ribbon": "\ud83c\udf80", "white_large_square": "\u2b1c", "smirk": "\ud83d\ude0f", "genie": "\ud83e\uddde", "tangerine": "\ud83c\udf4a", "cl": "\ud83c\udd91", "japanese_goblin": "\ud83d\udc7a", "regional_indicator_u": "\ud83c\uddfa", "ring": "\ud83d\udc8d", "roller_coaster": "\ud83c\udfa2", "100": "\ud83d\udcaf", "clock12": "\ud83d\udd5b", "two_hearts": "\ud83d\udc95", "anger": "\ud83d\udca2", "black_circle": "\u26ab", "revolving_hearts": "\ud83d\udc9e", "space_invader": "\ud83d\udc7e", "bell": "\ud83d\udd14", "point_up_2": "\ud83d\udc46", "person_mountain_biking": "\ud83d\udeb5", "flags": "\ud83c\udf8f", "pushpin": "\ud83d\udccc", "large_blue_diamond": "\ud83d\udd37", "fairy": "\ud83e\uddda", "european_post_office": "\ud83c\udfe4", "statue_of_liberty": "\ud83d\uddfd", "man": "\ud83d\udc68", "microphone": "\ud83c\udfa4", "inbox_tray": "\ud83d\udce5", "bath": "\ud83d\udec0", "person_gesturing_ok": "\ud83d\ude46", "clap": "\ud83d\udc4f", "confused": "\ud83d\ude15", "fortune_cookie": "\ud83e\udd60", "kissing_closed_eyes": "\ud83d\ude1a", "kissing_heart": "\ud83d\ude18", "tropical_fish": "\ud83d\udc20", "taco": "\ud83c\udf2e", "kimono": "\ud83d\udc58", "u7a7a": "\ud83c\ude33", "rat": "\ud83d\udc00", "taurus": "\u2649", "shopping_cart": "\ud83d\uded2", "womans_hat": "\ud83d\udc52", "blossom": "\ud83c\udf3c", "moyai": "\ud83d\uddff", "clock130": "\ud83d\udd5c", "telescope": "\ud83d\udd2d", "running_shirt_with_sash": "\ud83c\udfbd", "person_running": "\ud83c\udfc3", "dizzy": "\ud83d\udcab", "crescent_moon": "\ud83c\udf19", "boom": "\ud83d\udca5", "restroom": "\ud83d\udebb", "fist": "\u270a", "white_flower": "\ud83d\udcae", "clown": "\ud83e\udd21", "neutral_face": "\ud83d\ude10", "id": "\ud83c\udd94", "carrot": "\ud83e\udd55", "rice_scene": "\ud83c\udf91", "foggy": "\ud83c\udf01", "turtle": "\ud83d\udc22", "mailbox_with_mail": "\ud83d\udcec", "baseball": "\u26be", "grin": "\ud83d\ude01", "bathtub": "\ud83d\udec1", "feet": "\ud83d\udc3e", "small_red_triangle": "\ud83d\udd3a", "camel": "\ud83d\udc2b", "aquarius": "\u2652", "face_with_symbols_over_mouth": "\ud83e\udd2c", "handbag": "\ud83d\udc5c", "date": "\ud83d\udcc5", "nail_care": "\ud83d\udc85", "satellite": "\ud83d\udce1", "candy": "\ud83c\udf6c", "white_medium_small_square": "\u25fd", "clock930": "\ud83d\udd64", "fearful": "\ud83d\ude28", "fork_and_knife": "\ud83c\udf74", "person_wearing_turban": "\ud83d\udc73", "confounded": "\ud83d\ude16", "helicopter": "\ud83d\ude81", "arrow_double_down": "\u23ec", "convenience_store": "\ud83c\udfea", "ghost": "\ud83d\udc7b", "bus": "\ud83d\ude8c", "waning_gibbous_moon": "\ud83c\udf16", "bank": "\ud83c\udfe6", "department_store": "\ud83c\udfec", "hockey": "\ud83c\udfd2", "fingers_crossed": "\ud83e\udd1e", "blond_haired_person": "\ud83d\udc71", "mag": "\ud83d\udd0d", "cut_of_meat": "\ud83e\udd69", "wink": "\ud83d\ude09", "railway_car": "\ud83d\ude83", "face_vomiting": "\ud83e\udd2e", "star_struck": "\ud83e\udd29", "first_quarter_moon_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1b", "octagonal_sign": "\ud83d\uded1", "hospital": "\ud83c\udfe5", "monkey": "\ud83d\udc12", "curly_loop": "\u27b0", "avocado": "\ud83e\udd51", "earth_americas": "\ud83c\udf0e", "flashlight": "\ud83d\udd26", "8ball": "\ud83c\udfb1", "clock630": "\ud83d\udd61", "boar": "\ud83d\udc17", "birthday": "\ud83c\udf82", "crocodile": "\ud83d\udc0a", "confetti_ball": "\ud83c\udf8a", "door": "\ud83d\udeaa", "school_satchel": "\ud83c\udf92", "peanuts": "\ud83e\udd5c", "regional_indicator_m": "\ud83c\uddf2", "bust_in_silhouette": "\ud83d\udc64", "sweat_drops": "\ud83d\udca6", "tongue": "\ud83d\udc45", "mag_right": "\ud83d\udd0e", "t_rex": "\ud83e\udd96", "post_office": "\ud83c\udfe3", "shell": "\ud83d\udc1a", "disappointed_relieved": "\ud83d\ude25", "card_index": "\ud83d\udcc7", "oncoming_automobile": "\ud83d\ude98", "passport_control": "\ud83d\udec2", "cherry_blossom": "\ud83c\udf38", "shallow_pan_of_food": "\ud83e\udd58", "heartbeat": "\ud83d\udc93", "crazy_face": "\ud83e\udd2a", "grapes": "\ud83c\udf47", "symbols": "\ud83d\udd23", "gift": "\ud83c\udf81", "scorpion": "\ud83e\udd82", "wedding": "\ud83d\udc92", "last_quarter_moon_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1c", "love_letter": "\ud83d\udc8c", "postal_horn": "\ud83d\udcef", "stuffed_flatbread": "\ud83e\udd59", "heavy_dollar_sign": "\ud83d\udcb2", "love_hotel": "\ud83c\udfe9", "yen": "\ud83d\udcb4", "person_in_steamy_room": "\ud83e\uddd6", "palm_tree": "\ud83c\udf34", "name_badge": "\ud83d\udcdb", "clock430": "\ud83d\udd5f", "bike": "\ud83d\udeb2", "snail": "\ud83d\udc0c", "bowling": "\ud83c\udfb3", "umbrella": "\u2614", "sleeping_accommodation": "\ud83d\udecc", "fireworks": "\ud83c\udf86", "closed_book": "\ud83d\udcd5", "city_sunset": "\ud83c\udf07", "persevere": "\ud83d\ude23", "bento": "\ud83c\udf71", "nut_and_bolt": "\ud83d\udd29", "page_facing_up": "\ud83d\udcc4", "snowman": "\u26c4", "two_women_holding_hands": "\ud83d\udc6d", "regional_indicator_o": "\ud83c\uddf4", "calling": "\ud83d\udcf2", "person_shrugging": "\ud83e\udd37", "sneezing_face": "\ud83e\udd27", "arrows_clockwise": "\ud83d\udd03", "no_pedestrians": "\ud83d\udeb7", "potato": "\ud83e\udd54", "cheese": "\ud83e\uddc0", "full_moon": "\ud83c\udf15", "mount_fuji": "\ud83d\uddfb", "sob": "\ud83d\ude2d", "construction": "\ud83d\udea7", "head_bandage": "\ud83e\udd15", "sailboat": "\u26f5", "slight_frown": "\ud83d\ude41", "ping_pong": "\ud83c\udfd3", "hatched_chick": "\ud83d\udc25", "sun_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1e", "seedling": "\ud83c\udf31", "repeat_one": "\ud83d\udd02", "muscle": "\ud83d\udcaa", "bridge_at_night": "\ud83c\udf09", "raised_hands": "\ud83d\ude4c", "house": "\ud83c\udfe0", "nerd": "\ud83e\udd13", "penguin": "\ud83d\udc27", "peach": "\ud83c\udf51", "dumpling": "\ud83e\udd5f", "watch": "\u231a", "womens": "\ud83d\udeba", "round_pushpin": 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"\ud83c\udf3b", "white_check_mark": "\u2705", "white_square_button": "\ud83d\udd33", "banana": "\ud83c\udf4c", "milky_way": "\ud83c\udf0c", "person_gesturing_no": "\ud83d\ude45", "sushi": "\ud83c\udf63", "heart_eyes_cat": "\ud83d\ude3b", "guitar": "\ud83c\udfb8", "pie": "\ud83e\udd67", "calendar": "\ud83d\udcc6", "bear": "\ud83d\udc3b", "person_in_lotus_position": "\ud83e\uddd8", "clock10": "\ud83d\udd59", "top": "\ud83d\udd1d", "fuelpump": "\u26fd", "rainbow": "\ud83c\udf08", "snowboarder": "\ud83c\udfc2", "drum": "\ud83e\udd41", "leaves": "\ud83c\udf43", "first_quarter_moon": "\ud83c\udf13", "spoon": "\ud83e\udd44", "pouting_cat": "\ud83d\ude3e", "shaved_ice": "\ud83c\udf67", "unamused": "\ud83d\ude12", "train2": "\ud83d\ude86", "clock1230": "\ud83d\udd67", "regional_indicator_r": "\ud83c\uddf7", "fast_forward": "\u23e9", "accept": "\ud83c\ude51", "hammer": "\ud83d\udd28", "panda_face": "\ud83d\udc3c", "briefcase": "\ud83d\udcbc", "package": "\ud83d\udce6", "flag_black": 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"\ud83d\udc3a", "curry": "\ud83c\udf5b", "regional_indicator_v": "\ud83c\uddfb", "crab": "\ud83e\udd80", "tired_face": "\ud83d\ude2b", "place_of_worship": "\ud83d\uded0", "ok_hand": "\ud83d\udc4c", "speech_balloon": "\ud83d\udcac", "sleepy": "\ud83d\ude2a", "earth_africa": "\ud83c\udf0d", "police_car": "\ud83d\ude93", "small_red_triangle_down": "\ud83d\udd3b", "bearded_person": "\ud83e\uddd4", "curling_stone": "\ud83e\udd4c", "scarf": "\ud83e\udde3", "fire": "\ud83d\udd25", "file_folder": "\ud83d\udcc1", "zipper_mouth": "\ud83e\udd10", "new_moon": "\ud83c\udf11", "regional_indicator_n": "\ud83c\uddf3", "negative_squared_cross_mark": "\u274e", "newspaper": "\ud83d\udcf0", "dvd": "\ud83d\udcc0", "pear": "\ud83c\udf50", "partly_sunny": "\u26c5", "black_square_button": "\ud83d\udd32", "low_brightness": "\ud83d\udd05", "sake": "\ud83c\udf76", "bow_and_arrow": "\ud83c\udff9", "cooking": "\ud83c\udf73", "fish_cake": "\ud83c\udf65", "tomato": "\ud83c\udf45", "couple_with_heart": "\ud83d\udc91", "telephone_receiver": "\ud83d\udcde", "triangular_flag_on_post": "\ud83d\udea9", "jack_o_lantern": "\ud83c\udf83", "blue_book": "\ud83d\udcd8", "clock530": "\ud83d\udd60", "u6709": "\ud83c\ude36", "palms_up_together": "\ud83e\udd32", "lion_face": "\ud83e\udd81", "lock": "\ud83d\udd12", "duck": "\ud83e\udd86", "truck": "\ud83d\ude9a", "oden": "\ud83c\udf62", "busts_in_silhouette": "\ud83d\udc65", "hourglass_flowing_sand": "\u23f3", "frog": "\ud83d\udc38", "fox": "\ud83e\udd8a", "bread": "\ud83c\udf5e", "put_litter_in_its_place": "\ud83d\udeae", "couple": "\ud83d\udc6b", "bamboo": "\ud83c\udf8d", "regional_indicator_c": "\ud83c\udde8", "menorah": "\ud83d\udd4e", "circus_tent": "\ud83c\udfaa", "lying_face": "\ud83e\udd25", "small_orange_diamond": "\ud83d\udd38", "ship": "\ud83d\udea2", "person_frowning": "\ud83d\ude4d", "racehorse": "\ud83d\udc0e", "thumbsup": "\ud83d\udc4d", "cupid": "\ud83d\udc98", "robot": "\ud83e\udd16", "fallen_leaf": "\ud83c\udf42", "pig_nose": "\ud83d\udc3d", "vibration_mode": "\ud83d\udcf3", "necktie": "\ud83d\udc54", "boy": "\ud83d\udc66", "house_with_garden": "\ud83c\udfe1", "point_down": "\ud83d\udc47", "grey_exclamation": "\u2755", "books": "\ud83d\udcda", "regional_indicator_k": "\ud83c\uddf0", "shirt": "\ud83d\udc55", "fries": "\ud83c\udf5f", "dart": "\ud83c\udfaf", "tea": "\ud83c\udf75", "mrs_claus": "\ud83e\udd36", "suspension_railway": "\ud83d\ude9f", "baby_symbol": "\ud83d\udebc", "sweet_potato": "\ud83c\udf60", "butterfly": "\ud83e\udd8b", "performing_arts": "\ud83c\udfad", "notebook": "\ud83d\udcd3", "bat": "\ud83e\udd87"}
\ No newline at end of file
+ "womans_clothes": "\ud83d\udc5a",
+ "cookie": "\ud83c\udf6a",
+ "woman_with_headscarf": "\ud83e\uddd5",
+ "no_smoking": "\ud83d\udead",
+ "e-mail": "\ud83d\udce7",
+ "regional_indicator_d": "\ud83c\udde9",
+ "oncoming_bus": "\ud83d\ude8d",
+ "knife": "\ud83d\udd2a",
+ "person_getting_haircut": "\ud83d\udc87",
+ "grimacing": "\ud83d\ude2c",
+ "ophiuchus": "\u26ce",
+ "regional_indicator_q": "\ud83c\uddf6",
+ "thinking": "\ud83e\udd14",
+ "signal_strength": "\ud83d\udcf6",
+ "cactus": "\ud83c\udf35",
+ "bullettrain_front": "\ud83d\ude85",
+ "floppy_disk": "\ud83d\udcbe",
+ "doughnut": "\ud83c\udf69",
+ "tv": "\ud83d\udcfa",
+ "1234": "\ud83d\udd22",
+ "anguished": "\ud83d\ude27",
+ "clock1030": "\ud83d\udd65",
+ "u7533": "\ud83c\ude38",
+ "speak_no_evil": "\ud83d\ude4a",
+ "chart_with_upwards_trend": "\ud83d\udcc8",
+ "trophy": "\ud83c\udfc6",
+ "musical_score": "\ud83c\udfbc",
+ "chestnut": "\ud83c\udf30",
+ "clock1130": "\ud83d\udd66",
+ "abcd": "\ud83d\udd21",
+ "syringe": "\ud83d\udc89",
+ "shrimp": "\ud83e\udd90",
+ "pisces": "\u2653",
+ "left_facing_fist": "\ud83e\udd1b",
+ "bar_chart": "\ud83d\udcca",
+ "eagle": "\ud83e\udd85",
+ "woman": "\ud83d\udc69",
+ "keycap_ten": "\ud83d\udd1f",
+ "yellow_heart": "\ud83d\udc9b",
+ "croissant": "\ud83e\udd50",
+ "mosque": "\ud83d\udd4c",
+ "rice_ball": "\ud83c\udf59",
+ "volcano": "\ud83c\udf0b",
+ "baggage_claim": "\ud83d\udec4",
+ "family": "\ud83d\udc6a",
+ "beetle": "\ud83d\udc1e",
+ "older_adult": "\ud83e\uddd3",
+ "clock830": "\ud83d\udd63",
+ "bacon": "\ud83e\udd53",
+ "sound": "\ud83d\udd09",
+ "no_bicycles": "\ud83d\udeb3",
+ "rewind": "\u23ea",
+ "adult": "\ud83e\uddd1",
+ "scream_cat": "\ud83d\ude40",
+ "person_playing_water_polo": "\ud83e\udd3d",
+ "blue_car": "\ud83d\ude99",
+ "smiley": "\ud83d\ude03",
+ "kaaba": "\ud83d\udd4b",
+ "twisted_rightwards_arrows": "\ud83d\udd00",
+ "last_quarter_moon": "\ud83c\udf17",
+ "first_place": "\ud83e\udd47",
+ "joy_cat": "\ud83d\ude39",
+ "sleeping": "\ud83d\ude34",
+ "basketball": "\ud83c\udfc0",
+ "pray": "\ud83d\ude4f",
+ "trumpet": "\ud83c\udfba",
+ "purple_heart": "\ud83d\udc9c",
+ "broken_heart": "\ud83d\udc94",
+ "astonished": "\ud83d\ude32",
+ "soccer": "\u26bd",
+ "princess": "\ud83d\udc78",
+ "ant": "\ud83d\udc1c",
+ "pig": "\ud83d\udc37",
+ "vhs": "\ud83d\udcfc",
+ "scream": "\ud83d\ude31",
+ "mouse": "\ud83d\udc2d",
+ "field_hockey": "\ud83c\udfd1",
+ "ab": "\ud83c\udd8e",
+ "tokyo_tower": "\ud83d\uddfc",
+ "girl": "\ud83d\udc67",
+ "u55b6": "\ud83c\ude3a",
+ "guard": "\ud83d\udc82",
+ "regional_indicator_s": "\ud83c\uddf8",
+ "tulip": "\ud83c\udf37",
+ "capital_abcd": "\ud83d\udd20",
+ "beginner": "\ud83d\udd30",
+ "couplekiss": "\ud83d\udc8f",
+ "u5408": "\ud83c\ude34",
+ "black_medium_small_square": "\u25fe",
+ "paperclip": "\ud83d\udcce",
+ "hedgehog": "\ud83e\udd94",
+ "musical_note": "\ud83c\udfb5",
+ "pill": "\ud83d\udc8a",
+ "blue_heart": "\ud83d\udc99",
+ "mens": "\ud83d\udeb9",
+ "third_place": "\ud83e\udd49",
+ "stew": "\ud83c\udf72",
+ "prince": "\ud83e\udd34",
+ "mortar_board": "\ud83c\udf93",
+ "clock6": "\ud83d\udd55",
+ "beer": "\ud83c\udf7a",
+ "person_tipping_hand": "\ud83d\udc81",
+ "triangular_ruler": "\ud83d\udcd0",
+ "regional_indicator_y": "\ud83c\uddfe",
+ "person_facepalming": "\ud83e\udd26",
+ "steam_locomotive": "\ud83d\ude82",
+ "fire_engine": "\ud83d\ude92",
+ "horse": "\ud83d\udc34",
+ "ribbon": "\ud83c\udf80",
+ "white_large_square": "\u2b1c",
+ "smirk": "\ud83d\ude0f",
+ "genie": "\ud83e\uddde",
+ "tangerine": "\ud83c\udf4a",
+ "cl": "\ud83c\udd91",
+ "japanese_goblin": "\ud83d\udc7a",
+ "regional_indicator_u": "\ud83c\uddfa",
+ "ring": "\ud83d\udc8d",
+ "roller_coaster": "\ud83c\udfa2",
+ "100": "\ud83d\udcaf",
+ "clock12": "\ud83d\udd5b",
+ "two_hearts": "\ud83d\udc95",
+ "anger": "\ud83d\udca2",
+ "black_circle": "\u26ab",
+ "revolving_hearts": "\ud83d\udc9e",
+ "space_invader": "\ud83d\udc7e",
+ "bell": "\ud83d\udd14",
+ "point_up_2": "\ud83d\udc46",
+ "person_mountain_biking": "\ud83d\udeb5",
+ "flags": "\ud83c\udf8f",
+ "pushpin": "\ud83d\udccc",
+ "large_blue_diamond": "\ud83d\udd37",
+ "fairy": "\ud83e\uddda",
+ "european_post_office": "\ud83c\udfe4",
+ "statue_of_liberty": "\ud83d\uddfd",
+ "man": "\ud83d\udc68",
+ "microphone": "\ud83c\udfa4",
+ "inbox_tray": "\ud83d\udce5",
+ "bath": "\ud83d\udec0",
+ "person_gesturing_ok": "\ud83d\ude46",
+ "clap": "\ud83d\udc4f",
+ "confused": "\ud83d\ude15",
+ "fortune_cookie": "\ud83e\udd60",
+ "kissing_closed_eyes": "\ud83d\ude1a",
+ "kissing_heart": "\ud83d\ude18",
+ "tropical_fish": "\ud83d\udc20",
+ "taco": "\ud83c\udf2e",
+ "kimono": "\ud83d\udc58",
+ "u7a7a": "\ud83c\ude33",
+ "rat": "\ud83d\udc00",
+ "taurus": "\u2649",
+ "shopping_cart": "\ud83d\uded2",
+ "womans_hat": "\ud83d\udc52",
+ "blossom": "\ud83c\udf3c",
+ "moyai": "\ud83d\uddff",
+ "clock130": "\ud83d\udd5c",
+ "telescope": "\ud83d\udd2d",
+ "running_shirt_with_sash": "\ud83c\udfbd",
+ "person_running": "\ud83c\udfc3",
+ "dizzy": "\ud83d\udcab",
+ "crescent_moon": "\ud83c\udf19",
+ "boom": "\ud83d\udca5",
+ "restroom": "\ud83d\udebb",
+ "fist": "\u270a",
+ "white_flower": "\ud83d\udcae",
+ "clown": "\ud83e\udd21",
+ "neutral_face": "\ud83d\ude10",
+ "id": "\ud83c\udd94",
+ "carrot": "\ud83e\udd55",
+ "rice_scene": "\ud83c\udf91",
+ "foggy": "\ud83c\udf01",
+ "turtle": "\ud83d\udc22",
+ "mailbox_with_mail": "\ud83d\udcec",
+ "baseball": "\u26be",
+ "grin": "\ud83d\ude01",
+ "bathtub": "\ud83d\udec1",
+ "feet": "\ud83d\udc3e",
+ "small_red_triangle": "\ud83d\udd3a",
+ "camel": "\ud83d\udc2b",
+ "aquarius": "\u2652",
+ "face_with_symbols_over_mouth": "\ud83e\udd2c",
+ "handbag": "\ud83d\udc5c",
+ "date": "\ud83d\udcc5",
+ "nail_care": "\ud83d\udc85",
+ "satellite": "\ud83d\udce1",
+ "candy": "\ud83c\udf6c",
+ "white_medium_small_square": "\u25fd",
+ "clock930": "\ud83d\udd64",
+ "fearful": "\ud83d\ude28",
+ "fork_and_knife": "\ud83c\udf74",
+ "person_wearing_turban": "\ud83d\udc73",
+ "confounded": "\ud83d\ude16",
+ "helicopter": "\ud83d\ude81",
+ "arrow_double_down": "\u23ec",
+ "convenience_store": "\ud83c\udfea",
+ "ghost": "\ud83d\udc7b",
+ "bus": "\ud83d\ude8c",
+ "waning_gibbous_moon": "\ud83c\udf16",
+ "bank": "\ud83c\udfe6",
+ "department_store": "\ud83c\udfec",
+ "hockey": "\ud83c\udfd2",
+ "fingers_crossed": "\ud83e\udd1e",
+ "blond_haired_person": "\ud83d\udc71",
+ "mag": "\ud83d\udd0d",
+ "cut_of_meat": "\ud83e\udd69",
+ "wink": "\ud83d\ude09",
+ "railway_car": "\ud83d\ude83",
+ "face_vomiting": "\ud83e\udd2e",
+ "star_struck": "\ud83e\udd29",
+ "first_quarter_moon_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1b",
+ "octagonal_sign": "\ud83d\uded1",
+ "hospital": "\ud83c\udfe5",
+ "monkey": "\ud83d\udc12",
+ "curly_loop": "\u27b0",
+ "avocado": "\ud83e\udd51",
+ "earth_americas": "\ud83c\udf0e",
+ "flashlight": "\ud83d\udd26",
+ "8ball": "\ud83c\udfb1",
+ "clock630": "\ud83d\udd61",
+ "boar": "\ud83d\udc17",
+ "birthday": "\ud83c\udf82",
+ "crocodile": "\ud83d\udc0a",
+ "confetti_ball": "\ud83c\udf8a",
+ "door": "\ud83d\udeaa",
+ "school_satchel": "\ud83c\udf92",
+ "peanuts": "\ud83e\udd5c",
+ "regional_indicator_m": "\ud83c\uddf2",
+ "bust_in_silhouette": "\ud83d\udc64",
+ "sweat_drops": "\ud83d\udca6",
+ "tongue": "\ud83d\udc45",
+ "mag_right": "\ud83d\udd0e",
+ "t_rex": "\ud83e\udd96",
+ "post_office": "\ud83c\udfe3",
+ "shell": "\ud83d\udc1a",
+ "disappointed_relieved": "\ud83d\ude25",
+ "card_index": "\ud83d\udcc7",
+ "oncoming_automobile": "\ud83d\ude98",
+ "passport_control": "\ud83d\udec2",
+ "cherry_blossom": "\ud83c\udf38",
+ "shallow_pan_of_food": "\ud83e\udd58",
+ "heart": "\u2764\ufe0f",
+ "heartbeat": "\ud83d\udc93",
+ "crazy_face": "\ud83e\udd2a",
+ "grapes": "\ud83c\udf47",
+ "symbols": "\ud83d\udd23",
+ "gift": "\ud83c\udf81",
+ "scorpion": "\ud83e\udd82",
+ "wedding": "\ud83d\udc92",
+ "last_quarter_moon_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1c",
+ "love_letter": "\ud83d\udc8c",
+ "postal_horn": "\ud83d\udcef",
+ "stuffed_flatbread": "\ud83e\udd59",
+ "heavy_dollar_sign": "\ud83d\udcb2",
+ "love_hotel": "\ud83c\udfe9",
+ "yen": "\ud83d\udcb4",
+ "person_in_steamy_room": "\ud83e\uddd6",
+ "palm_tree": "\ud83c\udf34",
+ "name_badge": "\ud83d\udcdb",
+ "clock430": "\ud83d\udd5f",
+ "bike": "\ud83d\udeb2",
+ "snail": "\ud83d\udc0c",
+ "bowling": "\ud83c\udfb3",
+ "umbrella": "\u2614",
+ "sleeping_accommodation": "\ud83d\udecc",
+ "fireworks": "\ud83c\udf86",
+ "closed_book": "\ud83d\udcd5",
+ "city_sunset": "\ud83c\udf07",
+ "persevere": "\ud83d\ude23",
+ "bento": "\ud83c\udf71",
+ "nut_and_bolt": "\ud83d\udd29",
+ "page_facing_up": "\ud83d\udcc4",
+ "snowman": "\u26c4",
+ "two_women_holding_hands": "\ud83d\udc6d",
+ "regional_indicator_o": "\ud83c\uddf4",
+ "calling": "\ud83d\udcf2",
+ "person_shrugging": "\ud83e\udd37",
+ "sneezing_face": "\ud83e\udd27",
+ "arrows_clockwise": "\ud83d\udd03",
+ "no_pedestrians": "\ud83d\udeb7",
+ "potato": "\ud83e\udd54",
+ "cheese": "\ud83e\uddc0",
+ "full_moon": "\ud83c\udf15",
+ "mount_fuji": "\ud83d\uddfb",
+ "sob": "\ud83d\ude2d",
+ "construction": "\ud83d\udea7",
+ "head_bandage": "\ud83e\udd15",
+ "sailboat": "\u26f5",
+ "slight_frown": "\ud83d\ude41",
+ "ping_pong": "\ud83c\udfd3",
+ "hatched_chick": "\ud83d\udc25",
+ "sun_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1e",
+ "seedling": "\ud83c\udf31",
+ "repeat_one": "\ud83d\udd02",
+ "muscle": "\ud83d\udcaa",
+ "bridge_at_night": "\ud83c\udf09",
+ "raised_hands": "\ud83d\ude4c",
+ "house": "\ud83c\udfe0",
+ "nerd": "\ud83e\udd13",
+ "penguin": "\ud83d\udc27",
+ "peach": "\ud83c\udf51",
+ "dumpling": "\ud83e\udd5f",
+ "watch": "\u231a",
+ "womens": "\ud83d\udeba",
+ "round_pushpin": "\ud83d\udccd",
+ "alarm_clock": "\u23f0",
+ "relieved": "\ud83d\ude0c",
+ "sagittarius": "\u2650",
+ "busstop": "\ud83d\ude8f",
+ "regional_indicator_a": "\ud83c\udde6",
+ "sandal": "\ud83d\udc61",
+ "whale2": "\ud83d\udc0b",
+ "book": "\ud83d\udcd6",
+ "sweat": "\ud83d\ude13",
+ "movie_camera": "\ud83c\udfa5",
+ "clock230": "\ud83d\udd5d",
+ "tiger": "\ud83d\udc2f",
+ "tractor": "\ud83d\ude9c",
+ "smile": "\ud83d\ude04",
+ "vertical_traffic_light": "\ud83d\udea6",
+ "exploding_head": "\ud83e\udd2f",
+ "raised_hand": "\u270b",
+ "smoking": "\ud83d\udeac",
+ "page_with_curl": "\ud83d\udcc3",
+ "exclamation": "\u2757",
+ "fish": "\ud83d\udc1f",
+ "mans_shoe": "\ud83d\udc5e",
+ "sos": "\ud83c\udd98",
+ "unlock": "\ud83d\udd13",
+ "dolls": "\ud83c\udf8e",
+ "ear_of_rice": "\ud83c\udf3e",
+ "cat2": "\ud83d\udc08",
+ "u7121": "\ud83c\ude1a",
+ "repeat": "\ud83d\udd01",
+ "cool": "\ud83c\udd92",
+ "minibus": "\ud83d\ude90",
+ "aerial_tramway": "\ud83d\udea1",
+ "key": "\ud83d\udd11",
+ "child": "\ud83e\uddd2",
+ "camera": "\ud83d\udcf7",
+ "sunflower": "\ud83c\udf3b",
+ "white_check_mark": "\u2705",
+ "white_square_button": "\ud83d\udd33",
+ "banana": "\ud83c\udf4c",
+ "milky_way": "\ud83c\udf0c",
+ "person_gesturing_no": "\ud83d\ude45",
+ "sushi": "\ud83c\udf63",
+ "heart_eyes_cat": "\ud83d\ude3b",
+ "guitar": "\ud83c\udfb8",
+ "pie": "\ud83e\udd67",
+ "calendar": "\ud83d\udcc6",
+ "bear": "\ud83d\udc3b",
+ "person_in_lotus_position": "\ud83e\uddd8",
+ "clock10": "\ud83d\udd59",
+ "top": "\ud83d\udd1d",
+ "fuelpump": "\u26fd",
+ "rainbow": "\ud83c\udf08",
+ "snowboarder": "\ud83c\udfc2",
+ "drum": "\ud83e\udd41",
+ "leaves": "\ud83c\udf43",
+ "first_quarter_moon": "\ud83c\udf13",
+ "spoon": "\ud83e\udd44",
+ "pouting_cat": "\ud83d\ude3e",
+ "shaved_ice": "\ud83c\udf67",
+ "unamused": "\ud83d\ude12",
+ "train2": "\ud83d\ude86",
+ "clock1230": "\ud83d\udd67",
+ "regional_indicator_r": "\ud83c\uddf7",
+ "fast_forward": "\u23e9",
+ "accept": "\ud83c\ude51",
+ "hammer": "\ud83d\udd28",
+ "panda_face": "\ud83d\udc3c",
+ "briefcase": "\ud83d\udcbc",
+ "package": "\ud83d\udce6",
+ "flag_black": "\ud83c\udff4",
+ "smiling_imp": "\ud83d\ude08",
+ "sunrise_over_mountains": "\ud83c\udf04",
+ "airplane_departure": "\ud83d\udeeb",
+ "tiger2": "\ud83d\udc05",
+ "non-potable_water": "\ud83d\udeb1",
+ "bird": "\ud83d\udc26",
+ "barber": "\ud83d\udc88",
+ "cry": "\ud83d\ude22",
+ "billed_cap": "\ud83e\udde2",
+ "pouch": "\ud83d\udc5d",
+ "link": "\ud83d\udd17",
+ "zebra": "\ud83e\udd93",
+ "kiss": "\ud83d\udc8b",
+ "scorpius": "\u264f",
+ "prayer_beads": "\ud83d\udcff",
+ "high_brightness": "\ud83d\udd06",
+ "kissing_smiling_eyes": "\ud83d\ude19",
+ "rhino": "\ud83e\udd8f",
+ "left_luggage": "\ud83d\udec5",
+ "o": "\u2b55",
+ "crying_cat_face": "\ud83d\ude3f",
+ "clock8": "\ud83d\udd57",
+ "dress": "\ud83d\udc57",
+ "clock7": "\ud83d\udd56",
+ "bowl_with_spoon": "\ud83e\udd63",
+ "rolling_eyes": "\ud83d\ude44",
+ "fax": "\ud83d\udce0",
+ "worried": "\ud83d\ude1f",
+ "grey_question": "\u2754",
+ "saxophone": "\ud83c\udfb7",
+ "burrito": "\ud83c\udf2f",
+ "salad": "\ud83e\udd57",
+ "regional_indicator_z": "\ud83c\uddff",
+ "bikini": "\ud83d\udc59",
+ "milk": "\ud83e\udd5b",
+ "stars": "\ud83c\udf20",
+ "lips": "\ud83d\udc44",
+ "cd": "\ud83d\udcbf",
+ "weary": "\ud83d\ude29",
+ "face_with_raised_eyebrow": "\ud83e\udd28",
+ "lizard": "\ud83e\udd8e",
+ "tone1": "\ud83c\udffb",
+ "bullettrain_side": "\ud83d\ude84",
+ "nose": "\ud83d\udc43",
+ "innocent": "\ud83d\ude07",
+ "wilted_rose": "\ud83e\udd40",
+ "mahjong": "\ud83c\udc04",
+ "factory": "\ud83c\udfed",
+ "people_wrestling": "\ud83e\udd3c",
+ "mailbox": "\ud83d\udceb",
+ "rage": "\ud83d\ude21",
+ "wheelchair": "\u267f",
+ "x": "\u274c",
+ "flower_playing_cards": "\ud83c\udfb4",
+ "nauseated_face": "\ud83e\udd22",
+ "underage": "\ud83d\udd1e",
+ "ideograph_advantage": "\ud83c\ude50",
+ "high_heel": "\ud83d\udc60",
+ "dizzy_face": "\ud83d\ude35",
+ "stuck_out_tongue": "\ud83d\ude1b",
+ "mailbox_with_no_mail": "\ud83d\udced",
+ "orange_heart": "\ud83e\udde1",
+ "raised_back_of_hand": "\ud83e\udd1a",
+ "footprints": "\ud83d\udc63",
+ "notebook_with_decorative_cover": "\ud83d\udcd4",
+ "mask": "\ud83d\ude37",
+ "sunglasses": "\ud83d\ude0e",
+ "pancakes": "\ud83e\udd5e",
+ "regional_indicator_f": "\ud83c\uddeb",
+ "dog": "\ud83d\udc36",
+ "pig2": "\ud83d\udc16",
+ "ng": "\ud83c\udd96",
+ "unicorn": "\ud83e\udd84",
+ "triumph": "\ud83d\ude24",
+ "eggplant": "\ud83c\udf46",
+ "egg": "\ud83e\udd5a",
+ "office": "\ud83c\udfe2",
+ "goat": "\ud83d\udc10",
+ "handshake": "\ud83e\udd1d",
+ "star": "\u2b50",
+ "rugby_football": "\ud83c\udfc9",
+ "call_me": "\ud83e\udd19",
+ "rice_cracker": "\ud83c\udf58",
+ "droplet": "\ud83d\udca7",
+ "badminton": "\ud83c\udff8",
+ "waxing_crescent_moon": "\ud83c\udf12",
+ "ocean": "\ud83c\udf0a",
+ "slot_machine": "\ud83c\udfb0",
+ "wine_glass": "\ud83c\udf77",
+ "elephant": "\ud83d\udc18",
+ "blowfish": "\ud83d\udc21",
+ "ledger": "\ud83d\udcd2",
+ "money_mouth": "\ud83e\udd11",
+ "heart_decoration": "\ud83d\udc9f",
+ "arrow_down_small": "\ud83d\udd3d",
+ "station": "\ud83d\ude89",
+ "man_with_chinese_cap": "\ud83d\udc72",
+ "vampire": "\ud83e\udddb",
+ "pencil": "\ud83d\udcdd",
+ "cyclone": "\ud83c\udf00",
+ "mushroom": "\ud83c\udf44",
+ "sandwich": "\ud83e\udd6a",
+ "champagne": "\ud83c\udf7e",
+ "expressionless": "\ud83d\ude11",
+ "cold_sweat": "\ud83d\ude30",
+ "maple_leaf": "\ud83c\udf41",
+ "dromedary_camel": "\ud83d\udc2a",
+ "vs": "\ud83c\udd9a",
+ "person_fencing": "\ud83e\udd3a",
+ "straight_ruler": "\ud83d\udccf",
+ "baby_bottle": "\ud83c\udf7c",
+ "currency_exchange": "\ud83d\udcb1",
+ "regional_indicator_h": "\ud83c\udded",
+ "stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes": "\ud83d\ude1d",
+ "closed_lock_with_key": "\ud83d\udd10",
+ "eyes": "\ud83d\udc40",
+ "water_buffalo": "\ud83d\udc03",
+ "lock_with_ink_pen": "\ud83d\udd0f",
+ "heavy_plus_sign": "\u2795",
+ "bookmark": "\ud83d\udd16",
+ "soon": "\ud83d\udd1c",
+ "orange_book": "\ud83d\udcd9",
+ "pineapple": "\ud83c\udf4d",
+ "clock9": "\ud83d\udd58",
+ "small_blue_diamond": "\ud83d\udd39",
+ "black_large_square": "\u2b1b",
+ "person_surfing": "\ud83c\udfc4",
+ "leo": "\u264c",
+ "merperson": "\ud83e\udddc",
+ "canoe": "\ud83d\udef6",
+ "rooster": "\ud83d\udc13",
+ "hear_no_evil": "\ud83d\ude49",
+ "corn": "\ud83c\udf3d",
+ "takeout_box": "\ud83e\udd61",
+ "oncoming_taxi": "\ud83d\ude96",
+ "taxi": "\ud83d\ude95",
+ "chart": "\ud83d\udcb9",
+ "goal": "\ud83e\udd45",
+ "melon": "\ud83c\udf48",
+ "notes": "\ud83c\udfb6",
+ "sparkler": "\ud83c\udf87",
+ "dolphin": "\ud83d\udc2c",
+ "speedboat": "\ud83d\udea4",
+ "cancer": "\u264b",
+ "sled": "\ud83d\udef7",
+ "tanabata_tree": "\ud83c\udf8b",
+ "train": "\ud83d\ude8b",
+ "christmas_tree": "\ud83c\udf84",
+ "two_men_holding_hands": "\ud83d\udc6c",
+ "back": "\ud83d\udd19",
+ "balloon": "\ud83c\udf88",
+ "checkered_flag": "\ud83c\udfc1",
+ "loop": "\u27bf",
+ "wc": "\ud83d\udebe",
+ "jeans": "\ud83d\udc56",
+ "green_apple": "\ud83c\udf4f",
+ "crown": "\ud83d\udc51",
+ "cowboy": "\ud83e\udd20",
+ "postbox": "\ud83d\udcee",
+ "volleyball": "\ud83c\udfd0",
+ "upside_down": "\ud83d\ude43",
+ "cricket": "\ud83e\udd97",
+ "custard": "\ud83c\udf6e",
+ "rose": "\ud83c\udf39",
+ "eyeglasses": "\ud83d\udc53",
+ "oncoming_police_car": "\ud83d\ude94",
+ "atm": "\ud83c\udfe7",
+ "flying_saucer": "\ud83d\udef8",
+ "alien": "\ud83d\udc7d",
+ "hamster": "\ud83d\udc39",
+ "trident": "\ud83d\udd31",
+ "disappointed": "\ud83d\ude1e",
+ "cow": "\ud83d\udc2e",
+ "police_officer": "\ud83d\udc6e",
+ "popcorn": "\ud83c\udf7f",
+ "baby_chick": "\ud83d\udc24",
+ "video_camera": "\ud83d\udcf9",
+ "zzz": "\ud83d\udca4",
+ "person_climbing": "\ud83e\uddd7",
+ "star2": "\ud83c\udf1f",
+ "ok": "\ud83c\udd97",
+ "capricorn": "\u2651",
+ "chicken": "\ud83d\udc14",
+ "arrow_double_up": "\u23eb",
+ "zombie": "\ud83e\udddf",
+ "closed_umbrella": "\ud83c\udf02",
+ "person_walking": "\ud83d\udeb6",
+ "lemon": "\ud83c\udf4b",
+ "heartpulse": "\ud83d\udc97",
+ "regional_indicator_i": "\ud83c\uddee",
+ "sauropod": "\ud83e\udd95",
+ "u7981": "\ud83c\ude32",
+ "regional_indicator_w": "\ud83c\uddfc",
+ "evergreen_tree": "\ud83c\udf32",
+ "mobile_phone_off": "\ud83d\udcf4",
+ "koko": "\ud83c\ude01",
+ "poop": "\ud83d\udca9",
+ "cup_with_straw": "\ud83e\udd64",
+ "leopard": "\ud83d\udc06",
+ "radio_button": "\ud83d\udd18",
+ "mega": "\ud83d\udce3",
+ "metal": "\ud83e\udd18",
+ "shushing_face": "\ud83e\udd2b",
+ "stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye": "\ud83d\ude1c",
+ "octopus": "\ud83d\udc19",
+ "boxing_glove": "\ud83e\udd4a",
+ "person_juggling": "\ud83e\udd39",
+ "money_with_wings": "\ud83d\udcb8",
+ "dollar": "\ud83d\udcb5",
+ "bride_with_veil": "\ud83d\udc70",
+ "second_place": "\ud83e\udd48",
+ "spaghetti": "\ud83c\udf5d",
+ "waning_crescent_moon": "\ud83c\udf18",
+ "football": "\ud83c\udfc8",
+ "white_circle": "\u26aa",
+ "full_moon_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1d",
+ "selfie": "\ud83e\udd33",
+ "tone3": "\ud83c\udffd",
+ "rabbit": "\ud83d\udc30",
+ "computer": "\ud83d\udcbb",
+ "clock11": "\ud83d\udd5a",
+ "heavy_minus_sign": "\u2796",
+ "synagogue": "\ud83d\udd4d",
+ "hourglass": "\u231b",
+ "gem": "\ud83d\udc8e",
+ "person_doing_cartwheel": "\ud83e\udd38",
+ "new_moon_with_face": "\ud83c\udf1a",
+ "sunrise": "\ud83c\udf05",
+ "regional_indicator_x": "\ud83c\uddfd",
+ "open_file_folder": "\ud83d\udcc2",
+ "gift_heart": "\ud83d\udc9d",
+ "tada": "\ud83c\udf89",
+ "green_heart": "\ud83d\udc9a",
+ "battery": "\ud83d\udd0b",
+ "regional_indicator_t": "\ud83c\uddf9",
+ "wrench": "\ud83d\udd27",
+ "aries": "\u2648",
+ "man_in_tuxedo": "\ud83e\udd35",
+ "regional_indicator_e": "\ud83c\uddea",
+ "regional_indicator_l": "\ud83c\uddf1",
+ "cake": "\ud83c\udf70",
+ "clapper": "\ud83c\udfac",
+ "japanese_castle": "\ud83c\udfef",
+ "crystal_ball": "\ud83d\udd2e",
+ "golf": "\u26f3",
+ "no_mobile_phones": "\ud83d\udcf5",
+ "person_biking": "\ud83d\udeb4",
+ "icecream": "\ud83c\udf66",
+ "mage": "\ud83e\uddd9",
+ "bookmark_tabs": "\ud83d\udcd1",
+ "tone4": "\ud83c\udffe",
+ "mountain_cableway": "\ud83d\udea0",
+ "person_playing_handball": "\ud83e\udd3e",
+ "bulb": "\ud83d\udca1",
+ "clock330": "\ud83d\udd5e",
+ "metro": "\ud83d\ude87",
+ "wave": "\ud83d\udc4b",
+ "whale": "\ud83d\udc33",
+ "strawberry": "\ud83c\udf53",
+ "hatching_chick": "\ud83d\udc23",
+ "trolleybus": "\ud83d\ude8e",
+ "lollipop": "\ud83c\udf6d",
+ "clipboard": "\ud83d\udccb",
+ "point_right": "\ud83d\udc49",
+ "u6307": "\ud83c\ude2f",
+ "santa": "\ud83c\udf85",
+ "hibiscus": "\ud83c\udf3a",
+ "green_book": "\ud83d\udcd7",
+ "skull": "\ud83d\udc80",
+ "tumbler_glass": "\ud83e\udd43",
+ "clock2": "\ud83d\udd51",
+ "open_mouth": "\ud83d\ude2e",
+ "bouquet": "\ud83d\udc90",
+ "champagne_glass": "\ud83e\udd42",
+ "poodle": "\ud83d\udc29",
+ "hushed": "\ud83d\ude2f",
+ "earth_asia": "\ud83c\udf0f",
+ "face_with_monocle": "\ud83e\uddd0",
+ "libra": "\u264e",
+ "clock5": "\ud83d\udd54",
+ "ambulance": "\ud83d\ude91",
+ "u5272": "\ud83c\ude39",
+ "lipstick": "\ud83d\udc84",
+ "apple": "\ud83c\udf4e",
+ "headphones": "\ud83c\udfa7",
+ "turkey": "\ud83e\udd83",
+ "pretzel": "\ud83e\udd68",
+ "bug": "\ud83d\udc1b",
+ "school": "\ud83c\udfeb",
+ "speaker": "\ud83d\udd08",
+ "boot": "\ud83d\udc62",
+ "cat": "\ud83d\udc31",
+ "dancer": "\ud83d\udc83",
+ "no_entry": "\u26d4",
+ "kissing_cat": "\ud83d\ude3d",
+ "art": "\ud83c\udfa8",
+ "coat": "\ud83e\udde5",
+ "credit_card": "\ud83d\udcb3",
+ "customs": "\ud83d\udec3",
+ "broccoli": "\ud83e\udd66",
+ "point_left": "\ud83d\udc48",
+ "canned_food": "\ud83e\udd6b",
+ "sheep": "\ud83d\udc11",
+ "person_bowing": "\ud83d\ude47",
+ "scroll": "\ud83d\udcdc",
+ "martial_arts_uniform": "\ud83e\udd4b",
+ "amphora": "\ud83c\udffa",
+ "thought_balloon": "\ud83d\udcad",
+ "no_bell": "\ud83d\udd15",
+ "musical_keyboard": "\ud83c\udfb9",
+ "people_with_bunny_ears_partying": "\ud83d\udc6f",
+ "european_castle": "\ud83c\udff0",
+ "punch": "\ud83d\udc4a",
+ "camera_with_flash": "\ud83d\udcf8",
+ "regional_indicator_p": "\ud83c\uddf5",
+ "red_car": "\ud83d\ude97",
+ "regional_indicator_j": "\ud83c\uddef",
+ "owl": "\ud83e\udd89",
+ "chart_with_downwards_trend": "\ud83d\udcc9",
+ "older_woman": "\ud83d\udc75",
+ "gemini": "\u264a",
+ "incoming_envelope": "\ud83d\udce8",
+ "waxing_gibbous_moon": "\ud83c\udf14",
+ "toilet": "\ud83d\udebd",
+ "dragon_face": "\ud83d\udc32",
+ "koala": "\ud83d\udc28",
+ "tone5": "\ud83c\udfff",
+ "kiwi": "\ud83e\udd5d",
+ "dash": "\ud83d\udca8",
+ "imp": "\ud83d\udc7f",
+ "tent": "\u26fa",
+ "regional_indicator_b": "\ud83c\udde7",
+ "monorail": "\ud83d\ude9d",
+ "ox": "\ud83d\udc02",
+ "giraffe": "\ud83e\udd92",
+ "new": "\ud83c\udd95",
+ "person_raising_hand": "\ud83d\ude4b",
+ "japan": "\ud83d\uddfe",
+ "rice": "\ud83c\udf5a",
+ "ticket": "\ud83c\udfab",
+ "rotating_light": "\ud83d\udea8",
+ "loudspeaker": "\ud83d\udce2",
+ "person_getting_massage": "\ud83d\udc86",
+ "loud_sound": "\ud83d\udd0a",
+ "hugging": "\ud83e\udd17",
+ "herb": "\ud83c\udf3f",
+ "baby": "\ud83d\udc76",
+ "angel": "\ud83d\udc7c",
+ "athletic_shoe": "\ud83d\udc5f",
+ "euro": "\ud83d\udcb6",
+ "ram": "\ud83d\udc0f",
+ "large_orange_diamond": "\ud83d\udd36",
+ "red_circle": "\ud83d\udd34",
+ "ferris_wheel": "\ud83c\udfa1",
+ "drooling_face": "\ud83e\udd24",
+ "microscope": "\ud83d\udd2c",
+ "middle_finger": "\ud83d\udd95",
+ "pager": "\ud83d\udcdf",
+ "pensive": "\ud83d\ude14",
+ "potable_water": "\ud83d\udeb0",
+ "abc": "\ud83d\udd24",
+ "four_leaf_clover": "\ud83c\udf40",
+ "vulcan": "\ud83d\udd96",
+ "french_bread": "\ud83e\udd56",
+ "motor_scooter": "\ud83d\udef5",
+ "moneybag": "\ud83d\udcb0",
+ "sparkles": "\u2728",
+ "gloves": "\ud83e\udde4",
+ "envelope_with_arrow": "\ud83d\udce9",
+ "thumbsdown": "\ud83d\udc4e",
+ "regional_indicator_g": "\ud83c\uddec",
+ "video_game": "\ud83c\udfae",
+ "on": "\ud83d\udd1b",
+ "open_hands": "\ud83d\udc50",
+ "monkey_face": "\ud83d\udc35",
+ "mountain_railway": "\ud83d\ude9e",
+ "bee": "\ud83d\udc1d",
+ "scooter": "\ud83d\udef4",
+ "fishing_pole_and_fish": "\ud83c\udfa3",
+ "smiley_cat": "\ud83d\ude3a",
+ "heart_eyes": "\ud83d\ude0d",
+ "horse_racing": "\ud83c\udfc7",
+ "ear": "\ud83d\udc42",
+ "blue_circle": "\ud83d\udd35",
+ "crossed_flags": "\ud83c\udf8c",
+ "black_joker": "\ud83c\udccf",
+ "six_pointed_star": "\ud83d\udd2f",
+ "fountain": "\u26f2",
+ "free": "\ud83c\udd93",
+ "tennis": "\ud83c\udfbe",
+ "yum": "\ud83d\ude0b",
+ "fried_shrimp": "\ud83c\udf64",
+ "dragon": "\ud83d\udc09",
+ "purse": "\ud83d\udc5b",
+ "clock1": "\ud83d\udd50",
+ "airplane_arriving": "\ud83d\udeec",
+ "cucumber": "\ud83e\udd52",
+ "man_dancing": "\ud83d\udd7a",
+ "clock730": "\ud83d\udd62",
+ "deer": "\ud83e\udd8c",
+ "meat_on_bone": "\ud83c\udf56",
+ "bomb": "\ud83d\udca3",
+ "night_with_stars": "\ud83c\udf03",
+ "snake": "\ud83d\udc0d",
+ "ramen": "\ud83c\udf5c",
+ "end": "\ud83d\udd1a",
+ "do_not_litter": "\ud83d\udeaf",
+ "joy": "\ud83d\ude02",
+ "light_rail": "\ud83d\ude88",
+ "game_die": "\ud83c\udfb2",
+ "violin": "\ud83c\udfbb",
+ "tone2": "\ud83c\udffc",
+ "tropical_drink": "\ud83c\udf79",
+ "love_you_gesture": "\ud83e\udd1f",
+ "cherries": "\ud83c\udf52",
+ "traffic_light": "\ud83d\udea5",
+ "iphone": "\ud83d\udcf1",
+ "socks": "\ud83e\udde6",
+ "wind_chime": "\ud83c\udf90",
+ "no_entry_sign": "\ud83d\udeab",
+ "elf": "\ud83e\udddd",
+ "squid": "\ud83e\udd91",
+ "person_pouting": "\ud83d\ude4e",
+ "smile_cat": "\ud83d\ude38",
+ "beers": "\ud83c\udf7b",
+ "minidisc": "\ud83d\udcbd",
+ "clock4": "\ud83d\udd53",
+ "ice_cream": "\ud83c\udf68",
+ "cocktail": "\ud83c\udf78",
+ "clock3": "\ud83d\udd52",
+ "frowning": "\ud83d\ude26",
+ "hamburger": "\ud83c\udf54",
+ "brain": "\ud83e\udde0",
+ "heavy_division_sign": "\u2797",
+ "tophat": "\ud83c\udfa9",
+ "no_mouth": "\ud83d\ude36",
+ "ski": "\ud83c\udfbf",
+ "right_facing_fist": "\ud83e\udd1c",
+ "mailbox_closed": "\ud83d\udcea",
+ "chocolate_bar": "\ud83c\udf6b",
+ "rabbit2": "\ud83d\udc07",
+ "honey_pot": "\ud83c\udf6f",
+ "izakaya_lantern": "\ud83c\udfee",
+ "articulated_lorry": "\ud83d\ude9b",
+ "face_with_hand_over_mouth": "\ud83e\udd2d",
+ "japanese_ogre": "\ud83d\udc79",
+ "zap": "\u26a1",
+ "rocket": "\ud83d\ude80",
+ "pizza": "\ud83c\udf55",
+ "pound": "\ud83d\udcb7",
+ "person_swimming": "\ud83c\udfca",
+ "anchor": "\u2693",
+ "coconut": "\ud83e\udd65",
+ "sparkling_heart": "\ud83d\udc96",
+ "older_man": "\ud83d\udc74",
+ "mouse2": "\ud83d\udc01",
+ "angry": "\ud83d\ude20",
+ "up": "\ud83c\udd99",
+ "gorilla": "\ud83e\udd8d",
+ "children_crossing": "\ud83d\udeb8",
+ "smirk_cat": "\ud83d\ude3c",
+ "pregnant_woman": "\ud83e\udd30",
+ "electric_plug": "\ud83d\udd0c",
+ "dog2": "\ud83d\udc15",
+ "question": "\u2753",
+ "carousel_horse": "\ud83c\udfa0",
+ "church": "\u26ea",
+ "outbox_tray": "\ud83d\udce4",
+ "cinema": "\ud83c\udfa6",
+ "flushed": "\ud83d\ude33",
+ "blush": "\ud83d\ude0a",
+ "medal": "\ud83c\udfc5",
+ "coffee": "\u2615",
+ "gun": "\ud83d\udd2b",
+ "city_dusk": "\ud83c\udf06",
+ "watermelon": "\ud83c\udf49",
+ "cricket_game": "\ud83c\udfcf",
+ "shower": "\ud83d\udebf",
+ "mute": "\ud83d\udd07",
+ "breast_feeding": "\ud83e\udd31",
+ "sweat_smile": "\ud83d\ude05",
+ "construction_worker": "\ud83d\udc77",
+ "cow2": "\ud83d\udc04",
+ "arrows_counterclockwise": "\ud83d\udd04",
+ "u6e80": "\ud83c\ude35",
+ "grinning": "\ud83d\ude00",
+ "globe_with_meridians": "\ud83c\udf10",
+ "diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside": "\ud83d\udca0",
+ "deciduous_tree": "\ud83c\udf33",
+ "shark": "\ud83e\udd88",
+ "tram": "\ud83d\ude8a",
+ "person_rowing_boat": "\ud83d\udea3",
+ "chopsticks": "\ud83e\udd62",
+ "black_heart": "\ud83d\udda4",
+ "seat": "\ud83d\udcba",
+ "kissing": "\ud83d\ude17",
+ "laughing": "\ud83d\ude06",
+ "slight_smile": "\ud83d\ude42",
+ "radio": "\ud83d\udcfb",
+ "arrow_up_small": "\ud83d\udd3c",
+ "dango": "\ud83c\udf61",
+ "rofl": "\ud83e\udd23",
+ "see_no_evil": "\ud83d\ude48",
+ "thermometer_face": "\ud83e\udd12",
+ "hotdog": "\ud83c\udf2d",
+ "virgo": "\u264d",
+ "poultry_leg": "\ud83c\udf57",
+ "hotel": "\ud83c\udfe8",
+ "wolf": "\ud83d\udc3a",
+ "curry": "\ud83c\udf5b",
+ "regional_indicator_v": "\ud83c\uddfb",
+ "crab": "\ud83e\udd80",
+ "tired_face": "\ud83d\ude2b",
+ "place_of_worship": "\ud83d\uded0",
+ "ok_hand": "\ud83d\udc4c",
+ "speech_balloon": "\ud83d\udcac",
+ "sleepy": "\ud83d\ude2a",
+ "earth_africa": "\ud83c\udf0d",
+ "police_car": "\ud83d\ude93",
+ "small_red_triangle_down": "\ud83d\udd3b",
+ "bearded_person": "\ud83e\uddd4",
+ "curling_stone": "\ud83e\udd4c",
+ "scarf": "\ud83e\udde3",
+ "fire": "\ud83d\udd25",
+ "file_folder": "\ud83d\udcc1",
+ "zipper_mouth": "\ud83e\udd10",
+ "new_moon": "\ud83c\udf11",
+ "regional_indicator_n": "\ud83c\uddf3",
+ "negative_squared_cross_mark": "\u274e",
+ "newspaper": "\ud83d\udcf0",
+ "dvd": "\ud83d\udcc0",
+ "pear": "\ud83c\udf50",
+ "partly_sunny": "\u26c5",
+ "black_square_button": "\ud83d\udd32",
+ "low_brightness": "\ud83d\udd05",
+ "sake": "\ud83c\udf76",
+ "bow_and_arrow": "\ud83c\udff9",
+ "cooking": "\ud83c\udf73",
+ "fish_cake": "\ud83c\udf65",
+ "tomato": "\ud83c\udf45",
+ "couple_with_heart": "\ud83d\udc91",
+ "telephone_receiver": "\ud83d\udcde",
+ "triangular_flag_on_post": "\ud83d\udea9",
+ "jack_o_lantern": "\ud83c\udf83",
+ "blue_book": "\ud83d\udcd8",
+ "clock530": "\ud83d\udd60",
+ "u6709": "\ud83c\ude36",
+ "palms_up_together": "\ud83e\udd32",
+ "lion_face": "\ud83e\udd81",
+ "lock": "\ud83d\udd12",
+ "duck": "\ud83e\udd86",
+ "truck": "\ud83d\ude9a",
+ "oden": "\ud83c\udf62",
+ "busts_in_silhouette": "\ud83d\udc65",
+ "hourglass_flowing_sand": "\u23f3",
+ "frog": "\ud83d\udc38",
+ "fox": "\ud83e\udd8a",
+ "bread": "\ud83c\udf5e",
+ "put_litter_in_its_place": "\ud83d\udeae",
+ "couple": "\ud83d\udc6b",
+ "bamboo": "\ud83c\udf8d",
+ "regional_indicator_c": "\ud83c\udde8",
+ "menorah": "\ud83d\udd4e",
+ "circus_tent": "\ud83c\udfaa",
+ "lying_face": "\ud83e\udd25",
+ "small_orange_diamond": "\ud83d\udd38",
+ "ship": "\ud83d\udea2",
+ "person_frowning": "\ud83d\ude4d",
+ "racehorse": "\ud83d\udc0e",
+ "thumbsup": "\ud83d\udc4d",
+ "cupid": "\ud83d\udc98",
+ "robot": "\ud83e\udd16",
+ "fallen_leaf": "\ud83c\udf42",
+ "pig_nose": "\ud83d\udc3d",
+ "vibration_mode": "\ud83d\udcf3",
+ "necktie": "\ud83d\udc54",
+ "boy": "\ud83d\udc66",
+ "house_with_garden": "\ud83c\udfe1",
+ "point_down": "\ud83d\udc47",
+ "grey_exclamation": "\u2755",
+ "books": "\ud83d\udcda",
+ "regional_indicator_k": "\ud83c\uddf0",
+ "shirt": "\ud83d\udc55",
+ "fries": "\ud83c\udf5f",
+ "dart": "\ud83c\udfaf",
+ "tea": "\ud83c\udf75",
+ "mrs_claus": "\ud83e\udd36",
+ "suspension_railway": "\ud83d\ude9f",
+ "baby_symbol": "\ud83d\udebc",
+ "sweet_potato": "\ud83c\udf60",
+ "butterfly": "\ud83e\udd8b",
+ "performing_arts": "\ud83c\udfad",
+ "notebook": "\ud83d\udcd3",
+ "bat": "\ud83e\udd87"