This is a cheat sheet for Pleroma configuration file, any setting possible to configure should be listed here.
Pleroma configuration works by first importing the base config (`config/config.exs` on source installs, compiled-in on OTP releases), then overriding it by the environment config (`config/$MIX_ENV.exs` on source installs, N/A to OTP releases) and then overriding it by user config (`config/$MIX_ENV.secret.exs` on source installs, typically `/etc/pleroma/config.exs` on OTP releases).
You shouldn't edit the base config directly to avoid breakages and merge conflicts, but it can be used as a reference if you don't understand how an option is supposed to be formatted, the latest version of it can be viewed [here](
*`federation_incoming_replies_max_depth`: Max. depth of reply-to activities fetching on incoming federation, to prevent out-of-memory situations while fetching very long threads. If set to `nil`, threads of any depth will be fetched. Lower this value if you experience out-of-memory crashes.
*`federation_reachability_timeout_days`: Timeout (in days) of each external federation target being unreachable prior to pausing federating to it.
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.DropPolicy`: Drops all activities. It generally doesn’t makes sense to use in production.
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy`: Restrict the visibility of activities from certains instances (See [`:mrf_simple`](#mrf_simple)).
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.TagPolicy`: Applies policies to individual users based on tags, which can be set using pleroma-fe/admin-fe/any other app that supports Pleroma Admin API. For example it allows marking posts from individual users nsfw (sensitive).
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SubchainPolicy`: Selectively runs other MRF policies when messages match (See [`:mrf_subchain`](#mrf_subchain)).
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublic`: Drops posts with non-public visibility settings (See [`:mrf_rejectnonpublic`](#mrf_rejectnonpublic)).
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.EnsureRePrepended`: Rewrites posts to ensure that replies to posts with subjects do not have an identical subject and instead begin with re:.
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.AntiLinkSpamPolicy`: Rejects posts from likely spambots by rejecting posts from new users that contain links.
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy`: Crawls attachments using their MediaProxy URLs so that the MediaProxy cache is primed.
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MentionPolicy`: Drops posts mentioning configurable users. (See [`:mrf_mention`](#mrf_mention)).
*`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicy`: Restricts activities to a configured set of vocabulary. (See [`:mrf_vocabulary`](#mrf_vocabulary)).
*`public`: Makes the client API in authentificated mode-only except for user-profiles. Useful for disabling the Local Timeline and The Whole Known Network.
*`quarantined_instances`: List of ActivityPub instances where private(DMs, followers-only) activities will not be send.
*`managed_config`: Whenether the config for pleroma-fe is configured in [:frontend_configurations](#frontend_configurations) or in ``static/config.json``.
*`allowed_post_formats`: MIME-type list of formats allowed to be posted (transformed into HTML).
*`mrf_transparency`: Make the content of your Message Rewrite Facility settings public (via nodeinfo).
*`mrf_transparency_exclusions`: Exclude specific instance names from MRF transparency. The use of the exclusions feature will be disclosed in nodeinfo as a boolean value.
*`extended_nickname_format`: Set to `true` to use extended local nicknames format (allows underscores/dashes). This will break federation with
older software for theses nicknames.
*`max_pinned_statuses`: The maximum number of pinned statuses. `0` will disable the feature.
*`autofollowed_nicknames`: Set to nicknames of (local) users that every new user should automatically follow.
*`safe_dm_mentions`: If set to true, only mentions at the beginning of a post will be used to address people in direct messages. This is to prevent accidental mentioning of people when talking about them (e.g. "@friend hey i really don't like @enemy"). Default: `false`.
*`healthcheck`: If set to true, system data will be shown on ``/api/pleroma/healthcheck``.
*`remote_post_retention_days`: The default amount of days to retain remote posts when pruning the database.
*`skip_thread_containment`: Skip filter out broken threads. The default is `false`.
*`limit_to_local_content`: Limit unauthenticated users to search for local statutes and users only. Possible values: `:unauthenticated`, `:all` and `false`. The default is `:unauthenticated`.
Configuring MRF policies is not enough for them to take effect. You have to enable them by specifying their module in `rewrite_policy` under [:instance](#instance) section.
#### :mrf_simple
*`media_removal`: List of instances to remove media from.
*`media_nsfw`: List of instances to put media as NSFW(sensitive) from.
*`federated_timeline_removal`: List of instances to remove from Federated (aka The Whole Known Network) Timeline.
*`reject`: List of instances to reject any activities from.
*`accept`: List of instances to accept any activities from.
*`report_removal`: List of instances to reject reports from.
*`avatar_removal`: List of instances to strip avatars from.
*`banner_removal`: List of instances to strip banners from.
#### :mrf_subchain
This policy processes messages through an alternate pipeline when a given message matches certain criteria.
All criteria are configured as a map of regular expressions to lists of policy modules.
*`delist_threshold`: Number of mentioned users after which the message gets delisted (the message can still be seen, but it will not show up in public timelines and mentioned users won't get notifications about it). Set to 0 to disable.
*`reject_threshold`: Number of mentioned users after which the messaged gets rejected. Set to 0 to disable.
*`reject`: A list of patterns which result in message being rejected, each pattern can be a string or a [regular expression](
*`federated_timeline_removal`: A list of patterns which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted), each pattern can be a string or a [regular expression](
*`replace`: A list of tuples containing `{pattern, replacement}`, `pattern` can be a string or a [regular expression](
This can be used to configure a keyword list that keeps the configuration data for any kind of frontend. By default, settings for `pleroma_fe` and `masto_fe` are configured. You can find the documentation for `pleroma_fe` configuration into [Pleroma-FE configuration and customization for instance administrators](/frontend/CONFIGURATION/#options).
*`shortcode_globs`: Location of custom emoji files. `*` can be used as a wildcard. Example `["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"]`
*`pack_extensions`: A list of file extensions for emojis, when no emoji.txt for a pack is present. Example `[".png", ".gif"]`
*`groups`: Emojis are ordered in groups (tags). This is an array of key-value pairs where the key is the groupname and the value the location or array of locations. `*` can be used as a wildcard. Example `[Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/custom/*.png"]]`
*`default_manifest`: Location of the JSON-manifest. This manifest contains information about the emoji-packs you can download. Currently only one manifest can be added (no arrays).
*`shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file`: When an emoji pack is shared, the archive is created and cached in
memory for this amount of seconds multiplied by the number of files.
`Phoenix` endpoint configuration, all configuration options can be viewed [here](, only common options are listed here.
*`http` - a list containing http protocol configuration, all configuration options can be viewed [here](, only common options are listed here. For deployment using docker, you need to set this to `[ip: {0,0,0,0}, port: 4000]` to make pleroma accessible from other containers (such as your nginx server).
-`ip` - a tuple consisting of 4 integers
*`url` - a list containing the configuration for generating urls, accepts
-`host` - the host without the scheme and a post (e.g ``, not ``)
-`scheme` - e.g `http`, `https`
*`extra_cookie_attrs` - a list of `Key=Value` strings to be added as non-standard cookie attributes. Defaults to `["SameSite=Lax"]`. See the [SameSite article]( on OWASP for more info.
*`enabled` - Enable/disable the plug. Defaults to `false`.
*`headers` - A list of strings naming the `req_headers` to use when deriving the `remote_ip`. Order does not matter. Defaults to `~w[forwarded x-forwarded-for x-client-ip x-real-ip]`.
*`proxies` - A list of strings in [CIDR]( notation specifying the IPs of known proxies. Defaults to `[]`.
*`reserved` - Defaults to [localhost]( and [private network](
This is an advanced feature and disabled by default.
If your instance is behind a reverse proxy you must enable and configure [`Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp`](#pleroma-plugs-remoteip).
A keyword list of rate limiters where a key is a limiter name and value is the limiter configuration. The basic configuration is a tuple where:
* The first element: `scale` (Integer). The time scale in milliseconds.
* The second element: `limit` (Integer). How many requests to limit in the time scale provided.
It is also possible to have different limits for unauthenticated and authenticated users: the keyword value must be a list of two tuples where the first one is a config for unauthenticated users and the second one is for authenticated.
Supported rate limiters:
*`:search` for the search requests (account & status search etc.)
*`:app_account_creation` for registering user accounts from the same IP address
*`:relations_actions` for actions on relations with all users (follow, unfollow)
*`:relation_id_action` for actions on relation with a specific user (follow, unfollow)
*`:statuses_actions` for create / delete / fav / unfav / reblog / unreblog actions on any statuses
*`:status_id_action` for fav / unfav or reblog / unreblog actions on the same status by the same user
*`uploader`: Which one of the [uploaders](#uploaders) to use.
*`filters`: List of [upload filters](#upload-filters) to use.
*`link_name`: When enabled Pleroma will add a `name` parameter to the url of the upload, for example `https://instance.tld/media/corndog.png?name=corndog.png`. This is needed to provide the correct filename in Content-Disposition headers when using filters like `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe`
*`base_url`: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host.
*`proxy_remote`: If you're using a remote uploader, Pleroma will proxy media requests instead of redirecting to it.
*`proxy_opts`: Proxy options, see `Pleroma.ReverseProxy` documentation.
!!! warning
`strip_exif` has been replaced by `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify`.
### Uploaders
#### Pleroma.Uploaders.Local
*`uploads`: Which directory to store the user-uploads in, relative to pleroma’s working directory.
#### Pleroma.Uploaders.S3
*`bucket`: S3 bucket name.
*`bucket_namespace`: S3 bucket namespace.
*`public_endpoint`: S3 endpoint that the user finally accesses(ex. "")
*`truncated_namespace`: If you use S3 compatible service such as Digital Ocean Spaces or CDN, set folder name or "" etc.
For example, when using CDN to S3 virtual host format, set "".
At this time, write CNAME to CDN in public_endpoint.
*`streaming_enabled`: Enable streaming uploads, when enabled the file will be sent to the server in chunks as it's being read. This may be unsupported by some providers, try disabling this if you have upload problems.
### Upload filters
#### Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify
*`args`: List of actions for the `mogrify` command like `"strip"` or `["strip", "auto-orient", {"implode", "1"}]`.
#### Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe
No specific configuration.
#### Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename
This filter replaces the filename (not the path) of an upload. For complete obfuscation, add
`Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe` before AnonymizeFilename.
*`text`: Text to replace filenames in links. If empty, `{random}.extension` will be used. You can get the original filename extension by using `{extension}`, for example `custom-file-name.{extension}`.
## Email
### Pleroma.Emails.Mailer
*`adapter`: one of the mail adapters listed in [Swoosh readme](, or `Swoosh.Adapters.Local` for in-memory mailbox.
*`api_key` / `password` and / or other adapter-specific settings, per the above documentation.
`config :pleroma_job_queue, :queues` is replaced by `config :pleroma, Oban, :queues` and uses the same format (keys are queues' names, values are max concurrent jobs numbers).
The above example defines a single job which invokes `Pleroma.Web.Websub.refresh_subscriptions()` every 6 hours ("0 */6 ** * *", [crontab format](
* ``subject``: a mailto link for the administrative contact. It’s best if this email is not a personal email address, but rather a group email so that if a person leaves an organization, is unavailable for an extended period, or otherwise can’t respond, someone else on the list can.
RUM indexes are an alternative indexing scheme that is not included in PostgreSQL by default. While they may eventually be mainlined, for now they have to be installed as a PostgreSQL extension from
Their advantage over the standard GIN indexes is that they allow efficient ordering of search results by timestamp, which makes search queries a lot faster on larger servers, by one or two orders of magnitude. They take up around 3 times as much space as GIN indexes.
Feel free to adjust the priv_dir and port number. Then you will have to create the key for the keys (in the example `priv/ssh_keys`) and create the host keys with `ssh-keygen -m PEM -N "" -b 2048 -t rsa -f ssh_host_rsa_key`. After restarting, you should be able to connect to your Pleroma instance with `ssh username@server -p $PORT`
Allows to set a token that can be used to authenticate with the admin api without using an actual user by giving it as the `admin_token` parameter or `x-admin-token` HTTP header. Example:
*`auth_template`: authentication form template. By default it's `show.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex`.
*`oauth_consumer_template`: OAuth consumer mode authentication form template. By default it's `consumer.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex`.
*`oauth_consumer_strategies`: the list of enabled OAuth consumer strategies; by default it's set by `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES` environment variable. Each entry in this space-delimited string should be of format `<strategy>` or `<strategy>:<dependency>` (e.g. `twitter` or `keycloak:ueberauth_keycloak_strategy` in case dependency is named differently than `ueberauth_<strategy>`).
Each strategy is shipped as a separate dependency; in order to get the strategies, run `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="..." mix deps.get`, e.g. `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="twitter facebook google microsoft" mix deps.get`. The server should also be started with `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="..." mix phx.server` in case you enable any strategies.
Make sure that `"SameSite=Lax"` is set in `extra_cookie_attrs` when you have this feature enabled. OAuth consumer mode will not work with `"SameSite=Strict"`
* For Twitter, [register an app](, configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/twitter/callback
* For Facebook, [register an app](, configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/facebook/callback, enable Facebook Login service at<app_id>/fb-login/settings/
* For Google, [register an app](, configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/google/callback
* For Microsoft, [register an app](, configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/microsoft/callback
Once the app is configured on external OAuth provider side, add app's credentials and strategy-specific settings (if any — e.g. see Microsoft below) to `config/prod.secret.exs`,
per strategy's documentation (e.g. [ueberauth_twitter]( Example config basing on environment variables: